Taylor Meets The World (Girl...

By Wdwfan1234z

5.6K 74 12

Taylor and Riley are very different even though they're twins. Riley is happy and social while Taylor likes t... More

1-Go ahead. Make it yours.
2- I think I'll stick with Tom Holland
3-Subway boy!
5-I got this
6-We won
7- I have failed you

4-Food first

609 7 1
By Wdwfan1234z

Taylor ran into the apartment heading straight to her mother. "I beat them here, right? I did it, right?" Her mother turned away from the table to look at her daughter. "Beat who sweetie?" It was then that the door slammed open and Riley entered shouting, "Ma!" Then Cory came in, copying his daughter's actions, "Ma!"

Taylor pointed at them and turned to her mum with a goofy smile, "Those people," Topanga laughed at the middle child before turning to the other two. "Whatever this is, do not put me in the middle of the three people I love equally. Just kidding!" She turned around, opening her arms towards Taylor, "Come here, honey," Taylor walked into her mother's arms while smiling at the two of the other members of her family.

"Our teacher followed us home. Can we keep him? Can we keep him? Please say no," Riley walked over to her mother and sister, fake begging. "She walked out of my class. She's trying to be Maya," Topanga turned to Taylor who just said, "Why would I want to be Maya?" The girl went and sat on the sofa and watched her family talk.

"Why would you want to be Maya?" Topanga looked at her oldest daughter who just sighed and answered, "Because she's cool, she has a wild side. She does what she wants," Riley sighed and Taylor rolled her eyes at her sister. "But you're such a good person!" Their mother tried to reason making Taylor chuckle more.

"Who cares about that?" She turns to her parents with a questioning look on her face, "Do you really think I'm one of those girls who follows all of the rules and never gets into trouble?" Taylor nods at her sister though Riley doesn't notice. "I was hoping," Cory stated for both adults and Taylor smiled at her father. "Do you think I'm well-raised?" The girl continued to question.

Topanga looked between her and her husband before responding, "Half!" Taylor burst into a silent giggles at her father's face. "How important is it that you don't know me at all?" Riley asked and Taylor stood up after calming down. "Come on Tay!" Riley exclaimed before storming off. Taylor looked at girl and shrugged with a laugh. She walked away following her older sister to her room.


Taylor smiled as she, Riley and their younger brother Auggie sitting in the middle. "Am I the type of person who always plays it safe? Is this who I'm going to be for the rest of my life? Am I ever going to take a risk that changes my destiny?" Riley asked and Taylor couldn't help thinking about how dramatic her family is. "Do bears know how to smile? Why is cake always so delicious? Will my drawings ever get any better?" Auggie said and Taylor smiled deciding to join in too.

"Will I ever see Wicked? Is my life constantly going to be dramatic?" Suddenly the girl put on a serious face as another question fell from her lips, "Why do I feel weird around Lucas when I just met him?" Riley had ignored her sister instead staring at her brother who was staring at Taylor. "Are you making fun of me?" The oldest asked and Auggie turned to her.

"No, I think just like you guys because we're triplets," he smiled and Taylor's quiet laugh rang out in the room as she messed up his already messy curls. "We're not triplets," Riley stated and the young boy ran out of Riley's room calling, "Mom!"

Taylor swivelled round to face her twin and crossed her arms. "Why couldn't you just let mum deal with it? Then we would still be his favourite," she mumbled annoyed but Riley just shrugged and continued to think.


Maya, Riley and Taylor sat at a table, trays of food in front of them. Taylor opened up The Hunger Games as she grabbed her fork to eat. She didn't get to read a single line however as Maya had spoke up whilst Riley poked her sister's shoulder to make sure she was listening. "Aww, look at him looking for a place to fit in,"

The young brunette whipped her head around to look at who they were talking about. "You think he'll sit with us?" Taylor's voice was filled with nervousness yet excitement as she faced the other two girls. At this Maya slides over a chair in order for Riley to move up and let Lucas sit next to the youngest. Before Riley could slide across, Farkle sat down in the space. "Ladies," Farkle smirked at the two girls he loved and Taylor frowned as she saw Lucas move away upon seeing the space was taken.

"Farkle," Both Maya and Riley replied as Tay just smiled faintly. "Interesting lunch line dilemma. Sloppy joe, or chicken pot pie? Or sloppy joe, or chicken pot pie?" He looked between Maya and Riley as the third girl rolled her eyes. "Is that all you got?" Maya stabs her fork into the mash and Farkle nodded. "That's it! Same time tomorrow!"

Taylor watched him walk away and her gaze landed on Lucas who was still looking for a place to sit. "There he is! Invite him to sit down!" The blonde grabbed Riley's arm and pulling her into the next seat. In worry, Taylor moved up a seat to. "With words?" She panicked.

Riley placed a hand on her twin's shoulder in support, "You're ready for this," shaking her head like she was mad, she looked between her grinning best friends, "What do I say?" Maya rolled her eyes at the question but still answered, "Hey, Lucas. Looking for somebody special?" Taylor looked at Maya with an expression that could've put Maya into fits of giggles if there wasn't clear panic in the girl's eyes.

"I can't say that!" Taylor whispered shouted and Riley tried to think of something, "Hey, Lucas. Looking for somebody?" The younger twin looked at her sister and stated, as if obvious, "Too forward," Maya waved her hand to the girl as she suggested, "Hey, Lucas," Taylor rolled her eyes this time and stared at the two girls, "Like we're on a first name basis?" She held disbelief in her voice as Maya and Riley looked at each other.

Turning back to the girl, they both said, "Hey," she thought for a second before smiling and sitting up straighter, nodding. "Hey," she repeated as if trying the word out. "Hey back," the girl spun round I looking at the boy who now sat there. "Hi. You're sitting here," she cursed herself for how awkward she sounded. She was as oblivious as Harry Potter to the way Lucas' smile widened at how nervous she was. "Is that okay?" He questioned and Taylor took a second to nod and answer. She held her thumbs up, internally cringing. "Can you excuse me for just one sec?" She looks to Maya and Riley who freak out and she smiled.

"How ya doing?" Cory asked and Taylor smiled innocently at her father. "Dad, you have a choice here. You can either understand that this is just a boy talking to me in the cafeteria-" she tried but her father cut her off. "I'm gonna do whatever you say next," he smiled and the girl groaned in annoyance. "But this is so innocent!" Riley defended her sister but Cory didn't think the same way. "Honey, fathers don't see anything as innocent. We see it as...what's the opposite of innocent?" He explained and Taylor pointed to Maya. The blonde pointed to herself to saying, "Right here!"

Taylor looked at her dad, begging with him, "Please don't embarrass me," The man smiled at his daughter and she could already tell it was all gonna go wrong. "I'm just gonna talk to Mr. Friar about geography," he answered her before turning to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder, "You know, I've been to a lot of places. Never been to Texas, though. What part of Texas is the closest to Mexico?"

Lucas, trying to be polite, nodded slightly as he responded, "That'd be El Paso, sir," Cory's voice raises as he replied, "Great! Let's go right now!" He stood and dragged the boy out by his chair. Lucas waved and Taylor pulled a horrified face at her father. She felt a tap on her shoulder and saw her sister and Maya leaving. Taylor stare at her untouched food then shrugged, it wasn't that great anyway.

"So, did you do the homework?" Riley asked as the three of them got rid of their food. "Of course I did. I'm not Maya," Taylor pointed out before placing a hand on said girl's shoulder, "No offence," the blonde simply smirked with a shrug, turning to the girl on her other side, "No, I didn't do the homework. The question on everybody's kiwi lips is, did you do the homework?"

The brunette simply shook her head and looked at her with an offended expression, "No, I'm one of the founding members of the Homework Rebellion. You think I did my homework?" Taylor nodded her head since she watched her do the homework, actually two lots of the homework. "I think you did mine, too," Maya said, reading Taylor's mind. Both twins nodded, one with a smirk and the other with a massive smile.

Riley was bouncing with excitement, "I did. I did and I really liked it," Taylor let a happy and joyful expression cross her face at her twin's eagerness. She was always happy as long as Riley was Riley and she was happy. "Riley, don't save me," Maya warned making Riley's face drop and in turn Taylor's. "What?" They chorused and the blonde glance between them, "Let me be me,"

Before either twin can respond, Farkle walks by with two desserts. A smile graced Maya's lips when she questioned, "Oh. You got two desserts?" The three looked at the desserts. "Angel's food cake..." Riley noted as Taylor bit back a laugh. Maya kept the smirk as as she cockily asked, "And Devil's food cake. Let me guess who's who,"

Farkle looked at the best friends in confusion, "Hey, Farkle's just hungry. Not everything is about you," Taylor grinned at the boy and placed her hand on his shoulder before he could walk off. "Food first. I like it," Farkle shook his head and walked off from the three girls.

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