By TaehyunSmurf

57K 3.1K 4.4K

One hundred girls after the heart of one prince and one crown . The competition of a lifetime. DISCLAIMER: Th... More

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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ TᗯEᑎTY- TᕼᖇEE

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ TᕼᖇEE

3.4K 217 241
By TaehyunSmurf

Unedited as usual.

I regret everything I said that night.

I was had asleep when mom burst into the room , clapping her hand and Making a ruckus to wake me up.

She stepped into my room this morning ready to start a argument about why I should join. Little did she know , I already planned on joining.

The second I told her she was bouncing off the walls and told me how proud she was of me. She practically dragged me out of the bed and shoved me into my wardrobe telling me to get dressed we could celebrate.

Celebrate for what though? Celebrate that I'm practically throwing my life away to please some prince that's incapable of finding a bride by himself ? Celebrate that I could lose everything in a heartbeat if I actually end up winning? Celebrate that if I do go and get eliminated that we going to drop down the ranks again?

If anything, we should be taking precautions and making a plan in case anything happens, not celebrating.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I put on hint to make up to "celebrate". I open my closet and find what I should change into. There weren't a whole lot  options though mostly everything was beige a brown or an ugly washed out green.

If I was more successful and able to earn some more money I  probably would have some nicer dresses that I could wear.I guess that's just how clothes will be for fives and sixes.We are always seen wearing something sturdy or something worn out, usually mucky colors like brown or gray.

I'm not sure why fives aren't provided with better clothing. You would think that since we are usually dancers and singers that we would have some more options to choose from since we are supposed to be performing all the time.

You always see the twos, threes and sometimes the fours wearing their beautiful garments accessorized with bracelets jewels and bands. They are always dressed in the best quality and the most comfortable clothing.

I put on a pair of brown shorts and a green top, probably the best looking thing I have my closet. I really wasn't feeling it today at all. It's probably coming from the fact that I'm about to sign my life away to royalty in a couple of minutes.

When I make my way down the stairs the first thing I see is my whole family sitting around the table
With one empty seat that was most likely reserved for me at the head of the table.  The letter and a pen sit neatly, waiting for me to grab it.

Is it too late to change my mind and just go back upstairs.

"All I want you to do Id just try, and  if you don't get picked then it's ok. You can come back home and we'll get married,"

Damn it Yeonjun....

I slowly approach the table and there faces all light up with smiles so big that it could rival the cheshire cats. Mom motions for me to sit down and slightly pushes the Paper and pen forward.

I sit down and hesitantly touch the sheet. I'm shocked upon first contact. This is sick high quality paper, is never felts anything like it before. Unlike the rugged, rough, sand sheets that we use, this paper was smoothes and slightly textured along with ended with beautiful gold embroidery's.

Mom clears her throat and brings me back to where my focus should be.

I sigh and sign the paper with shakey hands. She smiles and pulls the paper back before pushing another one towards me. On this sheet I need to fill out my name again , age, , rank and contact information. On another line knees to put down my height, weight, eye colour , and my skin colour.

I'm not exactly sure what that information is important, but I brush it aside and fill it out anyways. Under special skill I just put I can speak four languages. Our country tongue, korean, English and Spanish.

"Does that ability to eat without getting fill count as a special skill," I turn and ask my dad. He laughs and shakes his head in disbeliefs "sure (Y/N), write that down as well," he says. I laugh and comply.

"Oh, the both of you! Why not just put down that you're a terrorist too," mom went storming out the room with her hands up in the air.

I couldn't believe she's so frustrated when she literally getting exactly what she wanted. I give dad a confused look and he smiles.

"She just wants what's best for you," he says. "Your mother believes that no matter how unfair or difficult the options you have may seem, you must endure it so you can live a good life,".

"Well, what do you believe?," I ask. He gives me a warm look and reaches across the table to hold my hand. "I believe, that you don't have to choose from harsh options. As long as you're happy with your own decisions and have a clear conscience, you can still love a beautiful life".

I smile warmly and think of my decision. A promise.

"Dad, if I wanted to marry a man who was a six or even seven, and he was someone I really loved, would you let me?,"

His eyes focus on me and I try not to give anything away with my expression. He's sighs heavy, it wasn't a really happy one too.

"(Y/N), even if you lived an eight I'd want you to marry him."

I light up with excitement but he holds up a finger, signalling that he's not done. " However, you should know That love can fade away under the stress of being married. Someone you think you love now, you might start to hate when he can't provide for you. And if you couldn't take care is your children, it'd be even worse. Love doesn't always survive under those type of conditions.

Drawing my eye up to his I try I cover my worry.  "But
No matter what, I want you to love and you deserve to be loved. I hope you marry for love and joy for a rank.," he says warmly.

"Thanks dad," I say.

He stands up and kisses me head and leaves to head for work. Once he's out the door,  I sigh and continue filling out this stupid application form. A few more words, and I'll be completely signing my life away.

This whole thing makes me feel like my family doesn't think I the right to want anything of my of my own. It bothers me.

I take my finished application and go to find mom in the backyard. She's out there stitching up jisoo ripped clothes while Jisoo  does her schoolwork underneath the shade of a tree.

Yeonjun always complained about how the teachers at public schools were too strict and gave tons of homework, I doubt that they're anything compared to mom. It's summer for crying out loud and Jisoo is underneath the tree writing out 10 different books in different languages.

Jisoo sees me and bounces out of her spot. "Did you really do it??" She asks in excitement.

I give her a weak nod and she squeals before running up to hug my legs . Pat her head and move to phase mom.

" what caused you to  change your mind?," she questions.


"I took in your words and realized that you're right,".

She held my hand and gave me a small smile. "That's my girl. Go get your things and we'll head out. I want to submit you name as soon as possible.

Three hours later

"If I knew the wait would be that long I wouldn't have signed that stupid paper," I grumble as we walk back to the house.

We waited at least four hours before it was finally are turning lane to go up and hand in her application. And even after that it still took some time to sort everything out and make sure that my name is going to be in the box, it's ridiculous.

It was so crowded and full of so many females. The  amount of different perfume scents that I inhaled is ridiculous. That can't be good for my health, I'm sure I have some type of complication in my body now.

"Well, if you signed the papers earlier, we wouldn't have had to wait that long," mom says as she pinches me in the arm.  I let out a small yelp due to the pain and rub the spot to soothes the burn."

"Abigale!," a voice yells. We turn around to see Mrs. Choi, Yeonjun's mom. Mom lights up and approaches her friend. " You must be here for application!," she exclaims.

She nods and gestures to Yeonjun's sisters.  "I'm here to enter these two," it would be great for the family if they could get in," she says.

Yeonjun's sisters dressed up as nice as nice as they could afford. Although it wasn't much they still looked good in anything, just like Yeonjun.

They had the same dark hair as him and same beautiful smile. Yeonjun's mother turns and smiles at me. I simply love her. I've only spoken to her a few times but she's always been nothing but nice.

It's not because I'm a high rank than her or anything like that. I've seen her give stuff that she didn't need and stuff that didn't fit her to kids and families that have next to nothing. She just a great lady.

"Hello ladies, You two look lovely," mom greets.  They smile and give her a small bow.

" They made sure to look as beautiful as the could so that can compete with the other females here in the photos," she explains.

Photos?! There's a photo?! I guess I'm taking a photo looking like this then.

"It looks like some people didn't make much of an effort though," Yeonjun's mom trails off.

I scan the crowd behind us. Yeonjun's mother was right. There were some who put in effort and some who didn't bother trying at all.

Just behind us was a girl, obviously a seven, who as still in her work clothes. Her muddy boots might now be in the picture, but her dusty overalls surely would.

A few yards back was a seven wearing a tool belt. At least her face was clean.. I guess?   A girl off to the side had her hair up I'm elegant twists with s baby hairs framing her face.

The girl beside her had a low cut too and a small skirt. It looks like she's trying to drown the world in her cleavage.  Several girls had caked on so much makeup that they kind of looked a bit like clowns. But at least they were trying.

I looked decent, I didn't dress up but I didn't look like a bum either.  Some girls here looked simply breath taking though. One girl has on a beautiful short cream dress with her hair braided to the side with flowered.

Another was in jeans and a top, but her gorgeous face made up for it. I suddenly feel a bit worried. But why?

I didn't want this. And if I'm not pretty enough to cut it then that's good news. I'm not like Yeonjun's sisters. They're effortlessly beautiful and looked even lovelier with a hint of make up. Surely if one of them won, mom couldn't disapprove of me marrying Yeonjun. His whole family wound be elevated up the ranks.

"I'm glad that some girls didn't go over the top. Look at (Y/N) , she's so pretty," his mom comments. I laugh and shake my head.

I'm nothing special, who would pick me over the girls," I say as I wink at his sisters. They smile.

"Don't be silly!  Every time Yeonjun comes home after helping fix something at your house, he always says that the (Y/L/N) 's have more than their fair share of talent and beauty," Yeonjun's mother says.

"Does he really? What a sweet boy!," mom gushes:

"He's going to make some girl very happy someday," she says. Although moms listening she not fully paying attention. She more focused on seeing who I'm going to have to compete with the most.

Mrs. Choi takes a quick look around before stepping closer. "Between you and me, I think he might already have someone in mind".

I freeze, I'm not sure if I should comment. If I do or do not, it might give myself away. "Really? What's she like?," mom asks. Although she just shipped me off to a complete stranger she still has time to gossip?


"I'm not sure! I haven't met her but I'm guessing that he has someone. He's been happier, much happier lately," she squeals.

Lately? We've been seeing eachother for nearly two years. Why only lately?

"He hums and sings now too," his sister comments. "I've seen him dancing lately so she just be a five".

"Oh then he's definitely seeing someone!," mom chimes. "I wonder who she is".

"I'm guessing she must be a wonderful girl. These last few months he's been working hard, harder than ever before and he's been putting money away too. He must be trying to save up for marriage," Mrs. Choi explains.

A small gasp escapes my lips.

"Even if he's not ready to tell us who it is, if she makes my son that happy then I already love her. It's been hard since he lost his father and takes everything on himself now. Any girl who can calm his stress and make him this happy is already a daughter to me!".

I couldn't believe it. Here is family was, trying to make ends meet, and he's putting money away for me?! I didn't know whether to scold him or kiss him. I'm just... I'm speechles!

He's really going to ask me to marry him! It's all I can think about right now. Yeonjun, Yeonjun, Yeonjun. That's the only person on my mind as I make my way over to the photo booth.

I sit in the chair and flip my hair once or twice to give it some life and then turn to face the photographer. I don't think any girl in the entire country could've been smiling more than me. I was living.

To be continued...

Photo of the day!


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