Creatures Of The Night (a 'He...

By VAaddict

66 3 3


Creatures Of The Night (a 'Help My Soul' prequel)

66 3 3
By VAaddict

Creatures Of The Night

I stand, and I stare,

Seeing things that aren't there:

Translucent figures that writhe and twist,

Creatures that surely don't exist.

A high-pitched shriek cuts through the night,

Planting, in my soul, a seed of fright.

A clawed black hand points to me,

Inches away, it hovers threateningly.

Bit by bit, the hand closes in,

As the world begins to slowly spin.

I close my eyes and cower in fear,

But when I open them again, the creatures aren't there.

Instead, what I see is the insubstantial form of a man,

Offering me his transparent hand.

I reach for it but it is thin air I now hold,

As the stranger before me says, "My name is Reynolds."

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