Monsterous (Avengers/Loki fan...

By CheshireKitty123

76.9K 1.8K 377

I am I monster, a freak. No-one could ever love something such as I. Words that had been drilled into the min... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Note Again
Note Again Again
Chapter 6
Very Important Note

Chapter 5

6.4K 188 16
By CheshireKitty123

{{ A/N This chapter is dedicated to ninjatomboy }}

There was a long pause as Lila built up the courage to say what had been gnawing at her insides for quite a while now.

"Loki........I'm dying."


His eyes went wide and he started choking on air. "W-what?!" He sputtered. Lila sighed and hung her head. Maybe she shouldn't have told him. "How? Are you injured or ill?"He asked urgently. She shook her head sadly. "My body would have fought off any illness and an injury would have healed; no, I'm afraid I've been deliberately poisoned." Loki gasped. "By whom?" Lila knew exactly who had done this and why, but did she really want to tell her whole life story to someone she barely knows? Even if he was charming and handsom.....nevermind that! She glanced up at him ready to come up with some excuse, but seeing the desperate pleading look on his face made her scrap that idea. "Oh don't look at me like that! Grrr, fine, I'll tell you." He seemed satisfied but still unsettled and on edge. Lila didn't blame him. "Get comfy, this could take a while." They both sat down and she took a deep breath. "The first thing you should probably know is that my name is not Madeline....."


A young and innocent Lila struggled violently against the soldier men holding her. She knocked a few over, unnaturally strong for someone her age. When they had finally reached their destination, somewhere in a maze of winding hallways in the lower levels of what looked like a mix between a scientific and military compond, they typed in some sort of code into the panel next to a large glass wall. 

A door in the glass wall opened and they shoved her in. She looked around and saw a small hard, metal bed, and a door that led to a room with a toilet and a shower. But what interested her most was the size of the room, it was spacious with an extremely high ceiling.

Ledges and perches jutted out from the walls at different intervals, it seemed they wanted to study her flying. Despite having wings for almost a year,  she had only tried to fly twice and got in trouble with her mother so she could not fly very well yet.

Lila was tired and said to herself she would try it tomorrow. The second she lay down all of the lights turned off. The next morning she was woken by all of the lights turning back on. On the floor of her "cell" was some plain white clothes and a tray of food with a glass of water. After she had changed and eaten,  she took off her precious necklace and put it in a draw in her bathroom cabinet.

It was the only thing they let her keep. Mere moments later in came some more soldier men and dragged her away to a plain white room. Again they threw her in and locked the door. It only took a minute or so for Lila to notice the small change in temperature.

First it got hot, it wasn't too bad for Lila because her scales protected her. Then the temperature rose again and again and again until it was well beyond the point of being a safe temperature foe humans, but she wasn't human, and so it got hotter still.

This process was repeated with temperatures that would cause hypothermia on normal people. For the rest of the day they did tests, trying to see what she could withstand. They made pressures that made Lila's ears bleed, temperatures that made her body shut down in an effort to conserve heat, they tested her susceptibility to low oxygen levels, fire, water, even a dilute acid.

At what she presumed was the end of the day a gas started to seep from the  vents in the ceiling  and before Lila knew what was happening, she fell asleep. Waking up the next morning, the first thing she noticed was a hard metal thing around her neck.

She pulled and clawed and did everything she could think of but she couldn't get it off. After eating the food on the tray she hadn't noticed before and changing into new white clothing as yesterdays was in tatters, she tested her ability to fly. Slowly and uncertainly at first she unfurled her largely impressive wings and started flapping. Little by little she was lifting off the ground, slowly but surely.

Hours she practised, and by the next meal (which she assumed was dinner as she had no way to tell the time) she had mastered the ability to slowly lift off the ground and even reach as high as the lowest ledge jutting out from the wall. A few bruises had started to form and she noted to herself to remember to learn how to land properly.

This process of physical torture and Lila teaching herself how to fly, went on for many years. As she got older, she tried a few times to escape, overpowering guards and nearly getting to the elevator, not realising that of course, that they were many floors underground. Her first feeble attempt at escape was when she learnt what the metal thing around her neck was for. It was a high powered shock collar.

When it first started to electrecute her, she fell to her knees and used her recently grown claws to try and pry it off. It was working, slowly, so whoever was behind the control of it, promply turned up the voltage by a few thousand and then sat on the shock button. The pain was excruciating, almost equal to the acid tests, but Lila was determined to not spend a single moment longer as the lab rat of these monsters.

Continuing at her prying at the latch of the collar, she tried her best to ignore the pain. Looking back now, she wished she had given up at that point. Large, razor sharp and practically inch long spikes had shot out of inserts inside the collar and imbedded themselves deep into the tender flesh or her neck. Lila screamed in agony and finally stopped trying to get the collar off. That little incident caused said metal spikes to slice through her vocal chords and left her mute for months while the spikes retracted and her regenerative powers slowly kicked in and healed her.

A few more years passed and suddenly in came a new man different from her daily torturers. He was dressed in military attire, though at the time Lila did not know that, having spent her childhood locked up like some dangerous wild animal. One day, after having observed her daily 'testings' (though at that point they had probably learned all they could and were just enjoying torturing her) he came into her cell. Lila was perched high on one of the ledges. "Come down so I can talk to you." He ordered. "You can talk from down there." She answered defiantly. Annoying her captors by being constantly disobediant was the only thing she could do to fight back. After all, she had thought, there is not much more they can do to me that they don't do every day. Later, she learned that was not entirely true.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a hand held shock collar controller. He turned up high and pressed the dramatic big red button. Lila yelped and fell off her perch and onto the ground in front of him. " Experiment 001X59, my name is Colonel Willam Stryker and I have a propsition for you."


I'm really so terribly sorry it has taken this long to update!

My sister in law is super pregnant and is in hospital in early labour, I'm really hoping the baby wont be premature cause then he'll have to be hooked up to an incubator for a few weeks.

I've been having migranes and sleeping problems lately,

And to top it all off, school starts in like 4 days!!!....I think.

I know what you're thinking, "Exuses exuses!" But seriously, I did warn that I'm lazy, I procrastinate, I get frequent hormonal headaces and I often get distracted by other stories in the yeah.

Right well, if anyone is still reading this I have a question for you: If you could have one wish, what would you wish for? (excluding more wishes)

Hug a fox

Sit in a box

Go to some docks

Wind your old clocks

Goodbye and farewell from: The Doctor's Companion

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