Our Life

By taylor_caniff_1996

813 15 10

The one quote they kept her from cutting was "Stay Cloudy my beautiful clouds" -Jc Caylen Lia was jus... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

716 15 9
By taylor_caniff_1996

**quick note:Lia and Andrea aren't YouTubers in this fanfic**

Lia's Pov

The voices inside my head are literally killing. They still are, and always will. But the one time they shut the hell up is when I'm watching O2L.

I know it may sound corny but they were my escape and my only escape away from the hell of a place we call "earth".

It's now been 4 months, and 3 days clean of no self harm. Every night & day my skin itches and the voices inside my head are just telling me to pick up my blade and just do one cut.

But, I block the voices out by opening up my laptop, and turning to YouTube.com

Without listening to the guys in their videos and taking what they said into my heart, I wouldn't be breathing today.

Kian, Ricky, Sam, Connor, Trevor, and Jc all had a part in my healing process and my escape.

Every day I would look forward to a new video from one of they guys.

On Sundays when there wasn't an upload, I would just research their older videos, and once again, it took me away from my anger, sadness, and most of all, the voices inside my head that we're trying to kill me.

As I lay here, in bed, watching Jc's video with Kian "The Hunger Games" video I'm laughing, smiling, and not thinking of anything else but my happiness.

As I'm watching it, I hear foot steps coming up the stairs and of course it's my 'mother' unfortunately.

My dad isn't in my life but unfortunately my mom is. Enough said.

"Get off your computer, and come out of your room. All you do is stay in there and you only come out to eat. It's ridiculous." She spats towards me as she barges in my room.

"If only you knew." I whispered to myself not thinking she could hear me but apparently she did.

"What the hell do you mean by that Lia?" She sneered

"Just forget about it. Nothing." I said low key

"If you don't come out of your room I'm canceling your plane ticket to Vidcon. End of the damn story." She spat

"What the hell do you mean by 'Canceling my plane ticket'? I'm the one who has saved up for 2 years for this. 2 years I have saved up for this. You aren't paying anything towards it. I'm paying for everything. For the love of Pete you wouldn't even give me $20." I said now getting pissed off.

"That doesn't matter Lia. I'm your mother, you're 17, you live by my rules."

"Mom, Vidcon is June 23rd. I turn 18 the 21st."

"That's it. You aren't going to hold that 18 shit over my head any longer. I'm canceling your plane ticket." She screamed and slammed the door as she left.

I hurried up and followed her but it was too late. She had just called American Airlines and canceled it.

I was suppose to leave here on the 22nd, it's now the 20th. There is no way I'm getting another plane ticket to California this short of notice. Shit.

I hurried up called them back and said it was a mistake.. The lady at the airport canceled the canceling request and said everything was back and ready to go.

Thank you Lord for my plane ticket not being cancelled.

Just 2 more days Lia. Just 2 more days.


The day had flown by after the fight with my mom. My wrists started itching for more cuts after I fought with my mom but I didn't let the voices and itching her to me. Instead I remained my self of Jc's Quote "Stay Cloudy my beautiful clouds. You're all beautiful and stay strong. I love you all so much"

After reminding myself of that, I calmed down, got my anxiety under control, and started up his and the rest of their videos.

As it became dinner time I decided to go out, pick up Andrea (my best friend) and go out to eat at OutBack. My Favorite place to eat.


As i get to her house I honk my horn to let her know I'm here and she comes out and jumps in my car.

"So are you excited for Tuesday??" I ask

"Lia, I have been waiting to meet the love of my life for 2 years now."

"Kian doesn't even know you" I giggled

"He will after Vidcon." She said being serious "don't act like you aren't meeting the loves of your life" she said

No, I'm meeting the people who saved me. Is all that went through my head but I just agreed with her and went on.

We got our table, sat down, ordered our food and drinks and just had small talk about life and school. We are both homeschooled online and met each other through twitter 2 years ago.

We became best of friends on twitter, started texting, face timing, and then we found out we literally live 5 minutes away.

We decided to meet up and go shopping and out to eat. After that, we were friends and honestly we really haven't gotten into any big fights.

I mean, yeah we have had arguments but they only lasted maybe a couple minutes. None of them last for even an hour. No way.

I guess when we found each other on twitter we just started Dm'ing and we found out that YouTube was both our life, we loved Vine Boys, and we loved tumblr along with twitter.

Ever since then our friendship has just grown. I honestly couldn't ask for a better friend then her. She is honestly amazing. I'm probably don't deserve her but she has stuck by my side through the thick & thin.

Andrea is going along with me to Vidcon. I needed a friend to go.. And well.. She was my only friend. Literally my only friend.

She loved O2L and all the other YouTubers like Tyler Oakly, Dan & Phil, Marcus, Alfie, Joe, Caspar, Zoe, Sprinkle of Glittr, Louis, PVP, Troye, Tanya, Jim, ShayTards, and Ect , just how I loved all of them too.

I have waited to meet all these people for 2 years now. I couldn't help but be extremely exited for this.

In 2 days, I will on my flight to go meet the people who saved me.

In all honesty I'm scared to meet Jc. He is perfect (like all the others) but there was just something about him. His chubby cheeks, or his style, or that messy small Afro of his that was just so perfect.

I had the biggest crush on him.. I don't know what it was but from him personality, sense of humor, sarcasm, his extremely sexy looks, or the fact his quote has saved my wrists dripping of blood about 1000 times that just made me love him so damn much.

"Hopefully he likes me during the meet and greet. I don't want to be just another fan that he meets and forget her name after he meets 2 more fans." I say to Andrea as we are leaving OutBack.

"I wish I could say that he/they would remember us, but they won't. They are going to meet over 5,000 fans at this event. They will do good to remember their own names."

"Unfortunately" i said

"But hey, we are getting to meet them and we are going to remember this day for the rest of our lives." She said, and cheering me up the second she said it.

"2 more days." I stated as I was pulling up to her house

"Just two more days.." She trailed off

"Thanks for taking me to dinner Lia!" She exclaimed and gave me a quick gig beiges getting out if the car

"No problem girl! Anytime!" Giving her a hug back

"I will be here to pick you up at 8:00am on Tuesday." Reminding her with a huge smile

"Oh yeah! What time is our flight again?" She asked

"Andrea. C'mon." I said

"I forgot!" She giggled

I just rolled my eyes and replied with "10:00 out flight leaves, it will be a 4 hour flight so we will land in California around 2:00, our rental car will be there at the airport, we will drive to get some lunch and then go to our hotel. Now, for the hundredth time do I need to tell you again? Or can you remember ?" I jokingly replied to her

"No.. I got it. Thanks Lia.. Love ya! See you Tuesday at 10:00!" She shouted as she was walking away

"NO! 8:00 I'M PICKING YOU UP. 8:00 ANDREA !!" I shouted and shaking my head in desperate need of strength from God to not kill her.

I drove on home, once I got there I went straight in my room, turned on my music, and started packing.

As I was in the middle of singing, and packing my mom barges in my room and immediately gets a pissed off look and starts to scream "-




Anyways, yes picture Lia as Lia Marie Johnston. Jc's Girlfriend in real life. Haha but no, Lia and Andrea aren't YouTubers in this book.

Yes, this will contain #Jia smut. O_o viewer discretion will be advised lmfao!

Hope you guys liked the first chapter. Jc and Lia will meet in the next chapter!!!!! AHHHH

Love at first sight?!

Anyways, follow me on twitter! I follow back and Dm me! I love giving y'all hints. (; @caniffsnipple94

Until then...


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