Lily Rose Styles

By Rosoeul

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[COMPLETED] Meet Lily rose, the sister of the superstar, Harry styles. Lily's world is flipped upside down wh... More

Chapter 1~It Was Wayne & And who's coming?
Chapter 2~ Flashback&Oak tree
Chapter 3- Lily?
Chapter 4~ Suprise; People Change
Chapter 5~ That School Slut
Chapter 6~ He's In My House
Chapter 7~ Why Is It We Always Relive Our Worst Nightmares?
Chapter 8~ Movie Night&Nightmares
Chapter 9~ I tried to do what?
Chapter 10~ Saturday
Chapter 11~ I ran faster than ever
Chapter 12~Arguments
Chapter 13~Unlucky
Chapter 14~ We All Sometimes Get Lost.
Chapter 15~ Adam Parker
Chapter 16~ Note
Chapter 17~ Snow White
Chapter 18~ Lily
Chapter 19~ Doctors
Chapter 20~ Doctors part 2
Authors Note
Chapter 21~ Doctors part 3
Chapter 22~ Not again
Chapter 23~ He's the predator, I'm the prey
Chapter 24~ New Maths Teacher
Chapter 25~ Outsider
Chapter 26~ Baby Swings Are For Babies
Chapter 27~ It's like your invisible.
Chapter 28~ So dreams come true?
Chapter 29~ I love you
Chapter 30~ Notes been found
Chapter 31~ Plan B & Re-living
Chapter 32~ Look to your left, and to your right
Chapter 33~ Surprise!
Chapter 35~ Escape Route
Chapter 36~ Wilfred the Waiter
Chapter 37- Trouble Maker
Chapter 38- 2010
Chapter 39- Do Not Interrupt
Chapter 40- Sleepwalking
Chapter 41- Here I Am Once Again
Chapter 42- Discovered
Chapter 43- Happy Days
Chapter 44- Gone
Chapter 45- Same mistakes.
chapter 46- Taunt
Chapter 47- Shopping
Chapter 48- December 20th
Chapter 49- Suspicion
Chapter 50- Broken
Authors note
Chapter 51- Forgive&Forget
Updated story?
New version is now up! Go check it out!

Chapter 34- GOOD NEWS or BAD NEWS?

6.8K 116 86
By Rosoeul

Enjoy fellers

Louis P.O.V.

You know, everybody gets a lecture from their parents sometimes, it's just a normal cycle in the family. But everytime I look at Lily, she always just seems so... off with it? I mean she just doesn't act normal. I can't really describe her, she's full of mystery and I only know one thing that causing her to suffer is her eating disorder.

We've been trying to force feed her eversince she's been diagnosed. Let's just say she is eating a tiny amount, but as the doctor said, it takes time to put the weight back on,especially if your stomach is not used to eating hardly anything.

But she doesn't seem to have but any weight on, even the littelest amount. And that's what worries me. It's not a fight between skin and bones, it's a fight between life and death, and even though am not her brother, we all want the best for her, we've been friends from the start. And it's good to keep those people close to you. Because those people are true to you, they are not using you and mostly they know me for me. Not for Louis Tomlinson. And that's why family is so important for us.

"Louis" Harry said poping his head out from the kitchen door. I swiped my head in his direnction, eyeing him.

"Would you like some tea?" Harry asked grinning, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Yea sure, thanks" I replied smiling while looking down and reading through some tweets our fans have sent in.

"MAKE ME SOME TEA ASWELL HAROLD" I hear Nialls voice shout from the other room. Follwed by that is Harry's loud sigh echoing throughout the house. Busy man he is.

"Louiiiiiiiis" Harry pleads from the kitchen, dragging on the 'i'.

"Hmmm" I hoomed loudly so he can hear me in the other room

"Can you please go get Lily? I made her some tea" Harry says over excitedly. I sigh making my way upstairs not giving Harry an answer. I knew bringing her downstairs after her argument would be a hard thing to do, and probably I will need a lot of patience for this girl.  I mean she can be stubborn as, but as Harry says 'tea heals everything'.

But as well as I know Lily, I know drinking some hot tea would be the last thing she'd want right now. But if Harry says to bring her down to drink some tea. I will bring her down to drink that over heated, Harry's favourite tea.

I got to her door, kind of having a mental coversation with myself on what to say to her. I don't want her to cuss me out and start a tantrum.

As I reached for her door handel to open the door, soft noises came from Lily's room, making me holt and listen closely.

'I hate this world'

I furrowed my eyebrows up in confusion as I stood still and listened to what else I could hear from her room.

I could bearly hear anything except from soft sniffels echoing through her room. Which made me feel uncomfortable as I knew that just on the otherside of this door, she was crying and saying all these wierd things.

The next thing I heard really caught me of gaurd.

'I hate you Dad. I hope you burn in Hell'

What does she mean by that? Why would she say that? what? I am beyond confused right now...

Lily's P.O.V.

"I hope you suffer as much as me" I whisper to myself slashing the blade against my flesh once more. The gooey;red substance oozed out, dropping onto the carpet.

"L-Lily?" A voice came from the door. I instantly froze whilst accidently dropping the blade to the floor,it making a bang when it came into contact with the ground.

"Is everything alright?" A doncaster accent said, I immediatly cussed under my breath, trying to quickly hide everything incase Louis unexpectedly barged in.

"Yeah, I'm f-fine! Just studying" I lied hoping he will leave me alone.

"But Harry made you Tea" Louis says behind the door the pleading tone he used made me mentally roll my eyes.

"Err. I'll have it when I finnish err draw- Studying. Yeah when I finnish studying". I say quickly hoping I did sound believeable. Atleast a little.

"Anyways Louis, I have to study, so can I have some alone time?" I say simply. I just want him to leave me alone. That's all I want. But however, somewhere deep inside of me, I wanted him to come in. I wanted him to see what I was doing. I wanted him to see. And why? I'm meant to hate those people and yet my mind is pleading for me to open up? However,no. I'm in control of my body and mind,and what I need to do is to make sure my family wont get addicted to me, cause once their addicted, it would be harder for them to let me go.

And yeah some people might say I'm being harsh. But really I'm doing this for them. That might not be obvious now, but in the long run it will pay off, cause I know that either way I'm going to leave. I know I couldn't stand to be here anymore. It's that feeling you can't escape. It follows you.

And the worst part is, you want it to unfollow you.


Harry's P.O.V.

"Is Lily coming down?" I said sipping on my Tea once Louis appered in the kitchen. He casually placed his cup of red hot tea by his side and sat on the kitchen counter. Me opposite him.

"No she said she was studying so she'll come later" Louis replied. Which I couldn't help but pout a little, I was hoping she'd come down and we could mess about while talking about what happened on coronation street last night. Like we used to. But as people say, the past is in the past, and sometimes the future is not as we expect it to be.

"Ohh" I replied simply. Not really knowing what to say.

"Yayy! Tea" Niall says running into the kitchen grabbing his hot tea.

"Cheers Harry" he said smiling while sitting down onto the counter, like both of us.

"Ahh sugar! That's hot" Niall states after like 5 seconds of silence. We both chuckeled at him. Stupid Niall...


"Lily you finally came down" I say as soon Lily appers in the kitchen.

She just mumbles a yea and grabs the tea while putting it into the microwave.

She stands there taping her fingernails on the counter impatiently...

Once the microwave beeps she gets her tea out,and heads out of the room. I follow her. Slightly confused by her behaviour.

"Wait Lily" I say, she just stops and turns around on her heel, raising her eyebrows up at me.

"Where ya going" I asked. I wasen't sure if she was still like,mad, or however she felt, but she should know that I was waiting for her. So it would be polite for her to sit and talk to me.

"Upstairs" She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I just stand there dumbfounded. All you can here, is the clock ticking and ticking away. I just don't know what to say. I though she would run into my arms. That'll I'll be conforting her, telling her it's okay. But I guess her mind works a tag wag differently to mine.

I don't really get how the whole teenage girl mind works...

"Oh. Why?!" I asked and immediatly I literally face palmed myself. That's so stupid to say to her. She furrowed her eyebrows at me.I on the other hand was trying to pull of a smile, hiding my nervousness. In all gods mighty,I have no clue to why I was nervous talking to Lily. She's my sister for crying out loud.

Wait. Does Lily have any friends? I mean I haven't seen anyone around. She doesn talk about anyone either. Wow. My mind changes thoughts every minute.

"Do you have any friends?" I say with out thinking. I face palm myself a thousand times for that. Stupid. Stupid; Stupid Harry. I bite my bottom lip, eyes widening. I try to apologize but we get interupted by the door opening and laughter booming through the house.

Soon enough, mum appered in the living room, with Dad by her side.

My mum cleared her throat catching all of our attention.

"Guys, we have some news" She says with an obvious smile on her face.

"Were getting re-married" ...


And the winnner for the author who takes the longest to update is...


Round of applause

Guys,my fellers, babes or whatever you wanne be called, I'm sorry for the long time waiting update. I was so busy it's unbelieveable.

But I updated:3

Anyways guys please comment, cause a lot of you haven't been and it just doesn't get exciting updating sometimes.

So please leave a mark that you've read.

It's teamwork you see. The more you comment and vote, the quicker I update, cause then I know I have people waiting for me to update.

Anyways love you guys, your all amazing people

Sorry about spelling mistakes, I will correct them ALL tomorrow:)

I was writing this on my phone by the way!:p


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