Death By Dawn

By AlreadyWritten1

1.1K 200 182

Survive Amongst The Dead...Or Become One... ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ W... More

➽Chapter 1
➽Chapter 2
➽Chapter 3
➽Chapter 5
➽Chapter 6
➽Chapter 7
➽Chapter 8
➽Chapter 9
➽Chapter 10
➽Chapter 11
➽Chapter 12

➽Chapter 4

101 21 8
By AlreadyWritten1

5 Months Ago

52 Days Before 1st Zombie Case

"Reports suggest that there is a flu-like virus going around. According to West Point Los Sientos Medical Laboratory, symptoms of this novel flu virus include rash, sneezing, dry cough and disorientation. In extreme cases, the symptoms can include vomiting, rapid dehydration and even death. However, on the bright side, Los Sientos Medical Laboratory wishes to advise the public that this is not a cause for panic as this virus has a 95% recovery rate. The public is also urged to practice proper hygiene and to avoid touching their faces. If you are feeling unwell, please remain at home."

The news report played in the background, Alexander barely hearing it, too occupied with making breakfast for his girlfriend and him.

The soothing sizzle of the bacon in the frying pan was like music to the ears, almost calming. The aroma was heavy in the air, intoxicating to that of anyone hungry. Every intricate fiber within the bacon slowly cooking, soon allowed to vanquish the hunger of the joyous couple.

Her arms wrapped slowly around his waist, her lips pressed softly against the tender skin of his neck. Her golden fox hair, glimmering in the beauty of the morning's rays, far exceeded her shoulders, her delicate skin far smoother than the finest silk. 

He turned his head slightly, his gaze falling deep into her ocean eyes, the world becoming a distant memory. She was gorgeous, the most attractive woman he had ever seen and her soul illuminated the world, replacing the sun itself.

He knew he had found true love, the perfect one for him.

Nothing could ever tear them apart...

"Baby I think I'm..."


The darkness that consumed his consciousness slowly faded as light seeped in through the partial opening of his eyes. From behind his blurred vision, he could make out two shadowy figures, their stance strong and disciplined, one equipped with some sort of gun.

A shotgun?

He could feel an intense throbbing in his head but his attempt to comfort it with his touch was negated by a serpent's constriction about his body.

Why can't I move?

"Looks like he's waking up Cap." a deep voice went forth, lashing bitterly against Alexander's ears.

Survivors?? This isn't good!



"He better come to quickly." an even deeper voice emerged, its depths like the ocean. It was laced with a fierce dominance, instilling into Alexander a feeling that he experienced once before...only from the voice of his father.

"We should kill him. Look at the blood on his hand."

"We still don't know if it's Liv's blood. To kill him without confirmation would be irrational Henderson."

"I guess you're right Cap but once we confirm it, I want the kill."

"You mean if we confirm it. Now, wake him up already, but be gentle."

His stomach sank in at the devastating blow, shockwaves permeating throughout his entire body in an instant. From his mouth, blood spouted and his once weighted eyelids flew open without a second to spare. Even after the fist had moved, the feeling persisted, lingering at the site of impact and a few surrounding areas.

"I said be gentle." Cap scolded, his palm connecting with his face as he shook it side to side.

"That was gentle."

"Now, tell me why were you caught lurking around my base?" Cap queried, his arms crossed across his bulging chest which stood proudly. 

His voice was one to be feared, saturated with a high commanding presence. The neatly trimmed ash black hair was a symbol of a discipline inscribed into him over countless years. The darkness deep within his brown eyes told a horrifying story, the very worst of the lessons life had to offer, and so did the innumerable scars on his muscular figure. His height competed with the buildings of modern civilization, his muscles challenging the very strength of Hercules. 

His eyebrows sharply arched upwards.

"I...I was," Alexander started, the pain oppressing his ability to speak fluently, "I was...looking for...s-survivors."

"The blood on your hand, where is it from?"

Alexander observed the room, his eyes skimming over every single detail. From what he could see, it was clear they were in a storehouse, the metallic shelves outstretching their hands to the skies. If not for his unfortunate conviction, this place seemed like heaven, around twenty boxes of canned goods and other supplies brimming with joy. His eyes widened in disbelief at this utopian paradise, seemingly perfect in this now distorted world.


Henderson, almost as if by instinct, raised the shotgun and aimed it at Alexander. His finger tightly wrapped around the trigger, his stance altering to support the recoil of a shot.

Panic arose within Alex, his eyes shaking in terror at the sight of the shotgun's barrel staring into his soul, ready to drag him to the afterlife with little to no remorse. Swallowing became a foreign concept, the feeling of choking increasing and the restriction of his natural reflex to grab his throat only made matters worse. The throbbing became the least of his problems, his heart now pounding against the surface of his chest. 

"Wait," Cap commanded, his right hand's index finger raised, "we don't know if he's been infected. Check him for any open wounds first."


Henderson, at once, lowered his weapon and walked cautiously over to Alexander. From the back pocket of his brown cargo pants, Henderson pulled out a piece of cloth and punched Alexander again, in the exact same spot. Alexander groaned and upon opening his mouth, Henderson stuffed it, a precautionary step to ensure that if Alex was infected, his deadly bite would be rendered useless.

Carefully Henderson loosened some of the ropes that confined Alexander, enough to allow him to search under his clothing. Even if Alexander attempted to escape at this point, not only were his hands and feet still tightly bonded but a powerful foe stood tall before him.

After confirming that he had no bites or scratches, Henderson backed away after removing the cloth from Alex's mouth.

"Seems like you're clean kid. Now, why were you looking for survivors?" Cap took two steps closer now, his enormous figure staring down at Alexander.

What do I say? He probably knows I shot that girl.

Livia was it?

No, Olivia! That's it!

Think fast. Be smart Alex, be smart! 

"I-I'm alone."

"Alone huh? How about you tell the truth now, boy."

He knows.

"I'm b-being h-honest."

The Cap dug his hands into his pocket and from it pulled a pocketknife, flipping it to open it. He then crouched down, forcing himself to the level of Alex. 

The cold steel indented his neck, a small trail of blood trickling down from the spot.

"One last time. Tell. The. Truth. Boy."

The darkness in his eyes magnified immensely, the tone of his voice shifting to something far beyond his already intense tone.

Alexander gulped, the sweat pouring down from his forehead. This man was not someone to play with, he was very well capable of undermining the truth.

"I'm telling the truth. I swear!"

Their eyes conducted a firm handshake, both determined to be the last to look away. Alex could feel the glare burning away his dishonesty, bit by bit demolishing the wall he had tried so hard to erect, tearing away every veil he had used to cover up the truth and breaking open every box that sought desperately to stay shut but with everything he had, he dedicated it all to one task; Do Not Crack.

Cap smiled as he rose up, turning his back to Alex and stepping away.

"Tell me, boy, what is your name?"

Is this a test? This must be a test.

"Kane. My name is Kane."

"Well Kane, how'd you like to be apart of my group?"

Henderson's lips parted, ready to spill out objections but the Cap's eyes intercepted his voice, delivering a stern warning to remain silent.

I vowed to go at it on my own ever since...

But if I refuse he'd know I was lying.

Please forgive me G-

Alexander forced a smile, allowing his body to relax slightly. He raised his head towards the sky, releasing a silent apology. He then lowered his head and took a deep breath, this was his only choice...for now.

"I'd love to."

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