Ardent Strangers

By samkately

644 157 451

18+// The headlines are on repeat: 'Broadcast live on every network. Nathaniel Blake pays for noon timeslots... More

๐ŸŒŸ7. The Chalk and Cheese Cafรฉ (1)๐ŸŒŸ
๐ŸŒŸ8. The Chalk and Cheese Cafรฉ (2)๐ŸŒŸ
๐ŸŒŸ9. The Demo ๐ŸŒŸ
11. Verdict
12. Time Capsule

10. The Hotline that Ruined My Life

33 7 56
By samkately

I wake up incredibly warm, surrounded by Aarons arms. I have no idea if hes awake, but as he nuzzles into my hair and sighs contentedly, I am beyond happy.

That happiness is a short spark that fizzles quickly, for the sunlight gleaming around the curtains feels like a curse, a sign that our night is over. I feel traitorous. Id agreed to Aarons terms, but now I want more. Something changed when we entered that contest. Aaron slipped into my life so easily its as if hes always been there.

I cant do a relationship right now, hed said. And I get it. Its been less than a week since he lost his brother. Id been a mess for months after my parents died, but him? He hides it so well. I dont know how he does it, how he doesnt smash more than one paltry mug. Yet here he is, lying calmly around me, as if the world is as it should be.

Its not. Not mine, not his.

His hand sweeps across my belly, leaving a trail of tingles that Ill remember for the rest of the day. The warmth of him shifts away, and I grab his arm before he can rise from the bed.

He peers back at me, eyes distant, shoulders tensed. You shouldnt look at me like that.

Like what?

What youre thinking, its not a good idea.

I bet hed be packing his bags if he knew what I was thinking.

Aaron sits on the edge of the bed, somber. I cant give you anything else.

Not even one last kiss?

He is silent.

Ive asked too much.

The mattress shifts and his breath sweeps over my cheek. As Aaron leans over me, his hazel eyes are heated and his mouth is almost upon mine when he pulls back. No.

But its one simple kiss.

You dont understand, do you?

I do, I answer honestly. You wanted the one night, and now its over. Its what we agreed to. I just need it to feelfinished.

He sits on my hips, straddling me, possibly unaware that he is completely naked—magnificent—because he scrunches his hair almost painfully. One more kiss like last night and it will only be the beginning.

The beginning?

One more kiss and Im going to regret it.

My jaw drops and I go to push him away, but he leans over me, his hair falling around my face. Eve, its only been three days and were already bandmates and housemates. Thats more than Ive committed to with a girl in my whole life. He sighs. Frankly, the past week has been miserable, with the exception being you. Id like to hold onto that for a while longer, before I screw that up as well.

Okay, I whisper.

I wait for him to leave the room before I ready myself for work. I feel disconnected, like Ive screwed up everything. I had to ask for one last kiss! I should have known better.

Walking out into the living room, I wasnt sure what to expect, but it wasnt a mug of coffee—our last remaining mug—passed to me by Aaron, finally dressed in a hoodie and jeans.

I see the time and choke on my coffee. Work starts in ten minutes!

Im doomed! I say, splashing coffee down my sleeve.

Let me guessthe apocalypse is coming and nobody told me.

Close. Im late!

You are, he says, then lazily bites into his cheese toast and passes it to me. I gobble it down in seconds, starving after last nights activities, which given the conversation several minutes ago might never happen again. Correction—will never happen again. But Aaron knows exactly the right thing to say to make it impossible to forget him, Ill stop by later for lunch, let you know how were polling.

Ah, yes, the competition. Todays the day.

I nod. That would be good, thanks. Ughh, that sounded too polite. I gulp my coffee down, grab my bag, and rush to the door.


As I turn, Im gently pushed back to the door by Aarons embrace.

Just one, he says.

My heart skips. One?

His kiss is agonizingly gentle. Then it is gone.

New deal, he says.

Im listening

We wait until were out of the competition. We live together, get to know each other, then see if we still want this. Therell be no torturing each other with dating other people on the side. Just us, waiting.

Youre sure about this? Only a moment ago he was ending it. Hes going to change his mind about this new deal. I can feel it.

He tips my head back and lays a fleeting kiss upon my lips. Yes.

I cling to the door handle and slide out of his arms, remembering that Im late for work, but mostly I know that if I stay another moment Im not going to leave. Im halfway out the door when he snatches my hand and kisses the back of it, his gaze filled with heated thoughts that I like far too much. I take my hand back and smile. I probably shouldnt say this—

Say what exactly?

But I hope we get evicted in round one.

His eyebrows raising is the last thing I see as I walk out the door.

A tiny girl with pigtails darts around my legs and I squeak as the meals stacked in my arms come close to sliding off the plates. When I finally deliver the plates to the table no one complains about their meals. Just as well. I dont think I could handle another person complaining today. Weirdly enough, most of the complaints have been about Tasha.

As soon as I arrived this morning she was in a foul mood, and customers noticed it, too. I tried talking to her, but she walked off. Not long after, Penny pulled her aside. When Tasha returned from the kitchen her eyes were cast to the floor. Penny looked livid. That was four hours ago. Tashas mood has barely improved, even now the lunch rush has gone. Which means its almost my lunchtime. Im hungry, tired, and dare I admit, way too keen to see Aaron.

The door chimes and my gaze darts toward it. I try not to show my disappointment when an elderly woman and her daughter enter. I take their order, then wander back to the kitchen.

Maybe hes not coming.

I slap the lunch docket on the pass and Quinn snaps it from my fingers.

Hey, Evie, whats up? he asks, breaking my daze. Hope youre not worried about the Original Star votes. Penny and I have voted like ten times already.

Then thanks ten times over. I focus on his warm smile, because the spider web tatt peeking out from under his chefs jacket is creeping me out like usual.

Hey, its a pretty damn good song. You and this Aaron guy have some serious chemistry on that demo.

Yeah? I say, a little forlorn but hopeful.

Ah, I see


Its become complicated between you two.

I warm my hands under the counter. Honestly, how do you always know this stuff?

He shrugs. Hed be a fool to let you go.

Hes going through a difficult time right now, so weve decided to wait until after the competition. Then maybe we will, you know

He bites his lip ring, his face hardening. Sounds like a good idea not to rush considering all that trouble with Jeremy. The punk.

I nod, removing my toasty hands from the warmer. Frickin Jeremy.

He leans over the pass. Has Tasha spoken to you, yet?

No. Why?

Thats for her to say. But I want you to know shes not in our good books at present.

A bad feeling settles inside me. Whats he saying? Shes going to be fired? This place wouldnt be the same without her.

Dont let it worry you, okay? He gives me a reassuring nod as he tosses a steak on the grill. I walk away feeling less sturdy on my feet, hardly aware that Im clearing up tables as I go. I walk past the first booth and find Tasha hunched over a sandwich.

Hi Tash, I say.

She doesnt even raise her head to look at me.

That does it! I slide into the bench opposite her. Tasha, whats wrong?

She tosses her sandwich on the plate and blinks up at me, tears clinging to her lashes. I reach out for her hand, but she pulls back. Im dumbfounded.

I did something, she whispers. Or more to the point, Pete did.

Okay Is it really that bad that you cant tell me?

Her voice cracks, Yes.

Tasha, please talk to me. I hate seeing you this upset.

She wipes her eyes and takes a big bite of her sandwich, then examines its ingredients—a sign that shes done talking.

I scoot out from the bench, peeved, upset. Im here if you want to talk later, okay?

She stares out the window.

I give up and start clearing tables when Aarons voice rumbles behind my ear, Would you like the good news or the bad news first?

I smile, recalling him pinning me to the bed last night and having his way with me for the second time. Good first.

Over one-thousand entries and were already climbing the top forty.

Youre kidding me? I dont know whether to smile or cry. People like our music. A song I wrote about despising everything that Jeremy had done and now its being heard around Australia, being propelled up the Original Star charts. Crazy.

By tonight, who knows, we could be in the final twenty-four, he says against my neck.

I need those lips of his back on my neck, placing languid kisses upon the crooks and curves of my body. As I turn in his arms, he picks me up. I laugh when I see the huge grin on Aarons face—a stark contrast to the man in my kitchen last night. Thats Wow. I cant believe were so close, that we might actually be on stage in a few days time, playing our songs.

He lowers me to the floor, our noses bumping as his lips move toward mine. He sighs and lifts his head. I touch my mouth as if Id felt a phantom kiss, then become annoyed that hed tried to kiss me after wed agreed not to.

Now I really want him.

After delivering a table order, Quinn whistles our way. I take it your ranking well?

We were placed at thirty-eighth about twenty minutes ago, Aaron replies.

Nice. Im Quinn, by the way.


They size each other up and eventually shake hands. I never realized how much I valued Quinns approval until this moment, but what he thinks of Aaron matters.

Quinn nods, as if hes decided something. Im making you two a special celebratory lunch. On the house. Im about to say thanks, but hes already bounding away to the kitchen.

Aaron and I move to the corner booth and nervously open his laptop. The Original Star website is going crazy. Entrants are moving up and down the chart so fast that I can barely keep track. Minutes later, we are positioned at thirty. Only six positions higher and were in!

Nerves zip around my body, intensified by Aarons hand skimming over my back.

So, whats the bad news? I ask huskily, wishing his hands were on my naked skin.

I think one particular part of our deal is going to undo me.

Oh no. He is having second thoughts. Which part would that be?

He considers this and starts to smile. The wai—

Thats all I hear, because we freeze at the familiar British-American accent coming from the door. Youre the one who called the hotline? Nathaniel says.

Aaron sinks lower into the seat, pulling me with him. If Nathaniel sees us together its going to look very bad indeed. Aaron could have let Nathaniel know my whereabouts at any time, but he didnt think of betraying my confidences, not even for an easy ten grand or out of loyalty to his friend.

I nearly die when I hear Tashas voice, Yes. But I havent told her yet.

No need. Wheres Evangeline? Nathaniel says.

Last booth, she says shakily.

Aaron grunts softly, while Im on the brink of crying.

Tasha called the hotline! My so-called best friend! How could she?

Determined footsteps come closer. This cant be happening. Nathaniel cannot be here. How can I explain that Im not allowed to see him? Is the contract valid if he wants to see me? I have no idea. But I realize I dont want to see him. For a short time he was a figure on a bridge, a troubled man in need of help, a silly notion that love at first sight could exist. But after that contract I thought Id never see him again. The fact that Nathaniels sought me out on such a grand scale means Ive become important to him.



This cant be. I cant be his angel forever. Impossible. Ive made myself move on. With Aaron.

I have a sudden urge to bolt. Springing from the bench, I collide into Nathaniel.

Ah, there she is, he says, squeezing my arms. His eyes narrow, taking in my face, hair, and apron. Youre not happy to see me.

I shake my head, swamped by guilt that Id decided to flee. I try to wriggle out of his grasp. I cant.

His hands drop away at once. He smooths his jacket.

Heat fills my eyes. The tears come next. Then I run, dodging tables and the few customers watching avidly. Through the blur of tears, I see Tasha standing against the play area fence, her hands covering her mouth. And Laura Barnes is standing beside her! The lawyer looks bitter, but her expression changes to neutral when she notices Nathaniel witnessing it all. I rush past her and into the kitchen, where Quinn and Penny stop me from running out the back door.

Penny pulls me into a hug and I try not to sob, try not to make a single sound to let Nathaniel know that Im still here. I signed the contract. I cant see him. I cant talk to him. And although I didnt want to see him before, Im not so sure. He looked so hurt. I did that—me, who once vowed to save him.

Evangeline? he calls out, his voice closer.

The next voice surprises me more. Leave her, Nate.

I sink to a crate and peer through the warming shelves of the pass.

Randall? Nathaniel strides back toward the last booth where Aaron is now standing, shoulders squared, his face as impenetrable as the night Id first met him. What the hell is this? Youre here? You disappear from the hospital with no word, and here you are with the very girl Ive been searching for.

She asked to be left alone, Aaron says.

No. Youve done something to turn her against me. She stayed with me at the hospital, held my hand, talked to me. And now youre here, meddling in something thats none of your business.

Ive done no such thing. Ask Laura why Evangeline ran. Or ask Laura why she fired me. Theyre basically the same answer.

Gaze narrowed at Aaron, Laura looks ready to interject, as if shes in the middle of a court hearing. But there might also be fear in her eyes. She startles a little, as Nathaniel says, Screw asking Laura. You tell me. Weve been friends since we were five. I deserve the truth.

Fine. Laura pressured Evangeline to sign a contract to prevent contact with you. It was supposedly a measure designed to aid your recovery. No Evangeline, no reminder of the bridge incident, no reminder of D— Aarons mouth tightens. Of Damien.

Hearing Aarons voice turn rough at his brothers name is heartbreaking. I fling back tears, unable to arrange this mess into any logical order. We have all been slighted and hurt in some way by someone, and Im confused beyond belief.

Laura? Nathaniel turns in the middle of the room. Is this true?

Her chin juts out proudly. It is. But you must know that I had your best interests in mind. Its not like we havent used these contracts before—

You must have known this was different, surely. She saved my life! And I asked you about Evangeline repeatedly. You knew I wanted to find her and you said nothing. I made a god damned hotline for her!

Laura braces her clutch bag. I dont believe this is the time or the place to be discussing this.

I think its the perfect time to discuss this.

Hearing her flirty heels tap towards Nathaniel makes me angrier than I could have imagined. Then she leans into him and whispers something.

No, he says, stepping aside. That contract needs to be shredded, abolished.

Nathaniel, consider what Im saying. Look at the anguish shes already caused you. If she was truly desperate to see you, she could have called that hotline of yours, she could have asked Aaron for your number. It doesnt really scream commitment now, does it?

How dare she!

And she just scurried away from you like you dont mean a thing to her, Laura adds, angering me further.

His voice turns darkly quiet. Evangeline was probably abiding by your contract.

Laura scoffs. Highly unlikely. And you forget that I was trying to help you. Im the one whos always looked out for you, Nathaniel, yet you are investing all your time trying to find someone who doesnt want to be found.

I want to be found. I do. But what if Laura is luring me into breaking the contract so she can throw me in jail? Id be out of his mind for good.

Damn it! Nathaniel spits out.

He grabs the chair beside him and lifts it as if hes about to hurl it out the window. Quinn looks ready to race into the dining area, but Aarons hand darts between Nathaniels grasp, slamming the chair down with a bang. Everyone in the café flinches.

Nathaniel storms toward the play area, shoves a cheque at Tasha, and is out the door like a gust of wind, his two suited agents flanking him. Laura strides calmly behind them, as if the sun has started to shine after a passing cloud.

Penny crouches down and tucks me under her arm. What have you gotten yourself into, Eve?

I shake my head. I couldnt tell anyone. Except Aaron.

Why him? asks Quinn, returning to the grill and his flaming steaks.

The words tumble from my mouth, I met Nathaniel first, rode with him in the ambulance. I waited outside his hospital room for hours and was denied entry by the doctors and Nathaniels head of security, Agent Randall— I gulp, recalling the cold agent standing outside the door and the same man who drove me home, jobless and homeless, who unbeknownst to me had lost his brother, who had found it in his heart to tuck me into bed after a long harrowing night. A lump forms in my throat. You know him as Aaron.

Aaron? Quinn rubs his jaw. Head of security to a billionaire? Your housemate must be one scary mother Hang on. Didnt you say you got him fired?

I shrug and sniff. Nathaniels lawyer was forcing me to sign the contract and Aaron warned me against it. She fired him on the spot.

But you signed it, says Penny.

I blink up at her, seeing her dusting of freckles across her nose. Now you know why I couldnt talk about it, why that hotline scared me. Please keep this to yourselves, will you?

Sure, Evie, Penny says, squeezing me.

Wed never, Quinn adds. Youre like family. Unlike a certain waitress who sold you out. He glares at Tasha as she walks into the pantry and grabs her bag, placing the hotlines cheque inside. Feel free to leave, Tasha.

She looks at the kitchen window filled with herb pots, then finds the courage to look to me. Im sorry. Pete and I were short on our mortgage last month, and with the wedding coming up

I stare at the tiled floor, finding a long crack as my tears splatter upon it. I think Im hyperventilating. I cant calm down. Twelve years of knowing Tasha and I could never have predicted this.

A thumb sweeps lightly under my jaw. I close my eyes and lift my head. Three days and I know his touch anywhere, the caress of his hands as they slide over my cheeks. I trust it, maybe stupidly, more than my best friend who betrayed me with a phone call.

Evangeline, Aaron murmurs. It takes me a moment before I can look at him. I dont even know why Im crying anymore; I just wish he wasnt seeing it. Lets go home, hey?

Best idea all day. Except that Penny and Quinn will only have Wendy on duty.

At the grill, they are packing two steak sandwiches with mushroom sauce. Penny passes the bags to Aaron and smiles kindly in my direction. Were officially giving you the day off. Go home. Eat. Rest. Get your strength back for when you two are voted in tonight.

I sniff and laugh. Yeah, like thats ever going to happen. Im jinxed.

You could have mentioned that before we entered the competition. Aaron grunts, pulling me up from the crate and steering me out of the back door. Im surprised when he takes my hand and leads me down the opposite end of the alley and out onto a main street, away from the cafés carpark.

My cars the other way.

But he proceeds in the other direction, then rounds the corner into a side street. Well take my hire car. Unless you want Nathaniel following you home?

Hed do that?

Let me put it this way. As his previous head of security, the tactic is not unfamiliar to me.

He made you follow people?

Only when they are of dubious character and worth investigating. You would be the exception.

It makes me wonder what Aarons job entailed under Nathaniels employment. Suddenly, Im scanning the street with its crammed townhouses and hilly pavements bordered by cars. Any one of those cars could be waiting to pull out from the curb, ready to follow us home. Part of me kind of wishes Nathaniel would follow us home. That clause was never in the contract.

I didnt mean to unsettle you. He squeezes my hand. But you did ask.

I did ask.

We find Aarons car down another side-street. Once were driving in the direction of home, he clicks off the radio. Did you want to talk about before with Nathaniel?

Not really, I say, staring out the window.

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