The Outcast (Nigerian Play)||...

By Amyirechi

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A fictional story. #25/11/2018 āœ“āœ“28/05/2020 HRH: if this instruction was coming from man, I would have to pr... More

Meet the Characters
Act |
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The End ā€¢ ā€æ ā€¢


245 66 7
By Amyirechi

ACT XV Scene I

It's been a few days, one week since Olaedo decided to accept Prince Obinna's request to live in the palace. Being the humble person that she's been brought up to be, she declined the offer to stay in her own quarters and instead chose to stay at the maids' quarters.

(In the maids' quarters, Olaedo is lying on a bed with  another maid )

Enyinna: Honestly, I don't understand why you declined the offer to stay in your personal quarters but chose to stay here with us slaves. (She continued folding the wrapper in her hands)

Olaedo: I apologize for intruding in your space and if my decision does not make you happy. Staying in my own quarters would only remind me of how lonely my life has become and I don't want to be reminded of all that I've lost. If you're not happy with my stay here, I can just leave.

Enyinna: Oh no! Of course we love having you here. E ba buru oke ibu.

Olaedo: Ndewoo, thank you.

  (Whilst they were talking, Mmachi another maid who is plump and dark in complexion came in, grumbling)

Enyinna: (looks perplexed) Mmachi, I've never seen you like this before, what can the problem be?

Mmachi: Ó wu obughi Onyii na Nkechi. They told the queen that there's a problem in their family and are both needed home. Now the queen has consented to it, leaving only four maids in this large palace. Oru akarigoo.

Enyinna: Indeed our work has increased, what would happen now?

Mmachi: Igwa gi eziokwu, amaghi m

Enyinna: Can't you speak to the queen about it?

Mmachi: I don't want to yet, let's continue with our work and see how things go before I can meet her about the issue.
  (Mmachi left the room after laying her complaint and Olaedo took the chance to question Enyinna about what she meant)

Olaedo: Do you mean to say that the absence of two maids could double the work for you all?

Enyinna: Oh yes

Olaedo: So why can't the royal Queen employ the help of new ones?

Enyinna: Well there used to be a time she did that, it was especially before the death of his Majesty, her husband. But the qualities she lined up that a maid of the palace of Ebisa should possess were not found in any of the hand selected maidens of this kingdom. So eventually... she gave up because the search was tiring

Olaedo: Qualities like what?
  (She sat up on the bed, paying rapt attention to Enyinna while her eyes followed every movement Enyinna made)

Enyinna: Hardworking. Respectful. Responsible. Disciplined. Honest. Selfless and dedicated to work. But all of them, failed in one quality or the other.

Olaedo: Oh that's too bad...but I think I have an idea. What if you recommend me to the queen?

Enyinna: What?! You're the assistant physician, the queen could slap us if we bring a matter like you've suggested to her.

Olaedo: Ohh (she looked sullen)

Enyinna: But I'll try to talk to Mmachi about it.

Olaedo: Okay, I'll look forward to it.

              Scene II

After Olaedo and Mmachi talked to the queen about replacing Onyinyechi and Nkechi temporarily, she agreed and Olaedo took up the duties of a maid.

Olaedo:( Walks towards the hut of the Prince where he's cleaning his hunting gun outside ). Good day your highness (she kneels)

Obinna: (looks up) Good day Olaedo, and what is that you're carrying?

Olaedo:(she put down the tray on a stool beside him) It's lunch.

Obinna: Lunch?...isn't it supposed to be more like medicine or herbs?

Olaedo: Oh no, it's your lunch your highness. (She opens the cover plate)

Obinna: I thought the palace has people for this sort of thing, you're not a maid here.

Olaedo: For now I am. Don't worry, even the queen gave her consent for me to do this and I also need to keep myself busy all the time.

Obinna: First, you turn down the offer to have your own quarters and now you work as a maid, what will you do next?

Olaedo: Oh nothing

Obinna: You're strange

Olaedo: Good strange or bad strange?

Obinna: Good strange...I think

  (They started laughing before a shadow fell on them)

Egobumma:( clears her throat)

Obinna: Ah, Ego when did you get here?

Egobumma: Some seconds ago. I came straight here the moment I arrived.

Obinna: Hmm

Egobumma: (turns to Olaedo) If you're through with what you are doing here, you may leave now. I'd like privacy with my fiancée.

Olaedo: Please excuse me...your Majesty (she bows and leaves)

Obinna: Oh and Olaedo (he calls out to her and she turns to look at him) thank you

Olaedo: You are welcome

Egobumma: I have never seen her here.

Obinna: That's because she's new here.

Egobumma: And you know her name already... but that's by the way, I'm hungry and it's a good thing food is here. Come on let's eat.

Obinna: Sure, please join me.

   (They opened the plates and after washing their hands, started eating)

              Scene III

This scene opens to show Egobumma angrily pacing the corners of the royal quarters hut. 

Olaedo: (Singing while she's selecting clothes to wash) Ututu oma Chineke, ututu oma!

Egobumma: Biko jide ututu oma gi, the morning might be good for you now because you think you're about to achieve that which you're after in this palace.

Olaedo: I don't understand what you mean my Lady

Egobumma: Stay away from the Prince, you are nothing but a servant here, your life only consists of working for the Royal family until your miserable life is ended.

Olaedo: I'm not after anything in this Palace, most especially not the Prince.

Egobumma: You expect me to believe that. Let me wake you up from your illusion. (She raised a bucket of water and poured its content all over Olaedo).  That should wake you up.
( Prince Obinna suddenly came looking for Olaedo)

Obinna: Emm...Olaedo, Mmachi told...What's happening? (He asks after seeing Olaedo drenched in water)

Egobumma: I just saw Olaedo like this and started asking her why she's soaked. Well I will leave now (She turns and walks away)

Obinna: Olaedo what happened?

Olaedo: Well, it's just like Egobumma said. I was going to put down the pail of water from my head when I tripped  and the water poured over me

Obinna: Stop lying. I saw what happened, what I said earlier was just an act. Is this the way she's been treating you?

Olaedo: Not really, she's just angry that I haven't finished washing the clothes

Obinna: That's not enough reason for her to do what she did

Olaedo: Just leave it be, do not fight with her on my account.

Obinna: The next time you try to lie to me,I'll have Ebuka flog you very well. Do you understand?

Ebuka: Your highness (he suddenly comes in and interrupts them)

Obinna: Ah, Ebuka you're just in time

Ebuka: Your highness, the Queen and the titled men of the village request your presence in the throne room immediately.

Obinna: Okay, (turns to Olaedo) make sure you change immediately so you won't catch a cold.

Olaedo: Yes your highness

Obinna: Ebuka let's go

   Prince Obinna and Ebuka the guard, leaves Olaedo to continue washing.

            Scene ends

Please translations will be done later for those who are not Igbo... For now I'm tired, I'll edit this book as soon as I'm done writing. 
So all native language will be translated and this book set in order.

Thanks for reading, pls VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE🌼🌼

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