T a i n t e d (Keigo Takami x...

Door StrangeNuggets04

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The hands felt cold against your skin and all they left was the feeling of being tainted. Meer

Must Read!
Different (1)
A/n (voting for names of charcaters)
Your Quirk!
ive decided to draw the chapter photos! (sneak peak)
Release Date
Encounter (3)

"Eye Candy" (2)

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Door StrangeNuggets04

Hey guys! I'm adding songs after thinking about it for a long while. I know a new song was also used in the prologue but, for the people who had already read it and didn't see it until after it was added, I'm just going to say. Songs can mean different things for others even if it wasn't meant for that purpose. Also, I'm going to put quotes now that relate to the chapter and such. The prologue also has one! Also sometimes chapters won't have these unless I find one later. I also decided to give you guys the second one due to quarantine and how ahead I am on the story, so enjoy! Also finished the cover uwu


"I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut."


"What's Othello?" The pale blue- gray-haired girl asked in the question.

The big three and the new addition to the school had currently resided in 3-B's dorm building. They were seated on the couches in the commons area. The game in front of them stared back at the small girl as she gave it a look of pure confusion. She had never seen a game like this, even with her time in the hideout of Overhauls.

The various toys she had received from one of the members never held this game, but then again the girl had never attempted to open the boxes of said toys.

"It's a game you need to put thought into! It's a two-person game. It may seem hard at first but you'll get the hang of it!" Mirio smiled over at the small child who had sat next to him.

"Yeah, Eri- chan! It's a lot of fun!" Nejire exclaimed happily, leaning forward on the couch.

"What if I don't get it?" She questioned. Her eyebrows furrowed to which Mirio shook his head too.

"No need to worry, Eri. Tamaki and I will play first so you can see how it works!" The indigo haired boy slightly jumped in his seat by the mention of his name as he looked at the blonde in front of him. Mirio paid no mind to it. "If you still don't get it, we'll teach you as much as we need!"

"O-okay." She had smiled but soon it had faltered as the three took notice of her sudden change in expression. She pressed her lips together and looked down at her hands that lightly gripped her light blue dress. "Where's (Y/n)?"

"Don't worry, Eri!" Hado had quickly spoken upon the question. "She had to go see family for today! That big meanie!"

"I don't think she's a big meanie!" The little girl exclaimed, quickly stating her opinion on the statement.

"She was just joking. Nejire doesn't think (Y/n) is a big meanie." Mirio's orbs focused themselves on the periwinkle girl that sat on the other side of the table. "Right?"

"Yes! I don't think that of her! I was just playing around Eri- chan! I'm sorry!" Hado bowed in her seat in apology.


That was until she had heard the TV. She had bounced back up as she frantically pointed at the TV behind Mirio. "Guys, look! The Billboard Hero Charts are starting!"


"Mom, I don't understand why you still intend on watching that. It's just the same every year." The (h/c) haired girl grunted on the couch.

"Oh hush, just because you don't want to see it, doesn't mean I don't. Aren't you becoming a hero yourself? You can take some advice!" You flinched hearing that but the women had turned up the TV more to notice, making you only huff in annoyance from the shift in volume. "It's different this year. They're having all the top heroes gather up in one place this time because of the retirement of the symbol!" Her mother happily explained. "It's so exciting and nerve-racking!"

"However, it seems times have changed!" The women on the TV proclaimed.

"They're just gonna blabber nonsense-" You had been quickly shut down by your mother's hand over your mouth, making you roll your eyes.

"Quiet! It's starting!" She took her hand away from your face when she known she had shut you up.

You sighed into the cushions of the couch, looking at the TV with a bland expression.

'This is all a joke.' You thought.

"No. 10.. one rank down from last time!! Dragon Hero Ruyuku!!" She shyly waved at the camera and you had caught her mumble something the camera didn't quite catch. You rolled your orbs and crossed your arms over your chest.

'Just another hero looking for fame.'

"No. 9.. this one has gone down, too! However, this one refuses to succumb to old age! The armored hero, Yoroimusha!" You faintly listened to what this one had to say, something about errors and his rank? You could care less.

'Just an old geezer who refuses to give up his spotlight, even if he does have one foot in the grave.'

"No.8.. the same one from the 'squeaky clean' commercial! It's the washing hero, Wash!"

"Washer, washer, washer, washer, washer, washer!" That's all that had come out of the washing machine's mouth if you could even call it a one.

'He can't even say anything anyone understands. Japanese, please!'

"No.9... A significant leap! The up-and-coming star who won't stop climbing! Kamui Woods!"

"It's an honor." His words could mean nothing to you. You bet whatever was under that stupid mask of his, was a shit-eating smirk because he had placed in the top ten.

'He's doing it for the credit.'

"No.6... The orthodox man safely keeps his place! The shield hero, Crust!!"

"All Might..." You could see tears form in his eyes as he clenched his fist tightly, closing his eyes as he said the previous No.1's name.

​​​​ 'What a facade. Sorry, pal, but you ain't fooling me.' You scowled in disgust.

"No.5... The determined bunny ranks up! The rabbit hero, Miruko!"

"Joining a team is for weaklings!" Your scowl had disappeared and was replaced with a more gentle expression. Now this one had a pure heart.. a pure heart for fighting. She was the only hero who you still had hope for. Although, a frown instantly made its way onto your features.

'Too bad weaklings aren't worthy of being her fan.'

"No.4... The mysterious ninja's conflict resolution count and approval ratings have skyrocketed! The ninja hero, Edgeshot!"

"Silence, this is a public space." He had done a ninja sign with his hands to most likely match with his whole act. It only seemed childish to you.

'I wonder what disgraceful things he uses his sneaky quirk for, absolutely disgusting.'

"And next up is this man!" Just then, a photo of a well-known male flashed into the screen. The hero is known as Best Jeanist. He gave you weird vibes every time you looked at his face. "Despite taking a break from active duty, he nevertheless remains at No.3! His approval ratings for the second half of the year are at No.1! The fiber hero, Best Jeanist! We are all awaiting his quirk return!"

​​​​​ 'Is he as creepy in private as he is in public?'

"No.2... He claims to take it easy, but he's quite ferocious! With tremendous momentum, he swoops into 2nd place! The winged-hero, Hawks!" The man had his hand on the back of his head and his face screamed that he was bored out of his mind. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there.

"How excessive" was all that came out of his lips. Your eyes had slightly widened at the comment. His tone was normal, barely noticeable, but you had heard it and you least expected it from a hero who had ranked so high.

Yet, you still held a bothered expression.

'If you didn't want to be there, why did you agree to come in the first place?'

"And now!! From just the temporary No.1 to his new place today as the genuine No.1 hero! At last!! The flame hero, Endeavor!!"

You had begun to grow uncomfortable by looking at the new charts and you had gotten up almost instantly. It had made you feel sick to your stomach looking at the TV. Your mom didn't pay much mind to your movement as she kept her eyes glued to the screen. For you, it was too much to handle right now.

"Honey, look its Endeavor!" You had almost choked hearing the hero name once more but you had kept it in because your mother had seemed so happy to see him up on stage.

"Yeah... it is.." You trailed off wondering if you should bring it up. It might cause unwanted memories to rise to the surface. You had no clue as to why she still cheered him on despite what she had done to her dear friend. Why support someone who abused their wife and child mentally and physically?

Still standing up awkwardly, you had debated on coming up with an excuse to go somewhere else for a moment but, your mom finally saw you standing up. She had looked at your frame in a questioning stare.

"We'll be back to ask a few words from our extraordinary heroes after this break!"

"Where are you going?" Your mom had lost interest in the TV, almost instantly, when a commercial soon came on. She didn't even catch the part where the heroes would start speaking a few words on their part. She was more intrigued by the fact you had stood up now.

"I..." The face of the flame hero flashed in your mind and the face of your mom's friend, Rei soon came after that. You had decided to say something. "I don't understand why you're supporting him like he did nothing wrong!" Your mom was taken back by the volume in your voice but, despite the shock on her face, you continued. "Rei told you what he did!" You couldn't stop yourself now. "He shouldn't even deserve to be up there!" Your mother only continued to look at you. The TV was barely noticeable now. "How do you think she'll feel, seeing you cheering him on like this? I don't think she would-"

"I paid her a visit a few days ago." She stated.

You looked down at her, waiting for her to continue, but nothing could fuel down the anger that had already started. The aura was still radiating off of you and you knew she could feel it. "He sent her flowers way before I came to see her, flowers she had only told him about once... he's going to atone for his actions on his own accord."

Your eyes widen and you couldn't believe what you were hearing. This only made you more furious than before. You clenched your hands tightly, looking down at the ground. You knew the women before you could see that telling you would cause this, but it was something that needed to be said. She knew that.

"Why now?" You whispered. Your eyes trailed off to the side. You told yourself to bite back your tongue but it was too late to stop the words from spewing out. "You know dad always said he would atone for his actions, but we all know how that turned out! Right?" You said looking back up at her.

You knew it was a bad idea to bring up the past from the start. The expression on your mother's face only screamed at your stupidity more than you ever could. You had regretted ever saying anything, looking at the pained expression on her face.

"Not everyone is like your father." You opened your mouth to counter her claim but quickly closed it right after.

You would only make things worse.

"I washed some strawberries for you." She turned her head back to the TV as the heroes came back on screen. "I left them on the kitchen counter."

You knew that was her way of changing the sensitive topic. You nodded, even though you knew she wouldn't see it and made your way to the kitchen with the soft carpet under your feet which quickly came into contact with the cold marbled floor.

You have seen the said fruit resting on the counter as she said. It was filled to the brim in a glass bowl. Seeing them, made your bottom lip slightly tremble.

You never meant to be so harsh on your mother back there. She had done so much for you, even in the absence of a father figure. You could hold everything else back but, this one specific topic had always gotten the best of you.

The regret felt suffocating as your hand reached out, grabbing the bowl of the red fruit. They were perfectly ripe, picked by someone who had cared about the flavor. Your mom always made sure to only get the best fruit for her youngest.

You let out a sigh and turned on your feet to make your way back to your seat on the couch but, as your feet hit the carpet once again you stopped just behind the couch. You could tell she didn't hear you because of the carpet she had in the living room. Plus, her focus, stayed on the television.

Should you apologize now or would it be best to wait until after the Billboard Charts?

You didn't know how long it would be until it came to the end. It seemed they were barely getting to Edgeshot as he went on about some sappy words to move the audience. You had no idea why he was speaking so calming on the matter. If they were supposed to be doing this because of the retirement of All Might like your mother said, then shouldn't it be different than previous charts?

"I believe that fostering peace is the essence of heroism!-"

"Who cares about any of that?"

The whole audience had gone silent at the interruption and you were sure every other person watching had done the same because the shock on your face from the sudden comment was certainly unexpected.

All the cameras had focused on a certain man. The one who had looked like he didn't want to be there but, judging from what just happened. It looked like he had bigger plans than expected.

"Damn, that was ballsy!!" The rabbit hero exclaimed through the silence.

Indeed, it WAS ballsy.

"...as usual, you enjoy throwing everyone in a loop, don't you?" Edgeshot mumbled, but the camera sure as hell heard it from the silence amongst the crowd.

"Hey, I'm just bad at keeping it in." The bird hero snatched the microphone away, disregarding the shock on the announcer's face from his actions as he turned himself to the audience. "Let's see.." The crimson wings on his back spread out and you would be lying if you didn't think they were beautiful.

Your attention was fully focused on the hero. The bowl of fruit completely forgotten in your hands. "If we're going just by approval ratings," he wasted no time in flapping his wings as he starting hovering above the stage, trying to get more attention on himself. "Best Jeanist- San would be 1st due to the extra boost of support during his recovery. I would be 2nd, Edgeshot would be 3rd, Endeavor would be 4th and so on." The camera aimed at him perfectly and he looked like an angel that had descended from the heavens. He sure got the attention he wanted. "I think approval ratings are the most important metric right now. Is this the time to be clinging to the past? Is it still okay to uphold the status quo? We no longer have a symbol." A smile was plastered on his face as his golden orbs rested down at everyone below him. "Why are people who can't even earn a higher rank than me... being so tamed and subdued on a day that's supposedly deemed a 'turning point'?! Please, speak more like REAL heroes."

He was right and you were sure everyone had seen that. You had to admit, you were quite pleased he had spoken up and said something. If he hadn't, you doubt anyone else would've said something on the matter. You didn't feel the small smile that had formed on your face and neither did you see your mother looking at you.

"Someone spotted some eye candy."

You jumped by the sudden voice and almost dropped the bowl that held the strawberries as your features practically matched their color. Your heart had increased in beating and you struggled to balance the bowl on your hands, but when you did your head darted towards your mother.

"Not funny!" You shouted towards her causing her to let out a fit of chuckles. "I was just glad he said something relevant to the situation we're in!" You proclaimed. Your face still coated in bright red.

"The look on your face tells me otherwise." You sighed at your mother's antics and looked back at the TV. You knew your mom wasn't going to believe you so, what was the use in trying?

It seemed Hawks had fallen to Endeavor as he held the mic out towards the new No. 1. You hoped you didn't miss anything due to your scene not too long ago.

You had no idea how the flame hero would follow up after the whole speech the No. 2 had given. By the looks of it, he was going to try anyway as he grabbed the microphone. The two only looked at each other for a split second until Endeavor looked back out at the crowd. He looked like he was containing his anger.

"Apart from what that novice just tried to stir up... there is not much to say." He clenched his fist and looked out at the other heroes before him.

"Just watch me."

What followed soon after that was a series of claps, but not from the crowd... Hawks. Soon after that, the TV had gone black. Your mom had turned it off.

"That was something." She said and got up from her spot on the couch, grabbing her keys on the table next to it. "Make sure to finish those strawberries."

"Where are you going?" She was already going and yet here you were to visit her for the time being.

"My boss had called me before you got here. He said I needed to come in." It followed with a sigh until the corners of her mouth lifted. "But I wanted to see the Hero Charts so I figured he could wait."

"What an amazing manager." You rolled your eyes. Your mother always had a thing for being late and you never understood how she ever got fired. It wasn't that she didn't like work, quite the opposite in fact. She probably made up for the lateness with how much she did for her boss. If anything she kept his business from falling apart.

"I know right." She laughed as she opened the door out of her house. "Give me a favor." You saw her look back at you with a pleading look in her (e/c) eyes before she had even mentioned this so-called favor.

You gave her a blank stare. "What is it?" You loved her but sometimes she got on your nerves quite a bit.

"Go visit your grandma for me. I had to get her groceries but, I can't do that now. She's also been asking for you... maybe you can stay the night?" Before you could answer she made her way out the door, interrupting you. "Thank you, love you, bye!" She had shut the door behind her leaving you in an empty house, holding the long-forgotten strawberries.

"Just great." You huffed out and put a strawberry in your mouth. "I came here to see her and now she's sending me to Fukuoka." You mumbled with a mouth full of strawberry. "I couldn't even apologize.."



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