The Desolated

By Afflatus_99

105 10 0

No where to hide, no where to run, you can never escape Oblivion. The Desolation begins. The Unknown will yet... More

Chapter I: The Game (Part One)
Chapter 1: The Game (Part Two)

Ch. 02

13 1 0
By Afflatus_99

Ch. 02 

She was standing right behind that redhead girl. Nobody won't notice anyway. Nobody would notice a girl who came from Agora. If ever someone would talk to her it would be the stupidest person ever. For example, Ram. She didn't know what exactly he's up to but she got eyes on him not in a gross way though. In a predator-prey way. Something was bothering her. She didn't look up just to see what was happening up there. Groans and all other trash talks was all she heard. Now she figured that they were probably doing something she doesn’twanna do. Like making 20 sit-ups or worse.Whatever. They would probably would let them play mind games which unconsciously she would like to do. She kept reminding herself that she was here for the money and nothing else matters.

She was just there standing. Feeling the cold air of being alone.Just alone. Trying hard not look to those kids. However, the next thing she knew was feeling the cold metal on her skin. Shivering of what might happen. Now she cursed herself for not knowing what would happen when she had all the chance to watch the few minutes a while ago. Fewminutes? Yeah certainly it would just take a few minutes. A glimpse from Ram and Hale crossed her mind. Sweats covered their faces like they had a fight with a gigantic monster or something like that. Hale's eyes looks like they weren't there anymore. What did they do to them?

A woman in full army suit tapped her shoulder. It was strange when she felt like she needed to flinched but she didn't so.

"Relax. Don't over think." she says as the woman locked her arm on to the armrest. How can she be relaxed when she's being locked on the cold metal chair? Don't over think? What was she thinking? Pre-planning a great escape run through her mind but this is the last thing she would do. That would be stupid.

Looking over she saw a kid, well not totally a kid. He look arrogant. Almost want to ripped her neck out of its place. This guy is popular. She can tell by how the kids down there yelling at her. Like YOU'RE GOING DOWN. BREAK THAT HEAD. Or PULL OUT THOSE EYES. With their loathesomelaughter. She swore she would beat them up if she'd given a chance to. They'll never get the chance to watch the sun rises if ever though. She just mentally head-butted herself for thinking that way. Not that she's being nice. It's just, why can't just they disintegrate somewhere or eat some crap!?

Her head placed perfectly on the top of the chair when something painful tore her nape apart. Like sipping her flesh. Running down to her spine like vines and it certainly does hurt you. It's indescribable feeling. Finally all the pain went to an end when it reached the last part of her head. And she was knocked off.


I feel so cold. I can' hardly breathe. Making my fingers move was the hardest thing to do right now. Opening my eyes was worst. What's going on? Hearing my teeth clank together gave me the idea that I was still freaking alive. It was cold. Obviously I'm shaking mad. Is it winter already? Am I in my bed? If you could call a piece of rag and tattered cloth a bed then it is. Dane. Yes Dane. Hoping Dane would wake me already. My little brother. Not seeing him for months makes me sick. No stupid tantrums and no robbing going on just to have a nice piece of steak for dinner.

My hopes disintegrate in an instant when I open my eyes for the second time. What the hell? I can already hear the wind blowing from my body. Slowly I got up. Lines of pine trees, all green in color was all I see. White snow frozen on the ground like it was centuries ago. All I see is white or grey even the trees were covered with snow. Oh crap. The coldness starts to enter my whole body. Freezing me up.

As soon as I put my hands around my arms, a loud growl was coming towards me. It's bad I know. I turned around. A giant hound leaped over my head. I ducked immediately. The hound lurches itself again to me. Its eyes were red. Ready to kill a girl like her in the middle of woods with snow blizzard. You can tell its craving and mad. I didn't have the chance to run when it jumped straight into my face. The hard snow hurts my back. The hound knocked me down like a stick he can break easily.

Gathering my strength I push the hound hard enough for me to get away. The scratches it made burning my flesh. Probably bleeding. I don't care. The thing I didn't expect was seeing the hound groaning in pain. It hit his head on the nearest tree. Was that I?

I shifted back to find my own way but when I did, the scenery was all different. But not totally. Everything's frozen down but I can tell it's a different place. There is no mountain in front of me a while ago. And I clearly did see pine trees lining up around but right now there were less of life here.

Now I feel my body starts to numb. Not feeling the cold. I listened to whatever the wind was whispering of. And I immediately knew that there is someone back at me and he's not going to befriend me.

"How would you like to be killed? Medium rare or completely raw?" as soon as the guy said it he instantly launches at me. It finally occurred to her that he was the one who sit on the second chair. What's that in his hand? Is that a spear? Why would he even have one? So I probably have mine also but how the hell I can– I gasped as soon a double edge ultra-sharp sword appeared in my hand. Surprisingly it fits my palm perfectly. I never felt more than ready like right now.

He charged and I raised my sword. Do I even know how to use this? This is the first time I got to touch one. I only saw this on picture. But this probably wouldn't be hard. I turn and aim at him. Shifting after a move and attack again and again and again. Compare to the hound a while ago this one is hard to put a stop to. Smashing his spear I aim closer to his body so I can hurt him or what. But the metal against each other was no good. He sweep off my sword and kicked me right at my gut. I landed on the ground and surprisingly it didn't hurt a bit. It's just my mind responding. Like what's obliged to do the practical thing.

That sword was useless. I should have better than that thing. To end this stupid fight with that idiot. I felt something on my hand. I'm not sure of what this is but I heard his steps and I had to raisemy hand. I figured I had to pull the trigger. Then banged. Blood stained the white silvery snow next to my very eyes.

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