Curtwen One-Shots

By L0gicallyAnxi0us

1.7K 84 155

Hey guys! So I'm back on my bullshit and I'm starting a fanfic on my new hyper-fixation, Spies are Forever. I... More

Too Close

New Beginning

656 39 55
By L0gicallyAnxi0us

Curt stood at the bottom of a stairway, staring up at the man he once knew, the man that was his partner for years, the man he no longer recognized.

He remembered the days when he didn't have to care about every little thing that he did, where he and Owen would make it out of every mission alive. Even if a mission went wrong and Cynthia yelled at Curt for hours, he was still glad he and Owen had survived.

And then that day came, where everything was his fault. He knew he should have followed Owen's advice to not drop that banana peel, or not knock down that important guard rail. He saw that look in Owen's eye as he fell, but there was nothing Curt could do.

If he tried to reach down, he might have fallen as well. He couldn't run all the way back down those stairs when the building was about to be destroyed and there were enemy operatives all around him, just to see if someone who could not possibly have survived that fall could still be alive.

All that didn't stop Curt from blaming himself, and Owen from blaming Curt. They both knew with certainty it was all his fault, that Curt had left his friend and mourned for four years when he should have moved on.

Owen had sure moved on. He didn't care about Curt in any good way, and that is what he told himself as he stood above Curt, gun pointed straight at his head. He had waited for so long to find, torture, and kill Curt. He had already done two of those, and now was the perfect opportunity to finally get revenge and murder what was once his friend.

He told himself all this, yet he faltered. He hesitated, and his hand shook. He could not bring himself to fire the gun, and finally get the revenge he had wanted for four long years in isolation.

As Curt talked about 'the feelings they once had,' something that made Owen lower his gun slightly, he remembered once again what he was here for. He drew the gun back up to his old friend's head and prepared to take the shot. But once again, he hesitated.

Curt took this as a perfect opportunity to shoot the gun out of his hands. Owen knew this was happening, and knew he could easily stop it, but he didn't. He stood and watched, unarmed, as Curt stepped toward him with his gun in hand. Owen could predict what would happen next. Curt would shoot him, and Owen would finally need dead.

Not wanting his last thoughts to be of Curt, Owen instead thought of Chimera. They had taken him in, told him things about Curt he could not believe. At first he assumed they were lies, but over time he trusted them more and more, and they trusted him. Those things they told him were, in fact, lies. 

He found out they had been lying to him, but it was too late to go back. He was already close to the top and could not afford to leave them. How badly he wanted to leave them, to become a spy again, to be with his partner again. So Owen started to be the one telling lies. He told lies about what he thought, who he knew, what he knew, the people he hated, and the people he once and still loved.

Like Curt. Owen didn't mean to, but he found his thoughts drifting back to Curt again. He sighed as his former partner once again drew closer, gun almost touching Owen's head at this point.

"Killing me won't take the system offline, so what are you doing?" Owen waited for the answer he knew would come. He waited for Curt to say 'Taking your advice,' but he didn't. He didn't say anything like that.

Instead, Curt dropped his gun. Owen let out a breath, but it wasn't relief. He was looking forward to finally dying and being able to escape all the madness, all the intrusive thoughts, all the memories of the pleading and screaming of innocent people that he killed mercilessly. He wanted all that to end.

So of course he was enraged when Curt put down his arm and stepped away from him. "You're right," Curt said unexpectedly. "I don't know why I would want to kill you. You're no use to anyone dead, especially me."

"Why? I've taken as much as I can from you, and yet you let me live? Why, lo-" Owen caught himself almost slipping and falling Curt love, like old times when everything was okay and they were as happy as they could be as spies. He couldn't just call his old partner 'love' as if they hadn't seen each other in a while after a particularly long break period between missions.

"I just said, because you're no use to me dead. You never listen, do you?" Curt was trying to start up a friendly banter like they used to all the time, and Owen hated it. It broke him.

Owen raised his voice. "Just kill me! I don't deserve to be living, we both know that. You were doing just fine with all your friends before I came in and ruined your little party!"

Owen started to slowly walk towards Curt, who now had a certain look in his eye that Owen couldn't place. Fear? No, Curt wasn't scared of his old friend. Yet he backed up as Owen got closer.

"Must you always be such a hero? Oh, it's completely fine to kill any of the other 'bad guys' on missions but suddenly when it's me you're going to back down? You're a coward." Owen's voice was not the voice Curt had known, it had a dark edge to it and it sent spikes of fear through his body. Yes, Curt was a coward.

"Well I didn't see you jumping up at the idea of killing me, either." Curt spoke as bravely as he could, knowing Owen could and would find a way to torture and kill Curt easily.

Doesn't he get it? Owen thought to himself. After everything we've been through, I can't just kill him like I would any other 'hero' type people. He's so much different.

Doesn't he get it? Curt was thinking. He's not the average villain. We've been through so much together, I want times like that again. He's changed so much.

"I can't just kill you," They spoke at the same time.

Owen stepped closer to Curt, but this time he didn't back away. "You could easily kill me and complete your mission, go back to your new partners, and live life. Things can be the same for you. They can't for me, because I can't just live without you." The last words slipped out of Owen's mouth, voicing the inner thoughts he never wanted to get out.

"You can't live without me?" Now Curt was the one finally starting to get a little angry at his former partner. "I couldn't handle the first four years without you, I drank myself to rock bottom to forget what I had done to you! And you think I can get through the pain of losing you again, knowing it's all my fault? No."

Owen was taken aback by this speech. He knew that Curt may have gone a bit far with mourning, but he didn't know it was actually painful for Curt.

He cautiously stepped even closer to Curt, only a few inches apart at this point. "I didn't know-"

"Of course you didn't," Curt hissed. "I wouldn't expect you to know. Things have changed, Owen. There's nothing I can do to get the old you back. This version of you is not the one I once knew, the one I love."

"Wrong tense, Mega. It's 'loved'. The 'old me' is dead and gone. You're right that things will never be the same." Owen turned away, struggling to keep his tone from being too soft. If Curt was going to spit venom, Owen was going to spit it right back.

It was a cycle. Neither of them wanted to fight, neither of them wanted to yell at each other or hurt each other.

Curt was the one to break first, it was always him. "Owen," He paused, not knowing how to start. "I don't want you to die." It didn't take him much effort to make his voice calm.

"I don't want me to die either," Owen lied, still speaking with an edged voice.

"I didn't use the wrong tense, by the way," Curt muttered.

"What was that, love?" The word just slipped out. There was no way of stopping it now, and Owen only hoped Curt wouldn't notice.

"I completely meant what I said, when I said love. As in still do, present tense. And I know you've completely changed, but that doesn't stop me from feeling this way." Curt decided he had already gone too far, so he might as well keep up his sentimental shit. "God, this is so painful. Just, this whole conversation. Why can't things be the way they used to?"

"You know why, Curt. You also know MI6 and A.S.S. would not appreciate me still being alive, when they've most likely already cleared their records of me. Forgotten me," Owen said.

Curt was about to speak, about to say how much Cynthia and the others definitely had not forgotten Owen. "I-" But Owen cut in.

"I lied, by the way. There was only one island facility, and you took it down. Congratulations, Curt, you took down the only thing I have worked for during the past four years," Owen said dryly.

"That can't be the only thing you have worked for. Considering how much you wanted to get at me and get revenge or something like that, it seems you have a lot more motivation than just 'hey let's show the world our deepest secret' because again, I don't think you want that one out." Curt had gone back to lowkey taunting Owen, though this time it was more friendly.

"Oh, and what would they do if they knew, love?" Owen stepped closer to Curt, eyes daring him to do something.

Curt had not expected this, and took a step back, slightly startled. "Well you know they'll fire us. Destroy our lives, everything we care about. We'll never get jobs again. That shit."

"Yes but Curt, that's not fair. Maybe that was why we needed the computer system. No more spies, no more secrets. They won't have to know and we can retire, go off somewhere. Together," Owen said.

"Cynthia would be pissed."

"Cynthia wouldn't have to know. We could fake our own deaths-"

"Owen please, I love being a spy. I can't think of anything else. I miss you being my partner. The idea of settling down sounds nice but I still want adventure. You can do whatever you want with your life but I'm staying how I am." Curt really meant every word he said, and he only hoped that Owen would agree with him.

"Curt Mega, you will be the death of me." Owen grabbed Curt's hand. "Let's go, we have a lot to fill in to our respective bosses."


"Agent Curt Mega, you useless piece of uncooked pork, how the hell are you so incompetent? Just when I thought you couldn't get more fucking stupid, you turn around and tell me all this?!" Cynthia yelled at Curt, after he had explained -with many interruptions- everything that had happened.

"Well, you thought he was dead too," Curt pointed out. That made Cynthia slam her hands on her desk and stand up. Then a phone call made her sit back down.

"Hello? Sorry, I'm a bit busy at the moment- What? Oh, yes I've heard. Yes. Erm, no. Yes, of course he'll be there! Alright bye." She slammed the phone down.

"That," Cynthia started, "Was MI6. It seems Owen has told them everything as well. Of course, it's only been a few hours and they already have a mission for you two. You had better not fuck it up or you won't hear the end of it back here. Especially since it's your first mission in four years with Owen. You better not have gotten rusty, working with someone above your own talents."

Curt processed this. A mission already? It seems him and Owen were going to be very busy until it was completed. "So how long will this one take?"

"A week, tops, if you're at all competent. A few days if you somehow scrape something better than your usual, which is doubtful. You start tomorrow. Get used to hotel life again." Cynthia smirked at him.

"Thanks, Cynth." Curt stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"I didn't fucking dismiss you. Or say you could call me that shit." Curt sat down. "Okay, now get out of my office before I call security."

He quickly got up again and rushed to the door before she could say anything else or, hell, shoot him again. "Oh, and Curt?" She asked. He cursed under his breath and turned back, expecting the worst.

But what she said surprised him. "Good luck." He left and shut the door before she could say anything else. Curt always left her room feeling happy yet useless at the same time. That was just the effect she had on people.

Curt went to go find Barb and get some new gadgets, and once he had been sufficiently confused by her flirting he exited the building.

He was ready to face the challenges that we're sure to come with this new mission. Curt was looking forward to seeing Owen again, even though he just saw him. Curt looked down at his watch, and cursed seeing that it had been broken after the whole ordeal of the past few days.

There were no nearby clocks so he had nothing to go by to figure out what time it was except for the fact that it was dark out. So, past 7pm. All he knew was that he had to get to downtown and find the Informant, who had been taken to a hospital and healed quickly, already out and ready for Curt.

*The Next Day*

It was around noon, and Curt was looking around for the Informant, saying a weird phrase to people's get the correct response. He had already gotten slapped twice. He finally found who he was looking for and got the information he needed.

Yesterday and today have gone by far too fast for my liking. Maybe things will be better when I see Owen, Curt thought.

He looked down at the information. Apparently Owen was supposed to be here by now. Perhaps he was in disguise.

A voice sounded behind him. "Ah, there you are, Curt. A lot of work to get done. No being undercover towards each other this time."

"Hey, Owen. Took you long enough." He turned around and smiled at his friend.

"I've been here the whole time, love. Come on, we have to get the hotel room before they all run out," Owen said, grabbing Curt's hand and pulling him.

"It's a hotel, the rooms don't run out. There's no need to rush." Yet Curt matched Owen's quick pace and yet walked side by side. As soon as he did, Owen reluctantly let go of Curt's hand. They were in public, after all.

They reached the hotel nearest to their target operative building and entered. Not exactly grand, but they had stayed in worse.

Owen approached the check in desk, and started speaking, as he was always the one doing the talking. "One room, please."

The lady behind the desk peered at the two men curiously. "Just one room?"

"Yes, my friend is just here to help me unpack," Owen said, one of the lies he always told. The lady shrugged and handed him a key.

The two took the slow elevator up, standing awkwardly far away from each other, farther than they would on a normal mission. But this wasn't a normal mission, it was their first together in four years.

They entered the hotel room and Owen realized a mistake he had made. "Oh.. There's only one bed."

"So what? We've stayed in the same bed tons of times before."

"It just feels... Not right. Different. Everything has changed, after all. Maybe we should wait a night or two," Owen said carefully.

"Yeah," Curt agreed. "I'll just take the couch for tonight. Stop, shut your mouth, you can sleep on the couch tomorrow night but I'll go first." He laid his bag on one of the tables and went into the kitchen to look around.

Owen followed him and stood a bit too close to Curt, practically leaning over his shoulder.

"What are you doing, Owen? Do you want attention?" Curt joked. "You're so dramatic." He rolled his eyes and turned toward his partner, their faces inches apart once again.

"Well isn't this familiar," Owen looked Curt in the eyes, not breaking eye contact until he noticed Curt staring at his lips. Curt hadn't meant to, but he was still doing it. "And even more familiar now. I remember a lot of things like this with you. And you say I'm the dramatic one."

Owen was the one to close the gap between them and kiss Curt. It didn't last long, but it was meaningful to both of them.

"I missed that," Curt said. "Want some coffee, Owen?"

Owen laughed. "Of course, love."

Curt couldn't believe it had only been a day since they had tried to kill each other, and four years since they had been on a mission with each other. And yet, it felt like nothing had changed even though they were both left much different from before.

But for the time being, they were happy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Word Count: 3005

Wow! That was so fun to write. It surprisingly only took me around an hour but it was shorter than I'd hoped. I just knew some things seemed to linger too long and some things were too short. Honestly this could have been so much better but I wrote it at 1am so you can't blame me for being bad.

Anyways, this was my first one-shot and I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, and more importantly I hope people actually read it! I'm planning to post more but warnings, sometimes I go on random hiatuses and don't post for weeks or months at a time. But I always come back.

Love you guys! See you in the next one. Byeeeee

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