Heartland (Fanfic)

By LaDonnaSumpter

20.5K 277 48

Will Amy and Ty fall in love or will they drift farther apart. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authers note most read
chapter 5
Authers note
Chapter 6 and 7
chapter 8 n 9
chapters 10-12
chapters 13-17
chapters 18- 27

chapters 28- 32

1.7K 23 7
By LaDonnaSumpter

Chapter 28 - Here we go again

Amy was dismounting Spartan in the barn. Softly, she gave him a massage in his forehead, sort of a t-touch. Meanwhile, the other horses including the wildest one, Stinky were resting in their stalls waiting anxiously to be fed and watered. Stinky nudged at the cowgirl in order to get her attention at least for a minute.

She giggled and stepped backwards to take Spartan to his stall and also to get him rest for some time. As soon as she finished, she started feeding one by one the horses in the barn, as she did almost all days. When she finished, Amy slowly walked to Stinky’s stall. She opened the door and tightened a rope around his dark neck. “Come on” She ordered him to follow her steps. While she headed out of the barn, - trying to get the new horse out – her green eyes met Harley´s, who was saddled up, standing still, waiting for someone to ride him.

“Where´s your owner buddy” Amy scratched his forehead. “He left you here, huh?” She smiled at his angelical face. Harley looked thoughtfully at her with his big brown eyes.

She climbed up to his saddle, and went for a ride with both horses, such as she had done with Wonder and Spartan some days before. They trotted at first, but then Amy realized it wasn´t such a good idea since Stinky started running faster than them. This horse couldn´t control his adrenaline, he made flawless moves which shocked every human being who glanced at him.

In less than two seconds, he stood up over his back legs and held his front legs upright in the air.

“Easy, easy!” Amy almost shouted. Pulling the rope, Amy pulled him back to the ground. “Wow” She exclaimed with her eyes opened as plates.

“So, where are you going now?” Ty questioned. He didn´t wanted to be rude with Lucy, but the words almost escaped from his mouth. They had been chatting for a while now, they were returning to the dude ranch, to leave Lucy in her cabin.

“Well, I don´t know” She didn´t know while to reveal her secret or not. Lucy stood up in front of Ty, looking into his eyes. After talking with him, she seemed more confident than she did before. Lucy felt as if they had developed a bridge between each other; at least she had someone to trust. It was difficult for her to trust people, she just did with very few. Too many situations and circumstances had led her not to trust in every person she met.

“I have to go” She said out of the blew.

“Ok” Ty said confused. “See ya, then”

“Yeah, that would be great” “When?”

“Whenever you want” “If you need someone to talk, just look for me” He smiled.

“Ok” “Thank you Ty” She added with a smile.

Back in the barn, Amy was coming back from her trail ride with the two horses.

Ty, who was also returning, saw Amy in Harley. “Now I see who stole my horse.” He walked to Amy. He extended his arms to help her come down of the horse.

“I can do it alone” She said.

“No, you don´t” Ty joked.

“Ty, not now” She got down of Harley from the other side. She took the reins and pulled the two horses into the barn.

“Amy, what´s wrong?” He asked sweetly.

“Nothing” She tried to avoid him.

“Come one” He grabbed her strongly from the back.

“Stop it” She escaped from his arms.

“Amy” He warned.

“Is just, that you could have helped me instead of going out for two hours to have fun with a stranger” She criticized.

“Oh” He smiled.

“I´m serious, don´t laugh” She exclaimed.

“Were you jealous?”

Amy didn´t answer. She decided to keep her mouth shut since she didn´t know what to say. Ty was definitely right.

“Ty” She whispered. “Please”

“You were jealous of her talking with me” He laughed.

“It isn´t funny! I wasn´t jealous!” Amy denied angrily.

“Yes you were” He laughed. “Now I feel so important” Ty admired.

“Enough! Stop it!” She was annoyed.

He stopped laughing and he spoke serious. “I´m sorry, I didn´t want to make you feel that way”

She hugged him, and then said “How could I be so childish?” She whispered.

“It´s ok” He kissed her cheek and stayed like that for some seconds. “Love you” He said softly.

Chapter 29 - Good Things Come Alone...?

It was nine o´clock in the Heartland ranch. The dark summer blue sky covered the front porch of the house. The family had decided to have dinner outside, they had decorated all with twinkling colorful lights.

Lisa had just arrived from her trip to France, and was now sitting next to Jack with a green summer dress, resting her head in his shoulder. Jack smiled happily as he watched his family enjoying time together.

Lou and Peter sat in the other corner, with baby Jessica resting peacefully in her father´s lab and also grabbing her mom´s hand. Next to them, was Mallory, talking nonstop, as always.

Finally, Amy and Ty were together in between Peter and Lisa holding hands sweetly. Ty put his arm over Amy´s shoulders as he always did, and held her hand with his other hand. He was thinking about their future life which brought butterflies to his stomach. Ty´s head got closer to her forehead and kissed her softly. Their eyes met, and they both magically smiled at the same time. They wanted to kiss but it would be quite embarrassing because the other would be watching or maybe laughing. Amy opted to kiss him quickly so that anyone would notice. Unfortunately, they suddenly heard the voice of Mallory saying “So cute!”

When Amy realized that the whole family was watching, her cheeks flattered, and she smiled nervously. She decided to look at Ty, who was calm and serene, staring at her with a thoughtful look.

Lou, Amy and Mallory brought the food to the table, and gave out the plates. Some minutes later, everyone enjoyed their dinner together.

Mallory couldn´t stop thinking about Badger, who had called her a while ago saying that he was already on track to Heartland. She remembered all the advice that Amy had given to her some days ago about boys. She had been giving a lot of thought to that, and ended up choosing that she was going to stay with Badger, and make him a great homecoming. He would have the loft to himself now that Ty was staying in the house, and also many changes that Mallory had to inform him.

In between they finished eating; Ty asked Amy if they could have a word. Amy accepted although she had no idea about what Ty wanted to talk about. He took her by the hand to the barn.

“What is it Ty?” She asked anxiously.

“Look Amy” “I have to tell you something really important” “I don´t want to ruin this whole party, but as it is about to end, I think this is the time to tell you”

“Tell me what?” Amy asked worried.

He took a breath before explaining to give himself time to order his words. Ty held her hands tighter and brought her close. With his thumbs he massaged her hands.

“Ty please!” She claimed. “Come on! Tell me, What is it?” Amy got more worried.

“Amy…” He started.

Chapter 30 - Moment of Truth 

“Do you remember the day I saved Lucy, those guys I told you about that I guess were trying to kidnap her?”Ty asked.

“Yes sure” She waited for his word.

“After they left, I found on their minivan an old gun that really caught my attention” “I kept it in my truck for some days”

“So..?”She was afraid of what she might hear.

“Well, today after lunch I took it to a police station, and they gave me some information about those men” “They had been in jail almost six years  for terrorism, not necessarily for killing people simply with a gun shoot”

Amy hesitated while she processed the information.

Ty continued “Simultaneously, the police men discovered some facts about the weapon. They said it didn´t belong to them because the finger prints marked in the trigger of the gun didn´t match the ones of those criminals” He tailed.

Ty also added”Also, they informed me that the grenade of the gun is really old and expensive, in fact, it is the same kind of gun that..”  He couldn´t continue unless he took a deep breath.

“The same kind of gun that..” She tried to make him continue.

“Amy” He whispered. “It´s the same kind of gun that…” “Shot you a month ago”

Amy´s heart froze. She couldn´t say a word. Her hands started shaking nervously. A pain from the inside made her head hurt as she remembered. “Ty” She whispered softly.

For a moment, Ty retracted of what he had said. He put his hand in her cheek and automatically hugged her the strongest way he had ever done.

“We have to tell them now” She stuttered as she pointed to her family “They will know what to do”

Ty accepted, and took Amy outside by the hand.

Jack, Lou, Peter, Mallory and Lisa were shocked by Amy and Ty´s news. For the first time in the night they felt a cold air in the environment. No one was strong enough to break that terrifying silence that made everything more dramatic.

Mallory broke the ice when she said “So it must be pretty obvious who did it”

The rest turned around to see Mallory in the eyes, necessarily to prove that she wasn´t joking. She looked wise and serious when she returned every single sight that they gave them. They waited anxiously for her answer for the first time. Mallory felt important and intelligent from the inside, noticing that her mind had developed the news in another way that anyone had realized yet.

“Did the van belong to the two men?” She questioned Ty.

“I´m not sure” He replied thoughtfully.

“Because, if the weapon didn´t belong to them, do you intuit that the van did?” She tried to explain the theory “You said that the gun was inside the minivan, right?” He asked Ty.

“She´s got a point” Lou stated.

“Darling, you may be right” Lisa assured.

Jack looked at her suspiciously while he crossed his arms. “So, if the van wasn´t theirs, who do you think the owner was?” he asked as a professional detective from those old films in black and white.

“My guess is Lucy” “She was there when Ty saved her” Mallory also added “By the way, she never mentioned anything about that moment, which leaves me with a lot of questions” “Did she tell you about what those criminals wanted from her?” Mallory wondered.

“Lucy never did” “I didn´t ask her either” Ty regretted.

Amy, who was standing next to Ty, grabbed his arm. “Do you think Mallory´s right?” She asked him.

Ty took a deep breath and looked into each one’s eyes, and then he glanced at his wife-to-be. Mallory may had the answer, but there was still a part of him that didn´t agree with it, so he thought about it for a while. It was quite an impossible situation, although he didn´t know her very well, Ty felt as she couldn´t lie to him. It was difficult to think that he was the reckless-stupid one who was starting being friends with the person who had hurt the most important person in his life, Amy was too important as to risk their relationship like that. He could have never felt more horrible in his life; it was almost as if he had shot her by himself. Ty wanted to cry, shout, and make everything possible to go back in time and erase everything he had done. He held her hand the strongest he could. “Can´t believe it” He said as if he was about to cry. His eyes went blurry, but he tried to resist and don´t start crying.

Now everything made complete sense. 

Chapter 32

“Lucy” Ty said. He wasn´t sure of what to do.

Her eyes light up and her breath speeded up. Lucy´s arms fell next to her body, and her hands started shaking. She stepped backwards and slightly, her back leaned over the door. Lucy bit her lip and simultaneously asked “What are you doing here?’’. Her question got lost in the cold air.

“We just dropped by to visit” Ty pronounced the words sarcastically. He glanced at Peter for help.

“We wanted to make sure that everything was in order” Peter´s words were even more unreal than Ty´s.

“Ok, then, see you later!” She tried to get read of the uncomfortable situation in front of her eyes.

“You are not going anywhere” Ty warned as he stuck her back again to the door. He sounded furious and with the eager of fair revenge.

“You don't know in what you two are getting yourselves into.” She spoke with an evil voice.

“We know enough” Peter added.

“Enough is not all” She said as she kicked Ty in the stomach. With the impulse, Ty fell down and violently, his head bumped in the arm chair of one of the wooden chairs in the cabin´s front porch. There was a silence, and then Ty laid in the floor, with his head next to Lucy´s feet.

Peter, stuck in the moment, stared at Lucy´s cold eyes, and waited for her next move. She stood still, waiting for him to do something.

Ty carefully opened his eyes and looked at the situation over his eyes. He remembered how they had bonded less than a day ago. Lucy looked insecure and scared, but at this moment she looked as the most secure woman he had ever seen. Her smile in her face showed him that she was the most intelligent person of the three of them.

Lucy jumped near Peter and punched his face. Peter grabbed tightly her arm and pushed her back, which made her lose balance of her body. Lucy tried to kick his stomach as she had done recently with Ty, but Peter moved to the left when she was about to knock him down. Suddenly, a white light covered their eyes, and made their sights blurry.

“Arms up in a place where I can see them” They heard an unrecognizable voice.

“Just in time” Peter smiled. He turned around, and saw two police cars just parked, and some men running to them.

Lucy´s hair was all messy, her eyes, bigger than ever because of the surprise she received. She didn´t plan this to happen, not now. Three men ran to her, but the lady couldn´t give up now, not that easy; it was not the time to leave everything she had done and gone through. There was only one way to escape at the moment, and Lucy had no time to lose. “Run” A voice told her from the inside.

With the left energy she had, she mobilized her feet, and started running the fastest she could. Lucy found two police men´s car blocking her way, so her body decided to climb it up as if it was just an obstacle. It was crazy, but the girl decided to run the risk; she needed to escape.

Lucy’s left leg stood over the front part of the vehicle, then she impulsed her right leg and did the same. Her right foot slightly slipped over the windshield, making her lose balance again and roll over the white bonnet of the old car. Lucy fell over the fender and her back hit the green grass of the floor.

Jack was parking his truck near the other vehicles when he saw the violent scene happening right in front of he’s eyes. He slammed the car’s side door and stood up watching the picture. He walked around until he reached the cabin, where Ty was.

“Ty!”He said as he offered a hand to make him stand up.  “You look like hell” He said. Jack visualized the police men with their uniforms blocking the handcuffs behind the girl´s back. Two of them grabbed her shoulders and took her to the car.

The other man, walked to Jack and shook his hand. “Thanks a lot” Jack added.

“You are the guy who called, right?”The tall man said. He had recognized his voice.

“I am” Jack replied.

“We´re taking her to the hospital” He informed.

“We investigated about this woman, and we found in our archives that she had already been involved in other two cases, in which she escaped” “You made a favor to us” “Now we can make sure she won´t do it again, she will be in jail with our worst criminals” He explained.

“Great, let´s hope she doesn´t cause any more problems” Jack said relieved. “I still wonder..What did she exactly want to do?” He said confused.

“No reason; in fact we have been studding some similar cases, and we found out that she has psychological problems.”He warned.  “Now, our fellow work mates will provide her the attention she needs” “Don´t panic, we have her controlled.” He assured.

“Thanks again”

The police said goodbye and left quickly. Meanwhile, Peter, Ty and Jack heard a car droving by. “What else?” The boys thought exhausted.

They saw Amy, Lisa and Lou getting out of the car.

“Honey” Lou hugged Peter tightly.

“Hey babe” He hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

“Talking of babes, where is ours?” Peter asked.

“With Mallory” She informed. “We better go in a few minutes” She got worried.

Amy hugged Ty too. “How are you?” She looked up to his green eyes.

“I´m fine” “And you?”He touched her cheek with his thumb.

“What do you think?” She moved her head and kissed him by surprise.

They stood like that for a few seconds.

“Is everything alright?” Lisa also hugged Jack.

“She was taken to jail” Jack announced.

After some hugs and kisses, the family arrived to Heartland with a smile filling their faces.

Ty put his arm around her waist and with the free hand he held Amy´s chin and kissed her nose. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” He grabbed her hands tightly.

“How much?” She joked.

He laughed and pulled her waist close to him. Ty took out the hair from her face and kissed her the sweetest he had ever done.

They were inside the house where Mallory was trying to make baby Jessica go to sleep. She gave Lou her little daughter, and then sat down next to the rest to the family to hear all about that night.

Ty shared his version of the story while the others listened to him. Amy was seating next to him, playing with her engagement ring. She put her head next to Ty´s shoulder and whispered in his ear “I love you too”

Ty stopped talking and gave her a quick kiss in her forehead.

Unexpectedly, they heard a knock in the door. Everyone shut up and stood frozen.

“Who’s there?” Jack asked.

They heard the door open, and then a familiar voice “Have you already forgotten about me” Badger asked while he made a movement with his hands.

“Badger!” Mallory screamed.

“I´m back!” He shouted back as he ran to hug her.

“I missed you” She looked at him.

“I missed you too” He confessed.

And with the lovely scene, this story comes to an end. I can finish this saying that they ended up “Clearing it all up” and I can guarantee that they lived a happily ever after. It´s officially The End.


Thank you very much for reading and leaving comments, they really mean a lot to me! Hope that you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing.
I promise to continue writing more fan fictions later.

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