Touch of Hellfire (Original V...

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Heather Gilmore is Rory Gilmore's twin sister, who is one of Stars Hollow's most loved along with her sister... Daha Fazla



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A/N Heather's room

"It is my lady! O it is my love!"

I sipped my coffee and I listened to someone yelling Romeo and Juliet out the window. "I made pancakes but they aren't as good as Luke's," Andrea told me.

"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?!"

"I have to see this in person," I laughed and I went onto the balcony and I gasped. "Mom?!"

Her head shot up. "There is my little demon!"

I broke into a big smile. "I couldn't remember the number of the house," she admitted. "Want to come in the normal way or the badass way?" I wondered. "Normal, I have a care package from Stars Hollow, I'll do badass next time," she told me.

"It's B," I told her. I pressed the button on the intercom to let her in. Once she came into the apartment, I hugged her tightly. "Oh sweetheart, I missed you," she hugged me tightly. "What's on the agenda?"

"I'm heading over at about ten and then I start work at two," I told her. "How is the job?" Mom asked me. "Pays good but I just put the stuff on shelves for a few hours," I told her.

"Hey Lorelai!" Andrea called from the kitchen. "Is the coffee good?" Mom asked me. "You think I'd get crap coffee?" I put my hand over my heart. "Oh mother you wound me."

"So, any new college friends?" Mom asked us. "I have Claire, who's two years above me and Sophia who's a freshman, like me," I explained.

"My class is boring," Andrea muttered. "The exciting stuff is sophomore year."

"I bring marshmallow chocolate chip cookies from Sookie," Mom told me. "And Luke sends his love through donuts."

"Tell him I said thanks," I smiled. "It's a nice set up, Emily Gilmore approved?" Mom raised her eyebrow. "My mom did most of it," Andrea told her. "Any news from home?" I asked Mom. "How's Rory?"

"She's trying out as many classes as possible," Mom told me. "Can I look around?"

"Yeah sure," Andrea agreed. "This pot will take a few minutes."

Mom wandered around the apartment while Andrea tried a cookie. "Tell this Sookie she makes great food."


I looked at Andrea. "The chair," we said in unison. Mom came back into the kitchen. "That chair is out to kill me."

"I trained it well," I joked. "Evil," Mom shot me a playful glare.


"So, you have lectures everyday? Poor you," I laughed. "I know, see you at five," she said and walked off to a different part of campus.

"Hey Heather! Wait up!" Sophia was running up to catch up with me. If Tessa has to have a twin who didn't have dyed hair and was totally adorable, it'd be Sophia.

"You coming to discuss which Godfather is the best?" I asked her as I stopped at the vending machine. "Want anything?"

"No thanks and yeah, the first one in my opinion," she said.

"How to die in class, say Showgirls was 'not that bad,'" I joked. "I despise that movie," Soph shuddered. "Yeah, they were insane for making that," I agreed with her.

We both got coffee and walked into Theatre B. The reason the feud is happening, according to Claire, is because we are 'putting them out of business.'

They called dibs on Theatre A.

"So, where did we leave off on Monday?" Claire asked us. "How shit all the Disney sequels are," a sophomore, named Cole, spoke up.

"There's only one reason they did that, because they were desperate for cash so they came up with 'Project: Trick parents into spending their money for movies children think are good but it's us trying too hard' I mean once they grow up, they'll realise the truth," I pitched in.

"I mean they should have just left it, no stupid sequels!" Cole ranted. "Are there any not shit ones?"

"Toy Story 2?" I suggested. "Okay, that's one exception," he agreed with me.

My phone started ringing. "Go ahead," Claire gave me the nod of approval.

I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Grandma refurnished my entire dorm and common room, with twenty five grand worth of furniture and stereo equipment!"

"Or as normal people say, hi," I muttered. "She did the same for my apartment."

"But you had discussed that in advance, this was done without my permission!"

"Well it was mostly Andrea's mom," I mumbled. "She didn't ask me!"

"Do your roommates mind?" I asked her. "Not really," Rory informed me. "I'm not gaining any sympathy, am I?"

"Afraid not, trust me, Mom will hand over that in a heartbeat," I told her.

"Heather! We need a new topic for discussion!" Cole yelled. "You have new friends?"

"I'd better go, see you later," I said. "See ya," and she hung up.

I rejoined the group. "Give us a topic," Claire instructed me. "Movies that kill their own franchises," I smirked. "Buckle up," Sophia said to us. "I need to rant."


"Does it taste bad?" I asked her. "I just put the chicken in my mouth, calm your tits," Andrea said to me.

I cooked for the first time in my entire life. "Is the chicken raw?" I asked her.

"No, it's really good, spicy chicken and rice," Andrea nodded. "Really?" I had a big smile on my face. "Yeah it's really nice," she told me.

"Oh thank you so much, we won't die," I laughed. Andrea smiled and shovelled more of it into her mouth. "Okay so how was class today?" Andrea asked me. "Well it was a meeting, it's Tuesday so I don't have any lectures from Duff-man," I told her.

"You've already come up with a nickname?!" Andrea laughed. "Yes, I have, you haven't?!" I was shocked.

"Gimme a couple of days, I'll think of something," she reassured me. "Okay, you're a natural, make me this chicken for my last meal on this earth," she pleaded with me. "So you want me to hit you with a rock in the next fifteen minutes?" I joked.

"Evil!" Andrea exclaimed. My computer started beeping. "Ooh video chat request," I smiled.

I clicked accept and I saw the face of Tessa Sinclair. "I'm in Brown!" she cheered. "Hey, how's it going over there?" I asked her.

"It's great," she smiled. "Providence is a great city, how's Columbia?"

"It's good so far, I can cook now," I laughed. "Shut up, no way," she smirked. "I can and Andrea isn't dying of food poisoning," I told her. "Brown's worst enemy is Dartmouth apparently," Tessa told me. "Yale is neutral, then it's Columbia vs Cornell and Harvard vs UPenn."

"Okay the Columbia and Cornell thing I can confirm," I told her. "And the Film and Theatre department are at war," she added.

"Again same here," I nodded.

"But Kaia is my roommate, she's in Brown as well," the poor girl was traumatised. "Oh God, that's painful," I grimaced. "It's gonna be so awkward, I share a bedroom with her. AND A BATHROOM!"

"I don't know what's worse," I muttered. "I'll check in again tomorrow," she yawned. "Can I cater the wedding?" I joked.


"Sorry," I giggled. Tessa stuck up her middle finger at the camera. "You're a bitch but I love you."

"Love you too," I said and I signed off.


I pulled up my car outside Grandma and Grandpa's house to find Rory there. "Hi!" she said excitedly and we hugged tightly. "How's the first week?" I asked her. "I had a party, you?" Rory looked at me.

"I cooked for the first time and Andrea liked it and didn't get food poisoning," I was proud of my achievement. "How's Jess?" she asked me. "I don't know, haven't talked to him since Wednesday," I explained. "I'm also telling Grandma to butt out," Rory said.

"You were sober when you made this decision?" I raised my eyebrow. Mom pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car.

She gave me and Rory a big hug. "Hezzy can cook now," Rory told her. "What?" Mom looked at me, shocked yet proud.

"It was one dish," I told her. "I made spicy chicken."

"And I'm telling Grandma to butt out of my life," Rory added. "Soberly and consciously," I commented.

Mom gripped my shoulder. "Kill me."

Rory rang the doorbell and Grandma answered the door. "Hello, come in."

We walked in and the maid took our coats. "I'm telling you, this day has been a circus," Grandma ranted. "Would you like drinks?"

"Grandma I have to talk to you about something," Rory said. "Yes Rory, what is it?" she asked her. "Oh shit," me and Mom whispered to each other.

"I have an announcement!" Grandpa thankfully interrupted her. "I'm going into business with Jason Stiles."

"Isn't that your professor?" Rory asked me. "No that's Jason Duffy, Duff-man," I told her.

"Digger," he clarified. "Oh congratulations," Grandma smiled. "I didn't know you were looking for one," I spoke up.

"Jason came to him," Grandma told me. "He wanted to go his own way," Grandpa explained. "To work with the best and screw over his father, pardon my language."

"You didn't tell me about this," Grandma got less happy. "I was unsure at first but once he told me that his motive was revenge, I was intrigued," he told her.

"I don't think you should, he's trouble!" Grandma exclaimed.

"Well Floyd is horrible!" Grandpa defended himself

"Floyd is his father!"

They both stormed off and Rory had a blank expression on her face.

Me and Mom making chicken noises did not help whatsoever.

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