The Betrayed

By skylab25

273K 2.4K 2K

A young teen in union academy was having a great life with many friends and a supportive family that was unti... More

Not a chapter
Chapter 2 - The adventure Part 1
New weapon bio (Updated)
House / love / name Vote
Vote Winners
Chapter 3 - Adventure part 2
So close
Chapter 4 - Training
Sacred gear info.
New book cover!
Chapter 5 - A new hero
Chap. 6 - Battle of Kouh Vale
Jaune new weapon bio

Chapter 1 - The truth is revealed

24.9K 248 437
By skylab25

Talking - (person)

Shouting - (person) SHUT THE FUCK UP HALF AND HALF

Thinking - (person) 'Who was that?'

Whispering - (person) hey psst wanna hear a joke?

Action - (person) *picks up a bottle and tosses it into the trash*

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur writing

Sacred Gear - [Hello!]

Inner demon : - Why isnt their blood? -

Arthur notes - {hello 👋}


Third person

One year has passed since the incident at union academy and the student who were friends with Y/N and his enemy's are know going into summer break, each one of them are taking things differently. For instance team RWBY and JNRP are divided on the matter, Ruby leader of team RWBY was deepened shocked at what she had heard her friend did, Weiss the heiress of the schnee dust company was more colder to everyone, Blake the book worm of team RWBY showed no emotion but was more distant to people even her own team, Yang the brawler tank of team RWBY was upset that her friend would do something like this.

Now we switch other to the supernatural side of union academy the orc was divided at the matter, Rias, akeno and issei were very glad that Y/N was gone and out of union academy seeing you as nothing but a weakling, Koneko was depressed that her snack buddy was gone as she was distant towards her king, Kiba was confused on the matter because through their spare matches he could tell Y/N had no reason to do what they said he did, Xenovia was the same as kiba.

The rest of the union of union academy was glad that he was gone thinking he was nothing more then a dirty criminal. Now we currently see everyone in the union gym as the leaders / Professors / Hero, were on the stage. As all the students were chatting with their friends Sirzech walked to the podium first and coughed into the mike.

(Sirzech) "Excuse me everyone please give your attention to me for a split moment."

The students silenced as they looked towards Sirzech as he smiled.

(Sirzech) "Thank you now I would like to discuss about the past events that have happened, I know everyone in this room has different opinions on the matter but please keep a open mind while each head master, Pro-hero, and leader speaks."

Each student nodded as they looked at Sirzech.

(Sirzech) "Thank you now to open our statement I would like to inform every including team CRSL of Scarlet stars condition, she has woken up and is currently being treated at Saint hospital, police are questioning her on the subject."

Everyone started to whisper to each other, Good witch was about to speak until a phone got a notification then another phone and soon all the phones had the same notification, from the same number sending the same image. A dark chuckle waheard making everyone look up seeing a group of four people.

{All arts and images go to their respective owners}

(???) "All of you have been fooled and tricked into believing a false lords words and a man"

The blonde male said as he chuckled darkly.

(Ozpin) "And who are you?"

(???) "That is the question but let me ask you this oozy, what is tripped in the dark abyss that seeks the destruction of you and this world?"

Ozpin with the other head masters/ pros/ and heroes  eyes widen as the man with blonde hair grinned, the students were all confused as to what he was talking about.

(Issei) "Boucho what's he talking about?"

(Rias) "I have no idea."

(???) "Now allow me to introduce myself to everyone here, My name is Gazable Lawden the rightful heir to both heaven and hell."

The female with white hair and red eyes stood next to Gazable as she looked at everyone with a cold death gaze.

(???) "My name is Marie weilder of the Dark abyss"

The male with sliver hair and golden eyes steps on the opposite side of Gazable.

(???) "My name is Ronin Stone, I wield the cursed sword of Nighten"

Next was the blonde female stepping next to Marie as she giggles.

(???) "My name is Serena yami, I happen to weild the cursed grimoire."

Everyone in union academy was shocked including the head master/ pros/ heros, suddenly Gazable throw a  harddrive towards All Might catching it.

(Gazable) "Now we shall take our leave but to show how fooled you all have been watch the video."

Gazable said as he and the rest of the group went through a red portal, the staff of union academy looked at the flash drive then at each other.

Timeskip brough to you by Chibi Y/N working out in prison.

In a large room was the major staff of union academy, the lights were turned off while a projector was playing the video from the harddrive acquired from the group. On the video was what really happened in team CRDL dorm the night of the murders, when team CRDL had entered the room they were faced with a bloodied cloaked figure. The team had tried fighting the figure but was killed one by one slowly and painfully, what caught the staffs attention was the weapon the cloaked figure was using.

The weapon was a double edged sword, it had a inner black line from the top to the guard of the sword, the guard was emerald green as it handle was covered in a black leather.

As the staff watched the video it all became clear that Y/N law was innocent and they made a grave mistake, Ozpin having enough turned off the video as Grafyia turned on the lights.

(All Might)"....That...what have we done..."

(Azazel) "what we done is a grave mistake."

Azazel said as he looked at Michael and Sirzech.

(Azazel) "Now we need to figure out who that person was, then try and correct our wrongs."

(Michael) Azazel is right we do need to find the real culprit and explain to Mister Law what had happened.

(Ozpin) Its not gonna be that simple.

Everyone turned to Ozpin and nodded.

(All might) "He right we should find a way to re gain his trust."

(Michael) "I may know a way but it requires his friends help."

Everyone started to listen to what Michael plan was as they all agreed to it.

With Y/N he was currently in his prison cell with his shirt off and in the wash from a recent fight that got his shirt bloodied, through the year he had been doing lots of exercise making him more buffer then the year before, he know has a eight with a toned muscler body. 

Y/N would then would look toward the cells doors and see the wordon at his cell door, the wordon was a female that had long blue hair with dark blue icey eyes. She was wearing a white jacket that had a inner black design, her cleavage was shown letting people see her demon mark. She was also wearing a white hat with a black lip and a black star design, on her waist was a black belt that was held together with another black star, this was Esdeath the blood carved wordon.

{Be honest if she wasn't crazy everyone would wanna smash maybe}

(Esdeath) "Prisoner 626, you are to come with me"

(Y/N) "What is it now blue berry? I already did my time in the can, now leave me alone"

Y/N said as he layed down and closed his eyes.

(Esdeath) "Some new information has been found on your case actually so your a free man"

Y/N opened one of his eyes and looked at Esdeath

(Y/N) "How do I know this isn't another attempt to get me in your bed?"

Esdeath chuckles darkly as she opened the cell door and stepped in, she then reached into her jacket and pulled out a piece of paper tossing it onto Y/N chest. Being curious Y/N took the paper and opened it and began to read it.

To Esdeath

As of September 5, 3201 the court has found Y/N law innocent on all charges since henceforth new evidence has been acquired. Upon this letters arrival to your hands he shall be let out if prison and free to go.

- Signed Union Academy

{I dont know how real court orders are said and done but I think its something like this}

Y/N looked at Esdeath with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N) "Is this real?"

(Esdeath) "Apparently so from what I was told one if the head master of Union academy found actual evidence, now get up and follow me."

Y/N sighed as he stood up and started to follow Esdeath to the prisoners storage. Once their Esdeath would walk in and grab everything Y/N had on the day he was arrested, his sword, his clothes, his pistols and other things.

After that Esdeath had lead Y/N to the prison gates, he stopped right at the entrance.

(Y/N) "Well blue berry this is good bye"

(Esdeath) "Call me blue berry one more time! And you'll see what I can do!"

Y/N chuckles as he steps through the gates, he then started walking to anywhere away from union academy, away from prison, away from his family.

(Y/N) 'I dont know who framed me for murder but I'll need to get stronger both physically and magically, so let's have ourselves an adventure.'

But the screen fades to black.

{Hey everyone! Sorry for taking forever on this chapter! I've been through alot recently in my life, got a new dog that's craves attention, a break up right before this quarantine, and family drama! But no worries I'm back at half health and ready to write! So I would like everyone to please vote on what you want Y/N to get first!}

Please not that these are examples, so if you for say vote for one of the quirks you voted for my hero academia.

Sacred gear (Highschool DXD)
- Divine angel
- Omega chaos
- Crimson king

Quirks (My hero academic)
-All for One
-One for All

slayer magic (fairy tale)
-Infinite God slayer
-Dark flame Demon slayer
-Ice Dragon Slayer

Semblance (RWBY)
-Silver warrior
-Armed guard
-Inner demon

Imperial arms (akame ga kill)
- Adramelech
- Demon Armor: Incursio
- Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract

Devil fruits (One piece)
- Tremor tremor
- Rumble Rumble
- flame flame

zanpakuto (Bleach)
- Twin demons
- Spear of spirits
- Raging hydra

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