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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... Еще

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


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Chapter Twenty-Six

Gender Reveal

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher." I opened my notebook to a blank page while the new teacher did his little introduction to everyone. "My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira?"

He gestured toward the back of the room, though no one really paid any attention. "Or, you might not, since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school... or brought a friend home for that matter." 

A slight bang was heard from beside me, I turned in my seat to see a mop of black curled hair hiding a girls face. I pulled a frown as she awkwardly lifted her head and waved at everyone. "Either way, there she is! Now, lets begin with American history at the turn of the 20th century..."

I leaned toward the girl with a small smile on my lips, "don't worry, I'm sure no one noticed." The girl, Kira, gave me a small smile, but she didn't seem convinced. "I'm Victoria, by the way. Now you have someone to mention from school." I teased lightly before turning back to the front of the class, where Mr. Yukimura had begun the lesson. 

"Maybe we need a little more time to get normal?" Scott suggested while Stiles dug through his locker, his hands were at the base of my back, rubbing it for me. My back was killing me, I let out a relieved sigh as he hit a good spot with his thumbs. 

Stiles pulled a book from his locker, "Yeah, try not to forget-- we hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures." I nodded, stepping away from Scott and sending him a grateful smile. "Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that things are never going back to normal for this town." I frowned at the thought. 

"Oh dude, your eyes!" Stiles whispered suddenly, I looked up to see Scott's eyes changing into a deep red color. It still weirded me out, beyond belief... I mean, he's a werewolf! "What about them?" Scott asked, looking from Stiles to me. 

I put my hand on his face, looking at him with furrowed brows, "they're turning red... you need to stop that before someone sees." I looked around worriedly, hoping that no one saw. "I can't--I can't control it." He breathed out heavily. 

My brows furrowed in worry as I saw Kira looking at us. "New girl is looking, we've gotta get him out Stiles." Stiles grabbed Scott's head, pulling it down. "All right, just keep your head down. Look down, come on. Keep your head down." He began guiding him toward an empty classroom, but I didn't follow. Instead I smiled and waved at Kira. 

She returned the smile and began walking toward me, her eyes following the direction the boys went. "Hey, Kira." I greeted. "Hey... did they not want to see me?" My eyes widened slightly and I shook my head, "no-no, Stiles' just... nervous around new people." I explained poorly.

Kira smiled, "is Stiles your boyfriend?" My eyes went wide and I scrunched my face up in disgust at the thought. "No! Stiles is my brother, twin, actually... No, Scott is my boyfriend." I explained and watched as a slightly disappointed and embarrassed look crossed Kira's face. 

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry for assuming... I don't-- Uh, I'll see you later." She walked off with her head down. I furrowed my brows in confusion at Kira's weird behaviour, but the moment I did so, a look of realization replaced it. She thought Scott was cute... I mean, I don't blame her, he definitely is attractive, but I couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy cross me. 

Scott could literally be with anyone, yet here he is, with me; a pregnant teenage girl. Granted, I'm pregnant with his babies, but still. I'm pregnant and Kira's pretty and... not. A frown pulled at my lips and I felt myself looking down at my stomach, my hand moving to rub the base of my protruding abdomen. 

"Is something wrong with baby?" The voice of Danny broke me from my thoughts. I looked up at him and smiled. He was adorned in his usual grey t-shirt and jeans, but his hair was styled nicely and I saw a hickey sticking out at the base of his neck. Weird, I thought him and Ethan broke up. "Nope, I just can't wait for the appointment today."

I brought my hand up to his neck, touching the hickey with a smirk. "Who is that from?" I dropped my hand, raising  an eyebrow. Danny's cheeks tinted pink but he just smirked and laughed lightly. "No one important." 

"Yeah, yeah... fine, don't tell me." I squinted my eyes at him playfully before linking his arm in mine and pulling him off to class. "Let's get lunch, yeah? I'm craving pizza."

My fingers drummed nervously on my stomach while my foot bounced in a constant up and down, my eyes were trained on the ceiling tiles. Nerves coursed through me for some unknown reason. Why was I so nervous, there's really no reason to be. This is just a normal appointment with a little extra information. I should be excited, not scared.

A warm hand pulled my hand into their grip. I snapped my gaze from the ceiling to meet Melissa's calming brown eyes. "You okay, sweetheart?" I nodded, my heartbeat calming down as I took a couple deep breaths. "Nervous." 

Scott leaned forward, "yeah, me too." I met his eyes and smiled slightly before turning back to Melissa. "Thanks for being here, my dad had work and Stiles had to go pick up flowers for my mom." A frown pulled at my lips at the sudden thought of my mom. 

The further into my pregnancy I get, the more I find myself wishing my mom was here with me. It makes me miss her so much more now that I'm having babies and she's not here. I didn't realize I was crying until Scott was wiping my tears from my eyes. 

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm crying again." I let out a sigh while sniffling slightly and folding my hands in my lap. Melissa sent me a smile. "It's all the hormones, I cried over everything when I was pregnant with Scott." 

I nodded and went to reply but was cut off by my doctor/boss walking in. "Victoria, how are doing today?" A sigh left my lips but, I smiled slightly. "I'm okay." Doctor Nolan let out a light chuckle, positioning himself on the roll-chair. 

"Do you have any questions, concerns, before we get the ultrasound tech in here to see the gender?" He asked, at this question I nodded quickly before listing off a few questions, "I can't sleep without waking up multiple times, and not just to go to the bathroom, it's like I can't get comfortable... I dunno, is that normal?" 

He nodded, "that's normal. I'd suggest getting a pregnancy pillow and sleeping on your side." I nodded intently, "okay... uhm, what about preterm labor? What are the symptoms? I was reading this article, and they said it's common with twin pregnancies?"

"I don't think you have to worry about that now, but the most common symptoms would be contractions that are consistently every ten minutes, cramps, or if you experience any vaginal bleeding." He explained then that if I was experiencing any of these that I needed to call him immediately. 

After he answered a few more of mine and Melissa's questions, he left and said the ultrasound tech would be in shortly. I let out a breath before turning to Scott, he was staring at the floor with furrowed brows and a freaked out look on his face. 

"Scott, are you okay?" I asked cautiously, Melissa placed a hand on his back and he jumped slightly. A sigh left his lips and he ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. "Yeah, just... it's all so much." 

I rolled my eyes and nodded, "tell me about it. I feel like I'm carrying around a bowling ball all day. And don't even get me started on the thought of being cut open." I shuddered slightly, not liking it one bit. 

"Well, you two better figure out a way to cope with this. Those babies are going to be here sooner than you think." Melissa warned us both. It wasn't long after that, that a girl came in. She had me lift up my shirt, revealing my belly. 

She squirted the warmed jell on my abdomen before placing the ultrasound tool on my skin and moving the jell around a bit. In a short moment the pictures were on the screen and a small smile made its way to my face as I saw them. 

Baby A was moving slightly and was bigger than baby B, who was curled up and it looked like he was sucking on his thumb. She pointed them out, "that's baby A, and this is baby B." Her eyes went to me and then Scott, who was now holding my hand in his. "Do you want to know the genders?" 

"Yes." I immediately replied but then stopped and looked at Scott, "do you want to know?" I asked. Scott nodded, his eyes were wide but, he nodded. The woman smiled and I looked back at the screen, "Baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl." 

She's a girl.... She was curled up and sucking on her thumb while he was moving around, getting comfortable. I couldn't help the small smile that lit up my face, it was unreal. All of this... I can't believe I'm going to be a mom. 

After my appointment, Scott went to go buy me a pregnancy pillow-- actually he said he was buying two so I could have one at his house too. I told him this was ridiculous and that the pillow could come with me when I stay the night, but he doesn't listen. 

I, on the other hand, met up with Stiles and we went to go meet with dad. Every year on the anniversary of mom's death, we take flowers to her grave and then we all take the night off and eat her favorite foods; spaghetti, popcorn, and brownies. I know it seems like a weird combination of foods, but it's what my mom liked. 

Stiles bought beautiful carnations this year, they were lovely. We stepped into the office, "You know, the last time we brought one of these to her grave, it was stolen the same day. A hundred bucks, down the drain." 

I rolled my eyes at that and wanted to reply but, I was immediately overwhelmed by the mess in dad's office. It was like a bomb of files and boxes went off. "Dad?" I asked, moving to look behind the desk where he was on the floor. "Whatcha doing?" 

He stood up and put a file into one of the many piles. "Working. And, hey, if somebody wants the flowers that badly, they can have them. It's the gesture." I nodded slowly, my eyes drifting to Stiles, who shared my confusion. 

"What's all this?" Stiles asked, gesturing around our father's messy office. My dad glanced around, "I've been looking over some old cases from a more... illuminated... perspective, if you know what I mean..." 

I nodded while biting my lip and picking up a file, "strange sighting of man with glowing eyes... huh, sounds like--" My dad cut me off while gesturing toward a pile, "that goes in the werewolf pile." I tossed it to where he directed while turning to Stiles who also read off a sighting. 

"Strange sighting of bipedal lizard man sprinting across freeway." I frowned at that, before suddenly remembering about the lizard monster Scott and Stiles told me about. "Kanima pile." Dad gestured toward another one of the many piles. 

Stiles sighed, "Dad, you're not going back through all your old cases, seeing if any of them had something to do with the supernatural, are you?" I gave my brother a look, "Stiles, that's exactly what he's doing. And I mean, I don't blame him... I'd want to go over them to." 

My brother shot me a look that said 'not helping.' "I admit, the recent opening of my eyes to the greater mysteries of the universe has got me reassessing. There's at least a hundred cases here, where I look at the details and I can ask myself, 'If I knew then what I know now--?'" I frowned at that, "dad, going down that road isn't going to do you any good. There's nothing you can do to change that." 

"Do I have a choice though?" He rose a brow at my brother and I, before he suddenly stood up and picked up a file, "There's one case in particular that I can't get out of my head. Eight years ago, I was elected Sheriff of Beacon County. My first official duty was to tell a man that not only had his wife and two kids died in a car accident, but, as best as we could tell, the body of his oldest had been dragged from the wreck by coyotes." 

Stiles frowned at this, "you mean dragged and eaten?" My dad nodded, "We didn't find the car until three days after the crash. They had driven off the road into a pretty deep ravine. Two bodies that were still in the car were covered in bites and slashes."

I nodded in understanding, "bites and claw marks... could it be a werewolf? Maybe he took the girl and killed the family?" My dad nodded along with me, "maybe." Stiles shook his head, "but coyotes, they scavenge, right? So, couldn't they have just left the bites and the slashes?" 

My dad nodded, "absolutely. But guess what night the attack happened?" Stiles and I glanced at each other before sighing and speaking at the same time, "full moon?" Our dad nodded, "exactly." 

Before the conversation could drift in another direction I gasped, gaining all the attention. "Victoria, you okay?" Stiles asked. I nodded, a smile lighting my face while I reached in my bag and pulled out my pictures from the appointment earlier. 

My dad looked them over, a small smile on his face, but I could see the stress in his body language. "How'd the appointment go?" He asked curiously. I smiled, "we found out the genders." 

"Please tell me I'm getting two nephews?" Stiles hoped, which made me laugh. I shook my head, "well, you're getting one. It's a boy and a girl." I announced proudly. My dad smiled at that and gave me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head, "your mother would be happy about that. When she found out she was having you and Stiles, she was so excited. She wouldn't stop talking about how she was getting a boy and a girl 'at the same time!' she's say." A laugh left him as he said this. 

I loved when he talked about mom, it made me happy. I smiled up at my dad and then looked at my brother, "okay, enough about me. Let's go take mom her flowers, yeah?" 

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