Twisted Fate (Complete)

By EuniceAlllison9

10.8K 2.3K 1.8K

Ethan and Elizabeth have been best friends for the longest time. It all begins in their freshman year, when a... More

prologue: Twisted fate
1. Rise and whine
2. Evil twins!
3. The meet
4. New friend..( Breif chapter)
5. Grownups
6. Keep it in your pants!!
7. Prom Night
8. Panic!!
9. Burned Away
10. Open Wounds
11. Bad Choices
12. Crappy Birthday To Me
13. The Dream Team
14. Unsafe Journey
15. Revenge
17. Something Familiar
18. Stormed
19. Clarity
New Cover Page
20. In His Eyes
21. Over Protective
22. Whole Again
23. Jealous
24. Jealous (part 2)
25. Burned
26. Raid
27. Not Again
28. Unraveled secrets
29. Breaking Point
30. Rescue Mission(part 1)
31. Rescue Mission (part 2)
32. Way Out
33. No Holding Back
34. Mission Complete
35. Black
New Story Alert!!

16. The Wait

247 58 41
By EuniceAlllison9

Ethan's POV

It has been two days since Carson's fall out with Victor. We decided it would be best to lay low till the protection agency gets to us. Which happens to be today.

We haven't heard anything from Victor or the rest of the cartel yet. But there's this feeling I just can't shake off, like they are waiting for us to let our guards down,so they could catch us unawares. We won't let that happen tho.

I am presently sitting in my office, staring into nothing. Carson laying on a the couch in the corner. Both waiting anxiously for their arrival so we may proceed to meet in my private conference room. Where we will discuss details and make arrangements.

My desk phone goes off, causing Carson to perk up.

I pick up.

"The transfer staff are here Mr Black", says Chloe, my front desk secretary.

"Good. Send them up to the private conference room. Thank you". I reply.

"Yes Sir", she responds curtly, before hanging up.

"Come on Carson, they're here", I say standing up.


Elizabeth's POV

"Alright guys. We have just established contact with the unit assigned to infiltrate the cartel, and gather information. They arrived America this morning, and have gone to work on their mission. They will keep us updated as we are expected to assist them in anyway necessary, and they will do the same for us.

Stay focused. Never let your guard down. Anticipate and mentally prepare for every possible situation, so nothing surprises you.

The safety of our clients is our number one priority, everything else comes second.

We aren't armatures, and I expect a clean job from everyone".

"Gear up guys!. We leave in 30", I finish.

"Yes captain!", they all respond as we begin to disperse to our rooms.

We are all equals and best friends off the field. But when on the job, we are strict and always observe protocol. It's one of the reasons we have lasted this long. Besides ducking bullets of course.

I pull out the weapon closet and my entire gear is here. Along with a note that reads
'Don't forget our deal'. Signed by the chief. Jeremy.

I crumple the note and toss it, turning back to the closet. Leaning forward, I gently run my hands over the silver custom made throw knives, with my real initials 'ET' engraved in them using calligraphic design.

I close my eyes for a minute, taking deep breaths. Mentally preparing myself for the day.

And when I open them, I'm ready. So I shrug off my robe. Taking my corset fashioned bullet proof vest off the shelves, putting it on along with my black pantyhose.

Followed by the knife holder, which I secure to my upper thigh before fixing with throwing knives.

I already did my make up and tied my hair into a neat French bun. So I simply pull my knee length, pleated red dress on.

After cross checking to make sure things were in order, I grab my bag and step into my 6 inch stiletto's, going out to join the guys in the sitting room.

The rest of the group where ready and already gathered in the living room.

"What do you have for us Dawn?", I ask, stepping into the room.

She immediately replies already knowing what I mean. "I have a micro earpiece, which I have modified to also serve as a tracker", she replies. Pulling out a case and handing each of us an earpiece.

"Also , I have got contact lenses that display personal details with the use of face recognition technology. You merely have to look at their faces and it'll display all basic information about them ". She says, handing that out too.

"Since we can't openly carry any kind of fire power into the buildings, and they have an operating weapon search system. I modified some colt mustang MXP's. Installed snipper features and a device that temporarily disables metal detectors or any kind of search devices when they get near the guns".
She finishes ... Turning around to pull out the guns.

"Good job dawn", I say impressed.
Then I turn to Braun.


He immediately begins to hand out car keys .
"Cars are parked outside. I already set their GPS to the office location. So we're good to go.", he says.

Lastly I turn to Spenser, who immediately hands out our office ID cards. We have all we need, so its time to good

"Alright guys let's move", I call out .

We all file into our designated cars and leave for the office.

When we get to the office, we present ourselves one after the other as transfer staff. Since it would be suspicious if we all go in at once.

When we are all in, we are given directions to the private conference room on the first floor.

As we get closer I suddenly falter in my steps, buying time while preparing to meet him. And praying I don't fall apart.

"Red!", Derek calls out to me from the room. I immediately straiten my posture, put on my best poker face, and step inside.

Then I see him, shaking hands with the rest. And I am grounded to the spot.

Then as if sensing my gaze he looks up. And just then, our hazel and amber eyes clash for the first time in over four years.

And then he Whispers a name I didn't think I'll ever hear associated with me again.

" Izzy"


I hope you like this... Please help share and vote if you do.
And I am complete open to corrections and tips so leave a comment if you can.

And for those that have taken the time to vote and comment . I appreciate it.


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