Love at first sight? (Slow Up...

By lovetowrite12340

6.4K 248 53

Elsa Winters is a new actress to the world. She starred in her first movie Frozen. She's excited for what her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapted 21

322 10 3
By lovetowrite12340

~Same Night~

Elsa's POV:

Well... as much as I wanted to start on sides for the dinner, our son had other plans.

"Elsa! Alan is crying," Anna said.

"Okay, I'll be right there," I said. I put my apron back on the little hook we have in the kitchen. I walked out of the kitchen and towards Anna. She had reappeared from wherever she was and came to pick him up. After being with him for maybe five minutes he began his crying.

"What is wrong my baby?" I asked knowing I won't get a reply. He only cried still.

"What were you doing in the kitchen dear?" Mother asked.

"I was going to start on sides while Jack started on the burgers and hotdogs," I said rocking Alan trying to get him to calm down.

"Oh... well I'm sure your father and I can help with that, and possibly Anna," she said. I smiled.

"That would really be helpful. But you really don't need to. I'm sure Alan's just tired," I said not wanting my guests to make their own food.

"Darling, it's the least we can do. You have a little one to look after now. Let us help you tonight," mother said. I sighed but nodded.

"Wait what? I have to help make the sides? But I don't even know how to cook," Anna said.

"That's why I'm here," mother said. Anna pouted but nodded. Mother chuckled.

Alan's cries weren't as bad because I was rocking him side to side the entire time talking to my mother.

I walked to his room seeing that everything seemed to be under control in the kitchen.

Once I arrived in his room. I checked if he pooped in his diaper. Nope. No poop and no pee.

I started to hum to try and calm him down more. Maybe he just wants attention... but he was getting attention from my parents and Anna?

"Are you hungry?" I asked. I tried feeding him but he was not wanting to eat. So... I decided to keep walking around the room rocking him side by side.

I kept humming the song mother used to sing to Anna and I. He slowly started to fall asleep. I didn't put him down until I knew he was asleep.

So I waited about fifteen minutes. I put him in his crib carefully and covered him up in his blankets.

I turned on the baby monitor. There's a camera in his room to let me know how he's doing periodically. I have it connected to my phone and Jack's.

I carefully and quietly closed the door from behind me then walked back towards the living room and kitchen.

"Elsie!" Someone exclaimed. I looked to see Sophie smiling at me. I smiled back at her.

"Hello Sophie! How are you?" I asked as I hugged her. I had bent down to her level too.

"I'm good. How are you Elsie?" She asked.

"I'm doing just fine sweetie. When did you get here?" I asked.

"Um... I think like twenty minutes ago," she thought with her hand under her chin in thought. I chuckled lightly.

"Okay. Did you want to help me in the kitchen?" I asked.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" She asked.

"Probably help make food. Did you want to help us?" I asked.

"Um... I don't know what I'd be doing though," she said.

"I can find something for you to do but only if you want to help. You don't have to help sweetie," I said. I stroked her hair behind her ear, so I could see her cute green eyes.

"I don't wanna help," she said looking down.

I only smiled, "it's okay sweetie. You don't have to," I said and kissed her cheek then got up. She smiled at me then walked off to sit on the sofa with her siblings.

"So what have you guys started on so far?" I asked.

"We have a veggie plate out already for everyone to eat. Next we are working on some pasta," mother said.

"Anything I can do?" I asked.

"Oh no dear. You must not fret. We have it all taken care of here. You go take a rest," Mrs. Frost said.

"But you're my guests, I should be doing things for you-," I was cut off.

"Oh no, darling. You've given us a grand baby. Let us do this for you," mother said. I sighed.

"Okay," I said and walked towards the patio to see Jack making burgers and hotdogs.

My father and Jack's were having a conversation. Emma and Jamie were on their phones. Sophie just sat between them taking turns from looking between the twos phones.

I opened the door and walked out to see Jack with his radio on. I shut the door after I went outside. He looked up and saw me. He smiled.

"Hey," He said.

"Hey," I said back and walked towards him. He wrapped his arms around my waist giving me a small embrace. My arms wrapped around his neck.

"Where's our boy?" He asked.

"He's asleep. I just put him down for a nap. If he starts to fuss our phones should be going off," I said and kissed his cheek and pulled away slightly.

"Oh okay. What's everyone doing?" He asked.

"Our Mothers and Anna have decided to make the sides. Alan started crying before I could even start so my mother took over for me. Then your parents and siblings came about twenty minutes ago. They told me I should rest and let them do the work since they have a grandson now," I said.

"The perks of having a kid, our parents will do whatever work there is for us," he said smirking. I smacked him playfully.

"Oh please," I said laughing.

"So... mamma huh?"

"Hmm... dada?" I said trying to mimic him.

"I just can't believe that we are parents now," he said.

"And we are getting married soon," I added.

"I love you so much," he said and kissed my head.

"Thank you," he added.

"I love you more and thank you sir," I said chuckling as he pouted at the "I love you more" part.

"I've gotta check the burgers and hotdogs. Hang on," he said and broke fully from the embrace. His hand still held mine though.

"Anything you need me to do?" I asked. After he finished whatever he was doing he kissed my hand and looked at me.

"Just stand there and look pretty," he said. I raised a brow at him. Really?

"I'm just kidding but there's nothing that I can think of... um... maybe a bowl so I can put the food in it when it's done. That way we can just bring it inside," he said. I nodded and walked inside.

"Elsie!" I looked to see Sophie grinning at me. I smiled.

"Hey sweetie. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing. Jamie and Emma are just playing on their phones and I don't know what to do," she said crossing her arms.

"Hmm... you want to play a game outside on the balcony with me?" I asked.

"What game?" She asked.

"I was thinking Go Fish?" I asked. Her eyes seemed to brighten after hearing those words.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"I'm going to get a bowl for Jack first then I'll get the game okay?" I asked.

"I can bring him the bowl," she said. I nodded.

I went to the kitchen and saw our moms and Anna still making some sides.

"How's the sides going?" I asked.

"Great! We are almost done with them," Anna said.

"Awesome. I just need to get a bowl for Jack," I said. I got a bowl, thankfully I wasn't in the way of anyone.

"Here Sophie, just bring that to Jack and I will grab the game," I said. She nodded and ran to the balcony.

I walked to our bedroom and grabbed the game from under our bed. I walked out then decided to check on Alan real quick. I walked in and he was still sleeping. I walked back out then towards the balcony.

"Elsie! Do you have the game?" Sophie asked. I chuckled nodding my head.

"Yes sweetie. Jack did you want to play?" I asked.

"No, I'm alright. Besides I will watch you two to make sure there is no cheating," he said teasingly.

"Heeeeyyyyy!" Sophie whined. "I won't cheat!" Sophie said.

"I'm not talking about you Sophie," Jack said and made a hand motion towards me. I scoffed.

"Really Jack? You're the cheater whenever we are playing games," I said arms crossed pouting.

"It's okay Elsie. I believe you," Sophie said.

"Thank you sweetie! How about we just ignore Jack's comments hmm..." she grinned and nodded. Then Jack pouted.

I sat at the table, Sophie closer to the door and me closer to Jack.

We began to play the game. I won a little bit but lost mainly because I didn't like seeing Sophie sad.

My phone started to vibrate. I took my phone out of my jeans back pocket. Alan is fussing in his crib. It's been about an hour or so since I last checked on him.

"As much as I would love to continue playing Go Fish with you but I have to go check on Alan," I said. "Maybe Jack will play with you," I said getting up.

"Wait, Elsie! Can't I go with you? I promise I'll be quiet and good," she begged. I looked at Jack and he shrugged smiling.

"Okay, but be really quiet when we get there. I want to see if he can sleep a little bit more," I said.

She did small movements over her mouth as if zipping her mouth up and throwing away the key.

"Let's go then," I said and held my hand out for her to grab which she quickly did.

"We will be back," I said to Jack.

"Alright, everything's practically done anyway. Just go to the kitchen," he said smiling at me. I nodded.

I opened the door for Sophie and I, then closed it behind us. We walked down the hallway and into Alan's room. There he was in his crib crying his head off for some reason.

I let go of Sophie's hand and took Alan into my arms, carefully picking him up.

"What's wrong baby boy?" I asked. Obviously no reply but I just started rocking him back and forth again. He started to calm down again.

He wasn't crying so much anymore. He was really just looking at me.

"Is this all you wanted my little man? Attention?" I smiled down at him.

"Elsie?" Sophie whispered patting my leg.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked.

"Can I see him?" She asked. I nodded, I walked towards the chair in the room and sat down. She had followed me over and was looking down at him.

"He's so small Elsie," she said.

"Well, he's a baby. Did you know you used to be one of these?" I asked.

"I was?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yes, and so was Jack, Emma, Jamie, and Anna. All of us. We just grew up," I said.

"Wow," She said. We just looked at little Alan as he was looking at us.

"Can I hold him?" She asked.

"Um... maybe a little later sweetie. You are a bit small to hold him on your own. Maybe when we are on the sofa in the living room later okay?" She only nodded.

"I don't think he's going to be falling asleep any time soon. Do you want to go back out there?" I asked.

"Yeah lets go!" She said as she opened the door for us.

"Thank you," I said. She grinned and shut the door behind her.

"Aww... look who decided to wake up," Anna exclaimed seeing Alan in my arms.

"I thought he would have slept longer but I guess it's alright if he's up right now. Hopefully he will sleep later though," I said. Mother laughed with Jack's mom.

"Oh darling, he will keep you awake at night no matter how much sleep he gets," mother said chuckling.

I sighed, "I know, I read the books you gave me mother."

"But it's all going to be worth it," I heard from behind me. And there comes Jack. He walks up behind me, wraps his arms around me, and looks at Alan.

"Hey bud," he said softly looking at him.

"By the way the food is ready," Jack said.

"Finally, I'm starving," Jamie exclaimed.

"Hey, you can't rush art," Jack said. I rolled my eyes.
Him and his Disney Quotes. My big dork.

Soon enough everyone was eating. I waited to eat, even though Jack offered to feed me but I shook my head. I gave Alan to Jack after Jack finished eating. Then I ate. I could see from the corner of my eye Sophie wanting to hold him.

I'm just nervous she might accidentally drop him but I don't think she will as long as Jack watches her.

"Elsie?" She said. I looked at her and saw her holding Alan. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. Jack was right next to her making sure nothing bad happens. Our mothers and Anna were sitting at the table with me. Jamie, Emma, my father, and Jack's were sitting at the barstool.

"So... Elsa, how will work be like now that you have a baby?" Mother asked.

"Um... I think that for two months or so I will not be going to work. I'll be on leave. Anna is going to keep me updated with everything plus the directors as well," I said.

"Oh, only two months? Dear, wouldn't you want to stay on leave a little longer?" Jack's mother asked. I shook my head no.

"No, I think that hopefully two months should be fine if not I'll stay home if I need to," I said.

After I finished eating, I grabbed everyone's plates and put them in the sink. I was about to start cleaning until I heard a cry.

I looked up to see Jack holding Alan, trying to get him to stop crying. He was rocking him back and forth but to no avail. He was still crying.

I washed my hands and dried them, then walked over to my boys.

"Why is he crying?" I asked.

"I don't know, I picked him up from Sophie since she didn't want to hold him anymore. I held him for about five minutes then boom the waterfalls began," Jack explained.

"Hmm... let me check him," I said as Jack carefully put him into my arms. I took Alan to his bedroom and changed his diaper. He did go this time but he was still crying. Jack has followed me into the room.

"He's still crying... why?" Jack asked.

"I don't know Jack," I tried rocking him back and forth like Jack did. Still crying. Maybe he's hungry now?

"Are you hungry?" I asked. I brought my shirt down and bra. He instantly latched on this time.

"I guess that's a yes," Jack said chuckling. I smiled at him.

"I'm going to lay on our bed while feeding him. My feet hurt today and I'm not sure why," I said and grabbed a small towel for his spit up and a small blanket to cover myself in case I ran into anybody in the hallway. I covered myself then looked at Jack.

"Can you open the doors for me?" I asked.

"You don't even have to ask," he said and held the first door open for me then our door after he shut Alan's door.

I laid down on our bed carefully because I don't want to make my baby cry. I laid down on my side. My head resting on my hand that's propped up. Alan was laying on the bed close to me as he was still eating. I still had the cover over me. Anybody could walk in and I rather not people see me.

"Did you want me to stay in here?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No you don't have to," I said, "Just no children or men in here. You're the only exception because you helped make this little one," I continued. He nodded his head.

"Okay, I'll just let them know you're feeding Alan and no kids or men should come in here," he said.

I chuckled, "You don't need to tell them they can't come in here. Men usually know not to come in here and I'm sure my mother and yours will tell the kids to stay out," I said.

"Does Anna count as a child?" He asked.

"You're lucky I can't smack you right now. Anna is literally going to be twenty one years old soon. She's an adult you know," I said.

"I was only kidding snowflake," he said.

"Uh huh," I said rolling my eyes at him. I knew he was kidding but he doesn't need to know that.

"Hey! Are you mad at me?" He asked. I didn't answer.

"No! Not the silent treatment. Please, no," he said. I didn't say anything. He walked closer to me then kissed me.

When we pulled away we looked at each other.

"I was only kidding," he whispered our lips brushing.

"I know," I smirked.

"Wait you knew and you still gave me the silent treatment?" He asked. I chuckled nodding. He pouted.

"Jack?" Nothing.

"Jack?" Still nothing. I guess it's my turn. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Well, fine. I guess I'll just talk to Alan while you're being mean," I said.

I looked at Alan from under the blanket. He was just eating. Eyes closed but he seemed so content.

"Hey baby, daddy's being mean to mommy so I'm talking to you. I want you to be familiar with my voice, that way when the time comes your first word is mommy," I said.

"What? No way! It's going to be daddy!" Jack exclaimed getting closer to us. I chuckled at him. He saw me laugh then nervously laughed his cheeks turning pink in embarrassment.

"Shhh... Jack. He seems to be falling back to sleep," I said. Jack sighed then laid down beside us carefully.

"He's just so precious," I said. Jack smiled and lightly kissed my head then got up.

"I'm going out there and talk with the family. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it," he said. I chuckled at him and blew him a kiss which he caught. I giggled again. My goof.

Alan stopped eating after awhile so I picked him up and put him in his little crib in our room. I thought about going back out there to talk with the family too but then exhaustion took over me so I decided to get some shut eye.

My life is perfect. In the next few weeks, I won't be Elsa Winters anymore. I'll be Elsa Frost. And I can hardly wait.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A/n: yay! Another update!! School is back in session for me. Well online session I should say. I'm hoping that I will still be able to update as much as I can. I also hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time. (I don't own any pictures unless I mention something about it. The rights go to the owners).
Anyway don't forget to:

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