I Don't Bite, Mostly

By whxrefxrcv

7.3K 139 53

Searra and her twin brother were abandoned as children. When they get found and captured will it be for bette... More



1.5K 35 10
By whxrefxrcv

Searra's POV

The bus ride was weird. I learned a lot. Like how Addison had seen werewolves while in the woods. Sage and I had never came across werewolves and we've lived there for years. We also learned that zombies live in a different part of seabrook, like their own town. And that'll be where Sage and I are gonna be living.

"Hey Searra! So I was thinking..if you don't mind, maybe you could stay with me, and Sage can stay with Zed. That way you've got another girl around other than just Zoey. But obviously you have some time to think. I'd still have to ask anyway. On a completely unrelated note, would you like to join the cheer squad? I can get you on it." Addison rambled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I just smiled and nodded. She gasped in excitement and hugged me.

I giggled a little. Addison is making me feel so welcomed. I didn't think I'd ever feel happy again. Sage has already became Bestfriends with Zed and Bonzo. I think they're even teaching him a little bit of the zombies language.

•Short Time Skip•

As soon as we got off the bus, all of seabrook was brought to a meeting. Word got out about the werewolves and now all anti-monster rules are back in place. Which means ZombieTown is on lockdown. They all still get to go to school but they can't go to prawn. Zed was going on and on about it on the bus.


"I mean, the whole reason the bus crashed into the woods was because I was trying to ask her to prawn." He said looking upset.

"You know, you're a great listener Searra!" He added.

"T-thanks!" I said, Zed's mouth widened in excitement. He was so excited that I talked to him. He's glad I trust him.

*Flashback Over*

Zed got the okay from his dad to let Sage and I stay there and then the council started pushing everyone out. Zombies ran to zombietown and humans ran back to their houses. Sage and I followed Zed, Eliza, And Bonzo back to zombietown. Once we got there I looked around amazed. It was beautiful. But what would I know? I haven't seen a house in years.

"Zoey, Searra, come inside." Zeds dad called us in. Zoey hung up her drawing of a werewolf and was talking to one of seabrooks workers.

"What big eyes you have." Zoey said. I looked at him curiously. He hadn't seemed to notice me.

"Guys! Come on." Zed came out grabbing Zoey and I. I couldn't stop thinking about how suspicious that worker was. Like he wasn't really a worker.

When Zed let go of me I immediately ran back outside. I saw the "worker" walking into seabrook. And I followed far behind him. Since I look human they let me out of zombietown. I just continued following the guy. He looked back a few times, each time I hid. I couldn't be caught. But since he kept making sure no one was following him, he was definitely hiding something. I finally noticed my surroundings and realized he was going into the forest. He couldn't possibly be a wo- I should turn around. I went to turn around but it was like my body was telling me to keep following, so I did.

I started hearing voices. I climbed in a tree nearby so I could hear and see what's going on.

"He's back, Wolves!" A girls voice said. I knew it!! The guy I followed started taking of his worker outfit. He had pointy ears. And markings all over his body. Someone opened a box for him. It looked like a necklace with a stone on it. He put it on. Then someone drew to lines on his face. He turned toward the girl and his fangs came out, his eyes glowed yellow, his necklace glowed too, and he growled. I finally saw his face. He was quite handsome actually. I couldn't help but blush at the thought. I think I just developed a crush. But how is that possible if I have no clue who he is. I was pushed out of my thoughts by more talking.

"What did you find out?" The girl asked.

"They saw you howling Willa." He responded.

"So?" She said.

"We're exposed." He stated kinda angrily, showing the picture Zoey had drawn to the girl. She laughed.

"Looks nothing like us, Wyatt. We have way better hair than that. Stop being such a worry wolf brother! I only said AWOOOOO it's like saying Chou or aloha or ill rip your throat out. Anyway, who cares what they think? It's a terrible town." She explained. Hm, his name is Wyatt, cute.

"We HAVE to find the great alpha-"

"If there even is a great alpha-"

"Willa! We saw her in the forest! She had the white hair!" White hair? Are they talking about me? Or Addison? She did say she saw a werewolf howling. Willa must be the one she saw.

"Probably just the light!"

"She's real. And she's going to lead us to the moonstone. And you know we don't have much time, more and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moonstone." Wyatt stated sternly.

"And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another one hundred years." Another wolf cut in.

"Ok, even if the girl is the great alpha, how do we find her?" Willa asked. Wyatt held something up. It looked like the patch that ripped off Addisons jacket.

"I found this in the woods, it's hers." He explained.

"We'll track her down with our keen sense of smell." The same wolf that cut in earlier says.

"Says seabrook high on it. So I thought we'd just look there." He stated. Will sighs annoyed.

"Ok fine. We find the girl, and if she's the great alpha, she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden." Willa said.

"We'll go in the morning!" Wyatt yells to all the wolves.

"We go tonight!" Willa says instead.

"Or tonight works." Wyatt said annoyed. Everyone howled. They started walking in a large group out the forest. Singing a song. It's very catchy might I add. Not the point.

I don't follow them into the school, scared I'd be caught. But see them go into a vent. I run back to zombietown and see sage sitting on the steps looking terrified.

I'm in for a talking to...

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