Twisted Fate (Complete)

By EuniceAlllison9

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Ethan and Elizabeth have been best friends for the longest time. It all begins in their freshman year, when a... More

prologue: Twisted fate
1. Rise and whine
2. Evil twins!
3. The meet
4. New friend..( Breif chapter)
5. Grownups
6. Keep it in your pants!!
7. Prom Night
8. Panic!!
9. Burned Away
10. Open Wounds
11. Bad Choices
12. Crappy Birthday To Me
13. The Dream Team
15. Revenge
16. The Wait
17. Something Familiar
18. Stormed
19. Clarity
New Cover Page
20. In His Eyes
21. Over Protective
22. Whole Again
23. Jealous
24. Jealous (part 2)
25. Burned
26. Raid
27. Not Again
28. Unraveled secrets
29. Breaking Point
30. Rescue Mission(part 1)
31. Rescue Mission (part 2)
32. Way Out
33. No Holding Back
34. Mission Complete
35. Black
New Story Alert!!

14. Unsafe Journey

283 59 60
By EuniceAlllison9

Elizabeth's POV

It's 8:00am and we are packing up for the mission. Depart time is in about 15 minutes, and I am less than 5minutes from throwing up because of the nerve's. I really don't know how I will pull this off with no complications. I can barely keep myself together.

I mean. What if something goes wrong?, what if I am too emotionally attached to properly protect him?, and even worse, what if he knows it's me?. On the bright side, I have changed a ton since he last saw me. I'm taller, more mature , my body is far more toned from all the work out, and I am now a red head no longer blonde. Nay. He won't recognise me.

I am rather harshly pulled out of my ranting thoughts when I feel something hit me in the face. Hard. Really hard.

"Ouch!!!. Fuck! Who fucking threw that?!!", I growl angrily. It really hurt.

"Sorry Boss!!".... Dawn quickly apologises, raising her hand in a 'I don't want any trouble' motion , but there is nothing remorseful about her apology if the laughter threatening to burst out of her mouth at any second is anything to go by.

"You bitch!!" , I screech loudly. Still a bit flustered. Now she and the guys bursts out laughing, probably not being able to hold back anymore.

"What was that for?" I say still sulking,

"Well, you have been trying to wrestle that shirt into your already full suitcase for at least 20 minutes now . So I just though I'll save the poor bag from death by choking and give you a reality check on the fact that it won't fit ". She finishes ,at this point the guys are full on bent over laughing and clutching their bellies.

"Fuck you!, you all are going to pay " I yell , exiting the room.

I am setting my things down, and checking out the jet when I hear the rest coming up the metal staircase. I just smile to myself. I shall soon have my sweet revenge.

"Why do you think the cartel wants this guys dead ?", asks Derek.

I resist the urge to cringe at the thought of Ethan being murdered.

"They probably pissed off someone higher up in the cartel or something. It doesn't really matter anyways. We'll find out when we get there." I say. Ending the conversation. The last thing I need is being stressed out while piloting a bloody jet plane.

"True".. I hear Derek mumble.

"Alright guys, buckle up!. We're in the clear to take off" .. I say as I bring the planes engines to life.

Dawn called shot gun last night. So she sits beside me and buckles up. Something about wanting the full experience, since she'd never gotten to leave the country for a mission before now.

It's been a little over six hours into the flight and we are almost at the airport. But I am not sure we'll get here in one Piece, because Dawn hasn't shut up for more than five seconds since take off. And I am about two seconds away from crashing this plane.

But then a though crosses my mind and I can't help but smile.

"Guys, make sure to take your seats and buckle your seat belts. There is a slight turbulence ahead". I call out through the speakers.

"What turbulence?", dawn suspiciously asks, narrowing her eyes at me. And my smile widens as I reply.

"This one"

And then the plane suddenly dips causing us to jerk back in our seats. I turn of all engines and turn on the communication systems, so I could talk with the guys in the back. The sound of their screams suddenly fill the plane and I can't help but laugh at the sound.

"Alright people, we are all going to fall to our untimely, and might I add very painful deaths in a few minutes if I do not get an apology for this morning", I call out, the amusement clear in my voice .

"What the hell Red?!!!.. Start the bloody plane!", I hear Braun shout.

The guys are all cursing at me while Dawn just looks frozen in fear .

"I'm waiting!! ", I call out again.

"Fuck off!!" Spencer shouts back but sounds panicked .

"Alright!". I say ,laughter clear in my voice.

I turn the engine back on but let the plane keep dipping as I count out.


The screaming gets more frantic. I begin to laughing manically.


Still no apology. Damn this buttheads are proud. I think to myself.





Utter silence....


I grip the steering tight and concentrate now.

"4! .... Apologise!"


Still nothing. I wonder why they are so quiet now.


I was about to pull the plane back up, but you'll never guess what happens next.


I hope you like this... Please help share and vote if you do.
And I am complete open to corrections and tips so leave a comment if you can.

And if you want to find out what happens next, stay tuned for updates tomorrow. You can also drop predictions.


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