Fixing Sakura - Naruto Reborn

By energized-potato

123K 5.9K 4K

Alana was a teenage gymnast, a pretty decent one too. Well she ate concrete after flying of the double bars... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

12.9K 647 816
By energized-potato

'This has to be bad for you' It's not really. I pushed myself up from a bridge. 'We've got academy at 8 you know.' It's only 5:30, I'll be fine. Plus, I want to try something. My hand slipped into my kunai pouch, pulling out several knives. '...What are you doing?' Watch. I selected five trees in the clearing, shifting my stance.

I leapt into a backflip, throwing the kunai in their determined directions. I heard three loud thunks and the rustle of leaves. 'Well you didn't miss completely' Three of the five kunai were lodged into the bark of their respectful trees. The other two rested in the grass. I think I know what to work on today. 'When you break your back, don't come crying to me.' I'll be fine, landing a backflip isn't all that hard. 'You're suicidal.' I get that a lot.


Today is team placing, we're on team 7 feet with Sasuke and Naruto. 'REEEEEE! Sasuke-kun!' ...yeah. Though who knows? We might get placed differently. 'No' Yes.

So can we agree that roof travel is best travel. 'It is, until you snap your neck.' What are you? My mother? 'I swear to all of fuck if I die without confessing my love to Sasuke, I will hunt kami down and make him resurrect us.' ... 'What?!' Lets just go to school. 'Answer me!'


I sat down in a random seat, completely ignoring Inner's protests. 'But Sasuke-kun!' I'm not going to interrupt what's about to happen. It will be an honor to witness it first hand. Naruto had begun glaring at Sasuke, shit was about to go down. Girls gathered around the two.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the boy behind Naruto lifted is arm.

'KYAHHDJFJFKDUJRJDHDJSJJDJD' Oh my god are you ok? 'THERES SO MUCH BLOOD' What? Your bleeding!? What happened?! 'MY NOSE IS BLEEDING THIS HERE IS SOME GOOD SHIT' ...Never mind. Naruto and Sasuke locked lips for like three whole seconds. I'm starting to think they actually like each other. 'Screw Sasuke! I say we get these two together! SasuNaru! My new ship!' Huh.

'I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT! THE TASTE OF-' Iridocyclitis. I'm rubbing off on you. 'Never' Soon, remember, the dark side provides cookies. 'Better not be oatmeal.' What do you take me for? I vaguely noticed Naruto getting pounded to the ground. Poor Naruto. 'RIP' Amen.

Iruka walked into the room as Naruto fell sat down next to me... well it was more of a fall. I patted his head solemnly. We must avenge our fallen comrade. 'Through what method?' Cold blooded murder. 'I see.'

I spun a pencil around, waiting for Iruka to be done with his stupid clipboard. 'Do you think it's secretly porn?' Eh, not really. That's Kakashi's thing. 'Who's he?' Our sensei. 'Oh, joy.' I see you're fluent in sarcasm. 'My first language actually.' Mhm.

Dolphin-sensei slammed down his clipboard with tears in his eyes. Naruto jumped slightly next to me. Iruka cleared his voice. "I am proud to say, you are all genin. With great honor, I will now announce the teams." 'You must be a tree, cause that was pretty sappy.' I don't know, I thought he did pine. 'Get out'

I zoned out as Iruka listed the side characters. "-Team 7 will consist of-" I perked up as Iruka kept talking. "Sakura Haruno-," 'So do they list the Kunoichi first every time?' They do it because we're above the men. "-Naruto Uzumaki,-" Naruto cheered and raised his hand to fist bump me, I of course returned the notion because besties. 'So would Sasuke top him?' I had to cough into my sleeve to cover my laugh. Naruto thought I was choking and attempted the heimlich maneuver. "-And Sasuke Uchiha." He finished. Sasuke just stared at his desk, completely done with his life. 'Naruto's basically the sun, date him Sasuke! Your life problems will be solved.' I don't think dating Naruto would kill Itachi though. 'Wait, who's Itachi?' Sasuke but sexier, and he's got a personality. He got forced into killing his clan because Danzo's a little bitch and decided Shisui wasn't allowed to stop the coup they were planning. 'So why does Sasuke wanna kill him?' He doesn't know that the massacre was Danzo's fault. 'That sucks'

Iruka finished listing off the rest of the teams, of course only 8 and 10 will actually pass. 'So, dog boy, lazy ass, blonde, shy mochi, chips ahoy, and bug jacket?' Nice nicknames, and yeah pretty much. He smiled and walked out the classroom, muttering something about lasagna. 'Go get that pasta Iruka, I believe in you' Food is a dream worth following. I grabbed my bento that had been constructed in less than five minutes earlier this morning, leftover chicken and some cooked veggies wasn't exactly the lunch of kings, but it would be filling enough to get me through today. I walked out the door, this was the Naruto henge scene, I need to got sit on that random bench.

I broke apart my chopsticks and plucked up a piece of chicken. 'So, whats about to happen?' Naruto's going to henge into Sasuke and flirt with me. 'But, he could be flirting with Sasuke! Not us, we need SasuNaru to happen.' Sometimes, life just isn't fair. I only had to wait a few minutes before 'Sasuke' walked up to me.

He smirked and stared down at me, "You have such a wide and beautiful forehead, makes me want to kiss it." He flirted 'Pfft!' It gets better. He scowled slightly, "That's something Naruto would say, what do you think of him anyways?" he questioned. The corners of my lips quirked up, "Naruto is someone who I should have treated better, he may pull pranks and he can be annoying, but he's a good person and I look forward to being his friend." I replied. 'Say, why'd you emphasize the word friend?' I don't view Naruto as a love interest, and no, I won't tell you who I view romantically.

'Sasuke' kind of froze up after I finished speaking. I chuckled and grabbed my bento container, I stood up and walked past him before looking back, "You know, your Sasuke impression isn't half bad Naruto." I commented. His eyes widened as I turned to walk to the academy. 'Look at his face!' I need to keep composure, don't make me laugh.

I walked into the academy with my hands in the pockets of my vest, a replacement for the one Milo shredded. 'You remembered to up your weights today right?' I see you've finally accepted my training methods. 'I haven't... I-I was just checking!' You damn tsundere. 'Shut up you baka!' You're not denying it~. I was so wrapped up in my conversation with inner that I didn't notice Sasuke walk out of classroom. Rope marks were prominent on his arms. I walked right past him. 'Did you just-?' Ignore him? Absolutely. However, he didn't ignore me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I spun around to face Sasuke. I kept a neutral expression, "Can I help you?" I asked. He muttered under his breath before speaking, "Hn, where's the dobe?" I grinned, "I'm going to assume you mean Naruto, check the bench out by the woods." I suggested before turning back around and walking away. Sasuke clicked his tongue before leaving to hunt down Naruto. 'That was great!' I know right? 'But why were there rope burns on his arms?' Oh, Naruto tied him so that he wouldn't interfere with his plans. 'Huh, so Naruto would top.' Oh my kami.

I entered the classroom, Shikamaru was the only one present. 'He probably got tired of Ino.' Yeah, thats a fair assumption. I took my seat and rested my head on my crossed arms. 'Now that I look at him, lazy boy's pretty cute. Don't you agree?' Well um, I-I don't think anyone should be on their looks alone, I mean look where that got Sasuke? 'So your saying he's good looking?' Well he is- 'Hah! I win.' ...You're impossible. 'And you're a hypocrite.' Throwing shade at your host? Inner, how could you?

I zoned out again, loosing awareness of my surroundings. I never realized how distracting a voice in your head could be. I also didn't realize Shikamaru until he was sitting on the desk in front of me. I quirked my brow, signaling him to speak. He sighed, "I'm gonna cut to the chase, what's up with you?" he questioned. 'He's smart... too smart. Let's take him out.' On a date? Or like with a kunai? 'I don't have a preference.' Uh huh. I sighed, "If I prance around a battlefield in dress and smelling like strawberries, I'm gonna die. So I'm not going to worry about what people think of me, just going to focus on my career." I tried not to cringe at my warm hearted declaration.

Shikamaru was quiet for a moment, staring at me, "So the whole swearing off of Sasuke thing yesterday, you were serious?" He asked. I nodded, "He's hot don't get me wrong, I just was too blinded by his looks to see his horrible personality." I admitted. Shikamaru's shoulders started shaking, I watched in concern. 'Is... he ok-?' "Pfft, Ha ha aha aha haha hah ahah aa hahaa heh!!" Shikamaru clutched his stomach, throwing his head back in laughter. I startled into it, eventually joining him. We both eventually calmed down. He looked at me again, "Well, I never expected that to come out of your mouth." He joked. I pressed my hand to my chest, feigning offense, "Why Shikamaru! How could you assume something like that." I remarked. He chuckled.

We shot witty comments at each other until the other students came trailing in, Shikamaru returned to his seat after that. 'You know what Shikamaru has that Sasuke doesn't?' What? 'A personality.' Inner... why? 'You did this to me.' I know, I'm kind of proud. Naruto ranted to me about his week as the other squads left with their jonin. "So you got to beat up Mizuki-sensei?" I questioned. Naruto nodded, "With this new technique I learned! It's super cool, it's called shadow clones, they're like clones but solid and I can make hundreds!" He boasted. Sasuke scoffed, "He's obviously lying, there's no way Naruto could beat a chunin." I smirked, "Have you met the guy? Mizuki wasn't exactly prime shinobi material, besides it gives an explanation for the field promotion." 'Nice one' Why thank you.

Sasuke clicked his tongue, for the second time today, before staring back out the window. Sore loser over here, can't take not winning a verbal battle! 'If only he had a great comeback... like Shikamaru!' Move on. 'Oh no I don't think so. You may have gotten me to drop Sasuke, but you've left a gap, so now I have to review contenders for our future husband!' Dear kami what demon have I summoned. 'Outer, its cute that you think there is a god, well there might be, but definitely not in my domain!' Uh-uh, I don't deal with devils may the power of these memes compel you. 'Its not that compelling'

I yawned and turned to Naruto, "Wake me up when sensei gets here." I asked. Naruto nodded as I planted my face upon my arms. 'Shouldn't have gotten up at five~.' Can it.


I awoke to the sound of a certain blonde's laughter. 'Sasuke better appreciate his smile.' Mood. My attention turned to the doorway, there, in all his glory stood Kakashi. 'The eraser on his head really pulls it all together.' Shh, he's great... well not always, but mostly. He looked around the classroom, his eye pausing to look at each of us, "How can I put this, my first impression of you, you're a bunch of idiots." He spoke bluntly. Naruto and Sasuke blanked while I just shrugged.

Kakashi sighed and began to walk out the classroom, "Come on, we're going to the roof." We followed him like obedient ducklings. Which reminds me have you seen Sasuke's haircut? 'I spit out my tea.' You have tea in there? 'Darling, theres always tea when I'm around.' Pfft..


I sat in between Naruto and Sasuke on top of the roof. Kakashi sat down cross legged before us. 'Criss cross applesauce-' Baby caress me. 'What?' Hmm? I snapped away from the conversation to listen to Kakashi. "So, all of you introduce yourselves. Names, things you like, things you dislike, hobbies, dreams for the future, that stuff." He prompted. Naruto scratched his head, "Hey sensei why don't you go first, show us how it's done." He suggested. Kakashi shrugged "I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it." He spoke with about as much emotion as a rock. Isn't he fantastic? 'No'. Naruto sighed dejectedly, "Great, all we learned was his name." He complained. I shrugged, "It's something to call him at least." I commented.

Kakashi pointed to Naruto, "Alright, you in the orange, why don't you go next." Naruto brightened immediately, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup, and I really like the ramen Iruka Sensei got me at the Ichiraku Noodle Shop, but I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them, and my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage! Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody. Somebody important!" 'His introduction was certainly... something.' He's a little to honest. Kakashi nodded, completely unaffected by Naruto's hyper personality. "Okay, well how about you with the pink hair." He pointed towards me.

I quickly gathered my little speech, "I'm Sakura Haruno. I like reading and going on runs, my favorite animal is a lion. I don't like people who bully others to make themselves feel good, oh and I really hate mushrooms. My hobbies are training and testing my limits. My dreams for the future... I'm not going to tell you." Kakashi hesitated slightly before nodding. He turned his attention to Sasuke, "Finally, you." He said while pointing at Sasuke.

Sasuke meshed his fingers together in concentration, "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain somebody." He sounded like Edward Cullen when he spoke, maybe the Uchiha were secretly vampires. 'That's hot' Are you kidding me?

Kakashi stood up, we all followed his movements. "Alright team, tomorrow us four will go on our first mission together." He claimed. Naruto started bouncing, "What kind of mission is it? Tell me! Telll meee! Teeeellllll Meeeeeeeee!" Kakashi sweat-dropped at his enthusiasm. His expression darkened, "If I tell you, you're not gonna like it. But I suppose I could oblige. We will be doing a survival exercise." He remarked. Naruto balled his fist, "But sensei! We already did those in the academy!" he complained.

Kakashi paused, looking down. I didn't get a warning before he started chuckling, like some sort of demon. "This is no ordinary survival exercise, in fact, there's a 66% chance of getting sent back to the academy. Out of the 27 academy, only 9 will become genin." He drawled on without a care in the world. Naruto look ready to explode. "We're already genin! Headbands and all!" He exclaimed. Kakashi's chuckling once again filled the roof top. "The graduation test is just to see if your worthy of being a candidate for genin. I decide if you pass or fail. We meet at 5 am tomorrow at training ground 7, oh and don't eat breakfast, you'll puke." With that final line, he poofed away, leaving us to marvel at our misfortune.

'I though you said he was great.' He will be, he needs to pass us first. That being said... I grabbed Naruto by the arm, "We've got places to be Naruto, follow me." I commanded with vigor. He nodded quickly and ran with me. 'What are we doing?' Did you really think that I would let Naruto run around in a neon orange tracksuit, never. We're going to get him an outfit so stylish he'll blow the socks off Sasuke, kinky I know I've been there, but nonetheless we shall conquer the fashion world.

I stopped a block away from the shop I was dragging Naruto to before shoving him into the woods. The shop lady seemed pretty nice but I don't trust her to not deny Naruto entry to the shop. I turned to Naruto, "I don't want the shop lady to throw you out, I know the villagers treat you like shit so would you mind hengeing so that no one gives you trouble?" I asked. Naruto gazed off sadly before nodding, "Who should I henge into?" He questioned. I stroked my chin with wisdom, "Make someone up, they have to be boring looking so that no one questions it. Make sure to change the clothes too." I responded. He nodded before forming the ram sign.

A puff of smoke clouded my vision before Naruto was replaced by a brown haired average Joe. I did a thumbs up before gesturing him to follow me. The shop door opened with the sound of a bell, this was the same place I did my outfit shopping. Naruto looked towards, "So uh, Sakura-chan, why are we here?" He asked. I patted his shoulder, "Naruto, if you think I'm going to let you run around in that orange atrocity, you are sorely mistaken. Kami forbid you ever wear that on a stealth mission." I told him solemnly. Naruto seemed to understand as he scratched his head. "So that's why they always caught me." I hummed before dragging him into the men's section.


'It is done.' Our masterpiece is truly a sight to behold. Before me stood Naruto, I had him undo the henge once we left the store, dressed in rather fashionable clothing. Gone was the orange eyesore, it had been burned by yours truly. A dark gray t-shirt with the Uzumaki swirl in orange on the back covered by light gray armor similar to the ANBU uniform. On the bottom were black cargo pants with orange stitching and were secured with bandages. To protect his hands, fingerless gloves. All in all, my boy Naruto is looking fine and ready for war.

Naruto felt the soft yet strong fabric between his fingers, it was high quality, more so than the orange jumpsuit. I smiled as he got used to his second skin. 'He likes it.' I know! We chatted for awhile before I spied Hinata strolling down the street. I grinned before dragging Naruto over to her. I watched as the Hyuga's eyes trailed up and down Naruto's figure. I poked Naruto a little closer to her, "Hey Hinata! What do you think of Naruto's new look?"

A blush rushed to Hinata's face as she fell backwards, blood dripping from her nose. Naruto quickly rushed to shake her unconscious body in the hopes that she would wake up. I smiled at the cute scene before walking away. 'What are you doing?' This is Hinata's moment with Naruto, I don't want to ruin it for her. I hoisted myself onto the roof. 'Let me guess, running home.' Yup.

'I forgot to ask, what exactly is your dream for the future? You didn't mention it in your introduction to Kakashi.' I smiled slightly. I think my team would be a little freaked out if I told them my dream. 'Oh? What is it then?'

I'm gonna overthrow Konoha's government. 'WAIT WHA-?!'


Boom. Chapter 4. I slaved away to get you this chapter, remember that my loyal readers. Well anyway, leave a comment, or don't, just have a nice quarantine and wash your hands. See ya next Chapter.

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