Soulmates [Completed]

By littlemoonchild9

125K 3.1K 158

Kim Namjoon Fanfiction Currently rewriting this! People seem to enjoy the story but I'm not happy with the qu... More



4.1K 114 0
By littlemoonchild9

I'm woken up by the feeling of my side hitting the cold ground. I sit up angrily and glare at Ashia.

"You've got filming today" she shrugs, "up you get" she smirks at me before walking out.

"Unnie" I shake Sav as I sit on the floor next to her bed, she hums in response. "I've got filming today. You can come with me if you want to...I asked Manager-nim" I say quietly since Jiwon is still asleep, "or you can come for part of the day and then hang with Hobi" I smirk as her eyes snap open.

"That actually happened!?" She whisper yells and I nod my head with a laugh.

"I'll come with you for now but I have plans with Hobi later" she says and rolls out of bed half on my lap before she gets up.

I throw on black denim shorts and a baggy shirt which I tuck into it. I just my brush my hair and leave it be before pulling on some converse.

I grab my bag and go to the kitchen to grab breakfast for Sav and I to eat in the car on the way to the set.

Once Sav is ready, we head to the lobby and get into the car we're directed to.

"You're really okay?" Sav speaks up half way through the trip.

"I've just never done this before and I'm the first member to do it so I have no idea what to expect...I'm really nervous" I mumble. She pulls me into her side and pets my head in a  comforting way until I fall asleep.

We arrive at the venue and Sav shakes me gently to wake me up. I'm lead into the dressing room and I'm pushed into a chair infront of a mirror.

"I'm thinking we go purple" the girl behind me says and my jaw drops as I picture myself with deep grape purple hair. "Don't panic!" She says when she sees my face, "It's a lighter silver purple, almost grey" she smiles as I relax a little bit and nod my head.

She starts with cutting my hair a bit first and then starts putting the dye in when the door opens.

"Hey Babygirl" I hear Namjoons voice next to me so I glance to my left in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sav mentioned to Hobi how nervous you are and he thought we would come and cheer you on" he smiles at me making my heart pound but at the same time I calm down a significant amount. I make eye contact with Sav in the mirror and shoot her a greatful smile.

"Don't you have stuff to do today?" I pout at him through the mirror.

"Hm...what's on my schedule today? Oh yeah! Give the new girl group a pep talk" he laughs. "I guess this counts" he grins as a small smile finally stays on my face.

An hour later I finally have my hair done and my first outfit on and I'm standing on set awkwardly.

"This hair colour suits you" Sav says as she plays with a strand. I send her a nervous pout.

"She rught, you're beautiful" Namjoon whisper as he lace his fingers with mine.

"Just do what feels natural" Namjoon tells me reassuringly and backs up to stand by the director. I take a deep breath as Namjoon, Sav and Hobi all give me thumbs up and walk onto the set.

We finish by lunch and Yiren rushes up to me when she arrives since she filming for the afternoon.

"Unnie! That was awesome!" She days excitedly as we walk into the dressing room.

After I change I see the nervous look on Yirens face so I walk over and crouch infront of her.

"Heyy, you got this. The Visual Center of Produce 48 such as yourself can't do wrong" I grin as she blushes.

"You want me to stay with you?" I ask her once I see she's cheered up a bit.

"It's okay...I got this" she holds a fist in the air enthusiastically.

"Alright...fighting!" I yell as I leave the dressing room.

"You're such a good Unnie" Namjoon grins at me as he wraps an arm around me.

"Where are the others?" I ask as we get into the car to go back home.

"They went on a date" he mumbles. "Hey baby" he says and I look up at him, "I think we should tell PDnim about us" he says nervously.

"Yeah, I think so too" I mumble, "but what about the 2 year rule?" I whisper.

"What about it?" He asks and looks over at me.

"I havent even debuted yet and were not supposed to start dating until 2 years after our PDnim gonna make us break up?" I ask him as tears start flowing down my cheeks.

"Baby no" he frowns, and scoots closer to wipe my tears and pull me into a hug "I wont let him" he reassures me.

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