
By LatinaNCali

34.1K 1.6K 110

Mila Silva turned 18 years old a year ago and works in the kitchen with her mom at the packhouse and when Mil... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 29

538 28 1
By LatinaNCali


We have been home for 2 days now. The doctor said Andrew has been breathing on his own and gain a pound, for Andrew being a premature baby he is strong and a good eater. I've been sleeping when the baby sleeps and wake up when he is awake. Although at night Ethan been sneaky by letting me sleep longer. He gets up right away and feeds Andrew. Even Alfonso here and hogs up my son so that I can sleep. Let's not forget about the grandparents, I love everyone and appreciate their help.  I had time on my hands now that I even responded to Emma's email. 


I"m so sorry that you are going through all this, even Mason mate. I feel so bad for her and your nephews, so sad. I wish I can say I can't believe what your brother did but really it doesn't surprise me. Don't get yourself work-up about him, I know he's your brother but he is not worth it. I was wondering if you would like to video chat with me? I want to see you and Peter, let me know when is a good day and time so that we can chat.

I love you guys and miss you too


I sent the email, I can't wait so we can video chat I want to see them. I put my laptop on the coffee table got up and started to make some lunch. Ethan is in his office talking with the guys, we found out that the hunter has there suspicious that we are werewolves. Which we are but we don't kill anyone unless we have to defend ourselves or like Ethan being Alpha has to protect his pack. The sheriff is one of our pack members, but he stays in town so he can contain anything that has to do with us. As right now things are okay, our pack knows not to shift where the hunters are at.

My mom at work, it's Friday, she only works on the weekends. She had asked around the kitchen if anyone is looking for work as a cook and one of the cook's names Tony took the offer. Alfonso is here with me. He is babysitting while I cook some lunch.  Maggie did come by a couple of days ago with Leo and Megan. They were all happy to finally meet Andrew, they stayed for a few hours we were all catching up with everything.  Hayden and his mate will be here tonight, mom couldn't make the dinner because of work and we were okay with that.  Our front door opens and Ethan and Andres walk in.

I smiled at Ethan as soon as he walks in, he came right up to me, "Hey, beautiful," I smiled and then lean in for a kiss.

"Hey," and that is when we heard Andrew scream crying.

We all walk into our bedroom, "Why is my son screaming mad, Alfonso?" Ethan asked.

"He's mad cause I was changing his diaper," Alfonso says as he is pulling my son pants on.

"Come here little man, what is your bad uncle doing to you," Ethan teases.

"Hey, I am not a bad uncle, he just hates being changed but I'm the one who should be screaming. Dude, how can you be so small and shit like that," Alfonso says as he makes an ugly face as we all laugh at him.

"Alfonso!" I said looking upset.

"Sorry, I meant to say poop," he says as I started chuckling.

"How is he doing Mila?" Andres asked.

"He is good," I said.

We all walk back out into the living room, "Guys, go eat," I said as I walk up to Ethan. "Here give me him so you can eat," I pulled Andrew from Ethan as they went to go and eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Ethan asked.

"No, I'm going to the main dining room and meet up with some of the girls, we are going to eat and start setting up for the dinner tonight and check if the cooks need any help," I said as I put Andrew in his bassinet.

"Love, you just had the baby are you sure you can handle this?" Ethan asked.

"I'm good, Ethan, I can feel myself healing good, the baby is good too, stop being a worrier," I said as I wink at him. "Plus the pack is anxious to meet and be around him," I look at Andrew now sucking on his pacifier.

I start to get ready to leave and pack a few things the baby needs.



I walk into my dad's office, "I called you because your mate and her dad our coming today, they will be here shortly," my father says as he looking through paperwork. 

I smiled because I'm going to see my mate and son, "Mason, please don't act a food," he says as I cut him off.

"What, why would I act a fool, I told you I'm changing my ways for my mate and son. Do you know why they are coming?" I asked sounding worried.

"They didn't say why they are coming, he said that your mate needs to talk to you, that is all I know," my father said.

"Dad, you have my word I won't act like a fool," I said as I got up and walk out of my dad's office.

I'm excited because my mate and son are coming home, I know they are coming home. I'm getting on my knees to beg her to forgive me. They are my world, I'm an idiot for treating my mate like that.


I see the car pulling up, I'm freakin nervous and sweating like a dog. The excitement that I feel because they are coming home. The car comes to a stop, her dad gets out two guards get out then her dad opens the back door and I see Paula, I smiled big but then I saw her face. No emotion on it and I didn't see her taking the baby out. They all came walking up to us, "Paula," I said but she raised her hand to stop me.

"Mason may I speak to you?" she asked as I took a couple of steps down walking towards her.

"Have a seat," I said she sat across from me.

Our family was standing outside just watching us from afar.

"Where is my son?" I asked.

"Let me talk first," she said.

 "Sorry, go ahead," I reach for her hand but she pulled back slowly.

"Our son is good, he's still a little weak. The doctor at my father's pack said that he won't be as strong as other kids as he gets older. Look, Mason, this, us, is not going to work. You put me and our son through hell, we are going to live at my father pack permanently," she says to me looking a little scared.

"What!" I yelled, then I closed my eyes started thinking of my son. "Paula," I said calmly.  "I know I hurt you badly in so many ways and saying sorry won't fix it. I want to show you that I've changed, you living with your parents how am I suppose to show you. Then my son, how can you take him away from me, he needs his father," I said sadly.

"I'm not taking your son away, you can visit your son whenever you want, just call me the day before you come. I will never stop you from seeing your son but me and you, it's not going to happen. You killed the love I had for you, I'm always," I stop her from talking I got on my knees as I grab her hands and cry like a baby.

"Please, Paula take me back, I want you and our son. Give me one last chance, please," I said as I kissed her hands.

 I look up at her, she had tears in her eyes. She is in so much pain, I can see all the pain I put her through.

" you not understand that you almost killed your son, he was born 4 months early. All the stress that you put me through, you didn't care for us. Every time you kiss me, every time you touch me and even in your sleep, it was all about her. It was all about, Mila," she said angrily.

" did you know her name?" I asked nervously.

"You said her name in your sleep, especially more when you were drunk. You never love me, you love her, you loved Mila. I never understood why or how you can love someone who is not your mate. I loved you with all my heart and soul but not anymore, I don't love you. I will always care for you but my love for you is dead," she said as she stood up with running tears coming down her face.

I wrap my arms around her legs, "don't leave me. You are the only woman I love," I beg as I cried.

"I can't do this," she pushes me away. "I reject you, Mason, I'm no longer your mate," she walks away from me. "Dad, let's go," I heard her say as they all got into his car and left.

Shit, this hurt, it feels like someone squeezed the shit out of my heart. I put my hand on my chest, this hurts and I deserve this pain. I look up as I see my mom running towards me.

"Son, Mason," she said as I look towards the ground. 

"I'm going for a run," I shifted into my wolf and took off running,  

I want to die, I hate my life right now.



My brother shifted into his wolf and took off running, "he's going for a run," my mom says as she walks past us. My mom is sad and hurt because no matter what your child does, that is your child and she is hurting for him.  She knows its all his fault but what can you do but feel the pain that her son is going through. 

"Come on," Peter says as he walks me back into the house.



I ran in my wolf for a while, just going in circles. I ran for most of the night, I started slowing down coming up to a river, I laid there thinking of Paula, I lift my head up and howled, my wolf is in so much pain as me. I know I deserved this but not my wolf. My wolf whimpered, I said to him sorry, we just stayed like this and drifted off to sleep. 

It was morning, I didn't bother to open my eyes. I can hear someone walking towards me and I didn't care who it was.

"Son," my mom says.

I lifted my head up looking at her, I put my head back down.

"I know you are hurting but you need to come home so you can eat," she says sounding sad for me.

I shook my head side to side telling her no, I don't have an appetite right now.

"Okay, I guess you're not hungry, I'm going to leave you this," she says pointing in the direction she came walking. I saw my dad there with a bag, my mom gets up and started laying out some food.

I turn my head back to the river and closed my eyes. I didn't feel like talking to anybody I just feel numb like I don't have any life in me. 


I still haven't moved it starting to get dark. I still haven't eaten the food and it went to waste. My mom came back and brought me some more food I still don't feel like eating. The next day I went hunting still in my wolf form. 

Weeks went by and I'm still in my wolf, I haven't shifted back and I don't want to. My mom was worried and so was Emma but not my dad or Peter. I went back to my spot by the river and I can smell my mom coming.

"Mason, I know you are in pain but you need to get your head out of your ass and start visiting your son, or else he will never know who his father is. You want to win your mate back then start doing shit for your son, show your mate that you have changed, show your mate that it's all about her and your son and maybe, just maybe you can win her heart again but you are the one that needs to start. I'm not coming over here anymore, I gave you enough space to think now it's time to change or just stay the way you are," she says then started walking away.

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