Torn Between Sisters

By MysteryAnakay

7.2K 174 13

Rename from My Sister fiancé Amara was on top of the world, engaged to Anthony Blake, the charming billionai... More

Meeting My Sister Fiancé
Hell No
A Day With Blake Part 1
A Day With Blake Part 2
He's Mine Not yours part1
He's Mine Not Yours part 2
He remember He rember Not
Thank You
Thank You


491 12 0
By MysteryAnakay

Its about to get a little heated,

Amari woke up to the bright sunlight hitting her face she smiled then roll over she pouted she sat up and strength a little she look around the room for Anthony .

He walk in the room with a tray in his hands and smiled sweetly at her.

"Good morning beautiful", he kissed her.

"Good morning handsome" she laughed and started eating, they ate in silence enjoying each other company.

"So I have good news and bad newswhich one you want first" he asked he put the tray on the night stand.

"Ahh how about good news" she sat up looking at him.

"I'm a give you the bad news first so I-"," why if your going to make the decision for me she cut him off and pouted she did that alot around him.

"Would you let me speak or what so as I was saying I have to leave tonight ", he pause and look at her , her hole expression change he waited on her to respond but she didn't all she was thinking was how she's going to all alone for the rest of months she Wasn't mad at him she knew he would be leaving soon but not this soon.

She climbed onto his lap and lay her head on his chest she wanted to cry because she didn't want him to leave.

"Look I know it too soon but I have to leave tonight, I don't want to you all alone here and going to miss you alot", he kissed the top of her head she just nod her head afraid to speak she would cry and minute now.

They stated in the same position for a while just enjoying each other company."So the good news is that I want to take you out tonight".

"Do you have to go", she spoke softly she turn around and look at him.

"Yea I'm sorry baby but I but this meeting off too many time plus these months coming up is going to be busy".

"Fine" she got up out of the bed and walk into the bathroom and cried she didn't understand these emotions she been having she love him she wanted to tell him that, but she was so scared that if he leaves he forget about her and move on although it been 9 months since they been dating but she felt as if they knew each other all there lives.

"Mar are you ok" he knock on the door.

She took sometime to answer "I'm fine I'm just have a shower I'll be out in a few.

While she was in the bathroom he made an appointment at Exclusive and got dress.

She walk out of the bathroom in a towel wrap around her she tried to walk around him but he held her around her waist and push her against the door.

"I'm trying to get ready here",she avoided eye contact she loved messing with him.

"Look at me Mar" his voice sound raspy she found it very sexy.

She wanted to look she really did she look at the floor let's play a game she thought .

"Amara", he spoke in her ears and softly bit her ears it sent shivers down her spines she was getting turn on, she pushed him back, he look at her surprise by her action but went along with it he knew her like the back of his hand.

"I'm leaving",he turn his back to leave, she quickly said something.

"I don't love you no more",she was surprise at what she said even Anthony he look at her as if he was heart broken, she felt really bad for saying she walk up to him and hugged him, he smiled he really trick her. She jump into his arms and started to kiss him, he kissed back as she played in his hair.


"Hmmm" she responded as he started kissing down her neck and biting it softly her hole body was on fire.

"Be ready by six" he stop and look at her smirking she closely open her eyes why he suddenly stop.

"Why you stop" she look up at him since he was taller.

"Got to go bae", he kissed her one last time but she deepened the kiss kissing him passionately the towel slow fell on the floor put she didn't care Anthony pull her slowly to his body kissing on her neck she wrap her legs around his waist.

"Your going to be late",said Anthony as he pull back.

"I don't care they can wait" she continued to kiss him he laid her on the bed she look atvthe clock beside the door she was 15minutes late her eyes wide in shock she stop kissing him.

"I'm late", she hurriedly ran into the closest and but on her black high waist pants, a white crop top and a white heels.

"It's all your fault Anthony" she spoke as she took up her handbag and makeup kit.

"How it's my fault", he chuckled at her while he fix his clothes.

"Because, because you kiss me and then it got heated an now I'm late the bride must be going crazy".

He stop and look at her shaking his head at how she was blaming him for being late this woman will be the death of me he chuckled at the thought. "Hurry up I'll drop you off".

She look at her self in the mirror no time for doing her hair and makeup she took up a elastic band and a comb and ran down the stairs to the car.

"Thanks babe", she lean in to kiss him but he never kissed back, he stared at her.

"What have I done know", she sighs in frustration, he gave her a look she knew that look.

"I'm sorry babe I promise I'll try not to be blamed you ever again but it was still your fault", she smiled at him he leand in and kiss her even though she still blamed him, finally she thought it was like she could never get enough of him.

"See you later" he watch her until she was in the building.

Amara ran into the room and started apologising immediately.

"Here's a revised version that emphasizes the strong connection between Amara and Blake while enhancing the dialogue and emotional depth:


"Erica, I'm so, so sorry I'm late!" Amara exclaimed as she entered. She stopped short when she saw Erica laughing.

"Amara, calm down—you're actually early," Erica said, pointing to the clock that read 10:00 a.m.

"But you said 9:30 a.m.," Amara sighed, confused.

"I said 9:30 because I knew you'd be late. It's like whenever you're around that 'guy,' you forget about everything!"

Amara blushed, embarrassment washing over her. *God, I need to keep track of time,* she thought.

"Let's get started," Erica said, smirking.

"Are you going to tell me about the mystery man you're keeping to yourself?"

"One day, I promise," Amara replied, avoiding eye contact.

Erica stopped her, holding her hands tightly. "As long as he makes you happy, that's all I care about. And from the looks of it..." she pointed to the purple mark on Amara's neck, "I'd say he does."

Amara couldn't help but laugh as she cursed while applying makeup to cover the marks.


Later, Amara walked lazily into the house, totally exhausted. She glanced at her phone: 5:00 p.m. That meant she only had one hour to get ready.

Entering her room, she spotted a beautiful red dress laid out on the bed. As she picked it up, her phone buzzed with a message from Blake.

*My babe: Hey beautiful! I know you're probably exhausted from work, so take your time getting ready. I hope you like the dress. When I saw it in the store, you were the first person who popped into my mind. Get ready and look sexy for me. I'll see you in an hour.*

Amara smiled at his words, her heart fluttering. Deciding not to text him back just yet, she turned on some music and happily began to get ready, excitement bubbling within her.

Here's a polished version that enhances the connection between Amara and Anthony while adding more emotion and detail:


It was 6:00 on the dot when Amara finished getting ready. As she walked down the steps, she paused at the sight of Anthony at the bottom, holding a bouquet of roses. He hadn't noticed her yet, and she couldn't help but admire him. He wore a black tuxedo that hugged his frame perfectly, his curly hair falling just right, and the gleam of his Rolex added to his allure. *Wow, he looks incredible,* she thought.

Anthony glanced at his watch, then looked up the steps, his eyes widening as he took her in. She wore a stunning red off-the-shoulder mermaid dress that hugged her curves beautifully. Her makeup was natural, just how she liked it, and her hair cascaded straight down to her waist. Diamond earrings and a matching necklace sparkled against her skin, making her look even more radiant.

Once she reached the bottom of the steps, she smiled at him.

"Babe, you look so handsome and sexy! Did you get all dressed up for little old me?" she teased, leaning in to kiss him.

He was momentarily speechless, taking in her beauty. Finally, he managed to reply, "Babe, you look so fucking gorgeous." He kissed her gently on the temple, then locked eyes with her. "These are for you," he said, handing her the flowers.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, feeling tears well up in her eyes, though she held them back. She kissed him again, savoring the moment. "Let me put these up, and then we can go."


After a delightful dinner, they returned to the limousine. Amara expected they were heading home, but Anthony had a surprise in store. He blindfolded her gently.

"Babe, that's too tight! My eyes are already hurting," she complained.

"Because you cried too much," he teased, kissing her hands.

"It's not my fault—I get emotional around you!"

"Then it's my fault," he replied, chuckling.

"Are we there yet?" she asked eagerly.

"Three more minutes," he whispered close to her lips. She took this as an invitation and leaned in to kiss him.

He pulled back, laughing. "You're always stealing kisses."

"So?" she grinned, playfully.

"Boss, we're here," the driver announced.

"Thank you, Dante," Anthony said as he opened the door.

"Thank you, Dante," Amara echoed, stepping out of the car, her heart racing with anticipation for what was next.

"Babe please don't make me fall",she laughed.

"You won't she held on his hands tightly".

Anthony caried her bridal style as he was up the steps it was not a lot of people out which was good she slowly put her down and took off the blind fold.

Here's a revised version that heightens the emotional intensity of the moment:


Amara opened her eyes, and tears immediately filled them as she realized where she was—the Eiffel Tower. She turned around and gasped. There was Anthony, down on one knee, holding a sparkling diamond ring. The moment was surreal, overwhelming her with a flood of emotions. She had always dreamed of this moment, and now it was happening.

"Amara Susanne Miles," he began, his voice steady despite the emotion. "You're the one I want to wake up to every morning. You're the first person I want to see and the last before I sleep. I never thought I would find someone who could melt my frozen heart. Your smile brightens my day; you give me hope. You make me feel things I've never felt before. I love you, and only you. You're the only person I want to grow old with. Will you make me the luckiest man in the world and be my wife?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried, her heart bursting with joy. She rushed forward and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. She had never felt this kind of happiness before—it was like stepping into a romance novel she had always read.

"I love you," she sobbed, her makeup smudging, but she didn't care. All that mattered was being with the man she loved.

He slid the ring onto her finger, and it fit perfectly. She kissed him passionately, a moment of pure bliss. As reality crept back in, she knew he had early meetings to attend, but they were in their own world, where nothing else mattered.

They were at the airport know and Amara was crying like a baby now not wanting Anthony to go, she finally let him go her eyes were now blood shoot red and swollen.

"Call me every chance you get", she hugged him for the final time.

"I will, take care love" he kissed her the walk in his private jet.


Hours later it was 6 in the night Anthony was tired but he had an important meeting today he was driving his Ferrari to work put a heavy equipment truck was driving full speed the driver was drunk the sign turn red for stop but he wasn't paying attention so he continued and tge truck hit.Anthony car and another car cause them to rollover 2 times.
Amara was home sleeping until she got a called.

"Girl turn on your tv on channel 9 asap" spoke her assistant.

Not wanting to argue she walk for her remote and turn on the tv she saw the news.

"What is this about Key".

Then she saw it she wasn't hearing what Key was saying "OUR WELL KNOWN BILLIONAIRE ANTHONY BLACKE WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT DOCTOR SAY'S HE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT", she stood her spot it was like she was numb I just saw him few hours ago she thought she felt light head then she fell down the last thing she said was Anthony.

"Amara, Mar ,Mara"Key called.


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