Heart's Instinct

By AppleRoug

423 25 34

Luxuria, dominated by the Alpha Race Euterpe, dominated by the Beta Race Parthena, dominated by the Omega Rac... More

Chapter 2: Hydrus

Chapter 1: Altair and Vega

273 16 29
By AppleRoug


Hello Everyone,

This is my first ever A/B/O IDV Fiction ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I'm honestly not knowledgeable on how the whole universe work yet, so bear with me for now ( ' ▽ ' )ノ I really love that my friends recommended alot of IDV Fiction involving this AU and read a bunch of fluffy and sweet story about it soooo~ I thought maybe I could try writing one. It looks fun and exciting! o(*^▽^*)o Even though I always doze off when I write, edit and proof read

I also love fantasy AU, I love creating my own world, lore, cultures, beliefs and so on and so fort, forgive my long introduction of whats this and that in my story @O@ I did my best and I hope you enjoy, sweet heart

I was planning to make this a one-shot fiction? if I get motivated and inspired~ I will continue this fiction ( ◞・౪・)


This chapter have sexy scene so if you're 18 and below wait till you're legal sweetie and for 18 and above readers enjoy!


Luxuria, dominated by the Alpha Race

Euterpe, dominated by the Beta Race

Parthena, dominated by the Omega Race

These races are divided into Empires to create a harmonious place to live in, they are tasked to protect the balance in the world of Gaia.

The Alpha race begged to differ, they wanted to rule over the Omegas since they believe they are superior to them, they only see the Omegas as someone to use for their personal pleasure, to carry their offsprings and nurturing their children, nothing more than a tool to secure their lineage but because of the Beta race their vainglory attitude had diminished, this race had maintained peace and order throughout centuries in Gaia, they are mediators of the two warring race.

Most of the Alphas did not like the Beta's authority and since the middle race did not want any trouble they make peace with the Alphas by allowing some of them to enter the High Court and serve under the High Judge, Leo Beck, who is a pureblood Beta and the one who created the system of peace and order amongst all race, Leo had two daughters to be his heiress and carry on his will, the eldest was a Beta like him and the youngest was an Omega, Unfortunately Leo lost his eldest in an accident and was devastated, in order to keep the balance during his mourning, he gave the authority to his right hand man and his friend who is an Alpha.

During his absence the High Court was dominated by the Alpha's, they neglect the tranquility that Leo Beck build over the years, they have become greedy of the power that was given to them, they have become more and more cruel and merciless with their judgement and their only goal was to breed the Omega and taught the newer generation of Alphas that they are the most powerful race in Gaia

Arranged Marriage and Oppression had been brought upon the Omega Race, the Royal Monarch in Parthena did their very best to please the Nobles in Luxuria and in doing so, they are protecting their beloved people from any danger that they will face, for several years, Parthena was always on their best behavior following both Gaian Law and praising the Luxuria Empire because one wrong move they will be damned and severely punished by the Alphas


Inside Euterpe's court house, a man with white hair, aquamarine eyes and sophisticated features is working sternly, his concentration broke when a little boy with his face covered in a leathered mask approached him and handed him some documents.

"Eli Clark...... Helena Adams... Vera Nair... Aesop Carl, these are the updated list of the Parthena Omega Race, Lord Joseph." The young boy explained as he handed the documents to the white haired man's tab;e

"I see, thank you Robbie." The Noble took the files, scurried the details and placed it neatly at the side,"I recently saw this certain violation, one of the lawyers, Naib Subedar, From the Euterpe Beta Race. I believe Count Jack of Luxuria Alpha Race had filed a crime against him."he smirked while explaining,"Something about splashing a wine on his face in a party because Naib affirmed that he has been molested while being courted by the Count?" he chuckled, imagining how the event had unfolded between the two, he knew how fierce Naib was, being raised by a Noble Beta, trusted by the High Judge because of him being a gifted child and he came from a powerful lineage as well, a family of judges,"Naib's lineage, isn't he twenty percent omega and eighty percent beta at least that's what the data says about him."

"Ah, yes sir. He is." the young boy responded

"I see, Count Jack probably sensed a strong scent of Omega blood in him more than being a Beta." the Noble man fidgets his chin with his index finger,"In any case, we shall prepare for their report and see who will win this case."


In this time around, even with the oppression and injustice looming in Parthena, the Omegas have been living a peaceful life, their lives revolve around in farming, hunting, making shelter out of rocks and woods and nurturing their children, it wasn't easy but it keeps them physically healthy and learned how to survive in the toughest of times but not all of them lived like this, some live an elegant life, take the Omegan Royal for example, these monarch are the only ones with authority to decline any Alpha who wanted to marry them and they would be respected but in exchange they must sacrifice someone in their race that would be their substitute as an offering to the Alphas.

In a small town in Parthena lived two country bumpkins, Eli and Aesop, they were long time friends, they always do everything together, when they graduated in their study both have been working under the Balsa Noble Household as guards, they are tasked to go to the lands that the Omega Royal's owned and patrol there for months and report of what they have observed

"I'm sick of all these Alpha dominated monarchs..." Aesop growled, sharpening his knife

"It's not that bad at the very least we were not chosen to be an offering to any bad Alpha, as long as we hide our existence, they won't take interest in us, we've been doing that for 21 years." Eli remarked positively

"Easy for you to say, I've been hiding your butt for 21 years and mine 24"

"I'm grateful for that, Aesop. You're very sweet."

"I owe your parents for taking care of me when I lost mine in an accident."

"I'm sure, your parents are watching over you. As for me, I couldn't see mine, because I was born an Omega, My parents are Alpha but their genes weren't passed onto mine, I saw them cry when I was taken away and ever since then the Balsa household took great care of me... I'm probably cursed and was forgotten by my parents already."

"Don't say that, you're just unlucky but not cursed and you are not forgotten, it's because your parent's love you that we are not being attacked by Alphas and who knows they may give us to someone who's decent? Not someone who sees us as sex dolls."

"I hope you're right..."

"In any case, I'm done sharpening my knife, want to visit Lord Luca, I've heard he invented this new contraption that can let us fly in the sky"


The two Omega immediately scramble and fix their things and head to the Balsa Manor.


Alpha's in Luxuria are fond of alcohol, smoking and pretty much splendour parties, one of the wealthy Alpha from Luxuria, who have a long line of dominated Alpha race was Norton Campbell, William, Martha, Andrew, Patricia, Fiona and Naib were his closest friends, all of them are also a part of nobility and loves to party with Norton, this is one of the nights they are enjoying till they drop since Norton's parents were promoted and was given a dozen of beautiful Omega from Parthena

"Seriously, this again, Norton. Can you atleast calm down with the parties? We have one like this last week too." Naib growled at him, he watched everyone enjoy the luxury Norton had shared with them.

Norton and Naib were childhood friends, even if Norton did not like the fact Naib acts like a mom more than a best friend towards him, especially at a time like this, he cares for Naib dearly like a brother, he is Norton's first genuine friend after all

Most nobles sees Norton as a stepping stone to wealth and power, since he is young and naive, that is why he often experienced being betrayed, they wanted his power and his family's social standing, this is the reason why he became distrustful and apprehensive to those who approached him, he became vile to those who even try to test his authority. His first meeting with Naib surprised him because Naib cursed and scolded him in public when he accidentally bumped to his plate and joked instead of apologizing, Naib was very open with his feeling and honest, Norton got curious about him, so he began pestering him and because of that encounter, the two boys became close, Naib taught Norton a lot about humanity, respect and honor, for Norton he thinks Naib had some weird moral values, stay healthy and be kind stuffs like that, Norton didn't understand him but just accepted him anyway

"Norton~ all these beautiful omega ladies are yum-yummy!" Fiona giggled, letting the Omega ladies lick her feet while the other massage her shoulder and her head, pampering every bit of her, it was so satisfying,"Seriously, where did you get them~"

"My parents received these beauties as a gift!" Norton puffed his chest proudly, he had his eyes fixed on his friends, proud that these Omega Beauties sure knows how to make the Alpha's happy, all of them are trained to do so, he was honestly satisfied with it

"Wow, you're so adorable like a puppy. What's your name?" William poke the blonde scared boy's nose

'Vi...vi...victor....victor gran...grants' The boy wrote in his pad illegibly but was still understandable, he was shaking vehemently

"Oh, he's mute but cute, are you going to get him laid? I can scent him strongly, his heat must be close" Patricia bobbed her head at William's shoulder as she asked in a serious tone, the blonde boy only flinched at her commentary, he sure didn't like what he heard one bit and closed his eyes and whimpered

"I'm sorry I didn't know someone is defective?" Norton flickered his eyes in disappoint, walking towards his friends as he crossed his arm looking at Victor who's still in the corner hugging his pad

"You know what everyone, It's sad that everyone here treats the Omega Race like they're your possessions, pets and are material things, they have feelings too you know" Naib sneered at them, pitying the Omegas who are serving his Alpha friends, everyone just looked at Naib and ignored his comment as always

"No, I'll take him home. Can I? I'll take care of him, he looks like he's gonna cry." William pouted and patted Victor's head gently

"Sure, I can also deliver new and nice omegan sluts if you want." Norton chuckled, earning a sharp glare from Naib,"WHAT!? I was Just kidding geez! I like all Omegas because they're soooo submissive, obedient and good to us."

"If you meet a strong headed Omega and fall in love with him, you're gonna regret ever doing these to all of them, All of you. Don't say I didn't warn you." Naib retaliated

"Pssh! Doubt it!" Norton rolled his eyes,"I'll make any Omega beg for my affection." he replied proudly, Naib could only shake his head in dismay, he couldn't take anymore of the scene before him and leave the place, upon leaving, everyone looked at each other, making faces

"Naib is a killjoy sometimes" Martha shrugged her shoulders and grinned at the group,"Anyways guys, wanna play truth or dare?" She exclaimed, handing a deck of cards on the table,"Whoever loses this game, gets to visit a small Omega village in Parthena, take one Omega, no preference, show it to the group and then bring them back."

"Sounds fun! Count me in!" William happily jumped in the sofa

"What's the reward if we win?" Patricia placed her elbow on the table and let her chin rest on her palms

"Hm, how about you can have three wishes that the group can do, something that we are capable of doing of course." Martha giggled and had her eyes fixed on the silent Alpha on the side,"Any suggestion Andrew? You have been silent over there for a while now."

"Anything's good with me, I'll play with everyone." Andrew remarked, patting the Omega in front of him,"I just hope I wouldn't lose this game, I don't want my soon to be fiancee or any of my fiance's family members to know that I took an Omega for fun."

"You're beginning to be a killjoy just like Naib you know." Fiona scolded and turned to shuffling her cards again,"In any case let's begin."

After a short while of playing five rounds, Naib went back and saw all the Omega resting while everyone in the group laughed watching Norton struggled to win the game and of course, he would end up losing and accepting the dare, It wasn't scary for him to do, he actually felt elated with the challenge and was smug that he can flawlessly do this task, Naib could only watch and worry for him, he silently prayed that his friend would be okay for doing something so stupid.

The group of peers went to Parthena riding the carriage that Norton had prepared and let his friends stay over the Vacation home at Parthena, to let them wait for him there, when he returned with an Omega in his hand

"Goodluck big guy." William wave at Norton goodbye as he watched him enter the carriage once again

"Careful not to get caught." Patricia chuckled to tease him

"I pray for your success!" Fiona flail her arms around, Martha and Andrew just stare at Norton with their thumbs up

Naib approached Norton, he knew scolding him won't stop him for doing something like this, he just patted his shoulder and nod, Norton knew he was worried and signaled Naib to do their secret handshake before leaving, it's something like a password for the two that Norton invented and they're the only ones who knows of it, after their secret handshake, Norton bid everyone farewell and asked his conductor to head to Edelweiss since it's the farthest Omega town from the Capital City.

"I can do this, No problem." Norton snuffed an air out of his nose, composed himself and prepared himself for the challenge.

------Parthena (Edelweiss)------

Eli and Aesop were patrolling Edelweiss, a small town near the border of Parthena, the Balsa household had that land as a gift from the high priest in Euterpe and it was populated by both the Omega and Beta race ever since. The two Omega took turns in guarding the area.

Eli's morning shift was about to end so Aesop had to take his turn in securing the perimeter

"Done, Walking around is not my forte." Eli spoke while he slumped lazily on the couch in the small guard house near the town,"Lord Luca sure loves letting us walk around the small towns they own."

"I actually like it, it's far away from the city and it's relaxing plus I don't think any Alpha would be interested here, they usually don't take countryside folks." Aesop stood up, letting a huff of air escape his lips,"In any case, you should rest and play with that little toy Lord Luca gave us, I think he called that contraption mini copter or something, he said it'll be a great way to test out his camera installed in that device and see from far off places since he can't really leave the manor without any supervision."

"That's understandable, he is the only Omega male in the household, the royal family in Parthena is protective of him and Lady Tracy." Eli added, Aesop nodded and leave the premises

During Aesop's shift, he was observing the people of edelweiss, How peaceful they are, while living alongside the Beta, he happily watched the families in the town, he thought he wouldn't mind having a family if he would married to a Beta but being with a Beta male would have a low or no chance at all of him. conceiving a child, maybe a beta female would do? Who knows, he remembered how Eli would love a family of his own and asked his parents if there is any Alpha who would take him and his parents we're very happy that Eli thought of having a family with an Alpha but Aesop would only worry for Eli, he always sees Alpha species are vile and cruel to the Omega race after all

Aesop secretly asked Eli's parents to look for someone who will take good care of him, to protect and treasure him, in doing so will remove his impending concern for his safety, Eli's parents agreed and they had someone in mind to be his husband-to-be already and a man of Nobility who is looking for an Omega, he had been a widowed for years now and would love to marry again, Aesop's worry began to subside at the news.

While daydreaming, Aesop stumbled near the floral forest in town, it was gorgeous, it was filled with colorful flowers, blooming and dancing in the breeze, the townsfolk rarely walk around the borders of the Empire since there's not much in there anyways and it's also dangerous to cross the borders, who knows who might lurking there to take and hurt them.

Aesop took a longer walk and saw a teenage boy by the tree softly humming, he thought, maybe the boy was just resting, the place is eternally peaceful to relax, his eyes scanned the area and from the bushes, he saw a dark haired man looking at the boy, he seemed like a tiger aiming for his prey, Aesop focused his eyes on that person, wondering if he was from the town, he never seen his face before, he had patrolling the town for several years already, he would have memorized everyone by this point in time, he waited for a moment for the mysterious figure to make a move and was surprised that the guy actually took the boys arm dragging him and covered his mouth with a cloth, Aesop was baffled as he dashed towards them to catched up quickly, barricading the intruder

"Who the hell are you!?" Aesop unsheathed his knife and point it to the dark haired intruder

"Sh*t! Stand down, you low life omegan slut!" The dark haired intruder warned, intimidating the Omega before him

"I'm a---what!?" Aesop raised a brow at the guy and noticed he wasn't just some ordinary intruder, he was definitely an Alpha of some higher class, the way he looked, the clothes he wear and that insignia on his left chest, Aesop sighed and stood up straight, noddle his head in disappointment, "Ah, An Alpha kidnapping a defenseless Omega, not a bright way to court him, Oh great Noble Alpha."

"Eh?" The dark haired Alpha only blinked a couple of times before responding, he didn't know that Omega would notice his race right away but he kept his strong aura once again,"I mean AHEM! I said stand down!"

"Why would I!? You're the intruder here! If you don't put that boy down! I swear I'm gonna---"

"OKAY! OKAY! FINE! There!" The dark haired guy immediately surrendered, he didn't want to cause a lot of scene, it might turn into a huge scandal if that were to happen, he released the boy in his arms and groaned, upon doing that, the boy ran towards Aesop sobbing as he hid from his back,"Drop the knife." he commanded

"Why? You're not the boss of me."

"Excuse me!?"

"It's not like you can threat me in my territory"

"You little--ugh!" The Alpha tugged his hair in frustration, why did he let himself surrendered that fast, he could have threatened the Omega with the boy, that was one stupid move for him, he didn't think it thoroughly, heck he didn't think at all,"This is why you guys are a bunch of idiots."

"Says the one who stepped in the enemy territory." Aesop raised a brow at him, analyzing the intruder from head to toe, he assumed already that he was a Noble Birth probably the same age as Eli, he's very attractive too, most of the Alpha's are anyways, he have a confident attitude, he's one of those stereotype Alpha he knows so well, full of themselves, he wanted to let the stupid Alpha go but his guts is telling him, Alpha's like this one should be punished but if this Alpha goes on telling on him, he'd be a goner so he had to ask,"What's your name?"

"My name?" The dark haired intruder looked at the Omega and grinned from ear to ear, maybe saying his name would make the Omega let him go, his household are Elites, so that would work,"Norton. Norton Campbell of the Campbell Noble Household in Luxuria and you are?"

"I see." Aesop nodded at the man, he was right, he saw him a couple of times in the news and magazine, that household sure is wealthy, if he remembered correctly, that family is heavily invested in mining, no wonder upon observation this guys jewelry from his earrings, piercing on his nose, bracelet and necklace, even those little gems in his clothing and shoes would cost a fortune,"Come with me, Mr. Campbell, I need to take you to our city and ask the Omega Court what will be the right punishment for a noble like you."

"What? No, No, No, You don't understand! If you do that, It'll be a HUGE scandal! I don't want that and besides can you just let me go? This is a one time thing, I will never ever do this again, I promise" Norton negotiated hoping the Omega would took mercy on him, he never begged anyone like this before but he was honestly scared because he would be severely punished by his parents, that's for sure and receiving a non-stop sermon from Naib

"Don't worry Mr. Campbell, this is a one time thing too, after your trial you would be free and don't worry again, you Alpha's always have your way on winning cases against Omega's anyways, you don't mind a little publicity do you? You do love the attention everyone would show you." Aesop replied sarcastically, he really do dislike their race a lot

Norton sighed, there's no way he could negotiate with this Omega, he sensed that this one hated their Race, he had to think of something or else he'd be dead meat in this scandal,"Fine. Is there anything you would like?" Aesop looked at him, he looked defeated so he waited for the Alpha to continue,,"I would give or do anything you asked me to... just don't let the authorities know that I have done something like this. I would be punished severely."

"Anything I asked?"

"Yes, but please be reasonable with your request, okay!? I don't want to do something, I do not agree to do"

"Do you think you're in a position to do that?"

"Ugh, Look, let's just negotiate okay? I'm doing my best here, trying to gain your Omega whatever trust."

"First of all." Aesop raised his index finger at him,"Don't call me names or ANY of my race names, like omega slut, omega low life or any of that degrading labeling, call us like how you call your Alpha family and friends."

"Deal. What's your name then?"

"Aesop Carl, second of all, I would like you to treat the Omega's with respect and care." Norton was about to say something but Aesop glared at him, Norton's mouth would say BUT and he stopped what he was going to say and let Aesop talk,"Omega's are carrier of your offsprings, we are born as nurturer of your children, I hope that if you gain an Omega lover, you will treat them with utmost respect, love and care, make them feel your love and affection, although I won't be able to see that but I do hope your stay here will change your mind and heart because of that."

"Huh?" Norton tilted his head with what Aesop just said,"What do you mean my stay here?"

"It means that my third condition, I would like you to stay here for a maximum of three months and live like a normal folk in this town." Aesop dropped the bomb with a huge grin on his face, he watched as the Alpha's onyx orbs widened by his last request and mouth splitting open comically

"WAIT WHAT!? I can't possibly do that!? Are you crazy! I don't want to stay in a poor town like this! I'd go mad!" Norton retorted, he can't believe how insane the last request was, he never lived in a place so damn small and peaceful in his life before, he wanted to faint

"If you can't do that, then I will hand you over to the authorities then." Aesop shrugged his shoulders

Norton was internally panicking and thought there must be something he could do, he didn't want to stay here, it's ridiculous, he remembered how weak Omega's are, if he just knocked this one out and escape he won't get in trouble, he waited for the Omega to drop his defenses and once he did he would charge at him with full force and ran away.

Aesop watched Norton intently, he knew he was up to something no good, probably a escape plan, to his surprise Norton starts speeding towards him but due to Aesop's combat training, even if his body was smaller in built and this Alpha before him looks like three times stronger than him, his only way to outsmart that brute strength is his speed, he took one foot back and lightly take the boy to his side, protecting him while taking an offensive stance, making Norton missed his opportunity to take him down, Norton tripped a little but quickly regain his footing, Unfortunately for him, Aesop hit his neck to make him fall unconscious and dropped his whole body on the ground.

"Ah! Is he dead, Mr. Carl?" The boy twitched and gripped Aesop's shirt

"Nah, I just knocked him down because he was being a bad boy." Aesop slowly picked Norton up, hanging his arms around his shoulders and turned to the boy,"Jim, you shouldn't wander out here alone again okay, go back to the town, your parents must be worried about you, I will just take this guy to the guard house."

The boy smiled and waved at the Omega Guard goodbye, Aesop struggled carrying the Alpha towards the guard house, it was quite far from where they are after all, when he reached the place, he saw Eli watching TV while eating popcorn, hearing Aesop's return, Eli jumped happily to greet him but shock overcome him when he saw him carrying someone with him

"Don't just stand there, help me out will you?" Aesop commanded, panting heavily

"I'm sorry!" Eli immediately assisted Aesop towards a small guest room at the Guard House and placed Norton down the bed,"Who is this? I had never seen him before, we know everyone in this town, is he a passerby? Is he sick?"

Aesop shook his head and sighed,"he's an intruder, a noble alpha from Luxuria, Norton Campbell."

"What? A Campbell! What's he doing here???"

"I honestly don't know but I saw him taking Jim, that's why I knocked him out." Aesop slouched his body towards the sofa,"I was going to bring him to the authorities but he wanted to negotiate with me, there he is, long story short, I want to keep him here for now."

"It might cause a huge problem to keep him, Aesop." Eli pouted staring at his friend,"He's from a well-known family after all. I hope we won't get in trouble because of this."

"We won't trust me besides I just want to show the Alpha Race that they need to treat us, Omega better... Knowing that this stupid Noble came here to do stupid things is a big opportunity for us to show that."

"Okay, Let's retire for the night then. I'll just turn on the electric fences."

The two Omega had turned for the night. The next day, Norton walked up from his slumber, he jumped off the bed and felt his back hurt from the thin mattress he just slept on, his mattress at home were always soft and fluffy but this one he can feel the wood on his back, he stretched his whole body making a cracking sound, His eyes scanned the area, he didn't know where he was and when he saw the door, he walked in a faster pace but was stopped when a metal chain locked in the bed post stopped him

"What in the world is this!?" Norton exclaimed, yanking the chain off of his left feet,"F*ck must be that omega slut's doing." he growled

"Omega Slut, again huh?" Aesop sighed exasperatedly, apparently Norton didn't notice that he entered the room, he was also holding a tray filled with sausage, butter and jelly with bread, an apple juice, it was prepared for Norton's breakfast, he gently placed it on the table and stare at Norton,"It's only been a day yet you can't keep your promise."

"I didn't promise anything or agree with all your conditions yet." Norton furrowed his brows at him,"Why am I locked in here like a dog anyway? Can you just let me go? I promise I would forgive you for all the trouble you cause."

"Wow, you really are an idiot aren't you, you still don't get everything I said yesterday." Aesop let out a breath and leaned back to his chair,"I have half a mind to let the authorities know you are here but here I am taking pity on you despite of me hating your kind and now you are showing that I cannot trust you because even with this mercy and patience I have in my heart, I might snap when you pissed me off, I could have asked for your money, wealth and power but I didn't, I'm asking you something so simple, to stay here and understand the lives of my kind yet you showed no interest and care for us at all, you really see us nothing but birth machine for your bloodline to flourish, if that's how you see us then this negotiation is nothing but a farce to begin with, I shouldn't have brought you here and arrest you instead..." he let out a breath and stood up,"...how disappointing."

When Aesop was about to leave the room, Norton grabbed his hand to stop him,"Wait!" he sighed before speaking,"What are your conditions again... I will... I will do as you say, as long as you let me go afterwards."

Aesop's face light up, his eyes twinkled and his lips curved up into a smile, for a moment, Norton's heart began to fluttered by the sight of Aesop's happy demeanor, he never knew that this fierce looking and strong headed omega will have this cute side to him, he can't help but to smile at his reaction, Aesop immediately noticed he was unconsciously joyous of what Norton had said and ducked his head, blushing as he did

"How cute." Norton chuckled,"So, that's how to make a cute omega like you smile."

"Shut up...!" Aesop stammered and coughed to compose himself,"In any case, my conditions are don't call Omega's any degrading names, second treat our race with respect, love and care just like how would you treat someone well and lastly stay here in our village for a maximum of three months, my reason is because I want you to understand how we live our life. Deal?"

"Deal. Can I contact my family or friends before I do that?" Norton asked, Aesop looked like he still didn't trust him, he seemed hesitant by his request,"You can look at the letter that I would send them and send it yourself, in that way I can earn your trust."

Aesop smiled again, Norton really liked how he smiled so sweetly, Omega's really know how to make an Alpha want them, their innocence and their very presence make the Alpha's claim, protect and have them, guess it's in Omega's nature to seduce an Alpha, with the little adorable things they do.

Norton just wrote a simple note to his friends, telling them he'd be taking any punishment from them later for running away from the game and would like to stay in Edelweiss for three months and would explained everything when he returned, he asked that his friends do not visit him in that time, he would send them letter at least once a week and pictures to show them that he is alright, after writing the letter and showing it to Aesop, he let Eli's owl, Rosen, take it to Norton's friends, when the group read his letter they just laughed about it and let it go but not Naib, he thought something more serious happened to Norton and since Norton did not want them to go there, he had to think of something to know what was the real reason he had to stay there

Aesop and Eli explained to Norton the nature of their work and of course Aesop didn't still trust Norton so he had to stay inside the guard house with his feet bound in the bed post, Norton had no choice but to agree with his conditions, Aesop promised him that if he gain his trust he would let him roam around town. During Aesop's absence, Eli would bring the people in edelweiss to meet Norton and interact with him, Norton was surprised, Eli told everyone who was he and what happened, even the kid Jim forgive him that easily, he noticed how kind hearted the people of the town were, they weren't just there to entertain him, they visit him to make him comfortable in living in a coop place for weeks now, the elders of the town even asked Aesop to let him go which was a big surprise from Aesop and Norton, Aesop still had his doubt, if Norton might have manipulated them to do him that favor but Eli reassured Aesop that he didn't, that's why he decided to let him go after three weeks of his stay

Another day had come, Aesop had to patrol around the place leaving Eli and Norton strolling around town, talking and helping the folks

"Do you like our town, Mr. Campbell?" Eli asked, smiling from ear to ear,"It's not much but the people here are very nice, Mr. Campbell."

"Norton. Call me, Norton." Norton requested and patted Eli's head,"I love your town, the people here welcome me with warmth, I like that, It's calming? I'm honestly not sure." he gazes up at the sky and turns back to the young omega in front of him,"Your name is Eli? Eli what?"

"Eli Clark." The young omega introduced

Norton's eyes widened, he was always accompany by this brunette Omega for long but he never thought that he'd be a part of the prestigious family, the Clark were Alpha Seers, he knew one of the couples of that household had given birth to an Omega child, he didn't expect this was that boy, he also remembered a conversation between the noble household that this Omega would be betrothed to that Nyarlatolep from the Feaster Household, Eli looked at Norton's complex expression and tugged the hem of his shirt

"Are you okay, Norton?"

Norton snapped back to his senses and looked at Eli,"Yes, I'm sorry, I was in deep thought." he scratched his head and spoke,"Aren't you engaged? I mean, If you are from the Clark household then you must be engaged to a man named Hastur?"

"Hastur? Who's that?"

"Your parents didn't tell you yet? During one of the Alpha meetings, I heard your household was closed to the Feaster household since both families can see the future and a widowed man is looking for an Omega mate and you were chosen to be his."

"Oh, I didn't know that, I was busy with work to check my parents letters but I'm honored that my parents chose that man for me, what's he like?"

"Well.. he.." Norton narrowed his eyes, trying to remember the last time he and Hastur talked,"He's strong that's for sure, smart and cunning, he was workaholic and um..."

"How about his love life, you said he was a widow, so he loved his Omega till death do them part, how romantic." Eli rocked his head happily back and forth, he always dreamed of having a family with an Alpha who will love him

Norton's brow crunched in worry, he knew what had happened to Hastur and his previous Omega, it was something tragic that he did not wish to discuss, he just hope this little innocent Omega would not meet the same fate, It was strange he didn't even know Eli personally but he is praying for his safety maybe Naib's kindness towards the Omegas had gotten into him for some reason, Aesop was also right, maybe staying here for a couple of months would make him understand the Omega Race even more.

When night came, Aesop was so exhausted, Eli and Norton just looked at him with a perplexed expression, they wondered why does he looked so tired, Eli was the first one to run to him and touched his forehead

"You okay?" Eli asked worriedly

"Yeah, I just ran into some sabertooth by the forest and scared it away. I don't want to kill animals, he didn't look like he harmed anyone anyways." Aesop huffed heavily, he was sweating so hard and groaning

It made Norton flinch, he knew what Aesop's been going through, his complexion looks a bit paler, his eyes are moisting in tears, he's sweating profusely and groaning--NO--moaning, He covered his nose, Aesop's sweat glands was being mixed with roses and lilac, it was intoxicating, his Alpha senses wanted to claim him, Aesop glared at Norton, he looked at Norton gulping so hard, he turned to Eli and signaled him to take Norton down but when Eli was about to take him out, Norton immediately bite his arm

"What!?" Aesop exclaimed watching Norton hurting himself and dashing off to the guest room, the two omega stared at each other, surprised by what just happened.

After a moment of silence, they both ignored what Nordon did earlier. Eli took some suppressant pills to let Aesop drink it for his heat to subside,"Thank you Eli but what just happened, why did Norton bite his arm? He looks like he's bleeding too, would you mind checking him out for me, I'm still not okay at the moment."

"Sure thing." Eli nodded and ran towards Norton's room and with a soft knock he went inside, he saw Norton curled up in a ball inside the sheets, Eli pouted seeing him gripping the sheets tightly, he slowly walked up to him and spoke in a soft tone,"Norton... Thank you."

Norton flinched when he heard Eli's words and peered to see him,"Thank you?"

"Yes, I know you're trying to control yourself for Aesop a while ago so thank you." Eli smiled in relief, he walked up to the cabinet and took out a medical kit and sat near Norton's bed,"May I see your injury? Let me tend it for you."

Norton slowly sat up and sighed, he showed his bleeding arm to Eli, which the other made a pout upon seeing it,"Why are you all nice to me, I was just here for a month or less even."

"Shouldn't we be mean to you?" Eli chuckled, wiping Norton's bleeding hand with a soaked towel,"We're just born helpers that's all."

"I don't think that's a reason for you to be nice to me." Norton watched as Eli coated the cotton in betadine and rubbed it in his wounds,"But I am thankful."

"Is that so?" Eli then covered his wound up with a bandage,"We just want everyone to live in peace and harmony, My best friend Aesop had a strong sense of justice, to protect our kind, he's not a bad person."

"I can see that. It's thanks to him that I'm reconsidering staying here and well, understand Omega... maybe?"

Eli let out a sigh of relief and nodded,"You should rest, if you're worried about Aesop, he's fine now, he just get his heat every end of the month for two or three days, sometimes he can have irregular heat timelines, so, I have to watch over him when he does, I get heat every second week of the month, just so you know and that wouldn't surprise you." After patching Norton up, Eli cleared the medical kit,"It must be hard for Alpha's to control themselves when Omega's have their heat."

"I don't get my rut often but when I do I'll tell you guys just in case."

After their small talk, Eli left the room and went back to his bed, he knew Aesop would be sleeping as well, as long as they take their suppressant pills they would be fine but he needed to get that scented chamomile perfume to cover Aesop's smell when he's in heat, it might be troublesome for him to attract any Alpha on the perimeter if he's not careful.

Months had passed, Norton got so accustomed in living Edelweiss along with the Omega and Beta in the area, since he's still an Alpha, he had to be friendly and asked the Omega in town when they are in heat to stay away from them, he can't just attack and claim the villagers his, it might make Aesop and Eli upset if he did, he helped in daily activities such as farming, tending the elderly, hunting and more, the Omega's in the countryside sure have it hard but they don't look like they are struggling instead they live in a peaceful life.

There was a day that Eli had leave for a week or so to visit his parents at the capital city of Parthena in Cascara and leave Norton and Aesop since Aesop will be busy full time guarding the area, Norton offered a helping hand to ease Aesop's work which the Omega was glad that the Alpha would be willingly to help him with his task, It was temporary and just for a week until Eli returns

Little by little Norton was being enthralled by this silver haired Omega, watching him help the people while working, seeing him smile and having fun made his heart fluttered in a special way and the way Aesop trust him more now made him very happy, he slowly forgets his life in Luxuria, if only, he could ask this Omega to be his, he definitely would but he wondered why he can't, he's usually confident with everything he does but with this Omega he couldn't help but to control his urges for him, maybe Naib was right, when he meet someone who will he truly pour his heart out, he will regret everything he wanted to change everything in his past, he wanted to change that for Aesop

"You okay? You're not eating, tell me if something is bothering you." Aesop spoke taking a mouthful of rice in his mouth, it was their usual daily routine, when it's Eli's time to patrol the area during the morning

"Hm? Oh. Uh... nothing." Norton dug in to eat his breakfast,"Say uh... it's almost your um... heat again?"

"So?" Aesop raised an eye at Norton and leaned back at the chair,"What of it? Will you attack me for it?"

"No! Why would I!" Norton retaliated, he saw Aesop chuckled, he knew this omega was teasing him, he always does nowadays,"I'm just worried since you are patrolling outside Edelweiss because of some intruders in the area lately, you might encounter an Alpha along the way."

"I am currently in heat, haven't you noticed? And if you don't, the pills are effective and so is the perfume, I'll be fine, It works for twelve hours anyways, if I start feeling funny again, I would just take them again. Easy."

"Okay, just be careful out there, Eli and I would be sad to see you being devour by the Alphas"

"Thanks for the concern, As I said, I'll be fine and besides I trust you will save me if I do get attacked, hm?"

"Wow, I'm your knight in shining armor now?"

"I believe so, do your best then"


An annual meeting was held every month for the monarch, to discuss and update the current state of their empires, an opportunity to help each other or announce engagement to maintain their bloodline, this is the only gathering Lord Leo Beck attended to pay respect to the leaders. After their counseling, sharing their opinions and thoughts about the changes in Gaia, the Reznik Household from Parthena had announced that their daughter is being arranged to the son of Kress Household from Luxuria, Luca was surprised with the news but the crowd could only applaud and cheer the new couples, after the meeting Luca talked to Tracy

"Tracy, why didn't you tell me about this?" Luca grabbed her arm in disappointment, the other did not speak or look at him,"I thought you would consider my love for you? I don't understand why you accepted the Kress Household's proposal or was it the Royal Family's decision?"

The young Omega didn't still spoke a word about the engagement, Luca was getting very upset, he knew Tracy told him a long time ago that he didn't like Luca and see him nothing but her brother, Luca slowly retracted his hand towards Tracy's arm and hung his head low, Tracy sighed sadly and place her hand on Luca's shoulders

"It was not my decision to be married to that Alpha Household." Tracy shook her head, making Luca narrowed his eyes at her,"It was their decision not mine, I didn't like it Luca but I still couldn't find a reason to reciprocate your love for me, I am sorry that I see you only as my brother."

Luca sighed deeply and stare at Tracy with concern,"I can help and save you from your fate..." he spoke confidently

"What? No, please, It's alright no need to throw yourself for the fire for me."

"I know who your heart belongs to Tracy, it's for that man whom you exchange letters with, William Ellis, correct? He is a Noble man living in Luxuria." Luca remarked, he knew so well that the person he loves the most won't look at him like the way he looked at her but at least, this one parting gift is going to make her smile and be with someone she genuinely shares her feelings with, he knows this is for the best,"Don't worry about me, Tracy, I love you and I want to see you smile with someone you love."

"Luca..." Tracy's gripped Luca's hand with all her strength, her eyes turning glassy from tears that are threatening to fall from her blue eyes,"What about you? Your happiness...?"

"I'm sure I'll find my own happiness someday but for now let me do this for you, I wanted to see you happy."

"You are selfless...Thank you, Luca for your kindness"

The two Omega envelope each other in deep embrace before leaving the court they talked it out with the royal family of Parthena and discussed the marriage to be transfer to the Balsa Household, Luca would gladly marry their eldest son, he never knew who this man was and only known him by the name of Andrew Kress

The Kress Household would be visiting the Balsa Household in Sur, the holy city of Euterpe for the preparation of their arrange marriage, during the meeting of their families, Luca finally meet his betrothed, he was a strikingly handsome Alpha in Luca's eyes but their first meeting end up a dead conversation, his fiance sure did not like to talk and Luca had to think of topics to keep them both engaged with each other, he was thankful that Andrew was answering all his question but that's that, It was honestly tiring

"Flowers and bears are nice." With no topic to think of anymore, Luca randomly mumbled whatever comes to his mind,"Marshmallow and hot choco too, I eat mayonnaise in my spare time too..."

Andrew looked at him, baffled what he was saying while staring off the distance, he can't help but to find Luca funny with his pouty face and his weird topic, he laughed at him talking to himself, Luca was surprised by his reaction, he stared at Andrew in complete awe

"So Bizzare, You Omega's are weird. Who eats mayonnaise while thinking of Hot Choco?" Andrew kept laughing, covering his mouth slightly,"You're going to be an interesting husband that's for sure, I'm sure we're going to have cute children if they act or talk like you."

"Uh..." Luca was surprised Andrew was thinking about their future family already, it didn't even cross Luca's mind,"...You... do you want children?"

"Of course, don't you Omegas want to have one? Give birth and nurture our offspring, isn't that your only goal in life?" Andrew spoke in a monotone voice

His words were very uncomfortable for Luca because of the way Andrew assumed the Omega's only goal in life is as simple as giving birth and taking care of their offsprings, It's quite disrespectful but judging by Andrew's reaction, he looked like he didn't mean what he say but was taught to him by the Alpha in his hometown, he heard how the Alpha told the newer generation, Omega's would love it if the Alpha marked them like they were possession, carrying their offsprings and that's it, they were never taught that Omega's are humans and have feelings too just like them, Luca sighed exasperatedly, he thought Andrew was different among all the Alpha but he was the same as the rest who think of the Omega race as a birth machine to make their bloodline flourish, Andrew noticed Luca's odd behavior and poke his cheeks

"You're getting weirder, Is something wrong?" Andrew asked curiously

"Hm? It's nothing." Luca oogle his head from side to side,"Say, Andrew I want to tell you that it's not the only thing Omega wants, we don't want to be just the carrier of your children, we have dreams that we want to achieve too, we want to be loved and cared for, we wanted to be respected and in return give our heart to our significant other, I hope you understand where I'm coming from."

"I don't get it." Andrew knitted his brow perfectly, Luca had different upbringing than him and he didn't get why was Luca telling him all of that

"I'll make you understand my race then." Luca stood up and extended his hand towards Andrew,"Do you trust me, my future husband?"

Andrew looked at Luca dumfoundedly, staring at his offering hand and nodded, Andrew still found him very amusing and peculiar, who knows Luca might bring colors in his dull and boring Alpha life, he took Luca's hand in his and stroll around town while discussing about their cultures and beliefs

------Parthena (Edelweiss)------

After Eli's shift, Aesop came prepared, he readied everything he needed and left right away, Eli and Norton spent their time helping around town as always but Norton can't help but to worry about Aesop. Eli reassured him, he'll be fine and will be back by midnight.

On the other hand, Naib had found a way to see Norton again, it has been a month since he was missing after all, his letters isn't convincing him that Norton was honestly alright, so he had to asked one of the lawyer in Euterpe, Lord Joseph Desaulniers to help him track Norton, he agreed to do so and promised Naib he would be there too to conduct the investigation for his missing friend, Naib could only thank him for that and promised him that he will win the case against the Count after Norton's return.

During that night, Aesop was hanging on the tree as he watched the outskirts of the town, he was glad no one was there to bother the peaceful night, Norton and Eli might probably returned at home by now, just one more hour and he'd be going home too and he's very thankful that the pill will wear off by this time around and he got extras

An hour had passed there's still no sign of enemy in the rendezvous, Aesop jumped down the tree and sighed as he felt his heat rushing towards his whole body again, he took a small packet of suppressant and a bottle of water to take it in his system when all of a sudden, someone made a sound by the bushes, making him jump and take a defensive stance

"Well, well, well, I'm quite surprised they would let an Omega in heat patrol the perimeter not to mention in this late hour." A man spoke being covered by the shadow of the trees, Aesop took a step back, trying to control his body from reacting from that voice, he can feel that the person was an Alpha, his body was craving for a mate so he knew right away,"Are you okay little kitten, you looked exhausted, do you want me to help you?"

"S-stay.. Bac..ack!" Aesop choked on his words, he immediately popped the packet open to take the suppressant when the mysterious man dashed to him and swat his pills and water away, pinning him down to the ground,"AH!!"

The man smirked at the Omega below him and sniffed him, his aromatic scent was drawing him closer to the edge, Omega's in heat smelled so nice after all, he leaned closer to the Omega's face, he can hear Aesop's breath hoarse, his eyes were tearing up as his lips tremble from the Alpha's touch

"What a poor kitty." The man traced his fingers on Aesop's cheeks, making the Omega's senses tingle with his touch on his skin, Aesop knew that he wanted more but his mind is fighting over his body, how it reacted to this intruder's touch, he closed his eyes tightly while he modulate his breathing, averting his attention

"Pl...please...stop... I don't wa... haah... want to..." Aesop huffed, his eyes were being clouded in lust, he prayed someone would save him, the man looked so cynical watching him shake in fear, pleasure and desperation, the man slid his hand inside his shirt and rubbed his chest,"ahh~ haah... More... No! Ahn... haah... ugh..." his eyes widened with what he just said, asking for a stranger to do him is so wrong, he was desperately trying to keep himself calm and straightened his consciousness, once again he closed his eyes.

"You want to be fucked by someone you met? How naughty" the man leaned closed to him and nibbled Aesop's earlobe making him squirm and moaned even louder, the man's hand busy flickering his nipples and planting soft kisses on his cheeks

OH! NO NO NO NO NO NO! My head... my head is spinning! Someone help me!

NORTON! Aesop mind screamed the Alpha's name


The Omega's silver eyes shot opened, he leaned back to see the man he called for, frantically and panting roughly, his clothing and hair are disheveled, Norton must have searched for him everywhere, Aesop sobbed as his savior is finally here, the man only had a confused smirk on his face and sat up to look at Norton from head to toe, He laughed a little

"My oh my, We were looking for you, Norton. In fact your dear Euterpean friend sent us here, Naib Subedar."

Norton's eyes widened, he knew this white haired man but did not expect him to come here but he did say that Naib asked this guy to look for him, he sighed and looked at the guy sternly,"I see, In any case, please do not molest my Omega, Joseph."

"Your omega, this one?" Joseph looked at the Omega beneath him and back to Norton,"I can't see any mark in him, is he truly yours?"

"N.. norton...ah... haah.. Help me.."

When Joseph heard the Omega's plea, he was more aroused, he wanted that Omega to call out his name too, he was moaning from the start, he really is in desperate need for a mate, Joseph lift Aesop's body to let him sit and hugged him placing his head over the Omega's shoulder, Norton felt threatened he was being touched by another Alpha and was honestly scared Aesop would get marked

"Please, Joseph, give me back my Omega."

"Hm? But he needed to calm his heat now, I wanted to help him and besides I saw him in heat first isn't it appropriate to help him release it? He looks desperate and sexually frustrated right now, I would like to touch him, his scent is intoxicating me, mhm~"

"Ah... haah... I want... ngh..." Aesop mewled feeling Joseph's breath brushed in his ears,"No.. Ah.. I'm... mmhm..." he tried to push Joseph away with all his remaining strength but it was pointless, his head was going haywire and his body is limping from his heat

"Please, I would do anything, just don't-- touch him." Norton kneeled in front of Joseph, the other could only smirked, he never knew this day would come that this young cocky Noble he knew would bow down before him and just for this random Omega he just met, Norton looks more desperate than him

"If I kill you right here and right now, would that be alright, I promise to secure the safety of this Omega if you agree upon my terms."


"I promise, I would let him go and besides I would just show your head to your best friend and your family to get my reward, what do you say?"

Norton felt conflicted, he wanted to save Aesop but he surely did not want to die too but what other choice does he have? He didn't want Aesop to suffer in Joseph's hands, he knew what power this noble had but at the same time why would he want to kill him? He's a lunatic, His thoughts are swirling in his head, Joseph was so entertained with Norton's desperation that he didn't notice Aesop pulled out a knife and with all his strength stabbed Joseph's arm and kick him in the shin to break free, he frantically ran to Norton, Norton had snapped out of his senses taking Aesop's limp body, he got shot by his intoxicating Omega scent, he gritted his teeth and tried to sway it away, he glared at Joseph who's groaning in pain by carrying Aesop in his arm, he took this opportunity to slam a bottle of mist and ran away, deep in the forest, as far as his legs can take him, until they get away from Joseph's grasp

Deep within the forest, there were small treehouses that are built for a hideout just in case an invasion will occur in the small towns in Parthena, it was refugee for survivors, it's complete with supplies needed to survive, it had always been replenished by the villagers and those who are assigned to guard the place and something comfortable to live in, Norton placed Aesop on the wooled sheet, he was still gasping for air, his heat did not subside and the suppressants he was taking was nowhere to be found in his possession. Norton could only pity the Omega before him, he was sobbing in pain and as much as he wanted to help Aesop he didn't want him to get laid and he might not be able to control himself for marking him, it's too much to bear

"N-Norton... help me... please..."

Norton had to sway away his desperate plea and sit on the couch to force himself to sleep but how could he? when Aesop's moan were music to his ears, he wanted to close his eyes but he saw Aesop removing his shirt and unbuckled his pants and starts feeling himself while crying, Norton was getting aroused of what he was seeing, his Alpha instincts are calling him to touch Aesop, both of them had their bodies calling out for each other, it was getting harder and harder to fight, Aesop turned to Norton and sat up, he couldn't do it alone anymore

"Please... I'm allowing you... to touch me... please, Norton... I need you."

Those words left Aesop's mouth, Norton bitted his lips so hard, before letting out a deep breath, he walked towards Aesop, licking his lips and caressed Aesop's face, with just one touch, Aesop mewled and nuzzled on his palm, feeling Norton's warmth, without further delay, their lips united in a deep, sloppy kisses, feeling Aesop's mouth, made it so intoxicating for Norton, their kisses made him crave for more of him, he easily succumb himself in lust, His hands was already touching the body of the silver haired omega, stimulating him and making him mewl, a gasp escaped the Omega's lips as his Alpha played with his nipples while he slid off his shirt off of him. Aesop removed his pants and underwear, tossing it to the side and positioned himself in Norton's laps, he was so desperate to calmed his heat down but Norton stopped

"Are you sure about this?" Norton asked worriedly, he was still unsure and in control of his lewd thoughts, he knew he loved Aesop but what about Aesop, Does he feel the same way about him? He was going to confess his feelings for him on the last day of his stay in Edelweiss but this had to happen.

"I...I told you that it's... haah...f-fine...j-just...ahhn... don't cum inside..."

Aesop kissed Norton again while he lowered his hips, he moaned louder when he felt Norton's cock entered him. The Alpha gulped hard and moved inside his Omega slowly, feeling him being sucked inside the Omega's warm cavern, his walls clenching him, making him feel ecstatic, his length pulsating deep inside, Aesop began to take him deeper, when he felt like his hole swallowed Norton's entirety, he breathed in deeply and out until he bounced on him aggressively, hitting his sweet spot and abused it as he moves. Norton hugged him, groaning in pleasure, trying to keep himself together while his ears were filled with Aesop's sweet moans

Bite him...

         ...Mark him as yours...

                    ....He's only an omega...

                                                         ...Do it

Norton's mind began to scream those words, he tried to ignore it but his Alpha instinct keep on attacking him, it was impossible, he was at the verge of his last sanity, he felt him tying inside Aesop while being engulfed in lascivious thoughts, he kept resisting but his body loved the physical pleasure he was receiving, he huffed a breath as he looked at the Omega in front of him. I don't want to hurt you, he thought to himself, he let out a sharp breath, stared at his arm and bite it so hard, to the point that it bleed from the impact, it halted himself for knotting inside the Omega's walls, Aesop didn't notice it, he let his pleasure indulge him and released, making a mess in their stomach, Norton felt his climax is nearing and forced himself to pull out his length and cummed outside Aesop as promised

Aesop rested a bit against his shoulder to modulate his breathing until he raised his gaze to steal a soft kiss on Norton's lips, Norton cupped Aesop's face between his hands, admiring his beauty while sharing their gruff breathing, Aesop smiled at him, when he cast his eyes down, he noticed the bleeding wound on Norton's arm, he analyze it, it looked like his arm had bite marks in it

"Norton, did you bite yourself!?" Aesop spoke worriedly and took his arm to inspect the wound, caressing Norton's arm gently, it looked like it hurts a lot

Norton sighed and averted his gaze,"I... I don't want to mark you... You're not an object to claim as my possession..."

Aesop stared at Norton sadly, "Norton..."he called him softly and sighed. It was the first time that he saw an Alpha do such a thing for an Omega, he stood up and searched for a handkerchief to clean himself and Norton, he fixed his clothes and offered his hand to the Alpha with a soft smile.

"Let's go, we need to bandage it before it gets infected"

Norton fixed his clothes and took Aesop's hand,"Thank you..."

"Don't mention it"

After their night together, they had to rest in the morning, Aesop's heat was still subsiding and Norton might not hold back if they journey in the morning together, so during the afternoon, they went back to the town, heading towards the guard house, Eli was elated to see both of them well and unharmed, the two didn't come back last night after all, Eli was scared something must have happened to Aesop that night but since he can't leave his post, he had to ask Norton to look for Aesop and was glad he keep his best friend safe

"Nothing serious happened during our absence?" Aesop asked Eli

"Well, just a couple of Alpha looking for---"

"Me?" Norton cut Eli off and he sighed deeply, Joseph did tell him that Naib asked for his assistance regarding his absence, Aesop and Eli looked at each other with concern, they have been keeping him for a long time already, his family and friends must have missed him, Norton noticed their expression and patted the two Omega's head,"Sorry, it's just my best friend Naib, he's worrywart a Beta mom, that's why he'd go this far to look for me."

"You have a good friend." Eli commented and looked back at his friend,"What do we do now, Aesop, the authorities might go through extreme measures to bring Norton back or worst blame others for his absence."

"We..." Aesop looked at Norton and sighed,"We let him go."

"What!?" Eli and Norton remarked simultaneously

"He already did so much, he kept his promise to me and to everyone, I think it's time to let him go." Aesop smiled at Norton,"Congratulations, Norton Campbell of Luxuria, you are free."

Those words from the Omega Guard cut right through Norton's heart, he wondered why? He was already free, he can go back home but something in him didn't want to go,

Will I ever see Aesop again?

Will I ever visit this town again?

Will I ever sing, dance and play with everyone here again?

All these questions run through his head as he cast his eyes down in agony, Aesop and Eli looked at each other again, they were very perplexed with Norton's actions, they thought he'd be jumping in joy with the news but he seemed heart broken, Aesop was the first one to spoke and place his hand over Norton's shoulder and made the other looked at him

"Norton? Is something bothering you?" Aesop spoke with concern,"Tell us, maybe there's something we could do to help you."

"To be honest, I'm not really sure. I don't know why, I'm not happy about leaving Edelweiss. I had fun with you and everyone here, I never knew true happiness until I lived here for three months." Norton spoke in pure bliss, he had grown accustomed to his life here, maybe that's why he wanted to stay, he's not sure

"You've grown attached to us." Eli replied with a huge grin on his face,"That's why you can't go, It's very sweet Norton but you belong in Luxuria and you have a life and a family there, besides you can visit me, aesop and everyone again, keep in touch and don't forget us, Okay?"

"Eli is right, Norton." Aesop pet Norton's head,"Don't worry we'll meet you again if you visit here, our work here in Edelweiss is about to be dismissed by the end of the month anyways, so we're going back to the city and we'll take you around Cascara, that's where Eli and I lived. Our apartment is small compared to your place I assumed but I do hope you visit us and feel comfortable in your stay, at least you won't spend a barter for a glamorous shelter unless you want to."

"No, No, I got used to living in small spaces, I even sleep in the guest room in the Guard House, I'm sure I can handle your place." Norton teased

"Well, shall we help you prepare your things, it'll be a long way to the capital of Parthena from there you could ride a plane to head back to Luxuria." Aesop suggested, Norton nodded and ran off to his room, Eli on the other hand tapped Aesop by the shoulder to catch his attention,"What is it Eli?"

"Naib, I think I heard and saw him in Cascara when I meet up with my parents a month ago?" Eli blinked profusely,"Remember that I stayed there for a week and 4 days to accompany my parents?"

"Oh really? Maybe he could be Norton's friend or maybe not, There might be other Naib's in Gaia, Eli." Aesop chuckled,"But if ever you met Norton's friend then the god of the celestial fate must have let you two meet for some reason."

"Perhaps, In any case, let's help Norton!" Eli dragged Aesop with him by the hand


Naib couldn't help but to worry about his best friend but the since Joseph reassured him that he would looked for Norton, he had to trust him, he immediately left Luxuria with his peers after talking to Joseph, he should focused on his work, he got loaded this past few months and it's all because of that stupid scandal with the Count of Luxuria, while keeping himself preoccupied he remembered that brunette Omega when he visit Cascara at Parthena, he didn't know why but was it love at first sight? it's feels like sparks fly when that Omega catched his hat that flown that landed on the Omega's head, the Omega didn't talk but smiled at him, oh his smile, it was sweet as honey, the Omega placed the hat back in Naib's head and left, was he rash that the Omega seemed apprehensive when he tried to ask what his name was but then he heard that his folks called him Eli what a simple and beautiful name, he can't help but to get his name stuck in his head, he knew he wanted to see him again.

Naib went back to the place where they first met, a few minutes of waiting, he saw that brunette Omega again, crouching as he fed the pigeons happily and approached him, the boy just smiled at him, he seemed like he remembered their encounter yesterday.

"Do you like birds?" Naib asked shyly and crouched down his level,"We have a parrot at home, his name Chico, he's a talkative one alright." Eli just giggled, he didn't respond and kept feeding the pigeons, Naib scratched his head and think of another conversation to make him talk to him at least,"Cascara is such a beautiful city, full of beautiful floral designery, I was born in Venia, capital city of Euterpe, my place is a little bit different from Parthena, it was filled with skyscraper, I often visit the highest floor and watch the sky from the rooftop, walking at the stairs or taking the elevator makes you feel like you'll reach the celestial realm."

Eli nodded and hummed, Naib still didn't manage to make him talk, he still didn't want to give up, he stood up and took a step back only to slipped and fell butt first, rubbing his back in pain, Eli was surprised and picked him up

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" Eli flickered his cerulean orbs worriedly, taking Naib's hand in his,"You didn't break your butt bone don't you?"

"Butt... bone?" Naib looked at Eli confusedly and then laughed,"Nope, my butt bone is safe I think? my butt fats save me from the impact, it's inflatable whenever I did something stupid like falling like this in public."

Eli couldn't help but to giggle, Naib was glad he finally made the other talked and laugh at him, he was still hurt as he support himself up, Eli got honestly worried for him because he was groaning and rubbing his back in pain,"I can assist you to the hospital, you might be fractured."

Naib shook his head and smiled as he patted Eli's head,"It's alright, I'm good, I think the pain subsided anyway."

"Why is that?"

"I get to hear you talk and see you smile, It worked like magic."

"Is that so." Another cute giggled,"Eli Clark and you are?"

Naib knew his name already but he didn't expect he would actually introduce himself to him and even extended his arm to meet his, he shook it lightly grinning from ear to ear,"Naib, Naib Subedar. Would it be alright if you accompany me around the city, I'm honestly not familiar with the place yet and besides I think you're still worried if my butt bone breaks because of my stupidity."

"Of course but I won't be able to stay with you for long, I'm currently waiting for my parents so..."

"It's alright, just spend some time with me."

Eli nodded and made Naib follow him around, having a casual talk, getting to know each other and before leaving they exchanged numbers, that tripping in the public and humiliating himself in front of the person he likes was a win-win for Naib, he wanted to court that Omega so bad and he's glad that during his stay in Cascara, the two meet a lot, it was strange that Eli was drawn to Naib like a magnet, he find Naib humorous, sweet and caring, Eli couldn't help to notice that Naib liked him but he's not sure if Naib would confess to him, will he accept him though?

Eli's parents wanted him to be married, have a family, take care of his children and that's what he wanted too, that's why he's waiting for his parents to choose a good Alpha for him because Naib admitted that he was a Beta to Eli, there's no way he would be able to give him a child of his own, so he thought if ever Naib would confessed he would politely decline his feelings for him and wanted to stay friends instead, luckily, when the two of them were about to leave Cascara and go back to their respective cities, Naib did not attempt to confess but stay in touch with him, It was a relief, he didn't want to hurt his new friend

In Luxuria, During evening, everyone gathered at Andrew's place to have a little get together, just playing some board games with the Omega's that Martha had prepared for them, it was kind of awkward and silent, everyone was not in the mood to play

"It's boring without Norton." Andrew implied sitting across the sofa while playing snakes and ladders with William and Viktor

"Says the guy who rarely talks but yeah you're right, I miss Norton." Fiona slouched on the sofa and stared at the ceiling,"He needs to make it up to us, like ten-fold!"

"I don't understand why he would stay in that small Omega Town." Martha crossed her arms, shaking her head in disbelief,"I can't believe I'm saying this but Naib is starting to make sense, what if he got kidnapped or something worse?"

"Don't say that! I don't want anything to happen to Norton." William slammed his fist on the table,"Let's just hope he's okay."

"I already asked Lord Joseph's help, I'm sure he'll be fine..." Naib sighed exasperatedly, he's honestly tired with work and worrying already, he changed the topic to ease everyone's mind,"Remember our visit in Cascara?" Everyone nodded and waited for him to continue,"There's this adorable Omega I met there and you know what I like him."

Everyone's mouth went agape with Naib's love declaration, it sure worked like a charm since the heavy atmosphere changed into a cheerful one, the group scooted near him, Naib knew everyone would probe a lot of question regarding this mysterious Omega crush he have, he couldn't help but to chuckle and prepare himself for any upcoming questions

"What's he like?" Andrew asked curiously, Naib didn't expect he would ask first out of all of them

"He's adorable as I've said." Naib described and tried to remember every detail of Eli's features,"He have a brunette hair, he often wears a blindfold but sometimes he take it off and shows this beautiful cerulean eyes, his cheeks and lips have a pinkish hues in it, he smiles and laughs sweetly, very demure if you asked me, I even thought he was a part of the royal family in Parthena or any noble but he told me he is from a humble birth."

"Ah~ So, in love dear Naib, what's his name?" Martha rocked her head happily,"I'm sure you even get his contact info hm~"

"I actually did." Naib chuckled,"Eli Clark, I believe he's the son of the Clarks here in Luxuria, I've heard there is a couple here, Alpha Male and an Alpha Female who had a son who is a pureblood Omega, that must have been Eli."

"He sure is a rare case huh?" William added,"So, did you get the chance to tell him you like him? Or hug and kiss him? Anything romantic you would like to share?"

"Nothing much, we just talk a lot, he's a very cautious Omega, like a very scared one and I'm a beta so he shouldn't be too scared of me... or maybe he's just generally shy and introverted, I'm not sure but nonetheless I find everything about him attractive."

"He's so in love~ it's very cute, Naib! I support this! You looked like an Alpha right now targeting an Omega more than a Beta when you're in love you know~" Fiona exclaimed happily while flailing her arms,"Do you plan to meet him again?"

"Hopefully... someday soon? I want to" Naib scratched the back of his neck, the three friends just looked at him and started laughing,"But I have to deal with that Alpha Jack first because of the incident that I splash a wine on his face, he groped me, I have to defend myself but of course Alphas like him can't take public humiliation well, he wanted to punish me, I needed to do something to make him shut up at least"

"You know what Alpha wants right?" Martha let out a breath and pointed out to Naib,"Make love with you, although he can't impregnate you, that's a huge relief but that wouldn't be comfortable either, since you won't like the experience"

"I know that's why I need to think of something clever." Naib growled and shook his head,"I can do this."

The group of peers think of something to help Naib together and that was one long night for all of them


Euterpe's High Judge, Leo Beck, the peacemaker had been researching for years now for his missing grandchild, apparently Emma Woods her Omega daughter married Dra. Dyers from Luxuria and is now expecting a grandchild from them, it has been years since Emma's older sister who is a Beta Female and married an Alpha Male gone missing together with their son, so the Beck Household assumed that the family had died, he didn't even get the chance to hold his grandson as soon as he was born, after his eldest daughter got married, she lived with her husband at Luxuria, upon investigation, only the couples body were found on the crime scene and no trace of his grandchild, that is why he never stopped believing his grandchild is out there alive and well

"Father, you should rest, Emily and I will help you find my nephew, We promise." Emma placed a hand at her father's shoulder,"It is hard Father, We know. For some reason any information regarding my sister and her husband's record had been erased, my sister even passed away before he could even tell us the child's name but we know that they have a son and he's an Omega."

"Perhaps, someone powerful is behind this, someone who do not wish my Omega grandchild to be the hand of Justice, I have heard that there are cases that Parthena had been mistreated by the Luxurians just because the land is dominated by Omegas"

"I've heard from Emily that Omega's will and freedom had been oppressed by the Alphas as of late, I'm honestly not sure. I'll try to investigate more of this matter."

"Thank you darling, I will ask my court officials as well." Leo relaxed a bit at his chair and stared off his window, off to the distance,"I hope to find you someday my dear grandchild, you are my successor after all."

------End of Chapter------

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