Serendipity (BinJin Oneshots)

By yejinhandlands

125K 3.9K 560

"She gave the most sincere smile she could ever muster, as if giving him an assurance that something betwee... More

Crazy Bastard
LA Bliss - Grocery
The 6th Date
Black Cabinet
Of Plans and Dreams
Damage Control
20 ft
Bin's Land Cruiser
Eomoni's birthday
Eomma Jinnie
Appa Binnie
Stealing Glances
Yejinhand liked your photo
Drunk Bin-ssi
Drunk Yejin-ssi
Never Ready
Merry Christmas
Will You Merry Me?

Little Secret

6.6K 168 26
By yejinhandlands

Yejin looks at her jampacked calendar for the rest of the week. The Negotiation was released last September 18, and Bin and Yejin will be doing a lot of press-cons and interviews to promote the film. For today, they will be guesting on an online show and will be interviewed by a local network. For tomorrow, September 25, a press conference and another interview will take place.

Yejin's phone beeped as she received a text message from Bin.

"Are you ready?" the message read, she typed, "be there in 5 minutes, Binnie" and hit send. She wrapped her scarf on her neck, wore her jacket, put on her huge shades, a face mask, and a cap.

They have been in a relationship for a few months now, and no one knows about it— not even their managers and personal assistants. They both know it's impossible to keep their relationship from their respective teams, but they just want to savor the beginning of the honeymoon stage of their relationship to themselves even for a few months.

Bin and Yejin must have had some serious ninja skills for them not to be suspected of anything by the media. They've been doing things together discreetly since they started their relationship. They got away with shopping one time, and no one also suspected anything when they went for a stroll in the park. It was a breathe of fresh air for the both of them, literally and figuratively, as both of them haven't done such trivial things for a long while now. Yejin and Bin would sport their signature disguise look. Both wearing big jackets and coats, huge shades that almost cover half of their faces, caps, and sometimes even a face mask.

That's how they cover up their tracks everytime they went out. For work events such as tapings or interviews, however, they have a unique system to get away with the suspicions of their respective teams and the production staff.

Since they have two schedules for today, Bin insisted on picking up Yejin at her place, thus explaining Yejin's outfit ensemble.

She saw Bin's car on her condominium building's basement parking, and went inside Bin's heavily tinted car. Bin is also wearing a cap and facemask, together with furry coats which has been removed.

"Wow. Good morning. You look beautiful today", Bin said, and Yejin softly hit him in the arm.

"Ya! Are you kidding me? You can't even see my face,"

"I dont need to see your face to know that you are very beautiful," Holding the steering wheel on one hand, and holding yejin's on the other, Bin was caught in surprise when she removed her mask, and pulled him for a long sweet kiss on the lips.


It was early in the morning, but Bin's windshield made it look like twilight.

They arrived at the building of the studio 30 minutes before their calltime. Ninja Yejin and Ninja Bin now begins what they like to call their own version of "undercover operation".

Yejin went out of the car, taking the back entrance of the building while Bin goes to the parking lot. She went straight to the women's bathroom on the 2nd floor, removed her shades, scarf, mask, and scarf. She put on a casual dress that she brought, tied her hair, and applied a pink lipstick. She then went to her designated dressing room where her glam team was waiting for her.

Yejin could only sigh in relief when no one noticed anything.

Bin, on the other hand, parked his car in the basement. After waiting for almost thirty minutes, he went to his dressing room, where his team hurriedly "fixed" him up.

The studio was full of production staff. Bin saw his girlfriend when he got inside.

"Good morning Yejin-ssi," Bin formally greeted Yejin, making sure that their managers and team heard how they formal they are with each other.

"Hi, Bin-ssi. How have you been?" Yejin said, giving him the most innocent smile he has ever seen.

Bin fought the urge to smirk and though to himself, 'Aigoo, my girlfriend is indeed a best actress. She talks as if we weren't close to making out in my car earlier'.


The interview went by easily. Before they knew it, the MC is already preparing to end the show. It was like the usuals— asking them questions about how well they work together, or what made them accept the project, or some comments saying how cute they look together.

Everyone in the room was thinking the same thing, to be honest.

Yejin's manager sat beside Bin's manager and said, "Their film was an action crime thriller one, am I right?", his manager nodded in response and her manager continued, "why are their forming hand hearts now..?"

Bin and Yejin laughs as they formed a heart out of each of their hands, granting one of the online viewers' request.

Bin whispered something while the camera is focused on the MC, reciting his ending spiel.

"What? Yejin asked Bin discreetly, "I didn't hear you."

"I said I love you", Bin said quietly, barely moving his lips while saying the five words that made Yejin's knees weak.


Yejin and Bin were the last to board the private bus. The travel is estimated to be two hours, so the management decided to lend a private bus for Yejin, Bin, and their teams.

Their managers reserved them a seat on opposite
sides of the same row. Bin and Yejin sat on their respective seats, casually glancing at each other. Bin asked his assistant for his earphones and he listened to some music. He rested his eyes for a bit. Yejin brought out a book she's been reading since last week, leaned against the window and taking advantage of the warm sun.

30 minutes have passed and almost everyone in the bus is asleep, obviously worn out from the crazy schedule of the movie's promotion. Bin stood up  and quietly sat beside Yejin, looking around to see if anyone's awake. 

Yejin lowered her book to see a smiling Bin beside her.

"Binnie, we might get caught!" Yejin said as Bin pulled the curtain, covering any sunlight reflected on them. Bin completely ignored her and rested his head on her little shoulders, closing his eyes for a little while. Yejin couldn't react, not that she wanted to anyway.

She enjoys all the little things with Bin, so she just let her boyfriend rest at her shoulders for a few minutes.

Every nerve of her being jolted when one of her staff checked on her, "Yejin-ssi, would you like some snack—"

Wide-eyed, not knowing what to do next, she immediately pinched Bin on his side waking him up from his shallow nap, "Ya!" was his initial reaction, Yejin glanced at Bin and to her staff, hoping that Bin will finally get what's going on.

"Ya! Min Tae Gu's reaction when she saw Ha Chae Youn, right? Ya!" Bin said, obviously acting in front of Yejin's staff.

"Yes! Min Tae Gu says Ya! That's part of the script, Yes, Min Tae Gu. Keep practicing!" Yejin said, honestly praying that her staff wouldnt say anything more. "Wooo Min Tae Gu! Ya!"

The couple honestly looks stupid in front of the staff, because 1) the filming has finished 7 months ago, and 2) Min Tae Gu would never say such thing. However, they couldnt care less about how they look, knowing they're about to get caught.

"Oh okay Yejin-ssi, Hyun Bin-ssi, call me if you're hungry. I have snacks." She looks at them weirdly, but eventually shrugs it off and returned to her seat.

Yejin looked at Bin, signaling him to go back to his seat before anyone wakes up and checks up on them, Bin raised an eyebrow indicating that he understand. He stood up and said loudly, "Thank you for practicing with me and helping me memorize my lines, Yejin-ssi." She just covered her face with her hands in embarassment, hoping everyone is still asleep and no one heard that.

When she glanced at her boyfriend, he just winked at her.


The interview went by surprisingly smooth and fast. Before they knew it, they're back in their bus.

Everyone was goofing around, obviously in a good mood. Yejin thought that this might be a good time to be with her boyfriend and dont raise any alarms. So Yejin sat beside Bin, much to his surprise. "Why?" asked Yejin quietly, "They know we're 'friends'".

"What? I didn't say anything," Bin said, with a smile plastered across his face. The couple just sat in silence occasionally talking and laughing with each other. 

"Binnie," she whispered, "lets take a selca again,"

Bin was hesitant at first, but he remembered how happy she was filling up her gallery with pictures and videos of them. 'If all it takes is posing in front of the camera looking all cute to put up a smile on her face, i'd definitely do it every hour', he thought to himself.

Yejin immediately uploaded their selca on her instagram page— her own little way of announcing that this man is hers.

They arrived at their destination a few minutes later.  The day is finally over, they all thought- but not for Yejin, at least.

Yejin's manager offered to drive her home, in which she obliged. She didn't brought her car and it would be too suspicious if she tries to leave with Bin. Afterall, she has an important thing to do. She said goodbye to everyone and to her Binnie, sending him a message that made him smirk.

"Come meet me at my apartment at 10:00."

3 hours more. He began a mental countdown before he would be alone with his Yejin again.


"I'm here now." Bin texted her girlfriend. He immediately got a reply, "You're 20 minutes early."

He replied once again, "40, actually. I arrived 20 minutes ago. May i come now?", he didn't wait for his answer. He grabbed  the bouquet of flowers from the shotgun seat, and disguised himself with a cap and shades before getting out of his parked car.

He knocked on the door of her penthouse apartment. His girlfriend opened the door and he went inside. His jaw dropped when he saw her.

She was wearing a sultry little black dress that leaves little to imagination. Her hair is curled and she is wearing her favorite red lipstick. Her apartment was dark, with little candles all over the place as a source of light.

"Cat got your tongue, Binnie?" Yejin laughed at the effect she has on the man in front of him. Bin, still unable to say anything, gave Yejin the bouquet of flowers. He tried to collect all the words he know but to no avail— Yejin is the perfect example of drop dead gorgeous.

"You look... gorgeous." Bin was proud of himself for even managing to say the three words, because honestly, what he wants to do to her right now doesn't really include talking.

"I got you some clothes for tomorrow, because you're not going home tonight." She closed the gap between them, wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "When that strikes twelve.." she pointed to the clock on the wall beside him and whispered, "I'll let you unwrap your birthday gift."

Bin sighed in frustration, "Baby, Just so you know, it's taking all the willpower I had in me not to throw you against this wall and take you here and now,"

If Yejin wasn't holding on to Bin, she would've collapsed just by hearing those words. She nervously let out a laugh and led him inside.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" He said as Yejin drags him inside.

"I do, a lot" Yejin turned to him with her seductive
smile and Bin mentally listed 'yejin's seductive smile' in his list of favorites things about her.

Yejin lead him to the dining room and made him sit on one of the chairs. Yejin brought out the blueberry cheese cake from the fridge— Bin's one and only guilty pleasure.

"Advance happy birthday, Binnie." She said.

Bin looked at Yejin with eyes that make her feel putty and soft as he moved towards her. Yejin leaned backward, getting support from the table behind her. Still with the cake on her hands, Bin carried and sat her on top of the table. Bin positioned himself between her girlfriend's legs, while his hands roam around it. Bin took the cake from Yejin's hands and set it down in the table. He ran his finger in the blueberry topping, and brushed if off Yejin's lips. He looked at her with yearning, and tasted the blueberry off her lip.

"Wow, this cake tastes so good, Baby." Bin teased her girlfriend as he brushes off blueberries after blueberries on her lips and on her shoulders, kissing and tasting the part where the blueberry has tainted her ivory-colored skin.

Yejin was begging to be touched, and when Bin moved her hair and peppered her nape with little kisses, all sanity left her body when all she can muster was two words: "Kiss me."

And so he did. The couple kissed with so much passion and so much love. He can still taste the sweetness of the blueberry on her lips.

Bin's hands were shuffling at the hem of her dress, as if contemplating what to do with the piece of clothing. Yejin wrapped her legs on Bin's back and pulled herself more towards him. Taking it as a 'yes' from her girlfriend, he looked at her with hungry eyes.

"I dont think I can wait until twelve. I'd like to unwrap my gift now," Bin said as he planted a small kiss on her neck, "I lost all my willpower, Baby." He pulled up Yejin's dress over her shoulder, undressing her.

Unable to resist the temptation brought about by the  naked goddess in front of him, he told her to bring the blueberries, before he effortlessly carried her towards the bedroom.


Yejin's makeup artist has been dabbing concealer on her undereyes for five minutes now, "What happened to you, Yejin-ah? Didn't you get a good sleep last night?" she said as she applies a second layer of concealer to her beautiful face.

"Oh I got a good sleep alright," Yejin smiled as she remembers the sweet memory of last night, "Not a long sleep, but a good one."

Going at it until almost 4:00 AM, Yejin and Bin definitely found a new use for blueberries.

Meanwhile, Bin's hair stylist was fixing her hair when his head dropped in a losing battle versus drowsiness.

"Are you alright?" The sound of his manager's voice startled him and jolted him back to reality.

"Sorry", he said to his manager, and politely asked for a coffee from his personal assistant to get him through the day.

Bin and Yejin saw each other again in the studio.

"Saengil chuk ha hamnida (Happy Birthday), Hyun Bin-ssi," Yejin greeted him to which he replied, "kansahamnida Yejin-ssi,"

She just gave him a smile, its not as if she hasn't greeted him just yet. In fact, When they woke up engulfed in each embrace, Yejin found an effective way how to greet Bin a happy birthday.

'Happy birthday, indeed' Bin thought to himself, as he forces himself not to smile remembering their escapades last night and this morning.

The press conference was finished after an hour, and they proceeded to their next destination. still using the private bus, Yejin and Bin sat side by side. Five minutes later, Bin's manager came inside the bus with a cake in his hands. Everyone starts singing the south korean happy birthday song. Bin blew out the candles and the cake was set down in a makeshift table in front of him and Yejin.

Yejin almost choked when she saw the blueberry cheesecake given by his manager. Bin let out a loud genuine laugh, confusing everyone in the bus.

"This is still your favorite right?" His manager said, "today's your cheat day, its your birthday! I wont tell your trainer you had some"

Bin and Yejin just looked at each other discreetly and shared a meaningful smile.

After a few minutes, Yejin called out to her manager.

"Maenijeo (Manager), take a video of us,
Please ." Yejin said to her manager, handing over her phone to him. She sang another birthday song while clapping her hands looking so happy. Bin, on the other hand was smiling and dancing awkwardly in front of the camera.


"Wrap up! Hana, Deul, Set!" The director instructed as he thanks Yejin and Bin and the whole production team. They exchanged well wishes and proceeded to be on their way. With both their teams busy in the studio, Yejin discreetly motioned Bin to follow her in her designated dressing room.

Once alone, Yejin wrapped her arms in Bin's neck as they shared a quick chaste kiss. Yejin brought out a wrapped box and handed it to her boyfriend, "Open it! Open it!"

Bin unwrapped the box and he saw the Chopard logo. He immediately knew that it was Chopard's newly released watch.

Yejin grabbed the box and opened it, confirming Bin's suspicions. She knew about his collection of watches, so she wanted to give him something that he likes. She put on  the watch in his wrist, admiring how it definitely looks good on his boyfriend.

"Happy Birthday, Binnie." Yejin said, "Hope you like my gift."

"I do, I have a new favorite." Bin responded as he cornered her towards her dressing table, "Thank you, Yejin-ah."

Bin calling her by her first name and not his usual endearment for her made her feel soft once again. Regaining her composure, he tried to push through her boyfriend's buff body to no avail.

Bin sat her towards the dressing table just as he did last night, and the couple shared a long sweet kiss. Yejin shuffled through Bin's silky hair while Bin holds her into place.

Hearing the knob turn, Yejin jumped off the dressing table. She grabbed the book on the table and pretended to read while still standing up and Bin grabbed the closest thing to him: a tissue, unable to fathom what excuse should he make to justify why he's holding a roll awkwardly.

Yejin's manager entered the room and immediately realized what's going on. Yejin brought down to book that hid her face and greeted her manager nonchalantly, "Maenijeo, youre here." Yejin laughed awkwardly, mentally hitting herself for forgetting to lock the door. "I was just explaining to Bin-ssi.... our schedule for next week."

Bin nodded and said, "Yes. That's right."

Yejin's manager locked the door behind him. Looking alternately at Yejin and Bin, he just sighed and asked, "How long?"

Yejin, confused, said, "What?" His manager replied, "How long have you two been dating?"

Yejin and Bin looked at each other in alarm, not knowing how to respond to the question.

"You don't have to answer that," Yejin's manager said, "just dont forget to lock the door always. Aigoo." He continued, "I'm happy for you Yejin-ah"

Her manager opened the door but stopped midway, "Yejin, fix your face before you go out, okay?" he said as he points to her face, and closes the door on his way out.

Bin can't stop himself giggling as he went to Yejin. "Baby..." he trailed off before laughing again. Yejin just also laughed the embarrassment off.

Bin turned Yejin to face the mirror and she immediately knew the reason of his laughter.

Bold of them to act innocent earlier in front of Yejin's manager, when Yejin's lipstick was ruined and her hair was a mess. Meanwhile two of Bin's shirt buttons were undone.

No one will believe that they weren't making out, to be honest.

"I am never using this lipstick brand again, it's not kiss-proof," Yejin said, still giggling.

Bin just hugged her girlfriend, thankful for the greatest gift he has ever received: Son Ye Jin.


My first Binjin mini-mini-smut! Honest question, would you guys like it if I continue writing smut? Or should I just remain writing about cutie Binjin? I wouldn't want to taint any innocent minds in here! LOL.

Tell me what you think. ❤️ if you do like it, I might publish a full version of Binnie's birthday surprise from Yejin-ah 😉

Thank you!

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