Mistaken Perception

By Asiya323

59.5K 4.8K 1.1K

Life can be brutal and uncaring to some. Aisha was one of those unfortunate "some" she had deceived herself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

1.2K 130 12
By Asiya323

Chapter 23

"Are you nervous?" asked Meredith, glancing at Aisha.

They were waiting for their time to approach. Both sitting on a bench and near a wide window with the sun shining down on them.

Aisha shook her head. Removing imaginary lint from her rosy cardigan. The only pop of color, since she had opted for a beige hijab and plain beige dress.

"Good, don't be nervous or anxious. We have this in the bag. Your uncle is too prideful to know he doesn't have a chance at this," said Meredith, looking striking in her red engine suite. A bold red lip color and sleeked back bun completed her look.

"I think for a while I thought it all was my responsibility, but I'm realizing now I'm not in this alone. At least I don't have to be," said Aisha with a faint but genuine smile.

She realized, ever since her aunt, cousin, and uncle had come into town, she had been doing more of that lately.

Meredith nodded, clasping Aisha's hand gently.

"It's about time you realized that," she said.


~ a few days ago~

Aisha slid open the balcony door, poking her head out to stare at her older cousin snuggled into a corner with a blanket and a book.

"May I join you?" asked Aisha, holding a tray of lemonade and cookies.

Her older cousin grinned widely with an enthusiastic nod.

Aisha studied her cousin as she moved to place the tray on the floor and sat cross-legged on the floor. They were high enough that no one would see them without their hijabs on. A small perk that came with living in the upper floors of the apartments.

Her cousin quickly grabbed a cookie and a glass of lemonade. Her face took on a blissful look as she chewed and drank. Aisha leaned back, holding her cup in her hands gently, a small smile on her face.

"Do you like it?" she asked with a laugh.

"I have been on a no sugar diet for the past six months... let's just say I missed this," she laughed tossing her jet-black hair behind her shoulder.

Straight to Aisha's curls. Her skin pale next to Aisha's caramel one. Lean and willowy next to Aisha's curves. But their eyes were both the same shade. Both had inherited it from their fathers.

One had passed away, and the other was...

"Why? You look good," asked Aisha and shook her head to clear.

Her cousin shrugged her shoulders.

"I was stupidly trying to impress this guy... let's just say he wasn't interested," she replied grabbing another cookie.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Aisha awkwardly.

"Nah, I was being stupid. No man should come between you and sugar. If he does, he ain't worth it," she lectured.

"Mr. Darcy wouldn't do that to me," she sighed, hugging her Jane Austen book to her chest.

Aisha shook her head with a laugh.

"My mom used to say something like that," said Aisha with a smile looking at the clear sky.

Her mother had a sweet tooth like no other. Her father hated anything sweet, it made him sick. And yet, he would always indulge her sweet addiction in a healthy manner. 

A quiet silence fell between them.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for the funeral," said Maryam, giving her younger cousin an apologetic look.

"I had wanted to come. To pay my respects... to say goodbye," she said with a faraway look.

"Why didn't you?" Aisha asked curiously.

She hadn't thought her cousins would show up. Not her uncle Omar's kids. So, it had been more than a surprise to have seen them except for Maryam.

"I couldn't... not when my dad would be there," she replied, still not looking at Aisha.

"Oh," said Aisha surprised.

That hadn't been the answer she had expected.

"I haven't spoken to my dad in over a year. And he and I haven't lived under the same roof for almost two years," Said Maryam placing her chin on her knees.

"He and I had never agreed on anything. But I had always been willing to give in... I mean, he is my dad. But then a few years ago someone came to ask for my hand. A great guy. And my dad flat out refused. I mean, it wasn't meant to be. The guy got married a year later. But it was how difficult my dad made it. How he wasn't willing to listen or even have a normal conversation. I just got fed up and moved in with Aunty Khalwa," she paused with a sigh. 

"A year... a whole year we didn't speak. And then when my mom begged me to hear him out. He stormed into his sick sister's house and all but tried to drag me out of the house. Isn't that crazy?" She said, her eyes getting a little moist.

Aisha stared at her in shock and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You know... I had always been jealous of you and your siblings. My dad, he wasn't a fan of your mother. And he used to blame her for supposedly taking his brother away from him. But he had done that all on his own, with no help from Aunty Zahra. He used to tell us to stay away from you guys, that you wouldn't bring any good to us," she said, tilting her head to look at Aisha as she rested her head on her knees. Her long hair falling like a waterfall to the side.

"We thought as much. Or at least thought you guys didn't like us," Aisha replied honestly.

Maryam shook her head.

"I don't think we knew you guys enough to really dislike you. We were just jealous of you all," she replied, repeating the word a second time.

"Jealous of what?" asked Aisha curiously.

Maryam chuckled dryly.

"Everything. You all loved each other, despite the lack of support your extended family was giving. Your parents built a warm and loving home for you all. Whenever your dad visited us, he was so nice, so loving, so caring, it was hard to see the picture my dad was trying to paint. My mom told me he fought your dad when he decided to marry your mother. He made the whole process hell for him, and your mother hadn't gotten it easy with her family either. Is it true your grandma disowned her?" asked Maryam disbelief in her voice.

Aisha sighed, she had made peace with the hate from both sides of her family. She had once upon a time used to be angry and disgusted with them. But they weren't all like that. Not when she had her mother's brother, her father's sister, her grandfather's on both sides... and so many others.

"Pretty much. Not that mom let that affect her. She would take us to her. She would visit her, send her money and showered nothing but love on her. But my grandma never liked me or my siblings. We weren't Somali enough for her. May Allah have mercy on her soul," replied Aisha with a shrug.

"It was all their loss. My fathers, your grandma, they lost the opportunity to be a part of your lives and experience the beautiful love you all had. They closed their hearts and mind to the beautiful gift Allah had given them. I mean, just look at my father," she sighed, shaking her head.

"How does he intend to act like a father to you all, when he hasn't been enough for his own? I ran away from him. Both my brothers searched and got accepted to the furthest universities they could find. My little sister is trying to come and live with Aunty Khalwa and me. His own children are running away from him, and he believes he can fill the big shoes his brother left behind. Imagine that," sighed Maryam bitterly, wiping away a tear.

"I'm sorry," She said, glancing at Aisha.

Aisha held her hand with a smile.

"You don't have to apologize. You can be angry... you have a right. Just because I lost my own doesn't mean I can't understand or support you," she said with a smile.

Maryam laughed.

"Man, I wish we had grown up together. I think we would have been the best of friends," she said with a sad smile.

"Maybe, but who says we can't start now," said Aisha with a laugh of her own.

"You're right. Let's start from this moment. Like it or not you and I are stuck together," she laughed throwing her arms around Aisha.

Aisha laughed, returned her hug.

"I think I'm ok with that," she laughed.

"You two look like you're having a good time. Thank god Maryam has paused from her obsession with regency era love stories," sighed their Aunt looking at them a small smile on her face.

Even in the house, she had on a small scarf wrapped around her head. Hiding her bald head. Her eyes, face, even her posture was so much like her father Aisha choked back a sob.

Instead, she smiled up at her.

"Don't you dare insult, Mr. Darcy," said Maryam defensively.

"A fictional character," sighed their aunt, looking at Aisha for help.

"I think you're forgetting I prefer books to people sometimes," said Aisha with a smile, causing Maryam to throw her head back and laugh while her aunt shook her head.

"Seriously?" she questioned and shook her head.

"Dead serious," laughed Aisha, standing up and walking in after giving her aunt a kiss.

"I can't relate," said their Aunt as Maryam followed her in.

"Anyway, I wanted to tell you that your uncle called. He wants us all to go out for dinner," she said, taking a seat on the couch and snuggling into it.

"Really?" asked Aisha with a smile.

"Ya, I told Musa and Misky to get ready. But your great aunt is sleeping, so I left her to you," smiled their Aunt sheepishly.

Aisha shook her head.

"I don't know why she scares you," she laughed.

"Did you not see the way she integrated me the other day," sighed her aunt leaning back. She looked tired and worn out already.

Aisha was worried about her, but Maryam had assured her she was doing better. They had her on a new treatment, and things were looking better. And yet, Aisha couldn't see her spunky, energetic aunt in the woman in front of her. It worried her, but she didn't want to make her aunt feel sad.

"Speaking of your uncle, is he single?" asked Maryam with a wide grin.

"Eww, no, he is way too old for you," said Aisha in horror.

"Oh please, fifty is the new thirty, but I'm not asking for myself," she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh... who? And ya he is. Has been for as long as I can remember," said Aisha curiously.

But Maryam only smiled and walked away. Aisha followed her.

"Who?" she asked again.

"For aunty. The woman needs some love in her life, and I say your uncle is one hunk of a man. Perfect for my sweet aunt," she said with a shrug, going into Aisha's room.

"Oh... actually, I can see that working," said Aisha.

"But shouldn't we wait for her to get better?" she asked taking a seat watching Maryam pull clothes from her bag.

"I swear by Allah, the cancer is gone. The doctors have cleared Aunty, she is just weak, but she is slowly gaining back her weight and health," said Maryam.

"Tell me you don't see a great possibility for them?" she added.

"No, I do. But let's not rush them or force them," Aisha cautioned.

"Of course not," said Maryam.

They had laughed and giggled as they had gotten ready and got the kids ready. Aisha didn't know why she felt so happy until she realized she hadn't felt like this since the passing of her sister. She hadn't had someone include her in secrets and ask for her opinion on things. She hadn't felt like a little sister for a while. And the realization was both painful and intense. And yet she could almost feel her broken heart slightly mending.

It had been for a while.

With each amazing person who had entered her life and helped her along the way. She was feeling it slowly stitching back together. It wasn't perfect, and she knew the mending would get better and stronger. That over time her heart wouldn't break and shatter. That over time she would find more reasons to laugh and smile. And that wouldn't mean she had forgotten them or had moved on from them.

She could never.

How could you move on from your bones and very self?

Her family was a part of her.

She could see them in her eyes, smile, hair, in the shape of her fingers and legs. And she would carry them with her. They would forever have a place in her heart. But maybe over time, others would also find their way in her heart. Never replacing but slowly filling the spaces left.

She smiled at the thought, as she held on to her Aunt's arm.

They were walking behind her uncle and siblings and cousin.

She watched her cousin's bright smile. Her brother holding tightly to their uncles' hand while he supported her great aunt gently with his other's arm. And Misky was happily running in front of them.

"I think it'll be fine," she whispered to her aunt.

Her aunt squeezed her arm without replying.

She didn't need to, they both knew her answer anyway.

Of course, it would.


Aisha glanced at Meredith with a smile. A woman who had become the very definition of a grandma to her.

"Even though I won't ever be able to pay you back. I want you to know what an amazing and wonderful gift you have been to me and mine. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart," said Aisha sincerely.

"Oh, hush now. You know there is no paying back when it comes to family. And yes, you are part of my family now. Besides, your mother paid forward in more ways than one. I owed your mother to protect her children in her place," said Meredith, drawing Aisha into a hug.

Aisha giggled.

"I don't know if I want to be related to Gabriel," she said with a laugh.

Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Thank god you aren't, that would be problematic," said Meredith.

And before Aisha had time to process her words, to reply. Their time in court was up. 


Authors note: So, this chapter was supposed to go up last week, and it was a lot longer.  However, all that writing was deleted, plus the first draft of a new story I'm working on. Needless to say, I was a bit put off, but I was able to put this together last night, and I'll play around with the new story. But I'm seriously excited to finish and start something new In Sha Allah. I haven't decided if I will have characters from MP play a cameo or not. I can see it happening both ways, but we will see. 

Let me know what you think of the chapter. Don't forget to Vote and Comment, please. 

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