The School of Secrets: McCart...

Por the_new_classics

979 106 45

McCartney-Wyman Boarding School has plenty of secrets... and one of them might just blow your mind! When a bu... Mรกs

001- Norah
002- Ela and Mila
003- Sadie
004- Nat
005- Angelina
006- Sophie
008 - Sadie 2
009 - Akari
010- Echo
011- Ruby
012- The Meeting

007- Scarlett

54 8 3
Por the_new_classics

World famous artist! My work up on buildings, book covers, album art- you name it! maybe even boys noticing me for what i'm worth! what a dream...

just my luck- it was a dream.

I heard my personal alarm's angry chimes ringing- 5:30 AM sharp. I shot up out of my bunk, and picked up my uniform that i laid out the night before.

perfect, i thought with a smile, not a speck of dust on it. i put on my blouse, then navy skirt (dress code abiding length, of course), my school sweater, and slipped into my saddle-shoes.

i glanced up at my poster while brushing my teeth. Texas- the Wild West it said in bold letters. i giggled, knowing that it wasn't all cowboy-ish as people make it out to be. I would know that, because i lived there. My parents thought it was a good idea to send me to boarding school overseas, because all my older siblings are off at college. i suppose they didn't want to deal with me anymore- but that's alright! i love school, even if it means not being back at home. It also makes it 10x better that echo, my best friend from home, was rooming with me.

i slid on my canvas backpacked with hand-embroidered flowers i made onto my shoulders. -- Not before i turned on the overhead lights for my roommates Angie, Sadie, and Echo to be woken. >:)

"wake uppppp sunshiiines! Aaaanggggieeeee, eccchoooooo, saaaadddiieeeee~" I playfully sung. As if on cue, our alarms went off and I could hear my roommates' griping voices


I went to our kitchen and grabbed some breakfast. Once my roommates woke up we began to chat, all while them scrambling across our dorm for their stuff.

I perched up on a barstool working on the final details of a last minute art project- it was a drawing of Sadie and Angie sprawled out on our sofa, asleep after a hard week of school. I titled it 'lazy bones'.

Once they finished getting ready we made our way to our classes, walking to the main-school building.

I checked my planner and looked at my schedule. "Alright, first up: Enlgish!" i said as i walked pass a group of students trying to hide themselves smoking cigarettes.

"Hey y'all- that's not school appropriate!!" I chirped, clutching to my planner bracing myself in case the kids might be angry.

"Whatcha gonna do about it, goody two-shoes? Gonna tell ol' Thork?" The largest girl sneered down at me. The rest of the group giggled.

In fear i replied with, "... no. sorry".

"hm. That's what i thought. Now scram"

i hurried away, off to my class. Yeesh! Why can't they just follow the rules? Or just wait to smoke after school? Goodness. As class president they shouldn't treat me like that! I could.... Give them detetion! Wait-no i can't. Ooh i should bring up detention-giving privileges at our next meeting!

I wiped my sweaty palms on my skirt, and strolled past the school basement. From under the door, light spewed out.

"wait- why is it glowing? M-maybe its just the photography kids... Right?" I whispered to myself, trying to convince me that i can't believe in aliens.

I walked in english class just on time. Sitting in the front middle of the class- i took out my sketchbook and scribbled down an image of the girl i talked to earlier. Then I took out my highlighters and doodled the glowing basement door.

My other classmates were filtering their way through the door. After everyone was in the teacher walked to the front of the class. My roommates said my teacher, Mrs. Robinson was nice, which means i can totally kiss up to her to be the teacher's pet. How else am i supposed to get good grades?

She began speaking about our first reading assignment

Well this should sure be interesting!

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