Like Dandelions In The Wind

Galing kay Scribble_Maniacs

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For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... Higit pa

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 10

589 34 54
Galing kay Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

My whole room is looking like a big mess right now. I have notes, books, pens, diary, and what not on my bed. My poor little Cody is sleeping on the ground because of the shortage of place.

I took off my specs, massaging my forehead as I stared into my laptop screen. Microsoft word is still blank. I've been typing and backspacing it for the past few minutes. I have been sitting here, in my room, in this messed up condition for a couple of hours now but I can't think of anything. I referred to all the book I could carry here with me, I googled things, I checked my notes, I noted more points but I couldn't start with a single line of my book. I was clueless. I couldn't think of anything to write, I just couldn't find the inspiration or develop an interesting outline to start with. I was stressed out. I need to read something, something more.

I search for my mobile which was lying under papers. I dialed the number as soon as I found it. It took a good few rings before he finally picked up the call.

"Yes, ma'am," Ved said sounding cheerful from another side, "What can I do for you?"

"Ved..." I said pouting even when he can't see me. Ved chuckled.

"What happened?" He asked. I let out a sigh.

"It's not working," I said looking around at the mess and shifting my laptop onto the bed from my lap.

"And what's not working?" He asked. I let out a sigh again getting up from my seat.

"I don't think I'm capable of writing anything," I said sitting on the window sill and putting my head against the wall behind.

"You haven't even yet started, Zivah." Ved said, "How can you say that?"

"It's tough," I said genuinely.

"Who said it's gonna be easy?" He asked.

"But I can't even think of a single line to write. I mean I don't even know what to write." I said in a complaining tone, "I need ideas, a vision, a topic. I need something, Ved." The frustration I felt was clearly visible in my voice and I heard him let out a sigh.

"Hmmm... That you need to think by yourself." He said. "What did you think? One day you'll get up with some idea and you'll start writing and complete the book in no time?" He asked. I stayed quiet not knowing what to say. I know it's not easy but it frustrates me that I can't even think of an idea to even start the book. I felt defeated and lost. Ved let out a sigh again.

"It's a process, Zivah," He said further, "You will get there slowly. It's literature. It's definitely not easy." He said. I nodded my head in understanding forgetting that he can't see me.

"No one has written anything in a couple of months." He continued, "You'll need time to get there. A lot of it. So don't rush the things." He said pausing for a moment before he continued again, "Take your time to think. Zero down some thoughts. Finalize some topics you love. Make a plan. Draw outline. And then start writing." Ved finished and I wished him to just keep talking.

It was comforting. It was hopeful. I gave me the courage I needed the most at this time. It gave me hope to see myself with a future. I don't know how he did that but I was thankful for it. He is bloody good with those talks. I don't remember someone sitting with me and making me understand things like this.

"Why you are so right?" I asked with a small smile. I heard Ved chuckle.

"I'm always right." He said being proud. I shook my head a little, the smile still on my face.

"Don't flatter yourself," I said, "Help me out."

"Me? How am I suppose to help you?" Ved asked and I could imagine the look of his face. It made me chuckle as he continued, "I know nothing about these things."

"I'm not asking you to help me in writing," I said rolling my eyes, "I want you to take me or maybe suggest to me some nearby libraries."

"Libraries," Ved said and stopped for some time before continuing, "Zivah, why don't you try out Parth's library? He can also help you out with something maybe." He suggested.

"That's a good idea but do you think it will be okay?" I asked, being not sure. I mean, of course, he has told me to visit him anytime but still, it didn't feel right. I don't know him well yet, I mean I know him better out of those five boys but I wasn't sure if I know him enough to just go to his house for some need or help. I didn't quite sit well with me. And that day he might have just said that. I don't want to trouble him.

"You think way too much," Ved said letting out a laugh, "He will be happy to help out. Trust me."

"Okay..." I said with uncertainty, "Umm..."

"What?" He asked again.

"Should I ask him before?" I asked, "I mean it doesn't look good." Ved let out a deep sigh.

"Hold on for a moment," He said and put me on hold. Shit! He might be calling Parth. What am I suppose to do? He will obviously say yes considering how sweet he is.

"What's up?" I heard Parth. My guess was right. He stopped for a moment not hearing anything from anyone as he went on, "Ved?"

"Yes, Zivah is also on the line," Ved said, "She was asking if it will be fine if she visits your house today to see the library?"

"Are you kidding me?" Parth said letting out a laugh, "I told you Zivah to just come over whenever you want to."

"Yes but... I mean it's fine with you right?" I asked. I heard Ved and Parth letting out a laugh again.

"God Ved, where did you find this innocent soul?" Parth asked. Ved just chuckled but didn't say anything. I stayed quiet as well.

"Don't think too much," Parth said, "Just be shameless like this guy and come over."

"Hey, I'm not shameless, Parth," Ved said making me smile, "I have always been considerate."

"Don't make me open my mouth, you jackass!" Parth said, "Zivah, I'll tell you some stories some other time." I let out a hearty laugh.

"I can't wait," I said with a wide smile.

"Just come over," Parth said, "I'll send you the address."

"Okay!" I said being happy.

"I'll drop you," Ved stated.

"No, Ved," I said as I don't want to trouble him, "I'll take care, really."

He has already helped me a lot and has been with me more than anyone till now. Sure, a part of me wants to see him and want to accept his offer but the other part of me is not letting that part win.

"Yeah but..." He was saying but I stopped him in between.

"I have Dadu's car and Google aunty will help me find the house," I said shrugging my shoulders. Parth chuckled.

"Sounds like a good idea." Parth said, "Don't worry buddy, she will take care of herself."

"Yes, I know that," Ved said sounding off, "Call me if anything."

"Yes," I said with a smile.

"Yes, sir. She will." Parth said letting out a laugh. I could imagine Ved rolling his eyes.

"Alright see you then, Zivah," Parth said as he cut the call leaving us two on the line.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I started as Ved stayed quiet which was unusual, "I have been in Delhi for some time now so it will be okay."

"Yes I know you can take care of yourself," He said in a plain tone, "Just call me if anything."

What's up with him? He was fine a few minutes ago. I guess I will ask him at night.

"Yes, I'll call you if my car breaks down or if I can't find the address." I said, "Who else I'll be calling anyway." I finished shrugging my shoulders.

"And call me when you reach," Ved said further.

"Yes," I said smiling, enjoying the concern he showed towards me even for such little things.

"Okay, bye then." He said.

"Bye, Ved," I said cutting the call.

Parth has already sent the message consisting of his address. I searched for it and it wasn't much away from my home anyway. That made me relieved.

I got up to get ready but before that, I need to take care of this mess in front of me.


It was around 4 or something when I was outside Parth's door. It was huge which didn't surprise me as he is practically a rockstar. He already had instructed the watchman to let me in as when I said my name he opened the gate right away.

I already called Ved and told him that I reached. He sounded relieved. It made me feel much, much better to see someone actually cares for my whereabouts. I smiled to myself at that thought and rang the doorbell. I looked at the well-maintained lawn in the front as I waited for Parth to open the door.

It took a few moments before Parth opened the door for me with his big infectious smile. I smiled involuntarily as he came forward to give me a brief hug.

"I hope it wasn't difficult to find the address?" He asked pulling away.

"I don't think it will be tough to find a world-known Rockstar's address," I said with a smile. Parth let out a laugh.

"There is nothing to disagree." He said winking at me, making me chuckle.

"Sorry." Parth said remembering something, "Come inside." He said giving me space to enter the house.

I stepped in on the well-polished marble tile of his spacious living room. The walls were painted white and a luxurious sofa set rested on the side of the room. Everything was well arranged and perfectly designed. It all had a classy modern touch to them. I looked around a bit taking in the interior design of the room.

"Take a seat." I heard Parth from the side, "What would you like to drink or eat?"

"Umm..." I said fiddling with the strips of my side purse, "Do you mind showing the library first? I'll drink or eat later?" I asked looking at Parth who just smiled at me.

"As you like," he said and turned around in his track, "Follow me."

I smiled widely as he agreed readily.

"I can see your genuine love there," Parth said walking through the corridor. I followed him beside admiring the interior work of the house.

"Yes, books are my weakness. You can say that." I said looking at him.

Parth lead me to the room at the end and opened the door for me. He waited for me to enter and closed the door behind.

I stopped as soon as I entered getting awestruck. This was something else from what I imagined. I thought it will be a small room filled with some of the books but nope it was huge with some thousands of books lying on the shelf around. It was literally a library, like a proper library, with all the shelves perfectly arranged with books in them. But they made it really interesting with leaving a reading space in the side near the glass wall which showcased a beautiful garden outside. It was made cozy with comfortable chairs and couches with a table and a standing lamp near them. I loved it already and I couldn't wait to explore the books on the shelf.

"You gotta be kidding me," I said still looking around with shocked expressions.

Parth just stood there looking at my expressions. I moved my gaze at him.

"Are you telling me that you alone own every damn book here?" I asked not believing anything.

Parth chuckled and nodded at me.

"Apparently." He said looking ahead of us in the room.

"Well, everything is not mine of course." He said walking ahead and gesturing me to do the same. I followed him as he continued, "It came from the time of my grandparents."

"So your whole family is in literature?" I asked putting my purse down on the table.

"Yup," Parth said nodding.

"Lucky you," I said with a smile, "So you live with them?"

"My parents are based in Bangalore," he said taking a seat in one of the chairs. I sat on the chair beside him, "My grandparents no more."

"Okay," I said, "Sorry if I'm being too nosy?" Parth gave me an unpleasant look as soon as I finished.

"Let's do one thing, Zivah," He said. I looked at him curiously by raising my eyebrows.

"From now on we won't be formal with each other," he said further, "I, at least, think of you as my friend and I'm gonna treat you like one. Shamelessly." He finished shrugging his shoulders making me laugh a bit.

"I don't mind that," I said genuinely with a smile.

"Great." He said rubbing his hands with a smile.

"You lived your whole life in NY?" He asked further.

"We moved to NY when I was still in school because someone was needed to take care of business there," I said.

"My dad volunteered for it," I continued, "Everyone agreed as he is amazing with his work. Besides my mom was gonna be with him who is equally or even more capable of handling it." I said plainly, "No questions were asked and in no time we were in NY." I finished letting out a small laugh.

"It would have been difficult to adjust?" Parth asked. I let out a sigh.

"Yes, it was," I said nodding a bit, "Not just school but the whole thing was different. The country, the culture, the people." I continued. He stayed quiet listening to me.

"But there was this Indian guy with me who became my friend instantly," I said as a small smile formed on my face remembering those old days. "So it felt a little easy with him on my side," I said genuinely. How I miss that old friend these days. He has been always with me through my thick and thin but he was long gone now. Nothing is the same anymore. And I still wonder how can things change so fast, how can all those times, all those memories we shared be a lie... Wasn't our bond real?

"So your first friend there?" Parth asked pulling me back from my thoughts to the reality.

"Yup." I said nodding my head again, "Vihaan Shergill." It sounded so strange to me now... His name. Just like him.

Parth smiled genuinely. I just smiled back at him and thought of changing this topic for good.

"You were in Delhi or Bangalore?" I asked.

"My whole family resides in Bangalore," Parth said.

"I and Randhir have born and lived there." He continued as I listened.

"Then I moved out to achieve something," he said shrugging his shoulders. "I wanted a career in music." He said further with a small laugh. I smiled along with him. "No one opposed as my family is filled with the artist," He said with the same smile, "You might know a few as well."

Really? I didn't know this. I wanted to ask him more about them but thought of keeping that question for later and let him continue.

"One of my friends introduced me to Rupath who was in search of artists to form a band." He said looking distant with a smile. "He liked my music," He said moving his gaze to me, "I asked him if it will be okay for Randhir to join as well. He gave the auditions, got selected and our band was complete." He finished with a full smile. I smiled again at him genuinely.

"Wow, I'm glad to be the one to know this story," I said giving him mischievous smile.

"I hope you are comfortable enough now that you won't bug me with formalities?" Parth asked raising his eyebrows.

"I will try," I said shrugging my shoulders. Parth shook his head in disappointment.

"So how do you know Ved?" I asked being curious.

"Ved was Rupath's best buddy," He said, "He would always come to rehearsals, trips, and literally everywhere." He continued letting out a laugh. I did the same hearing him. "That's how he became my best buddy as well." He finished with a smile. I nodded at him with the same smile still on my lips.

"Oh, so they are like childhood friends?" I asked further.

"Yes, they went to the same school." He said shrugging his shoulders. I nodded in understanding.

"You and Ved are seeing each other?" Parth asked the question which everyone is asking to me nowadays. I let out a sigh.

"Nope," I said.

"That guy is scared of commitments," Parth said, "But I can assure you that once he is committed then there is no looking back for him. He will give you everything."He finished giving me a smile. I smiled back at him.

There is no doubt about it. The guy who could do this much for me when were aren't anywhere near any serious relationship, he will surely give his everything when he will get into an actual one.

"Anyway, just have a look around. Call me if you need anything by pressing 5 on this phone." Parth said getting up from his chair and pointing towards the intercom beside me.

"Yes," I said nodding.

"I would love to continue the chat but we will do that sometime later," He said stuffing his hands in his jean pockets as he looked at me, "Else you won't be able to complete anything today and this day will go waste." He finished with a smile. I let out a laugh with a nod as he made his way out closing the door and leaving me alone.

I got up from my seat looking around the whole place, getting happy. My smile went wide by seeing this treasure around me. I felt like I'm the happiest person alive on earth right now.

I wandered throughout the room getting awestruck. I collected a few books at first and put them on the table. Those are enough for some time. I wanted to pick up all of the books lying on shelf and read them one after other, sipping my coffee but no, I shouldn't be greedy.

I took my diary out and debated with myself which book to open first.

Nevertheless, I randomly selected one. It was "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I started reading and taking out notes from it by studying every line I read. How the writer has explained something, how he has started, how the detailing is done, how the words used, how conversations are written, how he has explained the emotions and feelings, how he started another chapter, just every little thing.

The basic idea behind this was to observe the different writing styles of writers and use that knowledge as a reference to create my own writing style. I've read many books but I never really focused on the writing aspect of it until I, myself wanted to pursue it as a career. So now it was important for me to read through every line, paying attention to each word and understand how the writer has taken the story forward, the pace of the story, the structure of the story, character development, and how they have ended it. Everything is important as they provide as a reference once I actually start with something and develop the story.

I don't know when and how time passed but it was around 6.30 in the evening when Parth knocked on the door and entered the room.

"Was my treasure of any help to you?" He asked with a smile.

"Are you kidding me?" I said looking at the bunch in front of me, "This is all I ever wanted."

Parth let out a chuckle looking at my notes and then the books in front. He then moved his gaze to me again.

"Do you prefer tea or coffee?" He asked.

"Coffee will do the magic," I said with a smile. Parth nodded his head a little

"Come out. Coffee and snacks will be ready in some time," He said smiling. I can't tell how happy it made me. I was craving some food as my stomach has already started growling.

"Alright." I said readily and looked at the books lying on the table.

"You can take these books along," he said, "If you want you can use this library every day. I don't mind at all."

That was really sweet of him. But it won't look good if I come here every next day. So it's better if I take these along with me.

"Okay." I said with a grateful smile as I took off my specs. "I'll take these and once those are finished I'll be back to take others." I finished shrugging my shoulders and cleaned the lens of my specs with the hem of my shirt.

"Finally you are learning to be comfortable." He said giving me an impressive look. I smiled slyly as I put the specs back on my nose.

"Thanks to you." I said.

Parth chuckled as he took a few books in his hand while I took the rest. We made our way out of the library. As I and Parth entered the living room, I saw Laksh coming downstairs. He gave me a smile as soon as he spotted me standing at the couch looking at him. I smiled back at him as I put the books down on the table in front.

"Let's sit in the garden I'm sick of sitting inside the house all day long." Laksh said coming near to us.

"Okay let's go then." Parth said gesturing to me. I nodded my head and started walking beside them.

Parth and Laksh got into some chat related to their practice schedule. I as usual was watching around taking everything.

The garden was small compared to Dadi's one. But it was truly beautiful with different kinds of flowers. Dadi would have gone crazy seeing this beauty for sure. The table was set on one side along with some coir chairs around it.

I sat one of the chairs beside Parth and Laksh sat across us taking his one leg above on the seat of the chair. One guy came with a tray and placed cups and snacks in front of us and left.

"Found anything worth?" Laksh asked taking his mug of coffee. I nodded my head.

"Yup loads of stuff." I said with happiness clearly visible in my voice. Parth and Laksh chuckled a bit.

"So your books finally came to some use." Laksh said looking at Parth and sipping his coffee.

"Indeed." Parth said handing over one coffee mug to me and taking his. I sat comfortably in the chair.

"You guys live together?" I asked sipping my coffee. Laksh looked at Parth while sipping his coffee and then moved his gaze to me. He had a big smile on his face.

"No. I just sometimes come by as it gets literally boring being alone." He said shrugging his shoulders. Laksh bent down and took one pakoda from the plate in front.

"I can relate." I said nodding my head.

"Planning to come over again?" Laksh asked again putting pakoda in his mouth.

"Not soon though. But I'll be back after I finish the current stock." I said sipping my coffee.

"Parth, you have found your level of craze." Laksh said looking at Parth and back at me.

"I know right!" Parth let out a chuckle munching the snack, "I'm actually glad."

"You need to finish those books before you go back to NY." Laksh said.

"I'm gonna try my best," I said genuinely, "I just have two months at max until my parents call me back." I finished letting out a sad sigh by just the thought of it.

It just feels so good to be here. Like I'm around my people. I can't even think of leaving this and going back to New York to my broken family where no one is even bothered about my mere existence.

"And you don't seem to be smitten by that idea?" Laksh's words brought me back.

"I guess I'm enjoying being in Delhi too much." I said with a small smile, shrugging my shoulders.

"Afterall it's your country." Parth said. I nodded at him.

"But tell me one thing," Laksh asked again, "Will you be able to continue writing there? You'll get busy with job." He asked putting the coffee mug down.

"That's the thing." I said looking down at the coffee in the mug. I looked up at Laksh giving him a small smile, "But I have this feeling that I'll manage this time."

"I like this confidence." Parth said with a smile. Laksh nodded his head with a smile as well.

"Don't forget us once you get famous." Laksh said in a dramatic voice, "Remember the guy here helped you out. He needs the credit."

"I'm fine without it." Parth said putting his hands in the air. I let out a laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll surely give you one." I said patting his arm.

"It means a lot." Parth said getting dramatic and wiping an invisible tear from his cheek. Laksh shook his head as I let out a laugh.

"It feels so good," I said genuinely with a smile, "You know..."

I stopped for a brief moment, tightening my grip over the mug. Laksh and Parth were quite listening to me.

"When people actually show some faith," I said further looking at them, "When they actually believe you will achieve something. Else I only have heard one thing that once I fell with my current plan, I'll have to go back to New York and continue with what I left behind." I finished letting out a sad laugh. No one said anything for a few moments.

I kept looking down in the empty mug not sure why I said any of those things. I just ruined the mood. I thought of apologizing but before that, I heard Parth.

"I don't know who exactly said that," He said adjusting in his seat, "But I can tell by looking at you how much you enjoy this."

"People fall, Zivah," He said looking at me. I moved my gaze to meet his as he continued further, "No one has gotten everything they dreamt about in one go. Every failure teaches you something and through that experience you learn and you go further." He continued.

"Failure is not the end but giving up on your dreams is what keeps people away from achieving their goal," He said further and he was right.

"So don't ever give up." Parth talked again after pausing for a brief moment when he didn't hear anything from me, "Even if you fail just have the courage to get up and start walking again. No one can keep you away from succeeding." He finished with a genuine smile. I smiled back at him gratefully, nodding my head.

"And don't worry, there will be loads of people who will be there just to see you fall to prove their point." Laksh said. I looked at him.

"They will discourage you and will do everything and anything to pull you down," He continued.

"Just keep your eyes on your goal and ignore the rest," he said further, "Just keep on walking no matter how tough it is. Because in the end, it will be worth it." He finished giving me a smile. I smiled widely.

"Thanks guys." I said in a cheerful voice, "I promise I won't ever give up. That I'll complete what I have started." I said looking at Parth and then at Laksh. They both smiled genuinely looking back at me.

"I didn't know you can talk some wise words, Laksh." I said with a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "I thought you are just good with show off." I finished. Parth let out a laugh.

"See I know people take me just for good looks," Laksh said sounding hurt. I shook my head a little. "But I don't blame them." He said further winking at me. I let out a laugh and so did Parth.

"You are crazy." I said letting out another laugh. Laksh and Parth joined me as well.

I love their company genuinely. The friends I have made on my own without anyone being the link. Without Alizeh, Ahil or Vihaan. These are the people who talk to me without any connection. I was happy. I was happy I was making friends on my own, getting to know people and learning to enjoy their company. I was enjoying this new change in me and embracing these budding friendships.


It was around dinner time when I reached home. Alizeh was still nowhere around. I met Dadu, Dadi, and Cody at the backside garden where they were listening to some old melodies. I showed them the books and told them about the big library residing in Parth's house. They were pretty impressed.

They asked me to bring some books for the next time I visit Parth. I offered them the books I took but they refused to say he gave them to me and that next time I should bring something by telling Parth directly. I gave up and agreed to what they said.

I made my way towards my room as I have to get changed and freshen up before joining them for dinner. Cody followed me up in the room.

I caressed him for some time and gave him his food as he ate it happily wagging his tail. I got freshen up in the meantime and changed into my pajamas.

I checked my mobile to see two messages which came 20 minutes ago. I cursed myself for forgetting to text him on my arrival. I did call Parth and told him that I reached but I forgot to tell Ved.

My smile widened as I sat on the bed taking pillow on my laps and mobile in my hand. I opened the message.

'have you reached home?' - Ved

I typed my message with the big smile still playing on my lips. And pressed sent.

'yes... Sorry I almost forgot to message you.' - Zee

His message came instantly as if he was just waiting for me to reply with his phone in his hand.

'That is fine,'
'How was the day? Hope you enjoyed?' - Ved

The smile refused to leave my face I wrote my next message and sent.

'Yup! The place is bloody amazing, Ved. Too bad I didn't get to read everything at a time.'- Zee

I looked into mobile impatiently as my mobile blinked again. I read the message readily.

'You are way too impatient girl.'-Ved

I contained my laugher as I don't want anyone to hear it even accidentally. I typed my next message as fast.

'Hahaha... I can't wait to go back and bring some new books.'- Zee

His next message came blinking my screen again.

'I'm glad I was of help.;)'-Ved

I shook my head a little in disappointment as I sent my next reply.

'Parth was...'-Zee

I tapped on my screen impatiently for a couple of minutes as his reply didn't come instantly. As I was about to give up and make my way downstairs for dinner my phone vibrated loudly. I opened the message immediately.

'Well you met him because of me so technically I helped you.'-Ved

So full of himself Kashyap. I shook my head again with a big smile. I pressed the sent button after typing the message.

'Yeah whatever =_='-Zee

This time he was fast enough to reply and I was glad for it.

'Don't make any plans for tomorrow ;)' -Ved

My smile widened reading the message. It took me a good few minutes to reply to him as I was gushing over the message. I don't know why am I acting like a schoolgirl who has gotten a reply from her crush. I typed my next message.

'Why? What's so special about tomorrow? :0'- Zee

My phone vibrated again as I heard Dadu calling me from downstairs for dinner. I shouted that I'll join them in 5 minutes and that they can start eating as I read Ved's message.

'I'll be taking you out, Princess B-)' - Ved

I was a fast typer as I'm not a person who would talk to anyone over the phone. Call conversations are just for some close ones and this dude is included in that so I don't know why exactly he is texting me.

'Wow, I feel so lucky ^_^' -Zee

I was glad that Ved was fast enough to reply as I honestly want to eat something as I'm starving and I would have gone downstairs giving my grand ignorance to anyone on another side as food is most important to me. But I can't in this case.

'You don't have to be sarcastic.:-\' - Ved

I typed my next message and pressed sent.

'When will you be coming over?' - Zee

I looked in the clock waiting for his reply. It was that feeling which you get when you want to run to dinner because you fear scolding from your parents but also don't want to leave the current task. Well, I'm stuck like that.

Ved replied a little late. Not exactly but a minute late.

'Around 11?' - Ved

I smiled yet again to myself and anyone watching me would feel that I have gone crazy completely. I'm glad Alizeh isn't around to tease me over this. I sent my next message.

'That would be fine.' -Zee

His message came in no time.

'Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then.' - Ved

I smiled again typing my message.

'Yup! Good Night.' - Zee

I let out a loud laugh reading his reply as I shook my head. Yup, I'm definitely looking like a maniac.

'Good Night. Don't miss me too much.:-*' - Ved

I typed my message and pressed sent still smiling widely.

'LOL♡' - Zee

I finally put my mobile to the side when I heard the footsteps from outside the door. I got up hurriedly as I knew who it is gonna be.

Dadi barged into my room without bothering to knock on the door. Cody flinched and started barking loudly. But got shut once he smelled Dadi.

"I was coming." I said giving her a full smile. Dadi rolled her eyes and gave me a deathly glare, gesturing me to come to dinner.

I followed her involuntarily. Alizeh was already sitting in one of the chairs at the dining table. I got seated in front of her beside Dadu as we started bickering about how our day went.

I was so happy as to how my day came out. Whether it be going to Parth's place, getting to use his amazing collection of books in his library, getting some work done regarding my writing, or just hanging out with Parth and Laksh in the evening. I enjoyed every moment of it and glad that I'm making some actual bond with people. But no matter what, I can't deny the fact that it's all happening because of Ved, ever since he has entered my life, it's full of happy surprises in store for me. And I'm liking every bit of it.

Yes, the thought of leaving all this and going back makes me sad more than anything but I'm not going to let it ruin my current moments because of this. I'm going to stop worrying about this future and I'm going to live in the present.

I've still got plenty of days left and lots of amazing moments are waiting for me. I just know that since I've met this guy who never fails to make my days with him special. And another such day awaits me... I can't wait for tomorrow. I felt the excitement building up in me but I controlled myself from smiling like an idiot and focused on what Alizeh was talking about while munching on my food.

Ahh! I can't wait for tomorrow!


Author's Note✨

That was all for today. Tell in comments what do you feel about this chapter.

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We won't be able to publish next Friday because of online exams.

So, Zivah will try to make up for it in the following week. 🤗

Till then, bye. Take care.

Loads of love. ❤️

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