Don't Look Down

By notfenti

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Ellie West has her life all mapped out, but after disappointing news, she's forced to take in the mysterious... More

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character visuals
one: don't look down
two: don't you dare
three: don't you worry
four: don't you have mercy?
five: don't wash your ass
six: don't know what sleep is
seven: don't, get out
eight: don't sound so sure
nine: don't screw on my couch
ten: don't act like you know me
eleven: don't fuck up royally
twelve: don't make me regret it
thirteen: don't miss me too much
fourteen: don't fool yourself
fifteen: don't analyze this
sixteen: don't want you
seventeen: don't need to talk about it
eighteen: don't let the bitch win
ninteen: don't need you to fight my battles
chapter twenty: don't make me horny
twenty-one: don't kiss me again
twenty-two: don't control me
twenty-three: don't cockblock me
twenty-four: don't scream too loud
twenty-five: don't, I'm sore
twenty-six: don't judge
twenty-seven: don't distract me
twenty-eight: don't shut me out
twenty-nine: don't kill him
thirty: don't apologize
thirty-one: don't let anyone tell you otherwise
thirty-two: don't say you're in love
thirty-three: don't put the blame on me
thirty-four: don't touch me
thirty-five: don't break my heart
thirty-six: don't give me that shit
thirty-seven: don't make me cry
thirty-eight: don't hold on
thirty-nine: don't tease me
forty: don't bother, honey
epilogue: do, please do

forty-one: don't stop

5.4K 221 53
By notfenti


When I pull into our driveway in my 69' Ford Mustang (yes, dreams really do come true), I turn off the rumbling engine and head inside. We have a single-family home; nothing too extravagant, but something comfortable thanks to Ellies's salary and my booming little business. There are two bedrooms, two baths, and a large living area connected to the open kitchen. Stainless steel appliances, cherry hardwoods, and hundreds of books accent the space. There's also a very important kitchen island since neither of us was willing to part with that architectural gem.

As I open the front door and step into the house, the first thing I notice is Ellie's home early.

I'm not complaining. In fact, my heart does that familiar little drop to my stomach, same way it always does when I catch sight of her. Call me sappy, but I fucking love my girl.

Sex And The City plays on the television and because I've seen every damn episode at this point, I know exactly which one it is.

We all do crazy things for the people we love. For me, it's watch and re-watch episodes of this chick shit. Well, that, and move across the country. But I don't regret it. Not a single bit. New York held nothing for me. This place, this home, this life with Ellie – it holds everything.

Her toned, tan legs are stretched in the shape of a triangle, giving me one hell of a view. She's bent forward doing yoga in front of the television wearing a fitted white camisole and grey cotton shorts. I love those shorts. More importantly, I love the way her ass cheeks poke out from underneath to tease me.

My dick springs to life, painfully slamming against my jeans. It's been five days since I've been inside her since we spent the last week staying with Marsha and her fiancé, Bill, at their NYC loft.

I'm two seconds away from striding over to her and peeling those shorts down her legs when I hear a little sniffle come from her. It's followed by another and... dammit. My dick goes slack. As much as I want to feel my girl pulse around me as I send her to her inevitable orgasm, I'm not the kind of guy who'll screw his wife when she's crying.

I'm not alarmed, however, since this has become a regular occurrence. She's the strongest woman I know, handling so much life has thrown her way and never blaming anyone for it. Her tears are rarely present and she holds enough strength for the both us of. But lately she's been spewing tears over everything. And I'm talking everything–puppy commercials, pop songs, burnt dinner. Hell, a bug splattered on the windshield last week and she mourned the life of that dragonfly for hours.

I'm not sure what's gotten in to her, but I'm here for her regardless. God knows she's put up with more from me in the past.

I kick off my shoes beside the front door and make my way to her. "Dog commercial again?"

She lifts, wiping her tears through her embarrassed laughter. Her cheeks are the most adorable shade of pink and I can't help but lean in and kiss her. It's a quick one, all sweet and tone-downed passion, but just like everything with her, it threatens to take me out at the knees.

I swear, the girl can blow her nose and I feel it in my damn chest.

She pulls back and shakes her head. "It was some stupid life-insurance commercial."

"The one with the old couple on the bench with flashes of their life together?" I cock my head to the side. "Yeah, that one can be brutal on the heartstrings."

She glares at me.

"I'm kidding." Sweeping my arm around her, I pull her into my chest so her sweet vanilla scent floods my senses. I dip her head beneath my chin. "You cry whenever you damn well please."

Her laughter has my dick twitching in my pants. It's been five fucking days.

She presses a tiny kiss to my throat before backing away and running a hand over the smooth hair leading into her ponytail. "Well, I'm done now."

Giving her a quick once over, I confirm she's speaking the truth. No tears crowd her eyes and although she's still flushed from her mini sob session, there's that perfect smile on her face letting me know she's okay.

"Good." I step around the coffee table and sit down on the center cushion of the couch. An outstretched arm rests along the back on both sides. "Now you just keep doing what you were doing while I sit here and watch."

She lifts one challenging little brow. "As much as I'm sure you'd enjoy that, I was actually finished."

I grin and slap my thighs. "Then get your ass over here and tell me how the launch went today."

She pads across the room to straddle my lap. "The launch went great." I stroke the silky skin of her bare thighs, relishing the feel of her beneath my fingertips. "Diana is still handling a few last minute things, but she told me to get home since it's someone's special day."

"It's just like any other day."

She narrows her big brown eyes seductively. "I beg to differ." Her hands sear the plane of my chest onto my shoulders, pulling the cotton of my t-shirt beneath her fingernails. Then sizzling lips lower to ghost my jawline.

It appears I'm not the only one who's missed our naked time together.

Thank the fucking lord.

"The day you were born is actually pretty special to me." The hum of her breath along my flesh sends a ripple of pleasure down my abs and through my dick. It's getting pretty damn desperate. Thankfully, she's just as desperate.

Lifting my right hand, my fingers grip onto her elastic band, towing it from her hair. Chestnut locks fall over her shoulder and down her back, and after I toss the band somewhere on the floor, I fist my hand into the silky mess. "Is that so?"

"Yep." Her hot tongue flicks over my pulse point, gaining a low growl from me in return. "I worship this day."

Her hips stroke against me.

"It feels like you're worshipping something else." My voice is raspy, but by the way she grinds herself against my hard on, I know it turns her on. "Is this my birthday present?"

She pulls her head back, lifting her mouth to mine. "This is your pre-present."

Her lips are so fucking soft and when I use my grip in her hair to arch her neck so I can taste her with my tongue, she moans into my mouth. She's my favorite flavor. And that sound, it's my favorite sound.


"As in the present I give you before your actual present." Tiny fingers unzip my jeans, freeing me. The purr of the zipper only has more blood pooling in my pelvis. I've missed her–her touch, her heat, this connection. Every inch of me aches for this.

I help her yank down my jeans, next come the boxer briefs, followed by her tight little shorts. I nearly come when there's nothing but exposed skin beneath those perfect shorts and before she can blink, I grab her wrist and yank her back on top of me.

"Nothing can top this." I position her above me, legs spread and ready to be taken.

She licks her lips. "We'll see."

She sinks down, letting me dip into her hot heat. And fuck me it feels good. Birth control is a miraculous thing since there really is nothing better than bare back. It's euphoric. I swear, if I somehow make it up there after this life and Ellie and her body isn't up there waiting for me when I do, I'm demanding a refund.

Her muscles grip me, dragging with each rotation of her curvy hips. She's so fucking tight I have to will myself not to come. I focus on her tits, hopeful it'll keep me going long enough for her to join me. I may be many things, but a greedy lover is damn sure not one of them. I rip her camisole over her head and flick her erect bud with my tongue, eliciting a throaty little moan that has my hips striking against hers.

She smiles at the impact, arching her back and tilting her head so I get a visual of her long, slender throat. Abandoning the nipple, I skim my tongue along her collarbone, up to the spot on her neck–the one that drives her absolutely wild. I give her an opened-mouthed kiss first, tasting the saltiness of her skin, before swirling my tongue in slow circles. Another moan falls from her mouth and her body shudders in bliss. God I love making her shudder. But there's something I love more–hearing her whimper.

Her hands thread in my hair to yank the strands, but mine grip her hips, pulling her up and slamming her back down. She covers me completely each time I dive all the way in, wrapping me, tugging me in immaculate strokes. The third crack of our hips results in the whimper I've been craving, and at the sound I lift a hand and force her mouth back to me.

My tongue plunges in, taking what's mine. She responds just as forcefully, pushing me down her throat, craving me deeper. It's followed by a slow curl of her hips as she takes the reins and begins to ride my cock. This surrender of control doesn't happen often, but holy fuck, she's sexy when she's dominant. I'm about to lose it.

Each circle brushes my sensitive head along her tight inner walls, sending a swell of relief down my spine. Ellie, the naughty minx she is, knows exactly what she's doing. You don't sleep with the same person for five years without learning the ins and outs of what drives them to ecstasy. The precise strokes, the pressure points, the delicious dips that make them gasp–they're all uncovered. It doesn't make sex any less sensual, it only makes it hotter.

"Slow down, baby." I've gone too long without being inside her. I want to enjoy this as long as I can.

She responds with laughter, reaching for my hand and dragging it to her clit. "We have all night for round two."

At that incentive, I spiral my thumb on her clit, feeling it throb beneath my fingers. Her breathing starts to escape in little pants, making me smirk. She may know my body, but I know hers too and she's seconds away from release when I move my thumb like this. I press it against her, rough. Once, twice, then coil it around before repeating the action.

She takes a deep breath, allowing me to sink into her again as she clenches around me and trembles through her release. The image of her parted lips, flushed cheeks and the little gasp she makes has me finding my own climax. I pump into her twice more. My body goes rigid, my muscles seizing as I empty myself inside her. She rides me through the whole thing, milking every last drop. Both of us pant while I grip her sweltering body like my life depends on it.

She presses her lips to my cheek, her exhale searing my skin. "Happy Birthday, Seth."

It's more like happy life.

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