
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


5.1K 138 5
By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Agent McCall

I leaned back on the couch at Scott's house, a magazine in my hands and my feet resting in front of me. Rafael McCall, Scott's dad, was sitting in the chair beside me and was, not so subtly, staring at my stomach. He had been doing so since I first arrived saying I was going to wait for Scott, to which he said that was okay. 

With a sigh I set the magazine down beside me and looked at Agent McCall. "Mr. McCall, is there something you want to ask me? Or do you want to keep staring at my stomach for the next half an hour?" I rose a brow at him. 

He cleared his throat, "you're pregnant." He observed and I had to bit my cheek in order to stop myself from rolling my eyes and saying, 'no shit, sherlock.' "Is it Scotts?" He asked. My cheeks tinted red at that, not expecting him to be so blunt about it. 

"Uh, yeah." I looked over his face, trying to gage his reaction. McCall simply nodded while sitting back in the arm chair, shaking his head while he did so. No more words were spoken, so I simply went back to reading my magazine. 

It was a baby magazine full of cute little pictures of babies and different clothes and equipment, it had articles on breastfeeding, and how to not fuck up your kids. It was all really scary to think about, I mean Scott and I were extremely un prepared for them. 

We didn't have any clothes, cribs, car seats, bottles.... Hell I hadn't even checked to get them health insurance! My heart beat started to rise and I could feel my anxiety kicking in, but as quickly as it came, it was gone the moment I felt her kicking on my bladder. 

I stood up from the couch, taking my magazine with me, and making my way up to Scott's bathroom. I'll just wait for him up here. His room was slightly messy, but that just made me smile. 

After I went to the bathroom and washed my hands, I came back into his room and began picking things up. I put all his dirty clothes in his hamper, I put his stuff away and made his bed for him. While cleaning up his desk, I noticed a book that was left open. I smiled at the title, 'Dad's Guide to Twins.' 

I set the book down and moved back over to his bed, noticing a body pillow that was on the left side of the bed. I smiled, he got me the pillow. The moment I sat down on the bed, I felt my head rush and I knew what was happening. 

The room around me faded.... I was standing in the woods, it was dark and cold out, the temperature must've been dropping. I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to keep myself warm as I walked forward. 

There was a car right in front of me, beside it was a cave. The car was upside down and had weeds and rust covering the silver body. I bent down beside one of the doors that were ripped off. Claw marks were all over the inside of the body. I shuddered as I ran my fingertips over the deep indentations. 

"Ahoooo!" I turned behind me, the sound of a coyote breaking my concentration. Rather than being met with the woods around me, two piercing blue eyes stared into mine. 

A gasp fell from my lips and I felt a slight headache forming. Her eyes... what did blue mean? Derek Hale had blue eyes, why though? I racked my brain until I remembered--he killed an innocent. Okay, that's not what's important.. not really at least. 

Who was she? 

"That doesn't make any sense Dad. Who are you helping? Just get out!" Scott's voice carried up the stairs, startling me. I jumped up from his bed and went to make my way down stairs, I didn't want to interrupt but, I had to make sure he's okay. "Scott-" McCall when to defend himself. 

I entered the kitchen right as Scott was yelling, "What? I can't believe that you'd do this to my best friend and my girlfriend!" Mr. McCall sighed, "I'm not doing anything to your girlfriend, I'm doing my job." 

Scott scoffed, "your job sucks!" Mr. McCall sighed again, "Some days, I can't argue that." Scott took notice of me and his features softened. Melissa walked in right as Scott went over to me, "Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" 

"He's trying to get Victoria's dad fired." I bit my lip at that, so Stiles told him. McCall looked at me before frowning, "No, that's not true--" Melissa's eyes widened, her hand on her hip. "What are you doing?"

The man looked up before meeting Melissa's challenging gaze, "Conducting a case for impeachment..." Melissa scoffed, "That sounds a lot like getting him fired." McCall ran a hand through his hair, "The lack of resolution and ability to close cases is what's going to get him fired. My job is just to collect the information, and it's the job my superiors have given me."

I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling nervous as Scott's breathing became ragged. I looked up at him, not paying attention while Melissa and McCall went back to talking. "Scott, are you okay?" I asked, my hand reaching up to touch his bicep. 

My eyes found Melissa's as we both noticed his eyes changing. "Sweetheart, come with me, right now." I watched as Melissa and Scott went around the corner, I looked to McCall and immediately decided to follow the pair. 

Scott's breathing was ragged, "Let it go. Just breathe, and let it go." Melissa coached him. "I'm trying." Scott spoke, but it was obvious his teeth were protruding through his gums. He was changing. I stepped in front of him, "You said you and Stiles learned a way to control this. You find an anchor, right? Well, what's your anchor? Find it, Scott."

It was like slow motion, his eyes found mine. My heart skipped a beat in realization, I was his anchor. He calmed down slowly, taking a few breaths before he was fully himself again. 

I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I was his anchor...

Scott's dad left not too long ago, and now Scott and I were in his room lying in his bed. Since I was staying the night, I was in my pajamas; a pair of shorts and one of his shirts. Scott was still in his clothes, much to my displeasure. I was on my back with my head resting on his pillows and my eyes closed. Scott was rubbing my feet for me, they'd been hurting so bad lately. They were all swollen and achy. 

"We have so much to do, Scott." I breathed out once his hands left my feet, my eyes were still closed though. "Hmm, like what?" I felt his lips press against my calf and a smile pulled at my lips, but I continued. 

With a sigh, I spoke, "first of all, they need clothes," he kissed my leg again, this time at my knee, "and cribs-- car seats." Scott's lips pressed against my inner thigh, his hands moving to spread my legs apart slightly. 

This time I sat up slightly, resting on my elbows. My eyes opened and I looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smirk, "what're you doing?" Scott gave me an innocent look from his position, lying between my legs with one of his hands playing with the hem of my shorts. "Nothing." 

I rolled my eyes, "yeah, sure, nothing." I laid back down, my eyes falling closed again as I continued talking, "oh, and names. We can't call them him and--" A gasp left my lips as he kissed me through the fabric of my shorts. 

"Scott..." I warned slightly, sitting up again with my eyes looking over him. He smirked before putting his arms on either side of me and bringing himself above me. Before I could say anything else, he kissed me gently and I found myself sighing into it. 

Scott pulled away from my lips, placing kisses down my jawline and neck. I tried to enjoy it, I really did, but as Scott was doing this, one of the babies, probably my baby boy, decided to start moving around, making me extremely uncomfortable. "Ow." I moaned out, causing Scott to sit back off of me quickly. 

"What's wrong, are you okay?" He sounded so worried. I breathed out a sigh, pushing myself into a sitting position and pressing on my belly, to which he just moved around more. "Yeah, he's just moving around a lot and it's uncomfortable." I leaned forward and gave Scott a peck on the lips, "I'm sorry." 

He shook his head and smiled, "don't worry about it. I needed to go somewhere anyways." Scott stood from the bed, looking for his shoes. I rose a brow, "what do you mean?" He looked at me, "Stiles and I are going onto the preserve to look for Tate's daughter. I told your dad that I'd help. I'll be back in like an hour." He explained quickly. 

I frowned but nodded, "okay. Be safe, okay?" He nodded, giving me a quick peck before leaving. 

It had been over an hour and Scott still wasn't back. I let out a sigh before getting up from the bed and making my way out of his room, only to be met with Isaac, who looked to be about to knock on the door. "Oh," He furrowed his brows. 

"Hey, Isaac." I trailed off awkwardly. "Victoria, I didn't know you were here." We both awkwardly nodded before I cleared my throat. "Why is this awkward, it shouldn't be awkward." I laughed, feeling slightly amused at this situation. 

Isaac nodded, "yeah. What are you... what're you doing here?" I rolled my eyes, a smile on my lips. "Getting water currently, maybe a snack." I began walking over to the stairs and down to the kitchen, Isaac followed me. 

"No, I mean like, are you staying here...?" He asked while I began pouring myself a glass of water. "I'm not living here, if that's what you're asking. I'm just staying the night." I brought the glass to my lips, sipping the cool liquid. 

Isaac nodded again before turning and leaving, "I'll leave you to it then." I smiled, laughing slightly at his awkwardness. I set my cup down on the counter and went to the fridge, opening it in search of pickles, which I luckily found. "Jackpot." I smiled widely, opening the jar and pulling out a couple pickles on a plate. 

I turned around, a pickle in my mouth, only to see Melissa standing there in the kitchen. She was also in her pajamas. "Pickles," Melissa mused, nodding at my snack of choice. I nodded, offering her one. 

"Hey, Melissa, can I talk to you about something?" I asked, once we moved over to sit at the table, sharing pickles. Melissa nodded, "of course." I bit my lip before sighing, "did you know my mom very well?" 

Melissa sighed, "we talked and spent time together when Scott and Stiles would meet up, that was about it though." I nodded, frowning slightly, "uhm, did she every act weird? Like she was having a daydream that she'd kind of be shaken up about?"

Her eyes widened slightly, "there was one instance, about six weeks before he diagnosis, your dad called me and said something about your mom. She had a panic attack freaking out about you and Stiles, saying something about a fox. I don't know though, she was sick, Victoria." 

I nodded, she was like me, was what I wanted to say, but, I felt the need to keep this to myself for now. I need to figure this out before I drag other people into it. "Okay, thanks. I'm gonna go to bed." 

Melissa sent me a smile before I disappeared upstairs, the only thoughts that filled my mind, were of my mom. Did dad know what she was? I'd have to ask him, but right now, I'm going to sleep. 

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