The Dangerous Abused Zombie (...

By BA55edWriter

66.9K 686 137

Qrow and Winter had two sons, Dylan and Y/N! Dylan and James were in the Schnee mansion, but Dylan was taken... More

Level 1: The Dead will rise again!
Level 2: Game Master arrives
Level 3: Brawl in the family!
Level 4: Revelations!
Level 5: Chaos
Level 6: Despair and Hope
Level 7: Foggy Mind
Level 8: Memories...?
Level 9: Facing Myself
Level 10: The Final Level
Level 12: The Ending

Level 11: The Boss Fight

3.1K 30 5
By BA55edWriter

Y/N Pov:

I saw that my BugVisor was cracked and destroyed when I saw Cinder and Ruby?

me: "Which Hot Topic chain store did you crawl from...?"

me: "And how did you brainwash Ruby...?"

Ruby? facepalmed and her form started to crack and reveal her true form: Neopolitan

me: "Crud, I now have to deal with the Ice Cream Girl too!?"

Salem: "Oh, that's not all..."

Then another figure behind me kicked me!

When I turned around, I saw something that truly shouldn't exist...

A Grimm Version of Pyrrha...

me: "Didn't Cinder Kill you!?"

Salem: "The true Pyrrha is no more, but her emotions still remain..."

Salem: "I've created a perfect replica of her with a bit of my essence, she is without a soul and is obedient"

me: "Who knew you'd be this demented..."

me: "So its a 4 V 1, huh...?"

3rd Pov:

Y/N slowly took out the BugVisor Zwei and opened fired on the ground that got everyone to back away!

Y/N: "Time for the Boss Battle to commence!"

Y/N then took out his Gashat!

And wore the Gamer Driver

Gamer Driver: GAMER DRIVER!

Y/N: "Grade 0"


Y/N: "Henshin!"


Y/N then quickly flip the panel that leveled him up!


Genm: "This is going to be a fun Boss Battle..."

Genm then charges at Cinder who was shocked but was able to defend herself!

Genm quickly changes the BugVisor to Gun Mode and shot her stomach, then he went for the Grimm Pyrrha clone that threw her spear and hid behind her shield, little did the cone knew that the bullets the BugVisor shot decimated her shield and she was taking injuries throughout her body!

Neo tried to sneak up on him, only to be leg sweeped that knocked her down! Genm quickly knocked her out before she could use her semblance...

Cinder shit flame imbued arrows at Genm, but the arrows were destroyed by the bullets, as Cinder slowly took damage!

Pyrrha tried to kill Genm after taking her spear, only to see that he grabbed her and used her as a Grimm Shield against the barrage of Arrows that Cinder fired at Genm, resulting in the Grimm Clone to be reduced to ash!

Salem: "Cinder, You Fool!"

Unfortunately, some arrows landed at Genm dealing some damage...

As Salem scolded Cinder, Genm swiftly dashed at Salem and shot bullets at her!

Salem: "Foolish!"

Salem then casts a big spell that swept the entire room with an energy slash!

Genm was hit point-blank and lost some health on his Life Gauge...

Genm was now left with 82% of his health...

Genm: "You're not taking me out that easily!"

Genm then charged at Cinder who summoned Flame Swords, but what attacked Cinder wasn't a saw or bullets...But it was a neon Pink tire!

Little did the two know, that Genm used the Shakariki Sports Gashat!

Then Genm leveled up!


The bike circled around Genm and began to attach itself to him!

The Green tire returned to Genm as he threw it at Salem, who deflected it!

Then Genm kicked it at Cinder which she was shocked that a mere tire could have such an impact!

Cinder: "I'm not letting you beat me with a Neon Pink Tire!"

But Genm placed the Gashat in the Kimewaza Slot!

Kimewaza Slot: GASHATTO!

Genm pressed the button as energy bolts begin to emit from his right leg!

Genm then pressed it once again, causing his visor to glow and the tire and his right foot emitting large amounts of energy!


Genm threw the tire again which she knocked away!

Cinder: "Is that it!?"

Genm: "Watch your back!"

Little did Cinder know as she was facing behind her was that the tire ricochet and hit her in the stomach propelling her at Genm!

Genm: "Checkmate, Sucka!"

As Cinder was launched at Genm with the tire, Genm ran and kicked Cinder making Cinder in the middle between the tire and his foot! The explosion knocked her out!

All that was left was Salem...

Salem: "You may have defeated the pawns, but what will you do against the Queen!?"

Salem then summoned a large horde of Grimm that surrounded Genm!

Genm: "This is too easy!"

Genm did his finisher once again!


Genm turned the armor back into a bike as he rode it...

The Grimm we reduced to ashes, but they managed to damage Genm as he was taking them all out...

Now Genm has 45% with the damage dealt to him by the Grimm and Cinder...

Then Genm slowly walked menacingly towards Salem!

Genm: "So you thought, I was just another one of your pawns!?"

Genm: "So you could dispose of me the first chance you get!?"

Genm: "OH HELL NAW!"

Genm rushes at her stabbing her with the BugVisor Zwei!

Salem tries to attack him but sees that Genm is holding her close with the BugVisor Firmly planted into her body!

Salem felt weaker and weaker, then she was terrified at the sight of her hands slowly being pixelized...

Salem: "You dare!"

Salem: "It is futile! I cannot be destroyed!"

Genm: "Oh, I'm not destroying you..."

Genm: "I'm going to transfer to the digital world!"

Genm: "Which is in the Dangerous Zombie Gashat, where you will be mobbed by zombies in that game..."

Salem squirms around and launches an attack that injures Genm severely, but her eyes widen as Genm kept still as the pixels quickly spreads and Salem feels immense fear in her eternal life!

Salem: "No! No!"

Salem: "I'm trying to eradicate the Gods from-"

But she was quickly interrupted by Genm

Genm: "As if I care..."

Genm: "You're going to a new place where you won't hurt anyone ever again, period!"

Salem then keeps attacking him that greatly reduces his Health Gauge!

Genm was in agonizing pain as he grunts and withstands the pain...

Genm: "Almost There!"

Salem screamed as she was being pixelized from feet to hands!

Salem: "If I'm going to be defeated, I'll kill you!"

As she was being sucked into the BugVisor, a light was emitted from the castle as the Grimm Calmed down outside and everyone coming into the castle quickly, witnessing Genm sucking Salem into the BugVisor Zwei!

Salem launches one last attack that depletes Genm's Health Gauge before she was fully sealed into the gashat...

Salem: "AHHHHHHH!"

She screeched before being fully sucked into the Gashat!

A/N: A blast like that...

Genm was then knocked down to the ground on his knees as everyone surrounded him, seeing that his Health Gauge is blinking and energy leaking out from the suit...

Then his armor shatters...

Winter came to his side cried out with tears streaming down from her eyes!

Winter: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "M-m-o-m..."

Winter: "What's happening to you...?"

Y/N: "My health Gauge is empty..."

Winter: "What does that mean!?"

Y/N: "Uncle Ironwood!"

Ironwood: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I left something at Atlas for you..."

Y/N: "I hope Mom still remembers where she puts that briefcase I gave to her a few weeks ago..."

Winter: "Of course I remember!"

Y/N: "Open it when you guys get back home..."

Y/N: "Please use it to protect the kingdoms with one in each kingdom, alright..."

Dylan: "What are you talking about, You're coming with us right?!"

Y/N: "I'm afraid that, this is it for me..."

Then a menacing announcement was heard


Then Y/N slowly dissipates as his body was turning into purple pixels...

Winter: "No! NO! I don't want to lose you!"

Y/N: "We'll soon meet again, Mom"

Y/N: "Till then, Protect the Kingdoms for me, will ya?"

Ironwood: "Of course!"

Then everyone salutes at Y/N before he fully disappears...

Y/N: "T-t-th-ank Y-y-Y-y-ou... "

Then the Purple Pixels disappears completely, leaving Winter, Qrow, Dylan, and Weiss Heartbroken...

Ironwood: "Let us remember that Y/N sacrificed himself so the Kingdoms wouldn't be in danger from Salem!"

Ironwood: "Let us remember the good things that he has done for us even though it wasn't much!"

Ironwood: "He was able to seal Salem into the Gashat!"

Ironwood: "So lets at least protect and maintain this world, his home for him..."

Everyone nodded as tears flow down from everyone's cheeks as they mourn for their fallen friend, brother, family...

With Ironwood taking and containing the BugVisor Zwei with the Dangerous Zombie Gashat still attached to the device...

Ironwood: "Now let's go back to Atlas..."

A few moments later the BullHead arrives and everyone returns to Atlas helping the people in Mantle, coming back victorious with the cost of victory already paid in full and the pain multiplied tenfold to everyone...

As everyone once again gathered as Winter brought out the afore-mentioned briefcase to see multiple Proto and Completed Gashats alongside another box that contained a Gamer Driver and its specs

A screen that showed the data of all of the gashats

Then Ironwood held up a certain Gashat that was emitting some Purple energy and that caused it to glow...

There was a note that accompanied it...

Ironwood: "What's this?"

As everyone gathers closer to inspect the Small-handed device...

Chapter Ends...

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