Dragon's Khu'meir {COMPLETE}

بواسطة CaraAisling

24.8K 1.7K 90

After a disastrous climb up Half Dome in Yosemite, California -Eoin finds himself taken to a different world... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Three

534 52 4
بواسطة CaraAisling

"Hathier, Hathos. It is wonderful you came by," Nakiirn said as he sat up more in bed. Orion didn't answer as he was far too busy cooing at the babies that had tackled him. Dakoya moved to sit next to Orion so that he could offer the plate of food to our children. It took little coaxing for each hungry mouth to start eating. Orion even assisted as he took a piece or cooked meat between his fingers and handed them out to each baby.

I watched in awe as each baby sat perfectly still on their hunches awaiting their turn for a morsel of meat from Orion. Since hatching, it was the most calm I'd seen them -when they weren't sleeping anyway. Though even that seemed to have it's own adventures as I recalled saving Narien from falling off the bed.

Natirien came over to stand next to Nakiirn and gave his son a smile. "I didn't think this day would come." Nakiirn huffed but didn't say anything in return. And did I just see him rolling his eyes? Must be my imagination. Natirien gave a soft laugh and continued. "Please forgive me for not coming sooner. I wish I could have seen the eggs. Though, Orion told me they were beautiful. Unfortunately, I was kept by war meetings."

"War?" Nakiirn asked, looking up at his draconic father. Alarm pulsed through him, and thus- through me.

"Nothing to worry yourself over too much, my son. But, eventually we will need to speak of these matters. For now, the group of dragon's I've sent to deal with the upstarts will be enough," Natirien concluded. Nakiirn didn't seem convinced as I could still feel his uncertainty. At least it wasn't as strong though.

All the while I had been watching our little ones eat, I had also been listening. And Nakiirn's uncertainty had me worried. Of course, I didn't know much about it all, but it did still have me worried regardless. Though my worry was probably more for what would happen if the palace got attacked than if an actual war were to break out. I tried not to think about it however as not to let my worry get to Nakiirn, I didn't want him to feel it through me. Not when he already felt uneasy about what Natirien had said.

"Is it getting worse?" I asked as I looked to where Natirien stood with Nakiirn still sitting on the bed.

Natirien frowned, his gaze shifting away from me to focus on the baby dragons that were still enjoying their meal. He gave a very slight nod just before he answered. "It is. Those that oppose the decree I set in motion many years ago have grown in number and they're taking bolder steps against us. Sometimes I wonder..."

Silence fell as Natirien's words trailed off and he shook his head. Nakiirn frowned as he looked at his father and I looked between them. "What is it, Hathos?"

Natirien looked to his son then sighed heavily. Running a hand through his long black hair he closed his eyes as he answered. "I wonder if I made a mistake in issuing that decree. Cutting us off from our true forms."

"You made the right choice," Orion said as he gave another piece of meat to Namor. "Had you not done so, the war would have continued drastically with the other races and there would be none left. All dragons would have been in danger and considered tyrants. Those pushed into a corner are the ones to be wary of. They would have come up with something far more devastating than your god-like powers."

"Hatheir is right, Hathos," Nakiirn said.

Natirien simply shook his head. "Maybe. But it still feels like I missed something along the way."

"Well, by the sound of it you did the right thing. I know that I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, but I'm sure that there wouldn't be much left of this world had you not done it." I said as I smiled up at Natirien. Looking back at our babies as they fought over the little bits left on the plate, I added. "If I may, you are only one person, and mistakes always happen. So even if you missed something, it definitely wasn't your fault... Namor!" I called his name as I caught him snatching a piece of meat away from Nasaika.

Namor squeaked and flatted himself on the bed as he flipped around to look at me. Nakiirn's soft chuckle gave our small black dragon-child some courage as he slowly scooted toward me, his large dark blue eyes looking up at me almost as if to plead his innocence. I picked him up and pulled him close to me, humming softly.

"Your confidence in my decisions is heartwarming, thank you Eoin," Natirien said, giving me a small smile.

"It may be a stretch, Hathos, but perhaps we could enlist the help of the other kingdoms," Nakiirn offered.

Natirien frowned as he contemplated his son's words. "That is a stretch. I know that Zeflyae will not; and I of course have no intentions of asking them. But perhaps our elven King could be of some assistance. We would need detailed plans in order to approach them properly."

It sounded like there was going to be a lot of planning, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to be a part of that. Not with the new little ones we had to look after. Though the thought of going to see the elves did seem really intriguing.

"Where should we start?" I asked, watching Dakoya take the empty plate away from the dragons. Orion didn't move, however, as he had Nakaya climbing onto his lap and curling into a ball. I smiled at her as she yawned and seemed to fall straight asleep. Nasaika joined her and was soon fast asleep as well.

"At the war table," Nakiirn answered. "We'll need detailed plans. And we'll need to be caught up in what's happened during my absence."

"Take your time. Your children are far more important. Perhaps in a week we can address the situation. Pray that nothing drastic happens within that time. I have the utmost faith in the warriors who have been the driving force behind our retaliation against the rebelling clans. Yet, we cannot ignore the possibility of unforeseen losses," Natirien said.

I nodded and glanced over to Nakiirn. I hoped for the same, but worried at the same time. Looking back at our dragon's, some of them had not gone to sleep. Do you think we could take the children outside? I need some fresh air, and you definitely need it. I had gotten rather good at talking with Nakiirn in my mind. It made me smile because it was nice how easy it had become to do so. And even though most of the children were asleep, I was sure they would love it.

That sounds wonderful, Khu'meir, Nakiirn answered. I should at least bathe in my pool, he added.

"Yes, good idea." I said to Natirien as I got up and looked over to Orion, "Do you mind if I take them back? We are going to take them outside. I could do with the fresh air, and I'm sure they would just love to see Daddies pool." I told him with a grin on my lips.

There was a cacophony of chirps from the dragons at the mention of a pool. Orion smiled as he shifted and gingerly placed the babies who had climbed up on his lap onto the bed. He stood then. "Of course. I have little to do today, perhaps I can join you? At least for a little while."

"As you wish, Khu'meir," Natirien said to Orion as he started for the door. "I should return to the throne room. There is still much work to be done. I'm grateful I was able to get at least this much time with all of you."

"Thank you, Hathos," Nakiirn said as he slowly began to get out of bed. Natirien gave his son a short nod before he left the room, his voice soft as he spoke with the guards that had waited outside.

"I'll go with," Dakoya offered as he brushed off his hands from handling the food a bit ago.

Nakiirn smiled. "Thank you Dakoya."

I smiled brightly as I picked up the two sleeping ones and passed them to Nakiirn. Namor was still with me as I managed to grab a struggling Natsu and had him perched on my shoulder. Natari climbed up my arm as I had picked up Natsu and Nakiirn had Narien already with him.

Dakoya led the way and with Orion following us as well, we made our way over to the pools. Along the way, I noticed every dragon we passed gave a small bow. It had confused me why, because I hadn't remembered it happening before. But Nakiirn had told me it was to honor our new children. I supposed that made sense, but it was still a little strange to see.

As we arrived at the pools, I placed down the ones I was holding, but Namor refused to let go so only Natsu and Natari made it to the floor. Nakiirn stepped forward and slowly lowered himself into the pool as he balanced the other three little ones precariously. Nakaya, Nasaika, and Narien clambered around Nakiirn's shoulders as he moved deeper into the water. They squeaked many times as Nakiirn moved the deep blue waters up across his bare torso and chest in small handfuls. It was so adorable to watch and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me.

There was a sudden splash and as I looked to where it had come from, I saw Natsu sputtering around. I knelt down and helped him back to the side where he climbed into the rocks. Natari was slowly dipping his paw into the water and also decided to take a dive. But just as Natsu had done, Natari splashed around and I had to save him, pulling him back to the edge and onto the rocks.

"They seem so eager." I gave a soft laugh, then looked back to Nakiirn, "How are the girls?" I asked him as I felt Namor move a little from where he was.

"Fine," Nakiirn answered. He had seated himself against the edge of the pool and between his arms he had created a small swimming area for the girls. Nakaya was splashing the small puddle he'd created against his torso and arms. Nasaika looked irritated she kept getting splashed in the face and Narien was sniffing the pool of water from Nakiirn's arm.

I got into the pool as well and received a loud squeal from Namor as he clung tightly to my neck. The two boys by the edge jumped onto my shoulders and from there dived into the water. They both swam over to their father and joined Nakaya as she swam around. I was still in awe as I watched them, and I couldn't remember the last time I had been so much in love as I was then. And it wasn't just for the children. As I watched Nakiirn with our little ones, he somehow seemed more beautiful than I had ever seen him before.

As I glanced back, I saw Orion had seated himself at the edge with Dakoya standing just behind him. Orion seemed somewhat entranced as he watched us. It felt nice to see how happy he was, and kind of funny at the same time. It was almost as if we were both as bad as the other. My happiness was still as high as it could go, and Orion didn't seem far behind me. I laughed softly as I turned to Dakoya.

"Hey! Thanks for helping me with the names. And keeping me company. It was nice," I told him with a smile on my face. I had really appreciated him being with us. It had made the time I spent without Nakiirn more durable. Though he had only been knocked out on the bed, it was still nice that I was able to talk to Dakoya, otherwise I would have gone crazy.

Dakoya looked away, that familiar blush creeping across his face. He rubbed at his cheek as he stuttered out his words. "You're welcome..."

I nodded and turned back to Nakiirn who had his eyes closed. The sudden splash had me wondering what had just happened. Then a clicking squeak told me what had just happened. Namor had pushed Nasaika into the water from Nakiirn's chest and for a moment it almost seemed like I could hear him laughing.

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