Comatose (Theo Raeken)

By writinghaley

65.6K 1.3K 237

All Haley wanted was a normal life but being the daughter of two very powerful alphas and her boyfriend being... More

Cast + Sountrack
A New Chapter
In Charge
Month 1
Month 2
Alpha Queen
I'll Miss You
Lives Lost
This Is My Story
Part 2: Updated Cast
After Death
Waiting Game
Baby A and Baby B
The Wedding

The Day Everything Changed

1.2K 22 8
By writinghaley

"You, Mr. Raeken, need bandages ASAP," I say as I help him walk into the operating theatre. I have his arm around my shoulder as I walk to the table. Before reaching the table I lose his grip making both of us fall against a wall.

After trying to figure out a plan I had left with Theo. Scott was okay with it, considering he let me go. Theo had told me to bring him to the theatre when we got into the car so I just drove.

I groan and Theo chuckles and I give him a dirty look. "You know we could've gone back to my apartment where I have actual medical supplies."

"Well I needed to do something here real quick." He says while groaning in pain as I look down at the gash I'm his stomach. It was still bleeding and barely healing. He wouldn't let me take his pain again.

"Get Tracey." He says weakly and I look at him like he's crazy.

"You're joking right? I'm not talking to the queen of the lizards." I state looking at him and a smirk appears on his face. I roll my eyes at him and get up.

"I'm gonna try and find bandages. Don't get up and keep pressure on the cut." I say pointing at him and giving him a stern look.

I had absolutely no idea where to look in this place.

"As you wish princess." He says and smirks at me.

I start to walk around the room, trying to find something to help cover it. I remembered I had a hoodie in the car.

"I'm gonna grab a hoodie out of my car, I'll be right back!" I yell throughout the theatre as I walk out of it. I hurry and run to the car. I got to it and opened up the backseat and saw my favorite hoodie sitting in the seat. Of course it had to be this hoodie.

I groan and pick it up. I lock my car and run back into the tunnels. I walk back into the theatre after a couple minutes of running and see Tracey's body laying on the ground as Theo's claws are covered in blood. Her blood.

"Theo what the hell did you do?" I question while walking inside fully and seeing him standing, fully healed.

"She tried making a move on me, so I killed her." He says, still partly out of breath. I look from his eyes to her dead body. I honestly didn't feel any remorse for her considering I had always hated her.

Deucalion appeared from behind Theo. Theo looked behind him to Deucalion as I did the same thing.

"And then there were none." He states and I roll my eyes at him.


We had followed Deucalion into the tunnels like he told us to. I flopped down on the ground after reaching the end of the ladder. I immediately heard a ringing sound and recognized it as the Argents.

"I know that sound." Deucalion states. And I groan at his voice.

"It's the Argents," I reply back to him and we all come to a stop.

"Drawing the Beast to them. Corralling it. You'll need to be back at full capacity." Deucalion states as he directs his words towards Theo. I see Theo look to the side at an electrical box and smile. He pushes me back behind him as I know what he's about to do.

"Let's find out." He mumbles as he opens the door to the box. He grabs the wires and shoots electricity out of his hands right towards Deucalion, shocking him. I closed my eyes at the sight considering it was way too bright.

As Deucalion fell to the ground I opened my eyes to see the brightness had stopped and Theo was standing there with a huge grin on his face.

"Looks like it worked," Theo says looking down at his hands and I look at him with a look of disbelief.

"What the hell was that for? Even though I hate the guy, I wouldn't go shooting electricity at him." I exclaim moving my hands around.

"You know, Theo, someday your willingness to stab anyone and everyone in the back might turn out to be your downfall." Deucalion states and I nod my head actually agreeing with him for once. Theo just glared at him.

Theo chuckles with a smile on his face. "Don't worry. You can still have Scott's eyes. I'll just be bringing them to you." He states and I glare directly at him. He promised not to hurt anyone in my pack.

"What the fuck? You promised me you wouldn't hurt them, Theo!" I yell as I start to grow pissed off by the second. He doesn't meet my eyes as he continues to look down I can see sadness overcome his face as he hears me upset. I groan and feel my butt pocket buzz indicating I got a message. I grab it out and check it.

Come to the hospital, lydia's hurt. Hurry

I read the text and immediately get a feeling of worry to overcome me. I push it back into my pocket as I see Theo's eyes now on me.

"Theo I swear to god you better not have laid a claw on anyone in that pack," I said before walking off to the end of the tunnel.

"And then there was definitely one." I hear Deucalion say.

"Wait Haley! Baby come back!" I hear Theo yell as I turn the corner. I start running to the car as I get in I turn it on. I put it in drive and start my way to the hospital.


I immediately run up to Lydia's room as fast as possible once I get to the hospital. Scott has texted me saying what room and floor. I see Melissa and Stiles walking down the hallway once I get to her floor and I run faster to catch up with them.

I see Stiles notice me as he sighs a breath of relief. "Jesus Haley finally I was starting to get worried." He says sarcastically and I smile at him.

"No need to worry about me spaz attack," I say putting an arm around him as a joke. Melissa both smile at us as we each, which I'm guessing it's Lydia's room.

She motions for us to be quiet and I nod my head. She opens the door and sees Lydia, lying in the bed with a bandage covering her neck. I see her look at Stiles first and then me. She gives me a weak smile and I go right over to her.

"Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it," Melissa says while walking over to the other side of the bed. I smile back at Lydia as she leans up from the bed.

"It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down." Scott explains and she nods her head. Melissa takes off the cap to the needle and I see Stiles start to get a little squeamish. Lydia brings out her arm, assuming it has to go in the vein. Melissa gives her a look and shakes her head.

"Not there," Melissa says and goes to take off the bandage to her next. She opens up the bandage and Lydia grunts quietly.

"Oh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave." Stiles starts to say. I'm guessing he doesn't do good with blood or needles.

"You're not going anywhere. Hold her hand." Melissa cuts Stiles off and he goes over to Lydia's side and grabs her hand.

"Okay, fine. I'm not leaving, but I still might faint." He says and looks directly at her. Now this is how I know those two are in love. But sadly they both won't admit it.

"Okay. Here we go." Melissa says softly as she prepares to put the needle in Lydia's neck. I suddenly turn around as I see Liam start to get wobbly. Once I look over he immediately drops to the ground.

"Did a werewolf seriously just faint?" I question looking at Scott and he nods his head and slightly smiles. He runs over to Liam to pick him up and I go over and help him.

"Okay, Lydia, this is gonna hurt like a bitch," Melissa says as we pick up Liam. I look over and see Melissa insert the needle into her neck as she whimpers softly. I notice she's squeezing Stiles's hand and I slightly smile.


"Okay. I'll get Malia." Stiles says while running off after we get out of the elevator. I grabbed Lydia's other side and hoisted her up.

"Text me when you find Parrish." Stiles continues anxiously.

"Hold on," Scott says as he gets something out of his coat pocket. It was something wrapped in brown paper. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight and wondered what it was. Stiles grabs it and looks confused.

"What is this?" He asks.

"Something I've been working on for a while. Just make sure Malia gets it." Scott explains.

"It is plan B?" Stiles questioned again. I slightly chuckle at his comment.

"It was plan A," Scott says.

"Plan A never works."

"This one will," Scott says confidently as Stiles runs off. Scott grabs Lydia on her other side as we walk her out of the hospital.


We enter the tunnels and I hear electricity start crackling. Scott had told us the plan in the car and now we're in the tunnels roaming around trying to find Parrish.

"Scott?" I hear Liam whisper.

"You hear that?" He questions.

"I heard that," Lydia said. I immediately figured out what it is. I hurry and dive Lydia and me onto the ground that wasn't wet. I see her turn around and walk right into Theo.

"Sorry, Lydia." He says as I glance quickly at me. I reached for her but I couldn't grasp onto her. He pushes her into the hole in the ground. I hurry and dove down to the edge of it to grab her hand. I caught onto it.

"Lydia hold on!" I yell at her as I can feel her hands start to slip. She starts slightly screaming as I'm grunting trying to keep her up.

"Theo, please don't." I practically beg him as I can feel him in the back of me. I can feel the tears start welling in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby." He says sadly and he bends down and latches his hand onto mine that was keeping Lydia from falling. He starts to pry off my fingers from her hand. I desperately try and not let go.

"Theo, baby please!" I yell as a tear rolls down my cheek. He sighs sadly and pry off my last finger that was barely keeping her up. I tried to stop her from falling but it was too late. She screams as she falls and I can't help but feel responsible. Just like I had felt with Madison.

I get up and look and both Scott and Liam both on the ground still, trying to recover. I hear the Beast roar and I notice Theo smirk.

"Hear that?" That's the sound of real power." Theo says and he wolfs out. He walks towards the sound of the roar. He looks at me before walking away.

"I'm sorry, Hales." He says quietly and somehow I feel like this might be the end of the road for us. I shake my head 'no' at him but he walks away.

I glance at Scott and I walk over to help them. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over and see Deucalion standing there. I stand back as I help up Liam and he helps up Scott. We all nod at each other as I flick out my claws. We walked in the direction Theo went.

After a few turns I look and see Theo lying on the ground. I immediately felt a pang I'd hurt in my chest seeing him like it. After all, he still is my boyfriend. We haven't even been together for a full week and I didn't wanna lose him. He looks up and sees us all standing there. He looks directly at Deucalion first.

"You lie to me." He huffs out, trying to get up or inch closer to Deucalion as he bends down. "You and Scott.."

"That's right, Theo." Deucalion starts to say as he takes off his glasses. "The whole time." I see him blink and then normal looking blue eyes appear. I look at Scott and he nods his head while Theo looks at all of us.

"It would've never worked," Theo says as his jaw is clenched tightly.

"It could've worked. With Balasko's talons." Deucalion concludes. Theo gets a confused look on his face while he looks directly at Scott and then me. In an instant I look and see Deucalion snap his neck.

"No!" I go over to get Deucalion away from him but Scott grabs me. I sigh and look at him fall to the ground as his body starts slightly twitches. I cringe at the sight.

"You broke my neck." I head Theo whimper and I look over to him and bend down next to him. Deucalion stands up and continues looking down at him.

"And good luck with that." He says and I roll my eyes. I had no idea of Scott's plan. But I guess it was a good thing to keep it a secret.

"There's an access grate that leads to the sub-level. I think we can get to Lydia there." Deucalion says and I look up at him and agree.

"What about Mason?" Liam questions anxiously.

"We can still save your friend." Deucalion replies and I smile at his kindness.

"Let's go," Scott says and I peer down to Theo who was in my hands. I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before getting up. I was about to get up until I heard a gunshot and Deucalion fell to the ground.

"This just isn't my day," Deucalion grumbles as he falls. I instantly cover Theo. But then uncover him as I realize who it is.

"This is a surprising alliance, Scott," Gerard says, appearing with Argent to his side.

"You and Deucalion? How long have you been planning this clever little double-cross?" He continues while pointing a gun directly at Scott.

"About as long as he and I have been planning this one," Argent says and throws the cane over to Scott and he catches it.

"What are you doing?" Gerard questions.

"I knew when I brought you back, it would never be about saving lives. Only about immortalizing your own." Chris says as he and his father both pull a gun on each other.

"Scott, go." Chris urges and I pull away from Theo and stand up and go over to Scott.

"Go, now!" Chris yells and we walk the other way towards the Beast and to find Lydia. I turn back for a quick second after hearing a gunshot and hoping it wasn't Chris or Theo.

We run for a little until we finally come to a stop.

"Scott. I'll do it." Liam says looking down at the cane Scott's holding.

"Liam..." Scott starts.

"It should be me. If you get me close enough, I'll do it." Liam tried to convince Scott and I sigh looking at them both. I could see the sadness filled within Liam's eyes and I know what he's going through. Liam reaches for the cane and Scott yanks it away from him.

"We're not killing your best friend," Scott says and I nod my head in agreement.

"That belongs to me." A heavy French accent said. I looked over to the side and saw him. La Bete. He walks closer to us and I can get a clear view of him now.

"It's a family heirloom." He states and I glare at him. "I'd like it back, please." At least he said please.

"It's all yours. Just give us back Mason." Scott says wearily.

"Unfortunately, I would not know where to begin. And while I've benefited from his memories, I don't have much use for an alter ego." He says I look over to Scott and Liam. Scott nods and I flick out my claws. I grow in my fangs and my eyes start to glow.

"You want it? Come get it." Scott snarls and I see Sebastian transform into the Beast.

I first go charging at it and it pushes me to the side. Then the boys both go at it. Scott flings the cane to the side as I head it clatter on the ground. I growl and attack him from the back as I slice his back. He turned around and punched me. I flew back into the pipes, huffing.

I see Scott go for it but the beast knocks him back and I hear him let out a groan. We're all trying to get ourselves up, panting in the process. We all look at each other and nod as we all charge at him. The beast slams its fist into the ground as it sends a wave soaring through the air, making us fly backward.

I groan in pain as I see my shirt ripped with blood coming out of it. I look over and see Sebastian back in human form going after Scott. He picks up Scott by the throat and holds him up.

"You're strong. There's no doubt in that. But neither of you fight with a killer instinct. No, but she does." He says as he glances over to me as Scott tries to free himself.

"You look just like her." He states and I look at him confused.

"Look like who?" I pant out staring directly at him.

"Bella." He says and turns his direction back to Scott. I furrow my eyes in confusion. Who the fuck is Bella?

"Let me show you how to go for the throat." He says and I'm about to attack but I see Liam grab the cane and take it out. Sebastian turns his attention to Liam.

"Liam, wait, we can still save Mason," Scott yells and I go over to Liam.

"Who's going to save you?" He questions.

"What kind of werewolves are you?" Sebastian questions and I can feel Liam getting angrier beside me.

"No!" Scott yells as Liam charges towards them with the cane, about to stab Sebastian. Sebastian reacts quickly and pushes Liam off to the side. I run over to Sebastian and try to let Scott go. He pushes me off to the side just like he had done Liam, I hear a bone crack and I cringe.

I try getting up and helping. I slowly get up but I hear Sebastian start to say something.

"Marie-Jeanne?" He questions and I look at him confusingly. It was his sister. How was he seeing his sister?

I see Scott quickly break free of his grasp and push him away. He moves to the side and I see Lydia and Kira appear from the end of the tunnel.

"Mason," Lydia says in her regular tone. Sebastian turns his gaze to her and Kira and I look at him about to attack. He starts walking towards her.

"I think you're gonna need to try it a little louder," Kira says and I immediately back off knowing what Lydia's about to do. Sebastian transforms into the Beast and goes directly towards Lydia and Kira.

"Mason!" She screams in her banshee tone. The beast starts growling loudly and black mist erupts from around the Beast and we all jolt back a little. Mason appears out of thin air, he stumbles right into Corey's arm who suddenly appeared also.

I smile at the sight. But the black mist started moving through the air. Then Parrish emerges in HellHound form and grabs hold of the Beast.

"Scott!" He yells, indicating to use the cane to kill it. Scott grabs the cane and then throws it across the tunnel, making it stab right into the Beast.

It exploded in Parrish's grasp and we all stared at the sight in amazement. Parrish turns back into himself once the Beast Is fully done. We're all standing there taking deep breaths, processing what just happened.

"Is everyone okay?" Scott questions. And I smile looking around and noticing nothing is wrong.

"Not everyone!" A voice emerges and I look down the other side of the tunnel. My boyfriend, with a very pissed off expression. Electricity surrounded him and I started to walk closer to him.

"Theo stop now!" I yell at him, trying to get him to stop. I feel someone push me out of the way and notice it's Kira. I see Theo about to shoot electricity at her until she uses her sword to stop it. I run back over to Theo's side ignoring the pleas from Scott to just stay back.

"Stop!" I growl at Theo. I look and see Kira's eyes turn a bright orange color as her sword is filled with electricity.

"The Skinwalkers have a message for you, Theo." Kira starts and Theo immediately stops and I grow anxious and worried. I looked between the two and I could feel myself start to shake with paranoia.

"Your sister wants to see you." Kira continues as she bends down and slams her sword into the ground. I see the ground start to break right in half as it goes to reach Theo. I look at him with desperate eyes, terrified to move but also terrified to lose him.

The break in the ground reaches him as I see a girl's body emerge from the hole right before him. I see him look down with anxious eyes as worry and sadness fills onto his face. I look directly at the girl as she creeps up from the ground and looks at her brother.

She immediately grabs his leg and I grab onto him as he almost slips into the hole, getting pulled down by his sister.

"Haley, help me!" He screams and I try my best to not let go. I can feel the tears start pouring down my face as I grip onto his as hard as I could, not caring if I hurt him.

"Theo, baby don't let go. Hold on okay I'll get you out I promise." I plead as I look into his blue eyes filled with tears as he looks straight at me.

"Scott, please help me!" I beg him and he walks over to me but not helping me. Just watching me struggle.

I finally see something click in Theo's eyes. It made me not want to do anything ever again. It was the purple my parents had in their eyes whenever they would wolf out. He had purple in his eyes and I knew right there and then I was losing my boyfriend, best friend, and soulmate.

I guess he could see my eyes start to change colors as well since he smiled lightly, considering the circumstances. He looked at me with his blue eyes once again. The ones I'll never see again.

"I love you, Haley Anderson, don't ever forget it." He says one final time as he lets go of my hand and is taken by the darkness and the ground builds up again like nothing ever happened.

I sit there in silence, not knowing what to do. Sadness overwhelmed my body, just like when Brady, Madison, and my father had died. I could feel their eyes watching me, them not knowing what to do either.

All I could think about was one thing.

"I didn't say it back," I said quietly.


A Couple Days Later

It's been a couple days since he left me. Honestly I don't know if I've felt this alone in my entire life. When Brady died I had Madison and my family. When Madison died I had my family, Theo, and Scott. When my dad died I had the pack and Theo but know that Theo's gone I feel like I have absolutely no one.

But I have my pack.

I get dressed when I wake up first thing. I get dressed in my usual outfits and head to school. I saw Scott in the hallway and he walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. This was the first time I haven't cried if someone gave me a hug. I sighed into his chest wishing it was Theo.

"I'm sorry Haley." He says slightly and I just nod my head. We both start to walk into the library as we walk up to the 2nd floor. Scott has been wanting me to do this initial thing on one of the bookshelves. I had finally agreed to do it last night when he had texted me.

Scott leads me to the bookcase and takes off a couple of the books, revealing multiple initials.







And most important the one I was hoping to see


I read over the names, knowing who represented each of them. I sigh and Scott hands me a sharpie. I smile at his gesture and look right under D.H. I smile slightly and write my initials down.


I smile and think to myself for a couple of seconds debating if I should make the next move. He didn't get to do it so I'll do it for him. I put them right next to my name so no matter what we'll always be together.


Scott put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I knew he didn't like Theo but he was doing it for me. I sighed and wiped the tears the decided to come down my cheek. I gave Scott the sharpie back and I grabbed the books out of his hand and put them back where they belonged. I smiled at Scott as we both walked down the staircase. We saw Stiles and Lydia sit down at a table. We both go over and sit at the table. I smile at the 3 of them as they pulled out books and notebooks.

"The packs all here," Scott says and I smile at him.

I love you too Theodore Karl Raeken

And now that destroyed my heart. Just wait until the next couple of chapters. God it'll kill you guys trust me

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