The Everlasting Titans

By murderousnightmarecp

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i hope you like it i know its slow in the beginning it gets better by chapter 8 or so Cover made by Obsessed_... More

The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 2)
The Everlasting Titans (chapter 3)
The Everlasting Titans (chapter 4) (Christen's Perspective)
The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 5)
The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 6)
The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 7)
The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 8)
Chapter 9
The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 10)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 1)

156 4 3
By murderousnightmarecp

———Jakes weapon —->

My name is Elena Spitfire and I am the leader of the Titans. There are six of us. Dalton, Kate, Lizzy, Abigail, Blake, and Jake. We all were born with special powers, when we were born we were taken from our families, because they knew that we were special and that we could not grow up in the normal world because the darkness that plagues this world would find out and try to kill us. Also, our parents were scared of us so they gave us up and Scar moved us all to a cabin sealed by a magic barrier that only others like us can cross which is just us 6, kids like us that Scar allows, and of course Scar himself. It's called the Elemental Forest. Cliche right? It's somewhere in Wyoming/ Colorado area but, giving away the exact location could be deadly so sorry not sorry. I walk over to the group who is sitting around a circular brick fire pit, laughing and drinking Coca Cola's. They look over and bow their heads and show of respect and submission as I walk towards them. I nod letting them know to raise their heads and that it's ok to speak. I bet all of you are wondering why I'm the alpha, and not one of the guys well is that a story for you.
" Hey Elena!" Kate said scooting over on the log so I could join the group. I smile as I sit casually next to her and look at everyone in my team.
"Sup, what are you guys talking about?" I asked with an amused smirk and raised brow. Kate looked down with a sad smile.
" The time we all met Jake for the first time" She said looking up with a fake smile upon her beautiful china white face. Jake used to be a Titan and Kate's boyfriend before he turned on us and abandoned the team.
>>>>>>~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK~~~~~<<<<<<
Ugh... pack meetings are the fucking worst! I think to myself as I sit around the old wooden table. It's either a threat, mission, or someone isn't working hard enough to train their powers according to our Commander Scar. Ugh its all just bullshit according to me.
"The reason I called for this meeting is because I found another gifted child!" Scar exclaims as he beckons to the door where we came in. In walks this in stuck up punk rock looking guy. He has a hint of brown mixed in with his shaggy blonde hair. He has gauges in his ears, a nose ring on the left side, and a pair of eyebrow rings to top it all off. Also he has full sleeves of tattoos along with a lone shadow figure of a wolf howling at the moon on the right side of his neck. He's cute to say the least but he seems like an asshole.
"Sup fuckers guess we gotta get along if we are gonna work together. Just to let you know I'm a dick so don't piss me off. You'll regret it." He says as he walks out of the room with his hands in his black skinny jeans whipping his black leather jacket as he turns and smirks at us. I groan and look at Scar.
"Scar I'm not to sure about this one" I whisper to myself loud enough for him to hear. He gives me an apologetic glance as if to say 'at least give him a chance' I groan and nod his way as he calls for dismissal of the meeting.
" I don't like him" Blake said sulking back into his chair. He runs his hand threw his jet black hair and sighs. He rolls his chocolate brown eyes and pulls out his phone. Everyone else is just gawking at the door in pure disapproval and shock.
"Me either he's a fucking bitch" Dalton says with a pissy look.
"I mean he's a dick to say the least but he is kind of attractive in some ways am I right?" Kate says
"If the meaning of attractive is a bitch ass hoe then sure!" I say with a big smile looking at Kate.
"But look at those tattoos tho! Am I the only one who finds that attractive?" Kate says
"No, but he's a little mommy's bitch" Lizzy says shrugging to prove a point. I stand up and attempt to walk over to Kate but trip and hit my head on the table that was behind where everyone is sitting.
"FUCK ASS BITCH THAT HURT" I scream as I get up and groan loudly to be annoying. Dalton glares at me and walks out as I smirk knowing I got to him.
"You motherfucker I hate you! I can't believe you would pull some stupid shit like that!" Dalton says as he is walking away.
"I ain't pulling anything you bitch except your fucking head off your body faggot!" I yell back
"FUCK YOU ELENA!" Dalton says turning around.
"NOT MY TYPE HOE ASS FUCK NO THANKS!" I yell in his face as I have a huge grin on my face.
"Girls Girls you're both pretty, can we stop the fighting now?" Kate said looking at both of us
"Bitch I know I'm beautiful you ain't gotta tell me twice. Him on the other hand. Eh?" I say looking at Kate with a grin.
"Bitch on what universe, are you fucking beautiful you look like a burnt garbanzo bean." Dalton said to me
"All of them slut!"I say as I lunge at him and knock him into the table hard. "And for the record garbanzo beans are beautiful and tasty too" I whisper fake seductively in his ear.
"You are about as tasty as fucking burnt popcorn" Dalton said laughing loudly.
"You wouldn't know if you haven't tried me" I say winking at him. "Plus my ability is fire. I eat everything burnt so fuck you."
"Oh you know you want too, I'm irresistible" Dalton said winking
"Your about irresistible as baby diarrhea" I say putting my finger in my mouth and gagging.
The next thing I see is Kate walking over toward us with that look on her face saying 'shit is about to go down' A second later I fall to the floor screaming as I get a migraine from the wolf inside me trying to get out. Yes I'm a werewolf. Guess I forgot to mention that oops! No one knows tho except my sister Kate so I gotta keep quiet around everyone else... 'LUNA STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING ME' I say to her. ' HE IS DISRESPECTING US!' she says back. I DON'T CARE I'M HANDLING IT!' I say as I curl up into a ball screaming in pain. Kate stops in her tracks, and pushes Dalton back with a big gush of wind.
"You better stay away from her right now or I will throw you farther than I did that time!" Kate said screaming at Dalton "Elena are you okay? Was it Luna again?" Kate said quietly.
" Who's Luna?" Dalton questions and I freeze and tense up.
"Luna is an imaginary friend that El and I made up when we were little." Kate said trying to help the situation
"Then why is she screaming like that?" Dalton asks confused as I look away from him and everyone else eyeing me.
"I never said Luna was nice." Kate said.
"But that still doesn't explain why she started screaming." Dalton said
"DUDE JUST FUCKING DROP IT!" Kate said pissed off, it's never good when Kate gets pissed off, her powers go out of whack and the only person who can stop it is me.
"Kate breathe, if you don't calm down you are gonna make a tornado and then there is no stopping you until you black out." I say looking at her in the eyes
"I'M FUCKING BREATHING ELENA!" Kate said. Oh shit,oh shit. The wind starts to pick up and the speed is getting faster and faster.
I scream to everyone "TAKE COVER" we all run leaving Kate in the middle of the field. We look up and see that there is a tornado forming with Kate in the center of it.
"Good going dick head!" I say looking at Dalton as we are running to the underground bunker that we made for this reason.
"Well sorry I didn't know she would create a fucking tornado." He said.
We look over and see Jake standing there.
"Jake, run!" i scream
"NAH, WATCH THIS!" he said smirking. Oh god what is he gonna do. Then we see him start moving his hands around. 'The wind is slowing down." i thought to myself and just as fast as it appeared it disappeared.
"Jake, how did you stop that only Elena can stop Kate from going crazy?" Blake said.
"Well you guys didn't ask what my power was, I can control the weather so stopping the tornado was in my hands." He said smirking.
I look over at Kate who looks at me and mouths 'I'm sorry' before she falls to the ground.
I run over too her as fast as I can. "Kate wake up are you okay?" i said to her picking her head up putting it on my lap "GUYS KATE ISN'T WAKING UP AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! SHE'S MY SISTER AND I CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO HELP HER I FEEL SO HELPLESS." I say almost in tears.
"Elena, she will be fine she is just drained that took a lot out of her." Scar said picking her up taking her back to our room.
"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE TO PISS HER OFF DALTON. ASKING ALL THAT DUMBASS QUESTIONS!" I said screaming at him. He looks down upset and walks away. I see Jake walking towards me
"Hey Elena, look I know I can come off as a dick, but is Kate okay she fell pretty hard?" Jake asked
"First off I want to say thank you for saving us, and second to be honest Jake I have no idea if she is even okay, Scar said that she will be fine but if I know my sister I know that making that big of a wind gust takes a lot out of her and I mean a lot." I said looking at him " and yes you are a dick." I smirk at him as I walk to the training room. I walk over and open the door and walk to the training course as I set the level to 5 out of 10. 'Why 5 with me you can do 10' Luna questions me as I stretch to start the course. I completely ignore her because she is the reason Kate is like this in the first place. I start to train pushing myself harder and harder until I stopped to take a breath. 'El why are you ignoring me, it wasn't my fault Kate got hurt.' Luna stated 'YES IT WAS IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU DALTON WOULDN'T OF STARTED ASKING QUESTIONS, KATE WOULDN'T OF GOTTEN MAD AND ALL HELL WOULDN'T OF BROKEN LOOSE' I screamed back at her. As I was talking to her I spaced out and got hit by a baton and flung off the course in pain. I lay there knowing I broke a rib since I moved the setting up to the full 10. It was about 30 minutes before Jake walks in with Abigail. I try to squirm away to hide behind the weights station, but they spot me.
"Elena are you okay?" Abigail questions.
" I fucked up and I think I broke a rib or two." I say looking away from them in shame.
"Omg we need to get to the clinic!" she said walking over to me trying to help me up. I scream in pain as she
tried to help me stand and I accidently grab onto Jakes arm in response to me falling down again.
"Woah you ok!?" Jake exclaimed as he grabbed my arm to steady me. I roll my eyes and shook his arm off me.
"Psh I'm fine don't baby me." I say glaring at him.
"Okay Jake come on let's get her to the clinic" Abigail says holding out her hand "Come on, let's get you all fixed up, you'll be as good as new here soon." she said sweetly. I shove her hand away and clutch my side as I slowly walk wincing as I step on my right foot as pain shoots thru my body.
"I'm no bitch I can walk on my own." I say grumply.
"Look Elena I'm just trying to help no need to get mean." Abigail said. Then we started walking to the clinic. I nod apologetically.
"Sorry I just don't like being babied you know... I ain't a bitch." I chuckle to them. Jake smirks at me and rolls his eyes.
"Hey Elena, we know you aren't a bitch but sometimes it nice to know you have people who can help you. We are a team remember?" Jake said to me
"Yeah I know we are a team alright come on I need Tanner to heal me." I say walking into the clinic.
"Hey Tanner we kinda need your help over here." Jake said.
"Alright lay her down right here." Tanner said "Gently" Tanner waves his hands over me and I instantly start to feel better. "All done, take it easy next time El." Tanner smiles at me. I just happened to glance over and see someone else that Tanner was working on, I get closer and see that it's Kate...
"Tanner! Why is Kate in here Scar said that she was fine!" I said. I start panicking and the room starts spinning due to me hyperventilating.
"Hey Elena breathe calm down you can't help her if you pass out too." Jake said putting my head in between my legs as I start taking deep breaths. I start humming the calming song Luna sang to me when I was little and was abused by the others for being weak and lame. It starts to calm me down as I slowly start to look up. "I feel helpless she is just lying there and I can't do nothing about it, I don't say this lightly but I am actually scared." I say looking at Tanner who is doing his best to try and heal her.
"Something isn't right. I can't heal her!" Tanner says "My powers haven't failed me before. There must be something blocking me from being able to heal her." he said dropping to his knees.
"Damn it!" I say falling to the ground and then I remembered something. When we were kids and we found out that I had Luna, Kate also found out that she had Mercury her evil witch side. Our mother was a witch and our father was a werewolf and you already know that I got my dad's genes. I guess Kate got our mothers. Mercury must be blocking Kate from being able to get healed... It all makes sense now about how Kate goes crazy when she gets mad, and how sometimes when it's just her. I notice she does things that don't match her powers.
"Elena are you okay you've been staring at the ground for quite awhile now." Abigail said to me concerned.
"Yeah I was just thinking. Can I have a minute alone with my sister please?" I ask not looking up from the ground
"Of course, come on guys let's give them the room." Tanner said pushing everyone out and closing the door behind him.
"Kate listen close, you are stronger than Mercury. You will win this fight and return to us, I know you will !" I say softly in her ear. I sit there and look at her helpless but I know that she has to face this by herself. She will come out of it I just don't know when. I put my forehead on hers and me and Luna cry for her thinking the worst possible outcome... Her not waking up... I don't realize what time it is until I hear someone outside calling for breakfast. 'I've been in here all night?' I look over at the door and see Tanner walking in.
"Elena? What are you still doing in here I thought you would've gone back to your room?" he asked looking at me "You look like you haven't slept at all." he said worried about me.
"I am not about to leave her alone in here. She is my sister I will stay by her side until she wakes up."
I say sternly
"Well it looks like you won't have to wait that much longer. Look!" Tanner said moving to the other side of her bed. I look over and see her start to move and her eye flutter. I stand quickly and put my hand on her forehead.
"Kate! Kate can you hear me?" I say with hope in my eyes. She opens her brown eyes and looks at me confused.
"Who are you and where am I?" she asks terrified as she curls into a ball on the verge of tears. I look at her shocked and hurt as I move away from her slowly shaking my head. ' No... no no no. What happened!? Why doesn't she remember me or anything... I don't understand.' I ask Luna with tears running down my face. 'I don't know pup...' she answers sadly. I can tell she is hurt and confused as well.
"Love do you know your name?" Tanner asks her, I look at her hopefully.
"All I know is that my name is Kate and I am a titan" She said still looking confused.
"That's a good start! I'm your older sister Elena Spitfire and I'm a titan too. Do you remember your special ability?" I ask her hopefully.
"All I know is I can do stuff with my hands." She said looking down at her hands. I look at her sadly and whimper internally to Luna and she starts humming the calming tune to help my anxiety calm down.
"Sort of you can control the wind and make tornadoes and stuff it's pretty fucking awesome." I say giving her a fake smile.
"Oh damn that's dope as fuck." She says with a big grin looking at her hands in awe. I smile at her reaction, but still worried about how she got amnesia. 'Luna what do you think happened?' I ask my wolf. 'I don't know maybe Mercury took them before she lost the fight to torture us and her?' I look down at my feet and shut the link between us needing time alone.
"Hey I am gonna go on a walk have Tanner call me or something if you need me ok?" I say to her, tears threatening to fall from my eyes at any second. I walk out and the second the door closes i let Luna take over and hit the ground on my four paws and just run into the forest crying. Tears running down my face into my charcoal fur. I keep running and running until I almost trip over something. I get to the place that Kate and I used to come too all the time when we wanted a break from training. It's a beautiful crystal blue river with a waterfall that could take your breath away with just one glance. I turn back into my human form and just sit there watching the water when I hear something from behind me. I turn around quickly and pull out my sword.
"Elena?" Blake said coming out of the forest.
"Blake you scared the shit out of me. I could've killed you." I say panting tears still streaming down my face.
"Elena are you okay? This is the first time I've ever seen you this upset. Let alone cry" Blake said looking at me concernedly
"No, my sister forgot who I was." I say looking down at the ground because I don't want to look him in the eyes.
"Elena I am so sorry, but I have a feeling that she will remember you soon. Who could forget a face as beautiful as yours." he said, and the blushes when we realized what he just said.
"You think I am beautiful?" I ask him looking up
"Um... yes. Now come on let's get you back up to the cabin and get you cleaned up." he said grabbing my chin. I look away from him blushing and he comes close to my face. I turn around just in time to meet his lips. He pulls away quickly with a startled face.
"Elena I'm so sorry I didn't mean too." he says as he starts walking away.
'He kissed me, he really kissed me.' I say to myself smiling and start walking back up to the cabin. 'Did i like it? Do I like him? What just happened!?' I ask myself as my heart is pounding so loud I can hear it in my head. I look at Blake out of the corner of my eye and see he has a blank expression. 'Guess he was kidding... it was an accident. I'm so stupid' I say to myself. ' you're not stupid just confused. Learn your feelings and let things play out. If he doesn't like you it's his loss you're pretty fucking awesome if you ask me.' Luna said smiling at me in my head. I roll my eyes. 'Those thoughts were personal' I whine to her. She chuckles and closes the mind link leaving me alone again. We reach the cabin and i walk in and run into something hard and fall on my ass. I look up to see Jake looking down at me with an amused smirk.
"The almighty Elena falls on her ass just running into something? Kinda Pathetic don't you think?" He says helping me up. I scoff at him and ignore him as I walk off. I'm really not in the fucking mood for his bullshit right now. If I stay and he keeps it up I'll explode and Luna will rip him apart and I don't need my teammates blood on my hands. I look down at the ground as I walk until I feel a hand on my shoulder and I whip around and put the person to the ground with a snarl. My fangs are extended and my eyes are purple showing Luna is being pissy and protective. I calm down as i see it's just Dalton.
"Don't do that ever again" I growl at him as I put my hand out to help him up. He is in shock and it takes him a second to grab my hand and get back on his feet.
"What the fuck happened to your face just now!?" he asks as he backs away from me. I look at him confused and then it hit me... He doesn't know about Luna... Fuck what do I do. I panic and run away as fast as I can hyperventilating. They'll hate me if they found out what I am. What we are... They won't understand and they will be scared of me and banish me from the Titans. I can't lose my family... Or Blake... wait why does he matter. Ugh fuck my fucking life I like him great... I hear someone calling my name behind me, but I ignore it and keep running out the back door back into Elemental Forest. I freeze and then remember that I needed to check on Kate. So I started walking back slowly trying my hardest not to run into Dalton. I make it to the clinic without being seen by anyone. Thank the gods... I walk in the door and see Jake with Kate.
"Jake? What are you doing?" I asked him confused
"Watch what Kate can do. Show her." he said to me and then to her. I look at Kate and see her make a tiny harmless tornado in her hand.
"El did you see that I didn't even know I could do that!" she says all excited. I smile at her and nod realizing she used my nickname.
"You remembered the nickname you gave me." I say quietly smiling at the ground
"Oh really? Maybe some of my memory is coming back but I still don't remember you, all i remember is that I am a titan and that we save the world and shit." She says looking at Jake and I. I look down feeling pain in my heart at the thought of losing my sister for good.
"Guys I think it's time that Kate rest" Tanner said. Me and Jake look at eachother, at Kate, then back to Tanner and nod.
"Okay I'll be back tomorrow I promise." I say as I walk out the clinic and shut the door. I walk back to Kate and I's shared cabin to try and get some sleep. As i lie down i fall asleep almost instantly. About five minutes in i start having a nightmare and wake up screaming and someone holding me. I still have my eyes shut and keep repeating 'dont hurt me please don't hurt me' the body keeps shushing me and telling me I'm safe and that i am gonna be ok. I open my eyes and they lock on Jakes. I grab him and sob into his chest.
" I came to see if you were ok and heard you screaming... What happened?" he says concerned. I take a deep breath and shake my head no into his chest to let him know I'm not ready to talk. He hums in response and holds me a little longer before standing up. "Wanna go do something?" he asks me holding a hand out to me. I nod and take his hand as we walk out of the cabin to the fire pit. I look at it and make a ball of fire and light it without firewood or anything. Jake exclaims. "DUDE THAT IS SO FUCKING AWESOME!"
"I forgot you didn't know my ability." I chuckle as I calm down from my nightmare.
"Hey I know this is probably the last thing you want to talk about but does you sister have a boyfriend? I kinda have thing for her." he says scratching the back of his head not making eye contact with me.
"Haha, no she does not have a boyfriend, Kate's that type of girl who loves the idea of love, but is scared of getting hurt." I say smirking at his flustered body language.
"When she gets her memory back would it be okay if I maybe asked her out?" he said laughing nervously.
"I dont give a FUCK. Go for it!" I say laughing my ass off at his nervous facial expression.
"I promise I promise I will treat her with the respect she deserves and I also promise to stop being a dick all the time too" he said
"Don't make promises you can't keep son" I say jokingly as I laugh. "You'll always be a dick." I playfully nudge his arm.
"Haha that is true but I won't be a dick to her or you." he said laughing. I was so in tune to the conversation me and Jake were having I didn't smell or sense someone watching us. I just so happened to look over my shoulder and see Blake standing there watching us. I look over and smile at him and bekon him over to us. He give me a slight smile and walks our way but I could tell that there was something up with him.
"What are you two doing out here. All alone." He added looking at Jake with a glare. Jake looks back with a death glare as he stands up.
"None of your buisness asswhipe." Jake said grabbing his jacket he left on the log. I look at both of them confused and sigh as I deduce to let it go. Blake grumbled something under his breath and starts to walk away.
"Have fun with your new boyfriend Elena. Seems like a real gentleman." He growls at me as he walks away back to the cabin. I look at the back of his head shooting daggers into it with my stare. 'Why is he being mean all the sudden' Luna asks me. 'All of the sudden Lina. And I have no idea it was uncalled for and rude. Plus Jake isn't my boyfriend' I friended back. She nods and closes the link. I roll my eyes and look back at Jake who is shaking out of anger.
"What the actual fuck is that guys issue!?" He yells at me and I flinch away from him thinking he is gonna hit me. He looks at me confused and calms down and sighs. "I'm sorry Elena it wasn't your fault I was just taking my anger out on you and it was out of line." He says slowly walking towards me. I step back and he stops and raises his hands. "I'm not going to hurt you I promise." He says quietly as he starts approaching me again and hugs me when he gets to me. I hug him back and sigh.
"I know its just PTSD I'm sorry." I whisper to him. As I motion for him to follow me back to the cabins. He follows me cautiously making sure he doesn't scare me like before. We reach the cabin in like five minutes and I go to the training room.
"You sure you want to do this again. Remember last time?" He says jokingly. I roll my eyes and flip him off as I go to the indoor track.
"I'm just gonna run for awhile." I say smirking. He comes up next to me with a smirk,
"Then let's race and see who is faster." He says smirking. If this fucker only knew i has wolf strength and can run approximately 65 miles per hour for about 10 minutes.
"Lets go faggot, and just saying I ain't gonna go easy on your ass just because you are nice to me now." I smirk and start stretching as he does the same. I start the timer and the whistle blows and we head off down the track. I let him keep up with me for a minute before I let Luna take over and we race off down the track passing him twice. As I finish running a mile. He comes over five minutes later out of breath and I smirk. "Told you I wouldn't go easy on you!" I laugh in his face as I watch him struggle for air.
"How... The... Fuck." He says not being able to finish his sentence. I laugh and pat his shoulder.
"I guess your bitch ass isn't as in shape as me I guess." I lie to him. I wish I could just be myself around my team, but they would be scared of me and kick me out. Even tho Luna is fucking awesome and super sweet they wouldn't understand. I hear Luna huff and felt her roll her eyes at my thought. I roll my eyes at her and block her out needing time alone. I walk off into the trees to my favorite spot near a waterfall and a lake underneath. I call it the Blood Woods Lake. I sneak out because we aren't supposed to be out this far; let alone this time of day You're probably wondering why we can't go out that far it's because there are rogue werewolves. Which means they either got cast out of their pack or they didn't find their mate. Either way your wolf goes crazy and you lose all sense of your human side and the wolf takes over. They wolf becomes crazy and kills anything that moves. It's a sad sight to see to be honest seeing someone go threw that change. I was to deep into my thoughts I didn't hear someone or something come up behind me. I hear a twig snap and my eyes turn purple as I whip around and made eye contact with Blake. He gasps and takes a step back and looks me up and down before talking. I panic and look away as I tense up and talk to Luna. 'Blake saw us Luna he's gonna hate us and tell the others' I say to her. She huffs and and goes back to sleep not seeming worried as I was panicking. What if they try to kill me!? Oh god what do I do? I didn't realize I was hyperventilating and having a panic attack. Until I felt strong arms wrap around my stomach. My eyes focus and lock into Blake's back as he holds me in his arms.
"Elena you're ok I won't tell anyone. If you wanted to kill or hurt anyone you would have. Plus by the reaction you just had about me finding out you are more afraid of us then they or I will be of you." He whispers in my ear rubbing my back comfortingly as I feel tears falling down my face. He pulls away after a second and smiles at me.
"You don't hate me?" I ask wearily? He shakes his head no.
" of course not. Whats your wolfs name?" He asks me. I feel Luna wake up and get alert at the mention of her. 'You're ok he won't do anything' I tell her calmly. 'But... you promise?' She changed the subject as I felt her tail tuck invetween her legs in fear and anxiety. I nod to her showing her how calm and faithful I was to him. She calmed down and I let her take over. I feel e canines Pearce my gums as they retract and my eyes glow.
"My name is Luna." She says wearily. Blake's breathing stopped for a second as he takes a good look at me and Luna's combined form.
" Blake nice to meet you." He said bowing his head in respect. I felt Luna smirk and chuckle. 'I like him' she said to me as I huff at her, trying to hide a smirk.
"I know who you are love." She says showing her British accent more as she called him love. His eyes snapped up st this and his eyes had confusion with a hint of amusement at it.
"Your British?"He asks. "Elena is Egyptian that's an odd mix. Don't get me wrong I love it tho!" He adds quickly seeing Luna was getting confused. She nods slowly wrapping her head around the sort of compliment he gave us.
"Thanks" She said slowly looking over Blake to see if he was being sarcastic. When she finds no implication of lies she relaxes a bit and smiles at him. "I have to go. Staying this form is exhausting for us both so I'm going to go to sleep."Luna said starting to give me control again. He nods and bows his head as I feel my body gaining control.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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