ethereal โœง emmett cullen [ 1 ]

By may-dayy

149K 4.7K 1.1K

โ ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ฌ ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ข ๐ง๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ๐ž๐ ๐ฎ๐ฉ, ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐'๐ฏ๐ž ๐›๐ž๐ž๐ง? โž in which a you... More

๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž.
๐ˆ. the rain
๐ˆ๐ˆ. dropping books
๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. a test
๐ˆ๐•. la push
๐•. pretty eyes
๐•๐ˆ. just a legend
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ. rule breaker
๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. falling
๐ˆ๐—. the sun
๐—. nothing compares
๐—๐ˆ. too much
๐—๐ˆ๐ˆ. acceptance
๐—๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. don't let go
๐—๐•. something's coming
๐—๐•๐ˆ. hรกkล‚tis forever
๐—๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ. nightmare
๐—๐•๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ. new reality
๐—๐ˆ๐—. rebirth
๐—๐—. pity party
is anyone still out there?

๐—๐ˆ๐•. all i could ask for

4.6K 163 54
By may-dayy

      I LOVED THE HOLIDAYS. They reminded me of my childhood - the good memories, at least.

      If there was one thing I remembered about my mother, it was visiting her in the hospital to watch Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate. The last years of her life had been difficult, but the way she smiled on those Christmas mornings always gave me hope.

Even though she was no longer with us, Christmas remained a happy holiday for Daylin and me. It reminded us of happier times.

     Winter break snuck up on me, but I welcomed it with open arms.

The second I could, I decorated the entire house. Tinsel lined the stairs, snow globes on the fireplace, big red bows on each door; no stone was left unturned.

And of course, there was the Christmas tree. Even though Daylin had been too busy with work to help me with the rest of the house, he put time aside to help set up the tree. It'd always been our favorite tradition; just the two of us, putting up different assortments of ornaments, accompanied by the crackling of a fireplace and festive music.

     I realized quickly I'd need another set of helping hands to put lights on the outside of the house. Luckily, I remembered I had the perfect candidate to take my brother's place - one who could probably get the job done faster than Daylin and I ever could.

     It didn't take much to convince Emmett to help me. In fact, I didn't have to do any convincing. He was more than happy to do it. It only took him an hour or so, with my supervision of course. I could tell by watching him that he was used to hard work.

It made me wonder what he used to do before he turned.

     That night, Emmett came to the alcove in my window. It had become a sort of ritual for us. He'd come up once Daylin was asleep, and sit with me for a few hours.

We talked about many things. Being a vampire and living for ninety-one years gave him a plethora of knowledge that often kept me asking questions. But on nights where I was tired, he'd let me lay my head against his chest, curled up in a ball on his lap. I'd read, and eventually, fall asleep. The next morning, I'd wake up in bed.

     However, tonight was not one of those nights.

     I asked him about his life before becoming a vampire. I learned he belonged to a working-class family in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. He had to hunt to provide for his family and did railway work with his younger brother. He never wanted them to struggle, so after he'd been turned he left a large sum of money on their doorstep.

     "Why couldn't you see them anymore? Was it because you were scared to hurt them?"

     My question made him shake his head as he played with my hair.

     "Not exactly. I was a newborn, yeah, but it wasn't the main reason why I couldn't seem 'em,"

     I waited for him to explain, a look of confusion crossing my face. He caught this, pursing his lips as he contemplated his reply.

"So, in my world, we have this government," he drawled, "they're just a bunch of pricks in Italy who keep things in order."

I listened as he explained the group known as the Volturi. Despite his distaste, he admitted that without them there would be chaos. He detailed each law they'd created, and while there weren't many, each one was important for the survival of vampires.

      It was the last law, the one regarding humans, that kept Emmett from seeing his family. If a human knew of a vampire's existence, they either needed to be turned or killed. I thought of Bella and her situation, it didn't even cross my mind that the law applied to me as well.

     "But Bella, she's known. And- and she's still human," I defended.

     "If Alice's visions are true, she won't be human much longer,"

     His words made me go still, my breath catching in my throat. Bella... was going to be a vampire?

I couldn't imagine leaving my life behind, leaving Daylin. What about Charlie? What were they going to tell him?

     "Is that what Bella wants?"

     "Shockingly, yeah. She wants to be with Edward forever," he smiled at this and continued, "but he doesn't agree; he wants her to live a normal life, where she can have kids, grow old, die, the whole sha-bang,"

      I nodded, allowing him to go on.

      "But... I'm on Bella's side. If she wants this, wants Edward, who are we to tell her no? And I mean, she'd make a helluva vampire," he smirked, tilting his head.

     "What's the hold up then?"

     "Edward's got one condition: she's gotta marry him. And uh, a few other complications. But yeah, until they're married, she's human."

Thoughts of Emmett's human life, the Volturi, and Bella becoming a vampire swirled around in my mind. It was all cohesive in this story that had been in front of me the whole time - I'd just been blind to it.

     "I just... I can't believe she'd leave everything behind," I admitted.

     "...can't blame her. I mean, look how happy Carlisle and Esme are. Or Alice and Jasper," his voice grew quiet, chin resting atop my head as his arms tightened around my waist.

Is that what he wanted? For me to be with him forever?

     I felt something rise in me, and I let out a shaky breath. The idea of becoming a vampire wasn't something I'd even thought about. What I wanted was the life Edward had envisioned for Bella. I yearned for a family, growing old with my soulmate, even dying was part of my overall goal.

I was jealous that Bella was so confident in her forever because I wasn't. When I'd accepted Emmett back into my life, the only consequence I'd thought of was my safety, not my future.

     "Hey, I don't read minds. Tell me what's goin' on up there," Emmett muttered.

     I quickly snapped out of it, and to save myself from a difficult conversation, I gave him a reassuring look.

     "There's a lot more to vampires than just coffins and garlic, huh?"

     He laughed. I was relieved to see that he wasn't suspicious. I wasn't ready to talk about such serious matters. All I knew was that Emmett made me happy, and I made him happy - and I was at peace with that. For now.


     As our break continued, I managed to push the talk we had to the back of my head. The way I looked at it, I'd cross whatever bridge I needed to when I got there. In the meantime, I wanted to simply enjoy my holiday.

      A few days after Emmett helped put up the Christmas lights, I decided it was time to properly introduce him to Daylin.

     The room had been tense - up until a football game came on the TV. Before the first quarter was even up, the two were the best of buds.

The two bonded over sports, morals, and as cheesy as it sounded, me. As soon as Emmett left, Daylin was ruffling my hair and telling me I'd "picked a good guy." I was ecstatic that he approved.

     Because of this approval, Emmett came over a lot more. Whether it was to hang out with me or watch a game with Daylin, he'd gotten comfortable in my home. I was happy that he was as welcomed as I was at the Cullens.

      And I visited their house as well, not wanting to deprive Emmett of his safe space. It was the only place he could truly be himself, and I loved seeing him in his element.

In fact, I'd grown closer to the whole family.

     To my delight, Esme had taken a great liking to me, and I to her. We would sit and talk for hours, and I grew to admire her capacity to love. She was the epitome of a perfect matron, and I aspired to be like her.

When Emmett or Esme happened to be busy, mainly to hunt, Alice would whisk me away to be her personal doll. I didn't mind it, and she'd joke how Bella never played dress-up with her. Even the idea made me laugh; I could practically see the look of discomfort on Bella's face if she were to be preened by Alice. I even found myself growing to enjoy Jasper's company. If an important game was on and Emmett was distracted, the two of us would play chess. He usually always won, but on the rare occasion where he didn't, he'd congratulate me for beating the second oldest immortal in the house.

     And of course, I spent time with Bella. She'd gotten me accustomed to walking in the woods, where we'd talk about whatever was on our minds. However, I did avoid the topic of her turning into a vampire. It wasn't my business. And honestly, it made me reflect on my own situation, something I wasn't ready to do.

In my defense, I didn't see the need to start planning weddings or discussing the need to turn. The Volturi wasn't aware of me yet. If they eventually found out, I'd start making decisions then.

     But deep down I knew.

     I knew the time would come where I would have to pick between the two worlds I found myself living in.

Human, or vampire?


     My eyes fluttered open as my phone rang, the incessant sound awakening me from my sleep. I groaned, rolling over in my bed as I momentarily ignored the call. Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore. I flipped the phone open, bringing it up to my ear with a sigh.

     "Hello...?" I grumbled, barely awake.

     "Merry Christmas, tiny,"

     I begrudgingly sat up at the sound of Emmett's voice, a stubborn smile growing on my face.

     "I'd say the same to you, but I bet you're sick to death of Christmas. After what? Ninety-one years?"

     Hearing his low, grumble of a laugh through the phone was enough to brighten my morning. I'd learned that he liked dark humor - all the Cullens did.

     "This year is gonna be different,"

     "And how's that?"

     "Aw, you're gonna make me say it?"

     "Say what?" I asked, trying to figure out what he was getting at.

     "Well, I- I get to spend it with you," he bashfully admitted.

     My cheeks heated up, and I knew if he were able to, he'd be blushing as well. It was moments like this where I was reminded that deep down, Emmett was still a small-town boy; a child at heart. I loved that about him.

     "Well then... we'll have to do something to celebrate," I grinned, eyes drifting over to the neatly wrapped present sitting on my desk.

     Finding a gift for him had been beyond difficult. I mean, what were you supposed to get for the boy who had everything? After getting some help from Daylin, I ended up picking something that would have to suffice.

     "Way ahead of you. Look outside, tiny~"

      My eyebrows furrowed. Scrambling out of bed, I nearly tripped over my covers as I tried to move to the window. The feeling of excitement rushed through me as I crawled up into the alcove, peering out into the front yard. I was met with the sight of both Emmett and Daylin, standing in the driveway.

     Along with a big, blue car, topped with a red bow on its hood.

     My hand flew up to my mouth as I let out a gasp. Both boys laughed, their voices audible through the speaker. Before either could say a word I hung up, dropping the phone on the cushions of the alcove as I rushed out of my room and down the stairs. I tripped a couple of times on the way, but I was too ecstatic to let my clumsiness stop me.

     I bounded out through the front door, not bothering to slow down. As soon as I reached them and the car, I flung my arms around Daylin and pulled him in for a tight hug. He returned it, the smile on his face brighter than any sunshine Forks had ever seen.

     "Merry Christmas, Eve,"

     "You got me a fuckin' car?!"

     "Woah, language!" Emmett butted in with a smirk, arms crossed over his chest.

I looked over at him, rolling my eyes. He was one to talk; Esme was constantly scolding him about "proper language."

     "A buddy of mine at the station was sellin' it because it's a little old. But, uh, I was talkin' to Emmett about it the other night during the game, said his sister was all about renovating cars. So she fixed up the engine. Now," he slapped the hood, "she's up and running."

     I was at a loss for words, my eyes examing the car. It did look old; I could tell by the boxy exterior. Regardless, it was perfect.

     "Rosalie helped you fix this?"

     I turned to look at Emmett, my eyebrows raised in surprise. I didn't think she'd go out of her way to help me, so I made the assumption that it was only because he'd asked. He nodded, shrugging lightly.

     "I told you, it's a hobby of hers,"

     "Wow, um- tell her I said thank you."

I felt breathless. I'd always wanted a car, but Daylin and I had been saving up to move to Forks. Now, I finally had one. It felt liberating. No longer would I have to get rides from others, or call for a cab.

     I hugged Daylin again, still over the moon with the gift.

     "This is amazing, thank you so much, Day. Seriously, I-I... I can't say thank you enough."

     "No need, this one's been a long time coming."

     After I checked out the interior, the three of us went inside. Daylin made me breakfast, Emmett politely declining of course. After that, we spent a bit more time together in the living room, where I gave my brother his present. It was a watch, one he'd been wanting since before our move. It was certainly no car, but I was glad to see that he loved it.

     Once I'd spent a fair amount of time with Daylin, Emmett requested we go to his house to celebrate a bit with his family. At first, I was confused. The Cullens had already informed me that they didn't celebrate the holidays, but I wasn't going to object.


     We'd taken my new car to his8 house, and I quickly fell in love with it. Emmett had informed me it was a '99 Jeep Cherokee, and while I appreciated the fact, I was just happy that it was running. It could've been the oldest, ugliest brown van and I still would've adored it.

     As we pulled up to the Cullens', I struggled to put the vehicle into park. My sides hurt from laughing so hard, as I leaned over the wheel for support.

     "You ass, stop it-!" I continued, matched by Emmett's own laughter.

     "I swear, we almost wrecked at least ten times!"

     "You would've been fine, dumbass," I shot back.

     "So you aren't denying it?"

     I rolled my eyes, finally catching my breath as I sat up straight.

     "I had everything under control, you're so dramatic-"

Cutting myself off, I noticed the way he stared at me. His usual dopey grin was replaced by a much softer one. I suddenly felt shy.

     " there something on my face?" I lightly joked, unbuckling my seatbelt.

     "Other than that beautiful smile?"

     I shook my head, looking down as I scoffed. He loved to embarrass me with a spotlight. And even if it was just the two of us, I wasn't used to the compliments.

      Seemingly proud with his work - said work being the crimson color of my cheeks - Emmett got out of the car, moving at lightning speed to open my door for me. Even though I'd come to terms with his inhuman abilities, I couldn't help but jump at his sudden change of position.

     "C'mon, let's get going," he lent me a hand and I took it, stepping out onto the driveway.

     With my hand in his, he led me up the porch steps. But upon reaching the front door, he stopped and turned to me.

     "Okay, so... you're gonna have to close your eyes,"

     "Why's that? Another surprise?"

     "You could say that~ Now just do it before I make you," he winked, my knees turning weak.

He always knew how to fluster me. I'd always remain this way with him, slightly shy and in disbelief. He was just so beautiful, like a sort of Greek God.

      Ares, maybe. No, no. Apollo.

     To go along with whatever he had in store, I closed my eyes obediently. We walked slowly until we reached what I vaguely believed to be the living room. It was silent, and I felt Emmett's hand let go of mine. Knitting my brows together, I chuckled.

     "Can I look yet?"

     "...yes, open."

     I did just that, opening my eyes to see what was going on.

In the living room stood the entire family, Bella included, and the most gorgeous Christmas tree I'd ever seen. The entire area seemed to be decorated with warm lights, giving the room a cozy feel.

It was clear they'd pulled out all the stops. The fireplace was lit, a rare sighting in the home. Hell, they'd even laid out a plate of gingerbread cookies. Music fit for the holidays began to quietly play, welcoming smiles on everyone's faces; even Rosalie, for once, didn't look like she wanted to kill me.

     "Uh, what... what is all this?"

     "Emmett told us you always wanted to spend Christmas with a big family, so we thought we'd give the holidays a chance," Esme's voice flowed like honey, and her words struck my heart in a way that automatically made my eyes well with tears.

     "And anything to give us an excuse for a little party, right~?" Alice purred.

I didn't know what to say, or how to respond.

     "I wish- I wish I'd gotten you all something," I finally managed out, trying to avoid the tears from falling. I wasn't sad, not at all. I was touched.

     Carlisle's gaze met mine, and with the face of an angel, he shook his head.

     "Nonsense. You've given us something we'll never be able to repay you for."

     His eyes moved to the space behind me, and I followed his gaze to see Emmett. He nodded at Carlisle, before glancing down at me with that same look he'd given me in the car.

     "Alice has been begging for a Christmas for ages now," Edward spoke up, smirking over at his adoptive sister.

Jasper snickered, his arm snaking around Alice's waist.

     "I love the act of gift-giving!"

     "More like gift receiving," Rosalie teased, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

     Within no time, Alice instructed us to take seats. She took the liberty of passing out the gifts from underneath the tree. I noted how they were all in bags, with tissue paper instead of the classic wrapping paper.

I remembered what Bella had told me, about the last time they'd opened gifts together.

     Not exactly a great ending to that story.

     Even so, it was nice seeing them all interact like a family. And they were just that: a family. Their love for one another was so evident, I was grateful to witness it. I'd been so caught up in watching them that I barely noticed Alice standing in front of me with a red gift bag.


     "This one's for you," she insisted, "from Jasper and I~"

     I looked over at the blonde as he sat on a nearby armchair with the half-grin he always seemed to don. Stuttering over a few mindless words, I reluctantly took the gift.

     "Thank you, I... I don't know what to say,"

     "Don't say anything, just open it, silly."

     I slowly took out the white tissue paper. Looking in, I saw a black leather book. It was medium-sized, not too big or small. Taking it out, I examined it closer. The leather contained intricate designs, and in the middle sat a purple stone. It looked incredibly real, the way it shined. I could only assume it to be an amethyst.

"There's a story to it," Alice began, "in one of the first visions I had of you, you were with Emmett on our porch. You were drawing, in that book. And, well, Emmett told me how you used to be into art-"

     "Seemed like fate," Jasper finished, his voice a low hum.

     I was still in shock, my eyes moving from the sketchbook to Alice and Jasper. It was true, I used to love to draw. But when we moved from Georgia, I'd been so distracted by everything. I hadn't even unpacked my moving box of art supplies. It remained untouched in a corner of my room.

     "Thank you so much, it's stunning," I beamed, unable to contain my gratitude.

     Alice giddily clapped her hands, before continuing with her duty. Eventually, she handed me another bag. Inside was a huge pack of pastels, no two colors the same. The range was impeccable - any artist would want such a collection. And to my surprise, it was from Rosalie.

     "Merry Christmas," she curtly stated.

      Despite the way she instantly looked back over to the fireplace, and the shortness of her words, I knew at that moment that she wasn't the ice queen I'd made her out to be. Given, her actions warranted the stereotype. But I knew she wasn't a mean person; she was guarded and protective of her family.

      I admired that.

     By the time Alice was handing me gifts from Carlisle and Esme and Edward and Bella, I was in complete shock. They'd all gotten me something, along with giving me the big family Christmas that I'd always dreamed of.

     Bella and Edward had given me a black leather satchel, the perfect size for my new sketchbook.

I figured they'd all coordinated gifts, and the thought left me with a fuzzy feeling. What had I done to even deserve all of this? The answer continued to allude me.

      Carlisle and Esme's was fantastic - a dainty, silver bracelet, with a tiny yet gorgeous sapphire charm. I found myself blubbering and stumbling over words, trying my best to thank everyone for not just the presents, but everything.

     I truly felt like I'd found a second family with the Cullens.


      The festivities soon came to an end. My profuse thanking hadn't stopped, and if hadn't been for Emmett nearly dragging me out of the house, I don't know if it ever would have.

With a full moon and not a cloud in sight, the forest around us was visible. A soft glow seemed to surround everything, especially Emmett. I stared up at him as we reached my car, unable to look away. It was then I remembered the gift I'd gotten for him.

     "Oh, shit-!" I exclaimed, turning around to quickly unlock my car and grab the box from under the driver's seat. I must've startled Emmett because when I moved to face him, he looked concerned.

     "Everything okay?"

     "Yes, I just- I forgot, I totally meant to give you this earlier..."

     His sights landed on the present in my hands as I gave it to him. I suddenly felt very nervous, worried that he wouldn't like it.

      Giving me a curious look, he began to unwrap it. Despite being a graceful, immortal being, he tore it open like a little kid on their birthday. The wrapping paper pulled away to reveal a white box, and his eyes lit up as he opened it.

He set the box on the hood of my car, pulling out the contents within. It was a vintage, black leather jacket; simple in design but classic.

     "This is wicked, tiny!"

     "Um, check the label, inside..."

     He followed my instructions, his smile growing upon seeing the modification I made.

Where the original label would've been was a dark blue piece of fabric, embroidered with the words "McCarty-Cullen & Co." It was silly, sure, but it felt right to make it special for him.

     "I found it at this vintage shop in Port Angeles? But, uh, the original label was torn out... so, I thought I'd, ya know,"

I felt like I was giving my secret admirer a love letter; so vulnerable, scared of rejection. But the moment I looked back up at him and our eyes met, I knew he was anything but disappointed.

     "I love it, Evelyn. Thank you, doll."

     My cheeks felt like they were on fire. Emmett pulled it on, and I was glad to see that it fit, the leather snug around his broad shoulders. It was perfect for him, and he seemed to agree. My hands moved to the collar of the jacket, fixing it.

     "...I'm glad you like it," I whispered, our gazes locking as his hands found their way to my waist.

      In his arms, I felt whole. It was a wonderful feeling, one I'd never grow tired of. He leaned down, as I slowly rose to my tiptoes. I felt the butterflies in my stomach rise at the possibility of his lips against mine.

As crazy as it sounded, we hadn't kissed since that afternoon when I first visited his home. He'd been waiting until I was ready.

      And I finally was.

     "I got you something too," he suddenly muttered, our lips only a few inches apart.

     I blinked, coming back to Earth.

     "Oh. You did?"

     He scoffed, giving my waist a gentle squeeze.

     "Course I did. You're my girl, I'd be shit if I didn't getcha anything for Christmas,"

     "I dunno, I feel like you've already given me so much today," I admitted, hand gently caressing his cheek.

     "You just wait here."

     Within the blink of an eye, he left and was back. A gust of wind whooshed through my hair due to his movements, leaving me breathless.

     "Hope you don't mind that I didn't wrap it..."

     He handed me a small black box, anticipation bubbling in my chest. I could tell it was jewelry, but what kind?

I hesitated, glancing up at the immortal in front of me. He was eager to see my reaction, so I sped up the process. I opened it, revealing a heart-shaped locket. It was gold, with a small diamond placed directly in the center. I gasped, staring at it in awe.

     "Emmett, it-"

     "Was my mother's," he cut me off, his voice soft as my fingers traced the shape of the locket.

My eyes widened at his words. I could see it now, the aging of the gold, the tiny scratches here and there.

     "Are you... sure? For me?"

     "She woulda wanted you to have it,"

     "How do you even have this?"

     "When she passed away, I told Carlisle I wanted something to remember her by. He used a few of his connections to get it. I... didn't ask questions."

     I was still in shock, completely taken aback. The necklace was Emmett's only memento of his mother, of his family... of his previous life. And here he was, giving it to me. I was honored.

     "It's beautiful,"

     "There's nothin' in it, but... I still thought you'd like it,"

     "Of course I do, I love it. I love y-" I cut myself off from finishing the sentence, my words failing me. I felt my mouth shut, and I blinked as my eyes shifted back towards the gift.

I wasn't ready to commit myself to the words that would emotionally tie me to this boy, and I didn't know why. I could easily give myself to Emmett, that wasn't the issue. But there was something about the word "love" that scared me.

       It gave up absolutely everything.

     Emmett moved on from what I'd failed to say, relieving me from my worry. He took the necklace out of the box and nodded at me, smiling. Without another word, I turned my back to him so he could put it on for me. After a few moments of silence, the cool touch of the locket sat right between my collarbones.

     As I moved to face him once more, he melted.

     "It looks perfect on you,"

     Even if I couldn't say the words, I knew I could show him how I felt.

Leaning up, my hands found their way to the nape of his neck as I pulled him down. Our lips met, the kiss I'd been dreaming about since we reconciled finally coming to fruition. It was different than our first kiss, though. It was tender and sweet.

     With the moonlight shining over us, we lost ourselves in the feeling we shared. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

     And even if I was too scared to say it, I knew that I was in love with Emmett McCarty-Cullen.

     He was all I could ask for.



I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please don't be scared to leave a comment, vote, and add Ethereal to your library! The support means the world to me. Thank you all so much for everything.

~ May

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