You're Still The One💓 ~Beyni...

By lily1288

73.6K 4.1K 3.2K

Onika runs away from Beyoncé, leaving Beyonce one special this story to find out😏 and read abo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

3.5K 225 301
By lily1288

Houston, Texas

Everybody else were still in the livingroom, happy and having a feast while Beyoncé and Nicki were still in the dining room. Mrs. Toler still talked to them and still made sure that there aren't any hard feelings between the two of them.  It was hard though, especially for Beyoncé to not have any "hard feelings", she was going to have to ignore those hard feelings and just start getting used to Nicki being here and learn how to co- parent with her.

Mrs. Toler did a good job helping them, and advising them about their feelings and how  all this co-parenting was going to work. After the long talk, Mrs. Jenkins and Tina appeared at the entrance of the dining room. "Good lord, are yall done yet? The food about to be done, I don't want yall missing out on it," Tina says with laugh. 

They both walked in and sat down at the table with them. "Oh Tina, we actually just finished talking, it was hard but we got through it," Mrs. Toler says.

"Well that's great," Tina says. "Beyoncé, how are you feeling?"

"I feel exactly the same, I'm just glad she came back to be a mother again," Beyoncé says. Tina sensed that there was still a lot of tension between the two. She wasn't liking the energy in the atmosphere. Just by looking at Beyoncé's emotionless face and Onika's unhappy and disappointed face, she could tell there was something wrong. There wasn't any happiness between the two.

She decided not to say anything else after Mrs. Toler gave her that "look" indicating her that she was going to tell her what happened and what was said between the two females later on. 

"Now," Mrs. Toler says with her brought smile. "We're on to the last step and that's telling Ja'Nyla about this situation, may you go call her in please?"

"Speaking about that, we have already told and explained to her," Mrs. Jenkins says. "It was hard also, explaining to her who Nicki and Beyoncé are to her but after some time, she managed to understand. You know, she's a young child, it was really hard explaining to her, but she's very intelligent, so she was able to catch on."

"Oh wow that's great!" Mrs Toler says.

"Let me go get her," Tina says quickly getting up. 

"It didn't take long until Ja'Nyla finally walked in with Tina behind her. She instantly looked at Nicki and walked her way. "Mommy?" She asked placing her hand on Nicki's lap. Hearing her daughter finally call her that name made her heart melt. She picked her placing her on her lap.

"Hey baby," Nicki says placing a kiss on Ja'Nyla's forehead. "I'm sorry I left you here," Nicki says as her voice trembled. Beyoncé watched the two and instantly a smile appeared on her face. The smile came out of nowhere surprising her own self since she rarely smiles.

But other than that, she genuinely happy to see the two back together again. The last time they were this close and cuddled up was when Ja'Nyla was only less than a month only. It honestly warms her heart to see the mother of her child come back to play her role again and show unconditional love to their daughter. 

"I didn't know you were my real mommy. Nice to meet you," Ja'Nyla says with a cheesy smile making everybody else laugh. It surprises Onika how smart Ja'Nyla is since she was only just 4 years old.

"I'm sooo glad we could be together again," Onika squealed making them both giggle. Beyoncé couldn't get enough of the cuteness. Cuteness overload. Period. She really was happy. Genuinely. She just didn't know how to express it. 

"So what's your fwavorite color? Mines is pink," Ja'nyla gushed.

"Mines too!" Nicki gasped. The two were getting along just fine causing relieve between Beyoncé, Nicki, and even Tina. 

"I got some presents for you waiting in my car, you wanna go see them?" ?Nicki asked happily. 

"Yesss, pwesents!!" Ja'Nyla squealed out.

"We'll be right back," Onika says excusing her and Ja'Nyla out. She was glad to be out of that room, it was too much tension in there for her. With Beyoncé saying absolutely nothing and showing no emotions just made her wanting to ripe her hair out. She missed Beyoncé way too much so the way how Beyoncé didn't even want to acknowledge her and notice her was really killing her slowly on the inside.

Onika was in the living room with Ja'Nyla in her arms, they peeped Solange and Karin who was already being comfortable with each other. They were talking and laughing up a storm. "Oh you two have gotten along," Nicki says with a smirk.

"Oh you're finally back," Karin says with her wide smile. "Everything good?"

"Yea," Onika shrugged not wanting to talk about it. "I wanna show my baby her gifts, yall wanna come?" 

"Ooo yes sure!! I know she's gonna love them," Karin says softly pinching Ja'Nyla's cheeks. 

"Nicki girl, I missed you," Solange says as they exchanged a hug and Solange placed a kiss on Nicki's cheeks. "I wanna go check up on my sister."

"Ok that's fine," Nicki replied. Only Onika, Karin and Ja'nyla walked out the door letting the cool breeze hit their skin. They walked to the Mercedes-Benz that Saweetie let her borrow. She immediately opened up the trunk revealing all the stuff she bought for Ja'Nyla. 

She bought her a Barbie doll dream house which was sitting in the backseat then the trunk was filled with a couple of Barbie dolls, Nike sneakers, Jordans, designer clothing brands such as a Gucci skirt with a matching headband, Fendi dress and a Fendi jacket, along with some other casual clothes. The clothes and sneakers were still in their bags except for the Barbie dream which immediately made Ja'Nyla's eyes twinkle.

She gasped and quickly wanted to get out of Onika's arms. "A Barbie House," She gasped as she stared at it.

"Yess baby, you like it?" Nicki asked with a smile.

"Yessss," She squealed. She then looked in the bags and was joyful to see the Barbie dolls in them. 

"So how did it go?" Karin asked as Ja'Nyla continued to admire her presents.

"Girl," Onika slowly shook her head. "She hates me now. Like really badly. She even admitted herself when we were out here."

"Aww, Onika," Karin says feeling sorrowful. 

"Yea, it's gonna take a while for her to be comfortable and happy around me again. She doesn't even look at me, and she lowkey thinks that I'm lying about the whole situation."

"What?" Karin asked in disbelief.

"Yea she was like "Oh I need to see some evidence at least first." She claims that she doesn't thinks I'm lying but deep down I know she thinks I'm lying so the next time I come back to Texas, I'm gonna bring my mom so she could show her everything. You know, the text messages, the pictures and all that."

"Yea that's a good Idea," Karin says nodding her head. "But that's some shit, she really thinks that you're lying."

"Yea and also she was like "Oh I don't wanna be a family with her again, I just want her to be there for Ja'Nyla" and then she was like "I don't want anything to do with her" and "I lost all feelings for her." She was just saying a whole, a whole lot that broke my heart," Nicki admitted.

"She was saying all this to mostly her counselor too, right in front of my face! Like she didn't give a fuck about hurting my feelings. She's so fucking blunt and shows no type of emotions, like I really caused damaged and pain," Nicki says shaking her head. "I wish I could take all that pain away but she doesn't even want me in her presence."

"Aww baby, it's ok, things between yall will get better, I hope. On the bright side, you're with Ja'Nyla who I could see loves you a lot already, so If Bey wants to be bitter towards, just leave her alone and focus on Ja'Nyla," Karin says. 

"That's right," Nicki says nodding her head. Karin was right. She wasn't about to trip over Beyoncé who clearly hates her, it was better she focused on Ja'Nyla more. Focus on only the people that still loved her...

"Mommy I wuv them!" Ja'Nyla screeched out. She was extremely happy as she was jumping and clapping her hands. "I wuv you!" She says hugging Onika's legs.

Onika giggled as she picked up Ja'Nyla and placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'm glad you loved them cause mommy spent too much money on these gifts. Why don't we take them inside so you could show daddy BB and Grandmama."

"Yes!," Ja"Nyla says nodding and clapping. She was already getting used to who was her grandmother and her "dad". Her little self really couldn't believe that the person who she thought was her "sister" was actually her daddy and the person she thought was her "mom" was actually her grandmother.

They all grabbed the gifts and headed back inside. Solange noticed Karin holding the heavy dreamhouse and immediately went to help her. "Let me get that for you," Solange says grabbing it.

"Thanks babe," Karin says tucking her hair behind her ear. Solange cheesed as she walked towards the dining room. 

"Oh wow, she helps you but not me," Nicki laughed.

"Is she gay too cause she could get it," Karin lowly says causing Onika to let out her ugly laugh.

"You'll just have to find out yourself," They says walking towards the dining room as well. Ja'Nyla was already jumping and bragging about her dreamhouse to everybody.

"Its so pwetty! I can't wait to take it out the box," She says giggling as she was sitting on Beyoncé's lap.

"I got her many more presents, I want yall to check them out out," Nicki says with a cheesy smile on her face. 

"Ooooo did you get me something?" Tina asked grabbing one of the bags and looking in it.

Everybody snickered while Tina looked up with a straight face. "I'm so serious," She says.

"Mama Tina, I gotchu tomorrow! I don't know how I forgot about yours but it's laying at the place I'm staying right now, I promise Ima bring it tomorrow," Nicki says.

"Mmhm," Tina say sipping her drink. "It better be nice too," She mumbled.

"Mommy gon' have you looking fresh Nyla," Beyonce says laughing while her and Solange looked through the clothes Nicki bought.

"Yesss, Ima be spoiling her so much," Nicki says blowing a kiss towards Ja'Nyla.


For the rest of the night, everybody enjoyed each others company until it was time for them to go. Beyoncé kept her distance from mostly everybody, she didn't want to be bothered but of course they forced her to interact with them. Nicki tried her best to ignore her, so far she was super happy to be with her child again. It was honestly the best feeling for her.

They were all now outside saying their goodbyes to each other. "Nicki I'm so glad I've finally met you, you got my number now, so you can always talk to me," Mrs. Toler says as she gave Onika a hug.

"Nice to meet you too. Thanks for everything, you know, helping Beyoncé and helping us throughout the meeting. Thanks," Nicki says.

"No problem, it's my job," Mrs. Toler said. Soon after She walked away and headed towards her car and so did Mrs. Jenkins. Now it was left with Tina, Solo, Bey, Karin and Ja'Nyla outside. They all continued to interact except for Beyoncé who she sat on the porch while staring off into space like she always does.

"Why does she always does," Nicki asked quietly as she held Ja'Nyla in her arms.

Tina turned to look at Beyoncé. "I honestly don't know. She's always been like that.. Ever since you left. She started staying more to herself. Blocked everyone out..."

"Oh," Nicki says looking down feeling bad. "I hate that I turned her that way," Nicki says quietly.

"She'll be back to her normal self, I hope so," Tina says. 

"I hope so too," Nicki says looking down. "Well, I was thinking if it was ok to take Ja'Nyla out with me tomorrow. I was thinking about going on a ice cream date."

"Right baby? That sounds fun," Nicki says to Ja'Nyla who happily nod her head.

"Oh yes sure, you girls do need some more bonding time together," Tina says.

"Yes so I'll probably be here around 1:00."

"Sure that's no problem."

"Alright well, me and Karin are about to leave, thanks for hosting this dinner," Nicki says.

"Sure, I'm really glad you're back," Tina says.

"Me too, I wanna go says bye to Bey as well," Nicki says.

"Sure, go head," Tina says walking away as Nicki began walking towards Beyoncé. Soon as Beyoncé noticed her, she scoffed. Onika noticed but just ignored it.

"Hey Bey, I'm about to leave, I just wanted to say bye-"

"Bye," Beyoncé simply said cutting Onika off as she pulled out her phone not wanting to be bothered anymore. Especially by Onika.

Nicki just sighed and placed Ja'Nyla down who scurried off into Beyoncé's lap. "Tonight was fun, I'm glad you were willing to hear me out. I'll be back tomorrow so hopefully I see you again."

"Bye Onika," Beyoncé sternly says ignoring everything Nicki said as she deeply stared into her. "Nice to have you back," She says coldly. 

Onika sighed and looked down. This was really hard, she wasn't used to this "Beyoncé" but she really needed to get used to her. "Bye mommy," Ja'Nyla yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Bye baby," Nicki said, her frown turned into a smile hearing Ja'Nyla's small voice. "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok mommy," Ja'Nyla said getting cozy on Beyoncé's chest. She was getting tired, almost getting ready to drift off to sleep. Onika smiled to herself as she turned away. If she lost Bey, then she was at least happy she still had Ja'Nyla...


Next Day

Onika happily drove the car while Karin was beside her. They were on their way to Tina's house to go get Ja'Nyla. Onika was really happy about spending the day with her daughter, she couldn't wait. It didn't take long until they arrived at Tina's house.

Tina was in the living room while Solange helped Ja'Nyla set up the dream house. Soon, Tina heard the doorbell rang and she got up to open it which revealed Onika and Karin. Tina gasped as a smile appeared on her face. "Look who's here Ja'Nyla," She says.

Ja'Nyla looked up and saw her mother standing in the door way. She immediately dropped the tools and ran towards Onika with her arms wide open. "Mommy Nic!!," She yelled as she jumped in Onika's arm.

"Aww you happy to see me?"

"Yea," Ja'Nyla replied resting her head on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you made it," Tina says as she closed door. "I was just about to get Ja'Nyla ready."

"That's fine. I told you I'll bring your gift today," Nicki says with a wide smile as she stuck out a huge red gift bag. Tina's eyes sparkle as she grabbed the gift.

She opened it which revealed a Gucci handbag and a mini all black Chanel bag. Tina gasped as she hugged her items. "Oh Nicki! These are beautiful," She says getting up to give Nicki a hug. "Thank you so much, I love it," Tina says hugging Nicki tight.

"I'm glad you like them," Nicki says cheesing. It didn't take long until Beyoncé appeared coming down the staircase.  Onika's heart skipped a bit as her eyes landed on Beyoncé.

"Hey mama, I'm plan-" Beyoncé began but stopped when her eyes landed on Onika. She then turned her attention back to her mother. "I'm planning on going out to eat maybe tonight, you wanna come?"

"Of course baby, we haven't done that in a while. But look who's here," Tina says wrapping her arms around Onika. 

"Hi Beyoncé," Nicki says shyly breaking the awkward silence. Beyonce simply waved before leaving to go to the kitchen.

"She so damn stubborn," Tina mumbles before grabbing the bags from the couch. Onika softly chuckled as she bounced Ja'Nyla in her arms.

"So Nyla, you wanna go get ready?" Nicki asked changing the subject. Ja'Nyla happily nodded. "You wanna match mommy today? I'm sure I bought you a Gucci skirt, you wanna wear that?"

"Sure," Ja'Nyla says with a giggle.

"You wanna show me your room? So we could get you all dressed up?" Nicki asked placing Ja'Nyla down.

"Yea come on!" Ja'Nyla says as her small fingers grabbed Nicki's pinky, leading her up the stairs.

"Oh my god I'm so glad they're getting along so good," Karin says with a smile when Onika and Ja'Nyla were out of site. She was resting on the couch as Tina joined her

"I know right!" Tina says excitingly. "My heart feels so warm. The three of them all interacted before Tina excused herself to go talk to Beyonce who still in the Kitchen. She was sitting at the island scrolling through her phone as she was munching on oreo cookies.

"Why you in here by yourself?" Tina asked joining her at the island.

"You know I don't like to be around too many people," Beyonce mumbled.

"It's only Nicki and her friend here," Tina says rolling her eyes.

"That's too many people," Beyonce says shrugging.

"Why you didn't even bother to speak to her?" Tina asked.

"I waved... Wasn't that enough?" Beyonce says now looking at her mother.

"Giselle just be nice."

"I was being nice! How am I not being nice?"

Tina raised her left eyebrow when she noticed the tone in Beyoncé's voice. "You can at least open your mouth and speak to her."

"Mama, we already had this conversation last night, I don't need to hear it again," Beyonce says getting up to get a drink.

After a few more minutes of Tina and Beyonce in the kitchen, Onika suddenly walked in joining the two. Beyonce huffed and let out a sigh before going back on her phone. 

"I just finished getting her dressed," Onika says with a cheerful smile. "She looks super cute. Mama T can I get something to drink real quick?" Nicki asked walking towards the fridge.

"Sure baby, I got a lot of drinks in there," Tina answered. She then placed her eyes on Beyonce and mouthed "Be nice." 

"I'll be back," Tina says before scurrying out the Kitchen. Onika let out a small "Oh" as she slowly walked back to the island Bey was still sitting at. Onika silently popped open the can of her Sprite as Bey ignored her as if she wasn't there.

"How's your day going?" Onika asked taking a sip.

No response came from Beyonce, she still continued to ignore her. Even after Onika explained the whole situation to Beyonce, Beyonce still chose to be "mad" at her. Even though Onika did say she was gonna ignore her, she couldn't. She missed her and still wanted to make things right with her but Bey decides to be an asshole towards.

"So I'm taking Ja'Nyla out for ice cream, would you like to come with us?" Nicki shyly asked hoping she could get a response from her this time.

"Does it look like I wanna fucking go?" Beyonce asked directing her eyes on Nicki who looked surprised by her response.

"It was a simple yes or no question, no need to be rude," Onika says as she felt her anger slowly building up. All she wanted to do was be nice but always got disrespected by her.

"Ok well no," Beyonce says slamming her phone down. "No I don't want to go."

They were both now having a staring contest. No words were being exchanged, only stares. Before the stares got even longer, Tina and Solange walked into the kitchen only to stop on  their tracks when they noticed the heavy tension between Onika and Bey.

"Everything alright?" Solange asked in confusion as she joined them at the island.

"You know what," Onika says with a small chuckle as Bey continued to stare at her. "Everything's great," Onika says with a fake smile.

"You sure?"

"Yea of course. It's time for me, Ja'Nyla, and Karin to leave, we'll be back probably before 4. I was planning on taking her shopping too," Onika says excluding herself away from the island.

"Nah it's just you and Ja'Nyla, Karins' gonna be with me- us," She says with a goofy smile.

"Oh," Onika says with a laugh. It was funny to see Solange young self trying to bag Karin who was a little older than her. "Well have fun with her, I'll see yall later," Onika says waving goodbye to them before leaving the kitchen.

"Giselle what happened?" Tina asked with a confused look. "It look like yall wanted to kill each other.

"No it look like they wanted to fuck each other's brains out," Solange says laughing but immediately stopped when Tina popped her on her arm.

"So what happened?" Tina asked still waiting for a response.


Daisy's Ice Cream Shop!

Onika and Ja'Nyla sat down at their table after their ice cream sundae's  were handed to them. The place brought back memories years ago when she would come here with Beyonce in the summer time. The shop hadn't really changed ever since she left Texas, it still look the same.

"You know me and BB used to come here all the time," Nicki says with a cheesy smile remembering a flashback.

"Rweally?" Ja'Nyla asked as she slurped the whip cream from her spoon. "When?"

"That was a while ago baby, back when we were younger and when you wasn't  in the picture," Onika says giggling as she tapped Ja'Nyla's nose.

"Oh," She says putting a spoonful of her chocolate ice cream in her mouth. She shivered a little as she was beginning to get a brain freeze.

"So were you guys in like, in wuv?" Ja'Nyla asked whispering the "In wuv" making Onika laugh.

"Of course were. We loved each other very much," Nicki says putting the vanilla ice cream in her mouth.

"Well, are you guys... Still in wuv?" She asked as her big brown stared at Nicki in curiosity.

"Um," Nicki asked not knowing how to answer her question. "We- I don't know."

"Aww," Ja'Nyla says with a pout. 

"You don't have to be sad about that baby," Onika says with a small smile. 

"Ok," Ja'Nyla softly says as she put another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. "So BB is rweally my daddy?" She asked in curiosity as her big brown eyes lingered on Onika again.

"Yea baby, she is," Nicki says answering her question.

"I thought all daddy's were supposed to be boys," Ja'Nyla says with a confused look. Onika let out a shaky breath trying to figure out how she was going to explain this to a 4 year old.

"No baby, all daddy's don't have to be boys," Onika says shaking her head with a small smile. "Daddy's can be girls too."

"Oh," an amazed Ja'Nyla said. "I wuv learning new things evwey day," She says making Onika laugh again. She really loved how smart and undertstanding her 4 year old daughter is. Ja'Nyla really reminded Onika of herself, when she was younger.

"Where were you all this time?" Ja'Nyla shyly asked.

"Well, after I had you, when you were a little, tiny baby, I had to go back to New York."

"Why?" Ja'Nyla asked keeping the questions coming.

"Bad guys were after me and my daddy and my mommy."

"Oh no," A distressed Ja'Nyla said, a small pout appeared on her face.

"But it's ok, the bad guys are gone now, that's why I came back," Onika says with a reassuring smile. 

"Let's have a little girl talk," Onika says changing the subject. "So, you have any boyfriends?" Nicki asked with a smirk.

"No not at all, BB told me no boys until I'm 50," Ja'Nyla says with a frown. "She also said if she finds out about a boy, she'll punch him in the face," She says with a little giggle.

"Whattt?" Nicki playfully asked with a  laugh.

"So I'll just keep my distance away from any boy," Ja'Nyla says shoving more ice cream in her mouth.

"I know that's right," Nicki says giving Ja'Nyla a high five.

"What do you think? No boys for me until I'm 50?"

Onika sighed before letting out another laugh. "No boys until you're 50 Nyla. I agree with BB on that one," She says causing Ja'Nyla to softly scoff.

"What? You don't need no boys, they not all that," Nicki says playfully rolling her eyes.

"Ok I understand," Ja'Nyla says face palming herself. The two continued their girl talks which was about boss, nails, hair, and clothing. They basically talked about anything they could, enjoying each other's company. Onika was so glad to be back with her daughter, this was the best feeling in the world for her! She still feels bad not being able to spend the past few years with her but all that matters was that she was back with her again.

"So baby, you do know I don't live around here right?" Nicki asked. "Like I said before, I live in New York."

"Ok," Ja'Nyla says.

"So I won't be able to be with you everyday," Onika says causing Ja'Nyla's smile to turn into a frown.

"Noo," She pleaded out. 

"I know baby I feel the same way but, I would make sure to facetime you every morning to say a good morning and facetime you every night to wish you a good night. Does that sound fair enough?" Onika asked hoping to get a "yes" From her.

"Yea," Ja'Nyla says shrugging. "As long as I get to see your face," She says.

"You're too cute," Nicki says. "I love you so much, I'm gonna spoil you and love you so much!"

"Yay! I wuv you too," Ja'Nyla says as Nicki leaned over the table to get a kiss.

"So, you ready to go shopping? I am," Nicki says.

"Yes let's go!" Ja'Nyla says clapping her hands. The 2 got up from the table making their way out of the shop.......










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