𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐄 |short story (Mj)βœ”οΈŽ

By sellibeau

18.1K 651 5.3K

|won best short story 2020| Michael is the CEO of a successful business organization who earns millions annua... More

1| One Time
2| Rings
7|Sweet Wine
10| Arias Co.-the end


1.1K 48 446
By sellibeau

Iᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ, ʜᴍ?

A/n: {lemme tell y'all now, you'll either love or hate Geneva in this book. She isn't your average main character..}


       My smile was malicious as my eyes landed on my face which was on the cover on the New York Times magazine. My article was the first one listed and would be the first thing you'll see once you visit the site. I was both satisfied and pleased.

I sipped my black coffee before scrunching up my face . "Destiny!" I called her and she immediately scrambled into my office holding a stack of papers—usually—as she kicked the door closed with her heel

"Yes, sir?" She asked, placing the papers down in front of me.

"My coffee is black."

She looked into my cup and nodded slowly. "I-I can see that sir-"

"I thought I told you I wanted cream."

She furrowed her brows and brought out her phone. "B-but sir you texted me black coffee. See-" she attempted to show me my texted evidence but I didn't even look at it, shooing it away.

"Well now I want cream."

"Y-yes sir!" She said and picked up my coffee, almost spilling some onto my ebony desk. She turned towards the door but abruptly stopped once someone else came barging in-

Destiny damn near bumped into Janet as she furiously swung the door opened and glared at me from the doorway. "Oops!" Destiny nearly shrieked. "I'm sorry Jan-"

"Tell me why the fuck I'm seeing your picture on the cover." She demanded. I glanced at Destiny who cowered in the doorway still holding my coffee-

I sent Destiny to copy some ideas from Janet a few days ago and ever since then, we've been seeing some progress. I don't see a problem.

"Janet I'm not sure who let you in the building but whoever did is fired." I sighed nonchalantly and stood up from my seat and spun it around before slowly walking towards the door. She blocked my way and crossed her arms.

"I know you and your stupid corporation did something sneaky to steal my shine-" she paused and glanced at Destiny who looked suspicious as fuck as to what's going on.

"You stole some ideas didn't you? From my building?" She asked with her eyes squinted. I cocked a brow at my sister and looked at Destiny for a second. "No, I didn't." I simply said

"You probably sent your poor assistant to do it for you since you're too lazy and pussy to do it yourself." She insulted.

Her insults brushed passed me as I stood there with a smug look. I dusted off my black suit with no care in the world. "Janet your spit from your rant is getting on my clothing. I suggest you get out."

She laughed at my statement. "Oh shut the fuck up I know what you're doing and honestly it's a little petty." She continued. I rolled my eyes and looked at Destiny to at least have my back for something I clearly did

"Janet's wrong. Isn't she, Destiny?" I asked her. My eyes cut into her's with so much passion that she began to get nervous-

"Um...w-well..I..." she stopped talking and hurried out the room down the hall.

Such help

"Ha," Janet sarcastically laughed and followed me out the room as I planned to get myself a snack at the snack table. "you did steal ideas from me. You're pathetic you know that big bro?" She asked, elbowing me with a smug smile.

I side eyed her, wondering why the fuck she's touching me when I'm wearing something that probably costs more than her whole building. "Are you done Janet?"

"That cover should've been mine." She said into my ear, following me down every corner and turn. "Mine, mine, mine!"

"Mmh." I casually said once we made it to the refreshments table. I grabbed a napkin as she lightly slapped everything I picked up. "Janet I'll call security."

"I should've done that to your ass!" She pointed out. "How dare you force that poor Destiny girl to do your dirty work?" She pouted at me. "Such a shame you're too dumb to think of your own ideas to blossom up your company or whatever."

I jerked my head back at her. "Who said I needed help?" I scoffed. "I could think of my own ideas."

"Oh and that interview with Hilary proved it? You told her to "get the fuck out" all because she said I was above you." She smiled cockily. "Is somebody jealous?" She swooned

"Janet I swear if you don't leave my building within the next 2.5 milliseconds I'll have you arrested."

Right when I said that, we heard heels clicking behind us and laughter down the hall. I could recognize those voices from almost everywhere. Linda has a type of voice that was as fierce as a cat but had a laugh as bad as a hyena.

They came around the corner and the first person I saw among the 3 of them was Geneva. She was alongside Linda and Rocky and they looked as if they're not supposed to be working at their desks instead of fooling around. I take things very seriously

Geneva looked at me but her expression had that same annoying ass unbothered expression on it. The other two scratched the back of their necks awkwardly, knowing this isn't a break time.

"Mr. Jackson..." Rocky nervously said with a sheepish laugh. "...didn't expect to see you here.."

"It's my building, Rocky." I said. Janet was quiet as we all looked at each other like foreigners

"Yeah...we weren't takin' a break...I swear.." Linda muttered before her and Rocky hurried down the hallway, back to their spots. Geneva didn't move though.

She grinned at me and proceeded to grab a napkin from the table and place some cookies into it. I stared deeply at her as she did so. She wasn't the least bit intimidated by her actions. "Good afternoon Mr. Jackson." Her soft voice said. "Hope all is well." She added

I cleared my throat and looked around a bit, completely ignoring my sister's existence. "It is." I answered. She nodded her head. "That's good."

Something about her rubbed me the wrong way today. Her buttoned shirt was 3 buttons too low and I know she did it just to spite me. "Shouldn't you get to work?" I asked her

Her grin widened at me. "I'm just getting a quick snack, Mr. Jackson." She spoke. Her voice was always smooth and almost seductive every time she speaks to me. "I can't do that?"

"No, you can't." I shrugged

She laughed lightly and filled her styrofoam cup with unsweetened lemonade, grabbing a packet of sugar in the process as she placed her napkin of cookies on the side. "I just wanted something sweet and something to satisfy me real quick." She said

I glared at her as she turned back to grin at me again. Her words sounded innocent but I knew exactly what she meant. "Is that so bad Mr. Jackson?" She pouted at me.

"Just get your shit and get back to work, Ms. Arias." I said and she nodded her head with another grin. "Yes sir." She saluted at me before grabbing her stuff and disappearing down the hallway. I saw her sneak a look at me before I turned back around and acknowledged my sister again who stood beside me the whole time

Janet then suddenly laughed and clapped her hands together, making it echo down the halls. "Oh it is too obvious you're fucking that girl!" She said rather loudly and I had to shush her extra loud to get her to shut the fuck up.

"What happened to sugar coating things like goddamn. The way she was talking? Shit, you're in for a treat." She shoved me on the shoulder as I rolled my eyes once more and began to count to 5, making her hurry away from me and walk out the building

"I'll get you back!" She called back before completely disappearing out my building.

I mean sure I might've stole a few ideas to get back on my feet regarding my corporation but I've been distracted. I needed a boost. That's how business works.

My interview the other day with Hilary—the woman who interviewed me and embarrassed me on camera about my sister being higher than me in the game right now—was a disaster as it was already being talked about on TMZ and Instagram news pages like TheShadeRoom and all that shit.

Didn't mean to have a "divo freak out" but it happened. I was angry at the thought of my sister being more successful. I had to end that interview before I was embarrassed a second time. It was for the best.

I walked down the hall with my snacks and met Destiny in my office, placing the new cup of coffee with creamer this time onto my desk. She folded her hands behind her back with a sheepish smile. "Uh I r-replaced your c-coffee sir. Hope you l-like it."

I don't know why she's always stuttering like this.

"I appreciate it Destiny." I said, taking a sip of it as I sat back down. "You can go now." I shooed her away

She lingered for a moment. "Uh...you have a few missed voicemails from your wife sir." She said, glancing at my black telephone placed in the corner of my desk. I usually have her answer my calls but she always refuses to answer my wife's. I don't blame her.

I rolled my eyes just at the sound of that. "I told her to stop calling my workplace." I muttered, searching around for my cellphone which was buried beneath some papers. I glanced at the screen and saw 6 missed calls from Naomi. Shit.

"Alright." I sighed before Destiny finally left the room. I didn't have the energy to fight with my wife today and frankly—I never do.

I feel bad, yes, that I've been unfaithful but sometimes actions speak louder than words. I don't want to divorce her abruptly so I'm giving it time. Simple.


The day was pretty much over. I still had some people working at my building but I was ready to go home and relax. It's been a long day. Avoiding Geneva is harder than I thought but it's something I'm gonna have to keep doing.

My phone kept going off over and over as I closed the front door and kicked off my shoes by it. I wasn't planning on getting back to Naomi anytime soon. All I wanted was a drink.

I changed into my black robe that nearly costed me almost as much as this house. I didn't bother to put clothes underneath so I was basically in my birthday suit.

I held a glass cup of white wine in my hand and walked down the stairs briskly planning to go watch TV for the night but my attention was all up on the news. Hilary, the interviewer that embarrassed me, was talking shit about me in the press.

I can't have her trashing me when I'm just starting to get back on my feet—with the help of Janet's ideas. I cursed to myself and gripped my phone in my hand tightly. The press is gonna fuckin' kill me one of these days.

I had an idea to get her to shut up about me in the media. "Hello?" I said into the phone as I pressed it to my ear. "Hello? Mr. Jackson?" She said on the other end and a smirk grew to my lips. "That's right." I said

She seemed almost speechless talking to me privately on the phone. I'm not one to contact people unless they're really worth it but she's met me in person. No need to be star stricken. "What a surprise." She flatly said.

"I know we had our differences," I started and she made a sound which I ignored. "But I want you to come over and discuss some things. As friends." I easily said. My tone was a little more friendly than my usual one which probably made her suspicious but I could picture her shrugging her shoulders and accepting. "...okay! Tonight?" She asked

I nodded like she could see me. "Yes. Tonight. It won't take long." I said. She agreed and before I knew it, she was at my door after getting through my security.

I opened the door with again—nothing but my robe on—and she eyed me up and down before stepping in as I stepped aside. "Nice place here...Mr. Jackson." She said. Her voice was tight. I knew she held a little hostility since I stormed out of the interview the other day but I've put it behind me. Like get over it.

"White wine?" I offered her as I led her to the kitchen. She sat down at the black granite island and shook her head. "Not really thirsty."

I rolled my eyes and put down the bottle before resting my elbows onto the table in front of her. I cut straight to the chase. "Quit talkin' shit in the media." I said

She let out a small laugh and shook her head. "I knew you didn't call me here to be friendly." She scoffed. "You just want a good name in the press."

I shrugged. "Can't have you talkin' shit. People are starting to believe your lies."

"Lies?" She repeated. "I just said you were a coward the way you stormed out of my interview." She shrugged. "Was I wrong?"

"I'm distracted. I've been distracted lately and now I'm back on my feet."

She crossed her arms. "What's been distracting you?" She inquired

Geneva flashed through my mind instantly but I shook it off. "None of your concern."

"Yeah, I'm leaving." She scoffed before tapping the table and standing up. I had to act fast because I always get my way no matter what. "Just wait," I rolled my eyes

"What?" She asked with an attitude that could kill. My eyes deepened on her's for a moment. "Take the bad article about me down and I'll..." I trailed off, looking up at my ceiling to find my words and I saw her eyebrows knit in the corner of my eye-

"You'll what?" She asked

I looked back at her and got a little quiet. My fingers traced along the tables and I sipped my wine slowly. "I'll do you good favors." I said

She looked confused as ever but my words weren't complex. "I don't understand." She said. I walked around her as she clutched her purse beside her. I crossed my arms and placed my glass onto the dining table. "You know, Hilary.." my voice became a little lower. "Sexual favors." I added

I was closer to her as I said each word and she seemed a bit taken back by my gesture. My seduction must've been working 'cause her face was redder than the red apples that sat in the fruit bowl beside the sink. "This could be between us." I said

My finger stroked her cheek and my grin grew a little as she seemed to retrace her thoughts. "If I take the story down..." she paused and I nodded. "We could go to my bedroom and...mess around, Hilary." I suggested

My fingers traced her jawline. "Huh, beautiful?" I asked and she chuckled flirtatiously at my touch. She was about to open her mouth and possibly say yes but I heard the front door to my house opening and I  fixed my posture and stood straight, peeking in the distance

"Michael!" I heard Naomi's voice call to me. "Where you at?"

I looked back at Hilary as she quickly stood to her feet and grabbed her purse, slumping it over her shoulder. I ran my hand down my face as soon as she entered the kitchen and she paused. "Oh...we have company?" She asked. Her tone wasn't the least bit amused

"Naomi, what are you doing here?" I asked. She scoffed and looked Hilary up and down before speaking. "You haven't been answering my calls. Not a single one. Who's she?" She asked

Hilary raised up her hands to surrender. "I'm just leaving." She said. Naomi crossed her arms and glared at me. "So that's what we're doing? You're cheating on me with hoes now?" She asked. "Who is this bitch?" She asked

"Would you calm down?" I rolled my eyes. "We aren't together."

"But you're fucking."

"No we're not." I clarified, showing Hilary to the door as my wife watched in pure dismay. She was angry for obvious reasons so I don't blame her.

"You better have a good reason why you haven't been answering my calls and havin' other women in the house." She emphasized, following me around the house. I placed the bottle of wine back into the holder and lingered by the island-

"She's the woman who interviewed me, Naomi. I'm sure you've seen her on TV."

"Doesn't matter who she is!" She exclaimed. "What's she doin' here?"

I squinted my eyes. "Why do you care? We're taking a break."

She almost gasped at my words. "You're right. A break. We're still married, idiot."

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." I sighed, walking around her towards the living room where she followed me too. "Why haven't you been answering my calls?"

"I've been busy, Naomi."

"That excuse is gonna dig your ass six feet under if you don't come up with another one." She threatened.

I turned around and faced her finally. "I told you not to be calling my workplace." I shrugged

"Check your damn phone and maybe you'll see that I've been calling it too. It ain't my fault you can't answer a simple call."

"It ain't simple." I shook my head. "I know what you wanna talk about and honestly I'm over it."

Her faced dropped a little and she stopped following me as grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, but kept the volume low. "So you're not interested in fixing this marriage?" She asked. Her voice was laced with a hint of sadness which made me feel a little guilty

I'm already guilty of cheating on her many times so breaking this marriage without telling her would be the best solution for me right now. "Naomi," I sighed. "It isn't that I don't want to."

"Then what?" She asked. "We were so happy when we were getting along. Things happened, but it isn't too late to fix it, Michael."

Part of me wanted to fix this because I love this woman with all my heart, and she's really the only woman I've ever loved. But another part of me didn't want to hurt her by telling her I've been unfaithful. "I know but.." I couldn't even finish my sentence. Pretty soon I'll begin to not make any sense.

"You're saying you don't love me anymore?" She asked. She stepped closer to me. "After all we've been through?"

She was almost close to tears and I know how badly she wants this to work. "We'd only fight, Naomi. Getting married so soon probably wasn't the best idea."

"Then we can start over." She suggested light heartedly. "I don't understand why you're so...cold these days."

Because I've fucked almost every woman I've found attractive to take advantage of our "break"

One woman in particular I keep coming back to..

I awkwardly grabbed ahold of her shoulders and looked her in the eyes as the room got a little more quiet. Usually voices echo due to how big my house is. "Naomi," I started, taking a deep breath through my nose, "you know I love you and I'll always cherish the moments we had together.." I said. She held a small smile before it disappeared, waiting for my next statement-

"But things are just complicated right now." I shrugged. "Y'know? With work."

She didn't seem to buy that as she released herself from my touch and crossed her arms again with a frown. "When we met we were head over heels for each other. Now you seem like you're just done with me. Like you've wiped your hands and your done with me."

"Naomi," I sighed but she continued

"You have to be seeing someone else." She confidently said, looking side to side as if I'm currently hiding women around. "You agreed to fix this marriage, our love, and then here you are havin' second thoughts." She places her hands on her hips. "Who is the women?"

I began to get annoyed. "So you're telling me out of the what the...the 8 months you've been in Sacramento, you haven't met another guy?" I squinted

Naomi is beautiful and I know she could have anyone she fuckin' wants. No way she's been holding it all out for me and me only. Her mouth was wide and she let out a dry laugh. "No I haven't 'cause I remembered I have a husband back home." She raised her voice a little, which made me hear the echoes throughout the house again

"That just tells me you've been seeing other women." She concludes. "And you expected me to do the same or some shit like that."

"I never said that Naomi."

She poked at my chest. "I'm not stupid, Michael. You took our break as a time to mess around with other women?" She was close to tears. Her face was so red with anger.

This is what I wanted to avoid.

I was quiet and I tried to act casual. She looked me up and down and gathered herself before speaking again. "You'll be sorry for embarrassing me like this. After all I've fuckin' done for you." She poked at my chest again and violently grabbed her purse heading towards the door-

She looked back as some tears streamed down her face. "You'll regret doing this to me." She added and left, slamming the door behind her.

I was left standing there looking stupid. I scratched the back of my neck and looked around a bit before sighing. I'm gonna have to fire some security because I'm sure I told them not to allow just anybody to come in.

I didn't have much to say at this moment. The look in her eyes defined rage. Of course, I felt bad—but my business is growing and to be higher up than my sister—than anybody—would be more than a marriage to me right now.

I just need time.

To be the first millionaire in my family is one thing..

But to be the first billionaire..

That's another

And that's somethin' I gotta get my hands on.


The next day...


I left my apartment early and decided to get on Mr. Jackson's good side. He doesn't it like it when I'm late so I might as well do as he pleases and come early—earlier than everyone else.

I called Linda for a ride since she's basically become my work wife and I'm pretty dependent on her vise versa.

Her car was a bright red modern Cadillac convertible and it looked like something straight out of a Katy Perry music video or something. "Is this how early you show up to work everyday?" She asked me and I nodded, glossing up my lips in the my mini mirror from my purse.

I wore a new shinier pair of heels today that complimented my grey pencil skirt along with my black button up. "Mr. Jackson doesn't like it when we're late." I shrugged

She looked forward again and backed out, driving down the streets. "He'll live if we're just a few minutes late." She waved it off. "I don't even know what it feels like to be early."

I laughed lightly before fixing up a few of my buttons. It was one button too revealing. Whoops.

We made it there within 15 more minutes and entered using our specialized cards that we can't lose or else we're not allowed back into the building.

My heels clicked against the floors as Linda and I decided to stop at the snack table before Mr. Jackson could say anything. Rocky, Lucas, and Ysenia were already there and there was once a smile on her face—but it disappeared once she saw me. That made my grin grow wider.

"Y'all already here?" Linda asked, filling her cup with coffee and Rocky shrugged. "I didn't wanna hear Jackson's bitching." He shrugged. "He almost murdered me last time I came in late."

I'm sure he wouldn't do much in my case if I showed up late..

Ysenia was giving me the side eye as I grabbed myself a blueberry muffin as I didn't have the energy to make myself breakfast before I left. Her staring didn't annoy me at all.

"Didn't know Jackson liked to hire snakes." She said looking me up and down and I glanced at her with a grin, placing my napkin down

"You're the one hissing." I replied

Her eyes squinted at mine and she lightly released herself from Lucas' hold—as I'm sure they're still in a their on and off relationship—and sized up to me. "You wanna say that louder?" She asked

"Woah woah woah, lets all act pretty." Linda cut in and pushed us both aside as I just grinned back at her. I wouldn't dare to do anything in my workplace but if we were anywhere else...

"You guys needa get along." Lucas muttered and I shrugged with more words as I grabbed my napkin and told Linda I'll be in the meeting room.

I pushed the door opened and saw Mr. Jackson with his back to me, organizing some papers by the desk I'm the corner of the room. He glanced back at me and inhaled a sharp breath before turning back around

"Good morning, Michael." I smiled, taking my seat. He turned again and cocked a brow. "Why are you always here so early?"

"You said to come early." I shrugged. "You don't recall?"

I lazily waved me off and proceeded to stack a few papers. "So," I started, "how has your week been?" I asked

He felt laughed and shook his head, indicating it probably hasn't been better than mine. "Not the best, Ms. Arias."

My brows knitted. "Why's that?"

His eyes cut over to mine and he turned around and leaned lightly onto the desk. "Because of this, right here." He gestured his finger towards me and himself.

Another grin suddenly formed to my lips and I placed my hand on my cheek and my elbow onto the table, intrigued. "Tell me more, Michael." I said

He exhaled and walked closer to me, "She found out I've been unfaithful." He simply said

"Ohh," I fake pouted, "she found out about us?" I asked

"Not you specifically." He said. "But she knows I mess around so this," he gestured his hand towards me and him again, "needs to stop. I'm not gonna mess around with you anymore. I needa manage my corporation and I need no distractions."

My grin suddenly disappeared once he said he needs to "manage his corporation"

If he gets distracted...

"You sure about that, Mr. Jackson? Are things with you and your wife really over?" I asked

He shrugged. "I don't know about that."

"Oh...that's too bad." I muttered. I sat back in my seat and subtly unbuttoned just a few more buttons before connecting his eyes to mine. "Your wife wouldn't know the least about us." I pointed out

His breath sort of hitched once he saw the fabric of my bra showing before I covered it up as it slipped out...accidentally. "It's...it's over for us Ms. Arias. I've been too distracted." He said. Distraction was my motive anyway.

"Distracted?" I nearly purred. "I think you're just stressed, Mr. Jackson." I said, standing up from my seat. "You need a little break, hm?" I asked

He peered at me from the corner of his eye and stood as still as a statue as my fingers traced along his upper back. "You don't think so?" I asked him. He almost moaned as soon as I made contact with his neck and I was about to slip off his suit jacket before the door opened, revealing Ysenia and Destiny

"Mr. Jackson you have an interview scheduled at- oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" Destiny nearly screamed as I slowly eased away from Michael, wiping my at lips.

Ysenia squinted her eyes at me but I returned her evil glare with a casual expression. "I thought the door was locked." Michael muttered, rolling his eyes high to the ceiling in irritation as Destiny's whimpering continued in the background-

"So this is what happens when nobody's in the meeting room yet huh?" Ysenia asked. Her arms were crossed and her brows were raised with a small smirk on her face. I straightened out my shirt and stood still. "Not sure what you mean." I shrugged nonchalantly. My voice was low.

She laughed lightly. "Oh don't act stupid now, newbie." She smiled deviously. My stare was stronger than her's and it turned into a silent game of it until Michael cleared his throat. "Our meeting doesn't start 'til 30 more minutes. Is there something you need?" He asked

Destiny was still covering her eyes as she spoke. "U-um I was j-just informing you a-about an interview you h-have later this week."

"And you chose now to do so?"

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Jackson please don't fire me!" She cowered and he rolled his eyes at her. "Out." He simply said

"Yes sir!" She squeaked and left the room with speed. Ysenia gave me one last glare before strutting out of the office in her bright red heels.

I looked back at Michael and grinned.

A/n: count how many times I said the word "grin" lmfao

like right now.

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