Shadow & The Chaotix

By sl33pyboi273

1.5K 19 4

One year after the fall of the eggman empire, things have gone back to normal. Sonic and his friends have set... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (SNEAK PEEK)

Chapter 2

185 4 1
By sl33pyboi273

"WHOS READY TO GET WASTED!!" vector yelled high-fiving charmy and Espio.
"I'll go in and grab us a table" Shadow said with his arms crossed.
"Now that's more like it!" vector cheered.
"Yeah! Go shadow!" charmy yelled as Shadow stepped through the door
just as shadow opened the door it slammed into a woman causing her to fall to the ground and everything in her purse spilling out onto the floor.
"Forgive me" Shadow said nervously bending down to help her pick up her belongings.
"Its shadow right?"
The hairs on shadows neck stood straight up. It couldn't be.
Shadow looked up and there she was face-to-face with him. That voice. That look. Those eyes. That gaze. "I believe we ran into each other at the supermarket about a month ago"
"Uh...yeah" Shadow laughed nervously. "I uh.. never caught your name"
"Oh!" she said as she smacked her forehead. "I never properly introduce myself" she said with a familiar laugh.
"It's Maria"

Maria stepped into the bathroom and splashed water on her face.
She just didn't get it.
"How come everytime I see that guy he looks so.... Familiar?" she thought.
"and how come he looks at me the exact same way..?"

1 Month Earlier
Maria picked at her food. She was sitting across the table in the food court from her friends honey and Bean. They were arguing about something as always.
"Is something wrong Maria?" asked honey looking at her curiously.
"Yeah you've been looking Mopey for the last 20 minutes" said bean from across the table as well. "Whats been bothering ya?"
"I just saw someone today" said Maria. "at the supermarket, but he looked really familiar"
"Explain" said Honey the Cat, looking concerned but interested.

Earlier that day Maria was having a seemingly normal time shopping at the supermarket. As she was grabbing milk off the shelf, there was someone looking at her from a distance. as she glanced over she saw a black Hedgehog with what looked like red racing stripes on his spikes. He had some weird gold jewelry bracelet around his wrists, and weird looking shoes.
"can I help you stranger?" Maria asked barely looking over.
"Do you know me ?" he asked.
"Um...can I at least get your name?" Maria laughed.
"'s shadow"
He was standing right behind her this time. "no I don't know a shadow, you must have the wrong person" Maria said bluntly
"Oh....that's uh, that's fine" the Hedgehog said walking away. He sounded disappointed for some reason.
As he was walking away Maria glanced at him and then all of a sudden it hit her. Why did he look so familiar? She's never seen him in her entire life yet his presence felt so important. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.
"Pffffft" Bean the dynamite interrupted, "yeah I've heard of that loser. I beat his ass in a tournament about few years back."
Honey laughed, "yeah right, you know he put up a good fight"
"yeah but he definitely wasn't very bright, nobody will ever outsmart me with my genius brain" bean said back taking a bite of his pizza.
"ha! You're one to talk!" honey said back. "in your second year of college and you are STILL failing chemistry"
"chemistry isn't as easy as you think it is honey" bean said with a snort
"Doesn't it involve explosives?" honey asked sarcastically. "isn't that like your speciality?"
"OH YOURE ONE TO TALK!" Bean shouted back, "you used to be one of the greatest fighters, and now you're a doctor???" being said laughing.
"I fought for my life during the eggman empire" honey said back. "it wasn't something I enjoyed, it's what I had to do to survive, unlike you who just blew things up just for fun"
"What can I say?" bean shrugged, "like you said, it's my speciality" bean laughed
"Can you just let Maria finish her story?" honey said to Bean, annoyed.
"Yeah yeah.."
"I don't know.." Maria said still poking at her food, "I've never seen that guy in my life, but he didn't just look familiar, it was a feeling that there was something about him that was important"
"It's just a common case of déjà vu" honey said, "everybody has it at some point, something you see will look familiar because you may have seen it in a dream or something, but it's never actually something or someone you've met or seen before. It has no relevance in your life"
"yeah it's best if you forget about him", bean said, "he's not exactly the best looking anyway compared to my handsome mug and gorgeous good looks"
Honey chuckled, "yeah I'm not too sure about that Bean"
"What the hell is THAT supposed to mean??" he said waving his fists at honey.

Maria didn't exactly know much about her past or anything before that. The only thing she remembers is school at Iblis University. That's all her life is ever been for the last 2 years, just school. But she didn't exactly mind not knowing any of her memories before that, she's always had bean and honey for the last 2 years. They were like family to her even though they both argued all the time she still loved them both, and she knew they still loved each other. Honey was going to school to be a doctor, while Maria and bean were taking chemistry classes not too sure about their future. Plus she was pretty sure bei only took that class because it dealt with explosives which was basically his life. Even when it meant Maria would never remember any of her memories she was okay with that. she had people in the present that were always there to support her and she was happy with the life she had now and really didn't care about knowing not about the past.

Shadow walked back towards the table where the chaotix were waiting on him.
"yeah good going shadow", vector said looking frustrated. "we were lucky enough to get the last table they had"
"You said you'd get us a table!" charmy said also in frustration as well. "what's the big idea shadow??"
Shadow shrugged, "sorry I just got distracted is all..."
"Give it up shadow" Espio said leaning back against the booth, "we all saw her"
Shadow put his head down with it banging against the table. He let out a groan.
"You've got to face the facts shadow", charmy said looking down at shadow, "it's not her"
"Yeah ya need to get over yourself" vector said, "be a little more cheerful, I'm not going to let your sadness ruin my night"
"Don't you think that's a little harsh to say vector?" Espio asked with his arms crossed
"yeah that was kind of mean to say" charmy agreed
"Well geez guys, don't  draw your weapons that quick" vector said sarcastically "why is all the tension on me now? All I'm saying is Shadow has a funny way of being grateful of me buying him free food tonight"
"My stomach can't take to eat anything anyway at the moment" Shadow said his head still on the table.
"come on Shadow lighten up!" , vector said cheerfully .
"can't you see that he's upset?" charmy said to vector "I don't think telling him he's ungrateful is the best approach to making him feel better"
Vector frowned. "well don't blame me, I've never dealt with any of you being emotional before, I mean I'm never upset over anything and charmy is always full of joy! I actually don't know about espio, it's kind of hard to tell sometimes."
"what are you talking about?" Espio asked, "can't you see I'm just overcome with joy right now" he said completely emotionless with a straight face.
"Uh.....yeah totally" charmy said nervously.

Maria sat at her table across from bean and honey
"I got to hand it to mighty and Ray" bean said looking around "this bar looks amazing! I'll have to tell them congratulations later"
"Don't they like hate you for blowing up their base when they were still with the chaotix?" honey asked sipping her drink.
"eh..." bean shrugged. "I'm sure they completely forgot about me blowing up their only home by now"
"Uh, yeah I'm sure" honey said sarcastically.
"I saw him again guys" Maria said from across the table.
"Shadow?" honey asked.
"I sure hope I don't" bean laughed. "I might spill my guts everywhere just looking at his horrible ugly face, I'm surprised you made it out with your stomach intact"
Honey punched him in the arm. "OUCH!"
"he looked even familiar the second time than before" Maria said nervously, "I feel like I have a deeper connection to him than I ever thought. It wasn't just a feeling, it was much more than that this time"
"why do you say that?" honey asked looking worried.
Maria sighed. "I'm about to tell you something that I haven't told you yet"
Maria looked up. "I've been having these strange dreams lately, and I think they are connected to my old memories."
"So wait you are starting to remember some things?"bean said curiously.
"No not exactly.." Maria continued, "it's more like feelings. Something I can't quite put my finger on. In these dreams I've been having I'm standing in front of this tall window looking down at the planet"
"Just sounds like a normal weird dream to me Maria" honey said taking another sip of her drink, "I've had weirder I promise"
"No! This is different", Maria said frustrated "in these dreams beside me there is this presence, talking to me but I don't exactly know what it's saying. But it all feels so familiar like I know him. But I don't know what he is and where he came from. When I see shadow, I get that feeling I feel in my dreams. What if hes that presence in my dreams?"
"but you said he doesn't know who you are" bean said.
"I know but he feels familiar to the one in my dreams. He has some type of connection. I feel like my mind is trying to get me to remember something, but what if it's something that I shouldn't remember?"
Honey and Bean exchanged looks. "Maria, I hate to say it but your memories are completely gone, that's what the therapist told you after running tests on your brain. you didn't know Shadow on your past because you will never remember anything about the past. Those dreams are just all in your head Maria. You shouldn't worry, everything is fine and normal" honey said back.
"You're right.." Maria said.
"Well at least that means I won't have to look at shadow" bean said laughing.

Shadow still had his face pressed up against the table.
"Shadow..." vector began. "can you at least try to lighten up just a little bit?"
Shadow didn't respond.
"You know what?" vector said standing up, "we're never going to resolve this issue unless Shadow faces his problems head on"
"Uh.." charmy said confused.
"VECTOR!" Espio said standing up, "DON'T DO IT!"
Shadow lifted his head up only to see vector walking back to their table.
"This is the guy" vector began
Shadow looked up only to see Maria the Hedgehog standing right in front of them alongside vector.
"Maria, meet my good friend Shadow the Hedgehog!"
Shadows jaw dropped.
"um hi...." Maria said sticking out her hand for shadow to shake. "its Maria, I believe we've already met"
"yes I remember" Shadow said very nervously shaking her hand.
"Ahh" vector said, "so when did you two meet?"
"50 very long years ago.." Shadow blurted out
"Huh?" Maria said confused
"Um- I mean" Shadow stuttered a bit
"Haha you know shadow" charmy said nervously, "always a jokester"
Shadow chuckled very awkwardly. "ha..ha.. you know me"
"So how's it going today Maria?" vector asked cheerfully
"oh just enjoying the sunlight" she said back.
"yes I'm so glad you love the Earth" Shadow exclaimed back
"Uh yeah...Earth is alright I guess" Maria said back confused.
"Yes... I'm so glad that you are able to live here"
"Uhhh yeah.." Maria said back once again confused, "I'm glad you can live on earth as well as shadow"
He's a lot weirder than I expected Maria thought to herself.
"okay well I'm going to go" Maria said, "catch you guys later"
"Nice to meet you!" charmy yelled as she was walking away
"Even after countless years of battle," Espio began  "that is the most painful thing I've ever had to sit through"

Back At The Office

Shadow leaned back in his rolling chair and stared up at the ceiling.
"Shadow! I left you some leftover wings in the fridge just in case you change your mind later" charmy yelled from the other room.
"Thanks" shadow mumbled.
"I know what it's like" said Espio leaning against the wall.
Espio was the only other person in the room with shadow.
"what are you talking about" shadow asked angrily
"It  was about 10 years ago" Espio began, "during the reign of the eggman empire, robotnik's troops attacked my village in Japan, my younger brother who was only 4 years old at the time had his life claimed in the attack."
"I'm sorry about that" Shadow responding.
"that wasn't all" Espio continued, "years later a young boy appeared in town. He looked exactly like him. I almost wanted to believe it was him but deep down I knew it wasn't. I couldn't help but feel horrible every time I saw this kid. I couldn't get over the past. I was angry that I couldn't have changed what happened. But I learned to move on Shadow."
Shadow was confused but angry. "how?! How did you move on from something like that"
"I had people in my life to help me through it." Espio said.
Shadow just looked back up at the ceiling.
"Shadow whether you want to believe it or not, you have a family here, and we want to be able to help you."
"I don't need help" shadow said back.
Espio looked up. "shadow you might think that you just joined the chaotix just because you needed something to keep you busy since the world isn't in danger anymore, but we aren't just your teammates. We are much more than that. We are your family. Even when you think you don't need help we will always be here to help you no matter what. the only way I could move on was because I had vector, charmy my other friends to help me through it. And you are going to move on from this to shadow. We are going to make sure of it.'

Vector and charmy walked into the room.
"Even though sometimes I don't act like it shadow," vector began, "just know you'll always be an honorary member of the chaotix and nothing will change that. This isn't just a team. It's a family"
Shadow leaned up to see everyone standing there.
"Your help is greatly appreciated"
"We're always here, besides everybody knows you're the most badass team member we've ever had" charmy exclaimed.

"Yeah right" Shadow said rubbing the back of his head.
"Hell yeah!" charmy said, "especially after the way you spin dashed that robot yesterday"
"that was pretty cool" Espio said
"Hell yeah!" vector said
"thanks guys" Shadow said looking around "I really appreciate it"
"no problem!" vector shouted, "and sorry for throwing away your gun"
Shadow laughed, "I got like 10 more hidden away anyway"
"Oh..." vector laughed nervously.
"Shadow say the line!" charmy shouted
"I'd rather.." Shadow started to say but got interrupted by all three of them all shouting "SAY IT! SAY IT!"
Shadow chuckled, "all right all right" Shadow hopped up on the desk looked up and said "Wheres that DAMN fourth cahos emerald!"
The chaotix cheered and laughed
"classic" Espio said calmly
"we've got to make that our next investigation shadow" vector said jokingly
"No vector" Shadow said still laughing "I'm not sleeping until we find that DAMN computer room"
They all laughed even harder
"Oh wow" vector said "way to use my own words against me"
Vector smiled, "how about we try eating out again tomorrow, my treat!"
"twice in a row!!"charmy shouted.
"im down" Espio responded.
"Hell yeah" shadow said

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