Deceit β€’ Jikook

By mochikookielove

473K 32.9K 17.5K

Jeon Jungkook, military Commander of the land of Kookmin marries under a truce between two lands. But is his... More

An Exchange And A Wedding
First Kiss
What The Fuck!
So He Laughs
Fuck It!
Teach Me
Your Pretentious Grace
Heart Wants What It Wants
Instant Regret
Euphoria Land
Milk & Cookies
The Cavalry's Here
He's The Mole
They Did It
Oh God Why
May You Always Remember This
Lemon-Grass Tea
Lose Either Way
Questions & Answers
Russian Roulette
I Am Sorry
A Walk In The Garden
A Walking Sin
'Til Death


15.4K 932 843
By mochikookielove

AN:  What country are you from? 


Taehyung leaned his head against Yoongi's shoulder and gazed on to the lake ahead. It was as peaceful and calm as his boyfriend. Which is currently what he needed because he wasn't all happy with the expansion news, particularly of Yoongi leaving in a few days. He would have to stop this nonsense somehow. 

"Yoongi," he called out and received a hum of affirmation. 

"Can you take me to meet Taemin?" he straightened up and looked into his boyfriend's eyes. 

"I will sweetheart," he kissed Taehyung's forehead, "once he gets back from the capital." 

"He isn't here?" he moved back and furrowed his eyebrows. 

"No, the supreme leader took him on a small vacation," Yoongi chuckled, "nice isn't it?" 

"Yes, indeed," Taehyung smiled back, his mind actually racing. 

"How is my cousin doing?" he questioned and his heart dropped as Yoongi snorted with an eye roll. 

"He's one annoying bitch, but he's doing good I guess," Yoongi's eyes stayed on the lake, missing Taehyung's saddened expression. 

He almost spoke out how the 'annoying bitch' is quite young and is just trying his best at his duties but refrained when he remembered what happened the last time he made Yoongi involve himself in Jungkook's matter. 

"Good," he whispered instead. 

♦ Two days later: 


The young boy walked swiftly, trying his best to navigate through the halls. He kept his head down as he passed by various officers that went to and fro. 

'One more floor to go,' he thought, encouraging himself to press down his shaky legs. He felt petrified but his determination was greater. Moments later, he arrived in front of the main office door. 

Only indication of it being an important room was the Kookmin land seal engraved above the doorframe. 

He took in a deep breath to calm his nerves and knocked loudly. 

"Come in," a deep voice called from within. 

He pushed the door open and his eyes met piercing obsidian ones, sending a shiver of fear down his spine. 

"Who are you?" the Supreme Leader drew his eyebrows in question. 

Instead of answering, he entered in and closed the door behind him, slightly alarming the older man in the room. 

"Before you throw me out for being here, please listen to me," he requested and the man looked at him scrutinizingly as he walked ahead and stood near his desk. 

"Stop trying to conquer more countries and killing countless people for your selfish motives," he glared and Jungshin rolled his eyes, having heard this fifty times already. 

"You're going to get yourself killed too," Jungshin warned. 

"I don't care! I've had enough of bloodshed," the boy retorted. 

"Who did my army kill? Your father? Brother? Or an uncle?" Jungshin stood up, instantly causing the boy to step back. 

"My whole family!" he answered in a shaky voice. 

"Oh, they must have resisted," Jungshin's voice held fake pity and he walked around his table, nearing the little boy. 

"You're a monster!" the boy moved further away from him. 

Jungshin chuckled at him as he continued walking ahead. 

"I suggest you leave before I have you thrown in the torture chambers. Trust me, your family's death would wane in comparison to what happens there," he grinned at him, having trapped the boy between the door and himself. 

"Have you ever loved someone?" the boy surprised the Supreme Leader with his question. 

"I guess so," Jungshin titled his head, scanning the boy wearing peasant clothes. 

"I think they left you, that is why you're so angry and bitter," the boy looked up, eyes clearly reflecting his disdain. Before Jungshin could wrap his hand around the boy's neck, he opened the door and slipped out, closing it behind him. 

Jungshin stood there, palm against the door, wondering why the fuck wasn't he chasing after that boy or just ordering for him to be caught and shot. Sighing, he turned around, those eyes imprinting like iron on his mind, those light brown orbs filled with hatred. 

Outside the building of Kookmin headquarters, Taehyung heaved in a long breath after he sprinted inside the greenery next to the wide road. 

"That did not go as planned," he said to himself, breath uneven. 

He then heaved in another deep breath before darting off to get the fuck out of this place. 

♦ Jeon castle: 

Jungkook noticed how Taemin seemed to keep to himself and not speak to him much, which was exactly what he needed. He didn't want to be bothered by him as he had to prepare extensively for this new mission, and Jimin was bothersome enough already. He couldn't keep him off his mind, constantly wondering what he would be doing at this very moment. It was safe to say that Jungkook could no longer sleep peacefully. 

It had been a week since Jimin's departure and Jungkook's patience kept running thinner. He constantly patronized himself for being so fucking weak. He ran his hand through his hair and brought it down to remove the cigar from his lips. His annoying new husband kept complaining about his increased smoking but Jungkook always shut him up with a glare. Last thing he needed was someone pestering him. 

A knock sounded at his office door and he looked up, mood souring further. 

"It's an hour past dinner time, I was waiting for you," Taemin stood at the entrance, unsure of entering. 

"I'm not hungry, you go eat," Jungkook dismissed him, looking back down at the map, blinking away the blurriness. 

"Okay, then I'm going to bed," Taemin turned around to leave. 

Jungkook sighed as he looked at the young boy leave from his sight. 

"Fucking hell," he muttered and extinguished the cigar against the ashtray, discarding it there. 

He then stood and exhaled the smoke and proceeded to walk out of his office leisurely. 

"Jaeyun," he called out, making the younger halt at the end of the corridor and turn around. 

"Let's eat dinner," he said nearing him, and turned in the direction of the dining hall. 

He was indeed quite hungry and on the precipice of an unbearable headache. 

Mid-dinner, Taemin's gazing eyes caught the unfamiliarity of Jungkook's wedding ring. 

"Is that?..." He trailed off and Jungkook looked down towards the ring in question. 

"Yes, that is not yours," he cleared and Taemin teared up, feeling further insulted. 

Jungkook heard the sound of cutlery clanging against the ceramic plate and turned at his side to see Taemin storm off, his plate full of food abandoned. 

He simply rolled his eyes and continued eating, no intention to run after his annoying husband. 

'Pfft, husband,' Jungkook thought, not liking the word one bit as it didn't suit Taemin. 

After finishing his dinner, his legs halted before the staircase, weighing the possible results of him going to his bedroom. Moments later, he walked towards his office, grabbed his coat and walked to the porch. Pulling his keys out, he entered the jeep and sped off. 

An hour down the road, Jungkook looked up at the dark sky when a few droplets of water kissed his cheek. He shook his head with resolve, nothing would stop him. 

"Commander," he was greeted by a soldier at the huge entry gate made of iron surrounded by an opaque white marble arch. Jungkook acknowledged him with a nod and continued to drive inside the compound. 

"Where is he?" Jungkook got down and questioned the man that received him at the porch. 

"Second floor, last door on the right," the man gestured towards the shiny marble staircase that spiralled upwards. 

Jungkook bounded off, scaling two steps at a time, leaving a trail of water behind him because of his soaked clothes. He breathed heavily before he pulled open said door and the thunder illuminated the room, highlighting what he came here for. 

"Jungkook…" Jimin whispered, immediately after straightening his back, book abandoned at his side. Desiderium can wait since Jungkook has driven through a thunderstorm to come see him. 

Said man stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He brushed his dripping locks off his forehead with his hand and stood looking around the partially dark room. 


"Do you consent?" Jungkook interrupted Jimin's enquiry. 

"For what?" Jimin narrowed his eyebrows at Jungkook, trying to decipher the latter's expression since his face was bathed in the darkness. 

"This," Jungkook moved forward in two long strides and placed his knee on the bed on the third, hands already holding Jimin's face. He then kissed those lips he so severely missed for weeks, dreamt of kissing even in mid-work daydreams. Warm and soft, just as he remembered. They warmed his own cold lips, and his heart. 

Jimin didn't have time to react or return the needy kiss and he already felt himself being lowered onto the bed, Jungkook's wet and cold hands guiding him by the waist. He moaned out loudly when he was pulled flush against Jungkook's wet body, igniting a fire in him, contrasting against the body on top of his. It was exactly then Jimin shut his brain off, he needed this, needed him. 

"Yes," Jimin pulled away a little and breathed against Jungkook's now warm lips, making the latter grin at him, creases decorating his eyes in a way that made Jimin's heart flutter. Pulling Jungkook closer, Jimin kissed him back, hands snaking around the broad shoulders of the elder man. 

Not wanting to break the kiss, Jungkook supported his weight above with one hand flat next to Jimin's face and sneaked his left hand in between them to unbutton his heart's desire, all the while, lips still mauling the one's underneath him. Despite the overwhelming feeling of the latter's lips against his— after ages — Jimin felt cold fingers slipping his shirt off in his fuzzy state. To help speed up the process, Jimin started to unbutton Jungkook's clothes too. After a minute or so, both of their intruding garments were thrown around the room and they pulled away to fill their burning lungs with oxygen. 

Jungkook stroked Jimin's cheek that glowed under the night lamp's luminescence. 

"Missed me?" 

"No," Jimin giggled and shook his head, making the latter gasp. 

"Liar," the word was kissed into Jimin's mouth, effectively muffling his oncoming chuckle, which ended up in a drawled out moan. 

The younger man heaved in a quick breath when the Commander let go of his mouth to move sideways, hands eager to search something in the bedside drawers. He made an appreciating noise and placed the little tube on the pillow next to Jimin's head. 

"Ready?" Jungkook's eyes pinned Jimin's, scanning for a sliver of hesitation or discomfort. All he found was blown pupils, drowning in lust, a dopey look of contentment and trust emanating from his angel-like husband. 

"Yes," Jimin's tone was firm, despite the daze of lust painting his being. 

The latter sat up with a nod of his head, hands already reaching the tube, unscrewing it, he coated his fingers generously. He once again bent down and drove his knees between Jimin's, parting them to accommodate himself and the younger quickly wrapped them around Jungkook. The younger felt his right leg being pushed onto Jungkook's shoulder and he bent down to place a kiss at his lips, smiling immediately as he pulled away slightly. 

Jimin's heart fluttered when he realised that the man in-between his legs at the moment, who was betrayed by him — without his choice — was doing his best at reassuring him, trying to make him comfortable, almost begging him to be accepted. 

"Fuck me, Commander," Jimin pulled said man close by the back of his head and crashed their lips together. Almost immediately, he felt a finger prodding at his entrance and a tongue asking entry into his mouth, both very welcome intrusions. 

His moan reverberated around the room as a single finger pushed past his ring of muscles and the skillful tongue that assaulted his mouth licked around at every nook and cranny. His moans raised in decibels when he felt Jungkook's right hand momentarily leave the area next to his head and guided his own hand to his neglected rock-hard cock. Understanding his order, Jimin stroked himself along with Jungkook's fingers, which increased by another digit. 

"Fuck, Jimin," his real name being groaned out from the mouth against his made Jimin want to cum immediately, but he held back, awaiting for something so good and thick, his breath hitched just thinking about it. He reached down with his other hand and held said thick goodness, provoking a harsh groan from the owner. 

"Patience," Jungkook breathed against Jimin's lips and a third finger slipped in because he knew even he couldn't wait anymore, but Jimin's comfort was imperative. The latter simply moaned and tightened his grip on Jungkook's cock, making him dizzy with need. 

The commander could manage only a few more minutes of stretching, which he deemed adequate and detached his lips from his husband's red, swollen one's; both of them panting exhaustively, not having enough air despite the howling wind that blew inside through the open windows. None of them paid attention to the consecutive thunder that illuminated their perspirated bodies in a soft and warm glow. 

Having caught a little rest, Jungkook slipped his fingers out and aligned his precum slathered cock with Jimin's stretched out entrance. 

"Jimin?" His eyes glanced at said man's face, who nodded with a deep breath. That was enough permission and patience Jungkook had so he pushed in, slow at the beginning but driving in quickly at the end, almost cumming when he buried himself deep and heard his name being groaned in the most sinful tone. 

Barely holding himself back, Jungkook worshipped the sight that laid in front of him, connected to him in the most holy and sinful mix. Jimin's body actually glowed in the mixture of light from the thunder and the lamp, accentuated by a layer of sweat coating his body. If he could see his eyes, Jungkook was sure they held an equally mesmerizing sight, but, currently his head was tipped back, buried in the pillow as his body vibrated positively. 

As if instinctively, the mop of sweaty black hair raised itself and stared back at Jungkook, eyes shining. It made Jungkook's breath hitch, and cock twitch inside of the tantalizing angel. 

"Think you can invade this land, old man?" a grin shone at Jungkook and the shining eyes raked over the owner's body, showing off what he could conquer. 

"I own everything already," Jungkook's tone was dominant as he pushed ahead, cock invading further in and his lips caught the chuckles of his target. Pulling away, Jimin hissed in pain and pleasure as he felt Jungkook hit his prostate. That man surely had his body mapped out. 

The atmosphere around the room gradually turned into an utopia, cold breeze that flew in was greeted by the warm, sex-charged air and together they bathed the couple as they kept making love. Sounds of rain and thunder almost harmonized along with both of Jimin and Jungkook's groans and moans of pleasure. Meanwhile, Jungkook kept his eyes boring into Jimin's, who fought hard to keep his eyes open as the latter kept pushing him to higher levels of euphoria. He fought hard against his oncoming orgasm that kept threatening to spill over Jungkook's hand that gripped it firmly, stroking it in rhythm of his hips. 


Jimin didn't have to lose more breath on words as Jungkook picked up his pace, pistoning faster and harder, his fist moving along on Jimin's cock. 

"Oh fuck, Jungkook!" Jimin's back arched like a bow as his orgasm exploded over their now touching torsos. His eyes rolled at the back, almost fainting when he felt Jungkook's orgasm following after his own, coating his insides satisfyingly. 

Time seemed irrelevant so Jimin wasn't sure after how long, but when he looked back up, he found Jungkook leaning over with a Cheshire cat grin plastered over his sweaty face. 


"Yes, it's the rain," Jungkook nodded, sending a few drops of sweat flying over Jimin's face, who certainly didn't mind; even Jungkook's sweat was arousing.  

"I meant you, dummy," Jimin raised his upper body off the bed to reach Jungkook's face and kissed his lips as he pulled him closer by grabbing his silky smooth locks. 

"Oh?" Jimin pulled back slightly and raised an eyebrow, looking between them at Jungkook's cock, who stood at attention once again. 

"Dare you to keep up, soldier," Jungkook's lips attacked Jimin's with newfound vigour. 

"Challenge accepted, old man," Jimin chuckled. 

"I'm not that old," Jungkook protested, lips continuing to ravage and hands roaming around the sizzling alabaster skin under his. 

"Eight years older," Jimin remarked as he pulled back for air. 

"Finer wine," Jungkook self-described. 

"Um, can't argue with that," Jimin murmured and moaned loudly when he felt Jungkook's cock push inside his cum-slicked pliant entrance. 

Both of them went through two more rounds of sex and Jimin shifted on his side, utterly spent. He felt Jungkook blanket himself around his back and felt cool sheets cover their lower half. 

"Sweet dreams," Jungkook whispered over Jimin's ear and placed a kiss below his ear on the warm, exposed neck. 

Jimin simply managed to hum before he fell through the feathery veil of consciousness, deep down into nirvana. 

Jungkook sensed him fall asleep and pulled him closer into his chest and placed his chin atop Jimin's head; breathing him in, Jungkook sighed in contentment. It felt like home. 


Rest in peace Kookmin nation.

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