Secret Suprise In The Games

By Dream_Galaxies

88 7 44

Ruby and Ridge are thrown together unexpected in the 48th Hunger Games when they are both reaped. Ruby a girl... More

Authors Note
The Reaping
Short Reunion
Train Ride


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By Dream_Galaxies

Finally, the train started slowing down. She sat up and look out the window for the first time gaping at the massive buildings and beautiful scenery. Never before had she seen anything like this in her entire life. All the structures seemed to be shimmering with artificial glow engulfing her in awe. A voice from outside her door broke her from her gazing, "Come on you don't what to keep the crowds waiting."

She emerged from her bedroom at the same time Sharon did. She tried to fix her bed hair, but her hair had a mind of its own.

"Come, come now remember put a smile on that face and wave. This way," Demtriss proclaimed.

Demtriss guided them down the halls and to the door. Ruby glanced quickly at Sharon who had the most convincing smile that almost made her think that he was actually happy to be here, but how could anyone be excited for the dreaded Games except the careers who trained their entire short lives cut off by the Games unless they won which one of them did almost every year. After turning her head back to the door, she thought she saw a glimpse of Miora standing in the corner.

The door opened and a flood of screams filled the absolute quiet room. She put on the most pleasant smile she could muster on her face and followed after Demtriss. Applauding and shouts we're made once she stepped out, out into a whole new world to her. By pushing and shoving she made her way after the woman that drew her name just hours before. Hours it felt like an eternity. She could sense that Sharon was behind her, but she didn't dare look.

They entered another tall building something that she again had never seen before, passing by others that looked like that might be tributes. Some of them made her hope they weren't. She was guided or pushed into a room in the massive buildings. She had barely time to take in her surroundings, shiny metal that reflects light every way you look at it and colored bodies and painted faces all around her, before she was whisked into an empty room with an examination table you would see most likely see in a hospital.

Three people whom she assumed are the prep team enter the room and situate her on the table instructing her to strip the clothes off her body. Ruby never felt so vulnerable so naked as when she was laying on that cushioned bed. Although she wasn't ashamed by her curves, she had never pure naked in front of strangers or anyone other than her mom and dad when she was younger. They scrubbed, cleaned, and waxed till her body literally shown and all the hair she never knew she had we're removed.

Finally, after they seemed pleased with her, they all left the room. Ruby wanted something anything to cover her body with and she hoped that would not leave her like this. She would be totally mortified having her naked body shown to the entire nation. Thankfully her fears we're crushed when a woman come in holding a red dress; it shown just like fire in the night. The Capitalized lady told her to close her eyes while she dressed her and finished off her look.

"My name is Peoria by the way. It is so nice to meet you. I love all my district 10 tributes very, very much. I will help you the best I can not only as your stylist but also as a friend if you will let me. I try treat my models as human beings rather than to treat them like lambs about to be put to the slaughter," she stated. Something about her voice and made Ruby feel more at easy.

After a little studying of the woman she found her voice again and replied, "So you will help me." For the first time someone wanted to help.

"Yes, now the tributes outfits normally reflect their district, but when I heard your name, I couldn't put you in some district 10 outfit," she said softly. The sound was calming to Ruby, different and kind compared to the recent encounters. Although she looked like a person from the Capital, she didn't act like it. Even her gestures were simply and calming.

"What about my name?" her curiosity peaked.

"Just open your eyes and you will see," she whispered in her ear.

When she opened her eyes, light from the dress shown through them. The dress was a deep red that reflect light every little motion she made, but at the same time it appeared transparent. It fit snug against her thin frame flowing down at the bottom. At first, she thought it looked like fire but then she understood what she meant. It hit her what it looked like.


She was still standing gawking at her appearance when a voice sounded behind her. "What do you think? Do you like it?" Peoria asked.

Awestruck at the beauty of the dress, she was left speechless "It is like I am wearing rubies!" she exclaimed.

"I take that as a yes," Peoria laughed.

"Very much so, its amazing," Ruby complimented.

"Her wear these," as she handed her heels and jewelry to accent her outfit, "and hurry up the parade starts soon. Remember to smile big. You'll do great, darling."

As she stepped into the heels, she looked one last time at her reflection, her makeup was minimum, and her hair was down shining like her dress. She couldn't believe that it was her she was looking at.

She quicked her pace falling multiple times from the heels to catch up to this new person that she hoped she would get to know more of.

When she set her eyes on Sharon, just the site of him was terrifying, shirtless with a small vest showing his bulging muscles and broad shoulders, his pants resembled their district. Even her glittering dress had a hint and style from their district. His outfit had hints of rubies on his clothes to go with Rubies elegant dress.

An older man that had obvious had plastic surgery transforming his look to a younger age, stood beside him.

Peoria and the other prep assistants guided them on the elegant carriage with the horses glistening and their manes shining perfectly.

Before she had time to take in what was about to happen, she was lifted on to the carriage beside her soon to be murderer. Sharon gave her a murderous glare before stepping up into the ride with her. He quickly changed faces to the familiar cocky grin and convincing smile. She wondered if there was another side to him under his shell or not, a softer one that cared about the loved ones he left behind just like everyone else. Then again, she didn't want to know or cared since one of them was to kill the other. Somehow, they both resembled their district but still wore a glint of red.

Everything around was happening so fast, she did not have time to think, worry, or for the anxiety of the situation to sink in.

It was barely yesterday that she walked those life-changing stairs to her presumable death. Her face was about to broadcast to every screen in every home, district, and shop. Her family, friends, and most of all her boyfriend would watch as all their greatest fears came to life. Her greatest fear, one that threatened to control her. She couldn't let it though knowing that Clifton would sit there in his house on his bed watching her suffer. She had to put a brave face on for him to give him some hope and joy if any could be found.

The doors slid effortlessly open and out rode the first carriage proudly displaying district one's career tributes.

Anticipation, fear, and dread began inched its way into every part of Ruby's body as the chariots leave one by one like a ticking time watch till the unavoidable death. That is what they are games of death in which the capital can choose the next victim.

The timer counted down district two, three, four, and kept going down nearing her time on television.

Since her district was the one of the last, she had time to compose herself. Five and six her anxiety building by the minute. Seven, eight, nine, she mustered her best convincing smile masking the fear inside her. Ten, her fear escalated as the carriage began to move. Sharon looked as proud as ever.

The doors opened to crowds waiting, she tried to focus on keeping a straight face and not break down from the view of the all plastered faces and colored wigs. It was like she had gone to another planet; she had seen nothing like this at home.

Her new surroundings had barely registered before all the cameras and eyes were on her or them, obviously the cause of her intriguing stylist. When she looked at the huge television, her face looked back at her. She was able to hide her feelings, her face reflecting that. She also realized that at home Clifton would be watching her and her reaction. She smiled at the camera like she was smiling at Clifton after he came back from work in the fields, hoping he was smiling back at her. Staring at the screen a little longer before mustering enough courage to smile and even wave at the extravagant crowd, they were exzerberate with praise in return.

As the flowers and articles of clothing raining on top of them, Sharon and Ruby continued to smile gaining cries from the crowds. A blow of a kiss or wink at the giver of the rose would continue the cries of the crowd. The horses pulling the cart rolled around the middle and stopped behind the district in front of them.

President Snow walked confidently out, besides on the television Ruby had never seen him in real life. He was even more deceiving in person. Even though he was standing in front of them on a platform, she could see his perfectly styled brown hair with hints of gray in it. Every part of his face had traces of plastic surgery failing to hide his aging signs. His face was clean shaved, and body was stout. His rough voice boomed through the air, "Welcome." followed by loud cheers.

He continued, "Tributes! We welcome you. We salute your courage and your sacrifice...Happy Hungry Games!" his voice boomed over the speakers, "And may the odds be ever in your favor."

After his speech congratulating all the tributes ended, the carriage started moving again following the one in front of it. Moments later they are stopped in a building as tall as the sky standing behind the main building.

Peoria and the other stylist came running up to them, in heels,

"You guys did great. The crowd loved you," Peoria praised.

"I totally agree, you two were utterly shining. Your stylist certainly outshined the others, definitely gaining some sponsors for you," Demtriss beamed at her.

The male stylist helped Ruby get of the carriage and tried to help Sharon to no avail when he promptly jumped off.

"Here follow me. I will lead you to your rooms," Demtriss instructed.

"I will see you later, ok?" Peoria asked.

Ruby nodded her head and followed the lady with too high heels for her own height.

This was all going too fast but at the same time, time was dragging by. They made their way to another tall building. It reflected the sun and glimmered like a star; Ruby had to shield her eyes from it to avoid blinding herself.

Ruby and Sharon followed after Demtriss like two little ducks through this massive building. They got to what looked like two boxes.

Once they were in the mysterious little room Demtriss spoke up, "Each district has its own floor; therefore, you two will be on the tenth floor. I and your mentor will go over more details later."

The box started moving upwards and Ruby realized that it was an elevator. She had only heard of the one in the townhouse in their district, she had never ridden on one. It felt weird and strange moving effortlessly up. In less than a minute they were on floor ten and the sliding door opened. She walked off guided by lady in heels down a long hallway to fancy room lined in gold and other priceless items which Ruby never knew even existed. A shining dining room which gleamed silver, and the softest looking seats sat opposite of a big screen ten times the size of the one at home in which they are required to watch the Games. Ruby stood there taking it all in, eyes gazing out the beautiful room. Even Sharon was in awe at the place. The whole day was a blur of lurious and splendor plus pain and fear.

Noticing both their faces in awe, "Oh as both of you can see we treat our tributes with the best the Capital. Giving you the honor that you deserve," Demtriss commented the last part earning a glare from Sharon, the speak breaking him out of his trance. Ruby continued to browse around with her eyes. Demtriss continued, "You both will have your own room with all the modern conveniences. For the next four days all the tributes will have training down in the training area."

Her head exploded with information, images, and lights breaking her brain into multiple pieces. It was all too much to handle. A weight pressed down heavier than ten bowling balls on her weak frame. Ruby didn't even care about the expensive food and silverware setting on the elegant table. It made her sick how they could just take everything from the districts which worked so hard to make. The other half of her told her she would need all the extra weight in the arena but still. Her other half won, and she sat down on a chair near the table with delights.

"Help yourself to any of the food or appliances," Demtriss stated.

From somewhere Miora had joined them and now they were all at the table eating.

Even though the food was the best in the country, it felt bland in her mouth. The Capital had stolen the joy and delicate of the fancy arrangement and food. The fear and anticipation ruled over any enjoyment anyone could have in this extravagant place.

Ruby forced herself to get a plate full down. Knowing she would need a every extra pound to have a fighting chance next the Capital favorites.

"You guys were actually descent out there, but you Sharon you need to lose the arrogance," Miora praised.

"But you said that.." Sharon protested.

Miora interrupted him before he could continue, "I know what I said but I told you you need to lose the attitude."

The whole environment was cold, there was blanket of awkward silence over as they ate. Demtriss tried to lift the harshness of the two tributes, who just ignored the obvious tension in the room. Ruby quietly excused herself from the table, and went to her room, leaving the stiffness and hatred behind to be peaceable alone.

Once she stepped in her bedroom and shut the door, she crumpled to the floor in a ball of tears surrounded by mahogany furniture, light walls, and a pillow soft bed. She couldn't keep it in, she had to let it go, all the worries, fears, and new surroundings though the tears flowing down her face. Images and sounds pushed her head to the brink of insanity. The sounds of people cheering for her and people in bright unnatural outfits flashed through her mind. Pain pushing from both sides of her brain made her feel almost faint.

She struggled over to her bed to try and shut off her mind and get some much-needed sleep, but the fear of what lay next was like caffeine keeping her awake. Tomorrow was the first training day, to be surrounded by fellow tributes she would have to fight later on utterly terrified her. But she would have to put on a brave face to hide the fear inside her because otherwise she would become an easy target and her reaction at the reaping wasn't exactly helping.

But someone can't wear a mask for forever, the question was how long would it last.

Love everyone that is reading this,

Thank you for reading.

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