Splatoon 2: Quite the Opposit...

By c12376

1.6K 68 10

Dark,damp,and mysterious. The Deepsea Metro is a subway station of unknown origin. Its rails stretch through... More

Quite the Opposites Part 1
Quite the Opposites Part 2
Quite the Opposites Part 3
Quite the Opposites Part 4
Quite the Opposites Part 5
Quite the Opposites Part 6
Quite the Opposites Part 7
Quite the Opposites Part 8
Quite the Opposites Part 10
Quite the Opposites Part 11
Quite the Opposites Part 12
Quite the Opposites Part 13
Quite the Opposites Part 14
Quite the Opposites Part 15
Quite the Opposites Part 16
Quite the Opposites Part 17
Quite the Opposites Part 18
Quite the Opposites Part 19
Quite the Opposites Part 20
Quite the Opposites Part 21
Quite the Opposites Part 22
Quite the Opposites Part 23
Quite the Opposites Part 24
Quite the Opposites Part 25
Quite the Opposites Part 26
Quite the Opposites Part 27
Quite the Opposites Part 28
Quite the Opposites Part 29
Quite the Opposites Part 30

Quite the Opposites Part 9

62 3 1
By c12376

--Bridgett's Dream--

A field of green. That was the first thing I see when I opened my eyes.

Bridgett:I'm here again?

I look around but see no trees. I do see someone in the distance though. He seem to wear all black,oh,that's Brenton!

Bridgett:*runs toward him* Brenton!

As I get closer to him,I noticed that he was looking at the sky with his hands in his pockets. His tentacles were tied to a bun,but I see it gradually turning green as I get closer.


His voice,its not the same. That's not him,who is he?

Brenton:*turns his head to see her* Do you not remember me?

I gasp and put my hands on my mouth as I see his eyes and his tentacles like the Sanitized.

Brenton:*turns his body toward her* Of course not...

His body is full of holes with his ink dripping between them.

Bridgett:*scared* Wait,n-no...

I feel something in my hands and see it was an Octoshot. I look back at him and see him on his knees with his hand on his heart.

Brenton:*looks into her eyes* Why...?

His body drops to the ground as tears well up in my eyes.

Bridgett:*throws the Octoshot away and drops to her knees beside his body* No,no,wait! Brenton! Please,don't be dead! NO! PLEASE!

--Brenton's POV--


I stand up immediately from my sleep and noticed Bridgett hyperventilating and looking around the room. She whips her head at me and immediately tackled me. She then sobs heavily as I'm still processing what's going on.

Brenton:*comforts* Hey,I'm here. You're not alone. No one will hurt you. It's going to be ok.

Bridgett calms down to a whimper. I rub her back and pat her head to help comfort her.

She must've had a nightmare.


Bridgett only nods as more tears fall from her eyes.

Brenton:*gently cups her cheeks* Can you tell me? | Bridgett:*sniffs* It's-It's about you. Dieing... | Brenton:It would take a lot of effort to take me down,love. | Bridgett:Bu-But,I was the one that ki--that killed you! You--(short quick breath)--You were Sanitized like the--the--the Octolings!

I quietly sigh as I contemplate what to do. I close my eyes as I made up my decision.

Bridgett:Brenton? | Brenton:Now,look. I'm going to show you something that is very secretive,and I will,and only show it to you and no one else,ok? | Bridgett:O-Ok...What is it? | Brenton:Will you promise to not freak out? | Bridgett:I promise...

I gently separate her and get my shirt off. I blush immediately but Bridgett blushed harder.


I close I eyes as I trace back to my family's power and summon the one thing that makes us powerful in the air. Pain erupts from my back as I feel two appendages growing from my shoulder plates.


The two appendages finished growing and making the necessary fibers to make who I am. A Draconazha...I look at Bridgett as she looks between my wings and me. I grab my shirt and put it back on as I make my wings disappear and reappear.

Brenton:I'm not from this world,or rather,not from this dimension. | Bridgett:Then... | Brenton:I'm still the same guy you found on the ground with white tentacles and got stuck to a wall after my first super jump,Bridgett. I'm just a little more than what people can chew. | Bridgett:What are you...? | Brenton:I'm a Draconazha. I'm part Dragon. | Bridgett:Can...Can I touch your wings? | Brenton:Of course...

I slowly bring one of my wings to her lap and she carefully touches it.

Brenton:*smiles* I will never hurt you,Bridgett.

Bridgett looks at me and shyly nods. She touch my wing gently and noticed how warm it is.

Bridgett:So...these wings...does that mean you can fly? | Brenton:Yeah. | Bridgett:Wow...I wish I can fly... | Brenton:You can...once were out of here. | Bridgett:Really?! | Brenton:Of course.

I lay back down on my bed and pat the space next to me.

Brenton:Let's go back to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. | Bridgett:*wipes her last tear* Ok...

She slowly lays down beside me and stares into my eyes. I smile gently as I kiss her forehead and scoot closer to her. She blushes as she relaxes and give me a soft peck on my lips. I hold her hand as I tiredly smile at her and went to sleep.

--The Next Morning,Bridgett's POV--

I wake up and noticed Brenton still sleeping. I don't really know him much personally,and yet I've fallen in love at him because he protects and teaches me about stuff. I want to know more about him,like,what's his favorite color and stuff.

I start to sweat as it was warmer than it was yesterday. I pick up my Octoling clothes and was about to change where I am right now,but I remember what Brenton said before when I did that. So I head to the bathroom and change in there. I get back out and it's so good wearing my old clothes again. I head back to Brenton and slowly lay on top of his body again. I feel so safe around him,even after the nightmare last night. He says that he is part Dragon,so does that mean that he can't die? I hope not...

I hear Brenton grumble in his sleep as he wraps his arms around my waist. He's so cute when he sleeps! I want to stay like this forever...

I see Brenton slowly opening his eyes and immediately fell on my bright green eyes.

Brenton:*soft* Morning! | Bridgett:*snuggles* Morning,Brenton! | Brenton:Are you back to your old clothes? | Bridgett:Yeah... | Brenton:That explains your exposed back.

He then slowly trace his finger on my back,tickling me.

Bridgett:*giggling* You do that more,and we're gonna have a fight,Brenton. | Brenton:Oh,you're challenging me? | Bridgett:I am!

We then enter a wrestle,trying to tickle each other until they can't handle it no more. Unfortunately,that was me. (:p)

Bridgett:Ok,ok! Brenton! (laughs) Stop! I give up! (loud laughter)

Brenton stops as he smiles at me as I take a breather. He was on top and I was left breathless beneath him. 

Brenton:*gets to his trench coat,immediately* Alright,enough rough-housing,let's go.

--Brenton's POV--

Holy shit,I would never thought I would be in that position ever in my life.

I look back at Bridgett as she sits up and looks at me while moving a tentacle out of her face with a closed-eye smile.

So beautiful...

Bridgett:*notices something* Hm? Brenton? Your nose? | Brenton:Hm?

I wipe my nose and notice my ink staining my thumb. Did I just have a nosebleed?

Brenton:Oh,you're so beautiful that you're making my nosebleed. | Bridgett:Is it bad?! | Brenton:No! No,of course not! It just shows how stunning you are.

Bridgett blushes and hide her face with her hands as she crash into our bed. I take off my trench coat as I notice it was warmer. No wonder she was back to her normal clothes.

Bridgett:*passes me still blushing* Ok,we should go by now,r-right? | Brenton:*smiles,then holds her hand* Yeah,let's go.

We walk to the Central Station as Bridgett's blush can't go away.

Bridgett:Um...Why are you holding my hand,Brenton? | Brenton:*brings her hand up and kisses it* It's what couples do when they go out. It shows that we're together.

She smiles as she intertwine our fingers while the train arrives. We get in the train and Bridgett picks the test station.

Bridgett:Brenton? | Brenton:Hm? | Bridgett:What's your favorite color? | Brenton:Black,green,and gray. What's yours? | Bridgett:I like purple! | Bridgett:Other than the food we eat now,what's your favorite food? | Brenton:Oh,I see now. Well,anything that is meat. | Bridgett:What about vegetables? | Brenton:What are those? | Bridgett:You don't know? | Brenton:*chuckles*Just being sarcastic. I don't like vegetables at all. I got it from my father.

Bridgett:Hm. What makes you angry? | Brenton:Hm...Good question...Not much makes me angry,really...For you,its those 8-ball tests that you hate. | Bridgett:Don't remind me. What brings a smile to your face? | Brenton:*kisses her check* You do,Bridgett. | Bridgett:*leans her head on his shoulder* Me too... | Brenton:My turn. Which is more important? Truth or happiness? | Bridgett:Umm...I think happiness... | Brenton:Ok. For me,I think truth is more important.

Bridgett:If you could change anything about yourself,what would it be? | Brenton:Hm...I wish I could lie a lot less. | Bridgett:Really? | Brenton:Yeah,I'm a good liar. That's both a good and bad thing. But even with you,there are some things that I lied until you first kissed me. | Bridgett:Wow... | Brenton:If you were to have a superpower,what would it be? | Bridgett:Like yours,Brenton! | Brenton:Why? | Bridgett:So I can fly!

We both laugh as the train arrives at the test station. We get on the equipper and our options popped up. The E-liter 4k scope,the E-liter without the scope,or the Splat Charger. I pick the E-liter 4k while Brenton picks the Splat Charger.

Brenton:Old Reliable. | C.Q. Cumber: Please use the 8-balls to turn on the seven switches. | Bridgett:I'll go first this time! | Brenton:Alright,then. Watch your ink.

I pass the test fee and super jump to the first area.

Pearl:Turn on seven switches...With limited ink? Is that even possible?! | Cuttlefish:Think carefully about where the ball is going to end up and aim each shot precisely! | Marina:It might be helpful to bounce the 8-balls off the walls! | Brenton:Kinda like a game of billiards.

I charge up my first shot and shoot the first 8-ball through the first switch.

Brenton:Bridgett,there's an ink tank to your right. Refill your tank when you get low. | Bridgett:Got it,thanks Brenton! | Brenton:Anytime.

I charge my second shot and shoot another 8-ball through two switches while another ball was pushed to another switch..

Bridgett:Yes! | Brenton:Nice shot.

I move to another position and shoot another ball through a switch. That's six outta seven switches. Too bad that none of the balls are positioned to get the one that has ramps leading to it.

Brenton:Tap the ball on the left,then once it's almost in position,go for the shot. | Bridgett:Ok!

I tap on the trigger and send the ball into the perfect position. I then grab the ink refill and shoot the ball into the last switch,passing the test.


I super jump back to the equipper and get my mem cake.

--Later,Brenton's POV--

I charge one last shot and shoot the last 8-ball into the last switch. Test Passed. I super jump back and get my mem cake. While I was waiting for Bridgett to finish her turn first,I was calculating lots of math in my head to see if we can do finish it on her time,and we did.

We get in the train and I pick the next station. Bridgett leans her head on my shoulder as we held hands again. I start to hum a song that I know as we wait. I relax my body and cross my legs as Bridgett lays her head on my lap. I grab my phone get to the camera. I simply smile as Bridgett sticks her tongue out,do a peace sign,and close one eye.

The train arrives at the station and we head to the equipper. There was only one option,which is the Splat Charger.

C.Q. Cumber: Beware of rotating platforms and search for graplinks.

That's it?

Brenton:I'll go first this time. | Bridgett:Ok!

I pass the test fee and head to the starting point. I walk to the ledge and see that there's no ground to walk on.

Brenton:*whines* Don't tell me more invisible platforms... | Pearl:Brenton! There's a lift down below! | Brenton:*looks down* Oh.

I jump down and land on the rotating platform.

Marina:It looks like you need to spin the propeller to proceed!

The propeller floated in mid air as I still question how the laws of physics works in this dimension. I shoot the propeller with a charged shot and the platform I'm on starts moving. It soon comes to a stop,so I keep shooting the propeller until I was next to the second area.

Cuttlefish:Grapplink spotted!

I take a shot at the graplink and my body was pulled toward it,then I drop to a checkpoint and an Octarian next to me. I take the Octarian out and noticed two switches on a wall far from me. I try to take a shot at them but I was too far.

Pearl:Look down again,Brenton! | Brenton:Oh ok.

There was another platform with a propeller. So I shoot the propeller to bring the platfrom closer to I was and I jumped down. I take a shot at the two switches and the gate in front of me opened. Immediately,there was a graplink,so I shot it and get to the next area. I see a launchpad,so I get on it and super jump to the next area.

I look down again and see another platform with a propeller. I check what's in front of me,and there was four Octarians on some iron bars. I jump down to the platform and start shooting the propeller.

Marina:Looks like you're supposed to climb up there.

Suddenly the platform start going up and it caught me off guard. I slipped on my ink and almost fell if I didn't get into my squid form. I immediately swam up and get my bearings. I ignore the Octarians and continue shooting the propeller with charged shots.

After getting to the top,the platform goes left then forward,then going down,then go forward again. A sniper spawned and took a shot at me. I dodge his shot and return fire,splatting him.

Marina:The gate is open!

I notice a graplink and the goal on the platform its on.


I shoot the graplink and get to the goal. I fix the goal and passed the test. I super jump back to the equipper and get my mem cake.

Bridgett:Sooooo? | Brenton:There's platforms below every checkpoint with a propeller. You shoot at it and the platform moves as well. The next checkpoints have graplinks so you can reach them. Before you hit the goal,there's a sniper that you have to splat before you can finish it. | Bridgett:Got it!

Bridgett heads to the turnstyle and pays the test fee. I lean on the train as I see the numerous graffiti on it. I dig around my pockets and see the numerous mem cakes I have collected throughout my time here. In no time,Bridgett came back and get her mem cake.

I head back inside the train as Bridgett follows behind me. Bridgett picks the next station and sits on my lap again.

Bridgett:*whisper* Can you bring out your wings? | Brenton:No,I can't. It's a very secretive thing,and I trust that you keep it between us,ok? | Bridgett:Ok. Why though? | Brenton:Everyone will question about me,and eventually they'll hunt me down. | Bridgett:So...since you trust me...you'll only show it when we're alone? | Brenton:That,and if I have to. | Bridgett:Ok!

I wrap my arms around her and hug. Bridgett giggles as she grasp my hands and blushes.

The train arrives at the next station and we head out. We get on the equipper and see 3 options of sub weapons. The Splat Bomb,the Burst Bomb,or the Curling Bomb. I look at the objective and it says defend the orb. I pick the burst bomb while Bridgett picks the Splat bomb.

C.Q. Cumber:Please defend the orb. | Brenton:*stretches* Should be easy for both of us. | Bridgett:Yeah!

Thankfully there are two turnstyles,so we payed the test fee and we both flip to the starting point.

Cuttlefish:Ahoy! Looks like the bud guys are ready and waiting for you. | Brenton:How...humble,I guess...

In front of us were nine cans,each with a primary weapon in it.

Cuttlefish:Choose the main weapon that you trust yourself with the most. | Bridgett:I'm getting the roller! | Brenton:I'll get the....duelies.

We super jump to the area where the orb is and see more cans,but they have specials in it.

Pearl:Yeah,take 'em all down! | Marina:Protecting the orb is priority one! | Brenton:*throws a suitcase to Bridgett* Bridgett,take the armor. You'll be frontline,I'll protect the orb and give support. | Bridgett:You got it!

Bridgett goes forward and one of the Sanitized Octolings jumped down and start attacking her. She easily splat them and two more Sanitized jumped down. I threw two bombs to separate them and get injure them. Bridgett nods at me as I run toward the other Sanitized and dodge their shots. Once I was close enough,I start shooting as I cartwheel out of their splat bomb's range and splat them.

I ran back to the orb and see that now there are several Sanitized in the field. I holster my duelies and climb up a wall to get one of the cans with a special in it.

Pearl:You're not done yet,hang tough!

A surge of power flowed through my power as I feel my ink jumping between my tentacles. I smirk as a line of Splat bombs appeared on my arms. I threw all the bombs around the orb and more Splat bombs appeared,so I threw more around the arena. They all exploded in succession and splat the remaining Sanitized Octolings that Bridgett didn't splat yet.

Bridgett:Ha Ha Ha Ha! Yes! That was so cool,Brenton! | Brenton:All in a days work. Test Passed. | Bridgett:*raises her arms to the sky* Yeah!

We super jump back to the equipper and get our mem cakes. Not before I snatch Bridgett's mem cake and raising it high into the air. Bridgett tries to get it back but she's too short. I chuckle as I gave it back to her but she jumped on me. We fell down as she gives me a kiss.

C.Q. Cumber:You two are a force not to be reckoned with,and I see that the two of you have grown close.

Bridgett notices C.Q. Cumber right there and embarrassingly gets up as I give her mem cake back. She giggles as she help me up and we both head back to the train. Bridgett picks the next station as I rummage through my pockets until I get to my back pocket. I feel through my back pocket and realized that it was that butterfly knife that I found in that room.

I get the knife out and start doing tricks with it.

Still got it.

Bridgett:*notices me* What'chu got,Brenton? | Brenton:It's called a butterfly knife. | Bridgett:Knife? Like,what you use in a kitchen,knife? | Brenton:No. It's a self defense knife. I'm just doing tricks to pass the time. | Bridgett:Can I try? | Brenton:*gives her the knife* You can hold it,but don't play with it. | Bridgett:Then why were you doing tricks? | Brenton:Because I know how to do 'em. If you try and do it yourself,you're gonna cut your finger off,literally. | Bridgett:Oh...

Yeah,since we don't have any bones,I think the knife will cut through our bodies like butter.

We arrive the next test station and head out again. We get on the equipper and the only option was the Inkjet. We select it as we notice one turnstyle.

Brenton:We've been encountering a lot of test with just one turnstyle today. | Bridgett:Yeah. Well,I guess that's fair,because most of these tests will be easy if they got two people helping each other. | Brenton:Hm,yeah,I guess so. That would make the tests much easier and less challenging. I'll go first.

I pay the test fee and dash to the first point. I feel the Inkjet latching unto my back and propelling me into the air.

Marina:Press the button on your left to float up a bit!

I look to my left and noticed the button Marina was talking about and pressed it. The Inkjet nudged upward.

Brenton:*sarcastic* Wow,ok,really useful,thanks Marina. | Marina:No problem!

I roll my eyes as I fly to the next area and splat a couple Octarians on the way. There was boxes around me so I start destroying them,until one of them has an Inkrail. I turn into my squidform and drop to the Inkrail. I ride through the rail until I get to the next platform and go back to my human form.

I noticed more Octarians on boxes,so I easily took them out as I approach a grate that was a platform. I start to descend as the Inkjet can get propelled on the grate platform. Luckily,I was still in human form so I can walk and jump to the next solid platform. I activate a checkpoint and ride on the Inkrail right next to me.

Pearl:Shoot from the Inkrails!

I simply jump out of the Inkrails and destroyed these little dog thingies on the ground as they were circling each other. I hear a ding and some platforms rise from the abyss that leads to the next area. I get to the next area and activated another checkpoint.

The next area has some ink sticks that act kinda like lasers. I simply maneuvered  over and under some and boost to the next area. The next area has some grates as the platforms and some Octarians shooting ink at me. I first take out the Octarians and then jump between the platforms as the Inkjet can only boost me into the air. I get to the next checkpoint and see the goal up ahead.

I notice some dash tracks that lead to the goal but the last dash track is too far from the platform.

I can just boost in the air with the Inkjet.

I go into my squid form and jump from one dash track to the other until I reach the last one.

Pearl:Now boost!

I quickly turn into my human form and boost up into the air and land into the next area.

Cuttlefish:Whew,my heart's pounding!

Two sniper spawned into reality and aimed their ink guns at me. Two more Octocommanders spawned in as well and started shooting. I quickly get into cover as I wait for them to calm down. They stop shooting and I immediately come out of cover and shoot them down. As I splat them,a ding was heard and another Inkrail appeared that leads to the goal. I ride on the rail and head to the goal. Test Passed.

I super jump back to the equipper and get my mem cake.

Bridgett:That took you a while. | Brenton:Yeah,just take your time. | Bridgett:That's all? | Brenton:Yeah.

I sit down against the wall as I start doing tricks with the butterfly knife,waiting for Bridgett. After five minutes of doing tricks with the butterfly knife,Bridgett comes back and get her mem cake. I made a trip on the last trick and accidentally cut my cheek.

Brenton:Ow. | Bridgett:Ah! Brenton,you're bleeding! | Brenton:*raising a finger up* Wait a moment please.

A moment passed and the cut was healed quickly.

Brenton:Alright,let's go back to our room. I'm tired. | Bridgett:Ok,let's go!

We head back to the Central Station and then to the hotel. We get to our room as I take off my shirt and threw it to a hook. Bridgett blushes as I crash into the bed and relax.

Brenton:It's starting to get hot,so until it gets colder,I'll be sleeping shirtless. | Bridgett:*blushes* O-Ok,not that--not that I mind...What about me? | Brenton:You've already have enough skin exposed.

I close my eyes and get to sleep. I feel Bridgett climbing on my body again and wraps her arms around my body.

Bridgett:You feel so nice,Brenton... | Brenton:*kisses her* You're too adorable,Bridgett. (Bridgett returns the kissGoodnight...

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