
By WhisperingJ

182K 18K 80.4K

HR: #10 (09/11/2018)#13 (08/22/18) #14 (08/21/2018)(09/08/2018) #18 (03/23/2017) "No!" Zayn shouted. He was p... More

Copyright notice/Author's note + readers' reviews
Chapter 1: Golden eyed Punchbag
Chapter 2: Flying Out Of Control
Chapter 3: Alive and Alone
Chapter 4: Missing
Chapter 5: The Struggle Begins
Chapter 6: Dirty mouth; Dirty bruise
Chapter 7: Leave the Loved Ones
Chapter 8: "Tough Stuff"
Chapter 9: Instincts
Chapter 10: Painful Wound
Chapter 11: Guilt and Woodoo?
Your Support is Required
Chapter 12: Prayers Getting Answered
Chapter 13: Angry Hunger
Chapter 14: Mysteries
Chapter 15: Heavenly Delivery
Chapter 16: Opposites misunderstand?
Chapter 17: The Haunting Past
Chapter 18: Lessons with Landslides
Chapter 19: Clever Plans
Chapter 20: Sparking a fire
Chapter 21: Pain of the Past
Schedules and Shout-out!
Chapter 22: The Climb
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Run!
Chapter 25: Attacked
Chapter 26: Hiding
Chapter 27: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 28: Rescued
Chapter 29: Worried
Chapter 30: Suspicions
Chapter 31: Impatient
Chapter 32: Messed up
Chapter 33: Close calls
Chapter 34: The Game's On Now
Chapter 35: Relations Revealed
Chapter 36: False Alarm
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38: Plug the Plot Hole
Chapter 39: Lost Mates
Chapter 40: Feverish
Chapter 41: Heading for Heartbreak
Chapter 42: Unexpected Company
Chapter 43: Encounter
Chapter 44: Haunted Conscience
Chapter 45: The Never-ending Chase
Chapter 46
Chapter 47: Family Backup
Chapter 48: Jealousy
Chapter 49: Untangle and Tangle
Chapter 50: Beast Wars
Chapter 51: Peek a Past
Chapter 52: Perplexing Relations
Chapter 53: Mental Turmoil
Chapter 54: Old Nightmares Revisit
Chapter 55: What's the Catch?
Chapter 56: The Frustrating "Talk"
Chapter 57: The Painful Apology
Chapter 58 : Uneasy Intrusions
Chapter 59: Wrong Perception?
Chapter 60: Draconian
Chapter 61: Disengagement
Chapter 63: Surprise! Surprise!
Chapter 64: Mad Protective
Chapter 65: Impulsive
Chapter 66: Head-Strong
Chapter 67: Overwhelmed
Chapter 68: Falling Apart
Chapter 69: Hard Choices
Chapter 70: Poking Emotions
Chapter 71: "Tricked"
Chapter 72: Car Chase
Chapter 73: On the Loose
Chapter 74: Shots Fired!
Chapter 75: Bee Mine, Please?
Chapter 76: High School Rivalry
Chapter 77: "I Want You!"
Chapter 78: "Cornered"
Chapter 79: "Ambushed"
Chapter 80: "Kidnapped"
Chapter 81: "A Glimpse Inside My Head"
Chapter 82 : "Snatched"
Chapter 83: "After-shook"
Chapter 84: "Authority Visits"
Chapter 85: "Interrogations"
Chapter 86 : "Forgiveness"
Chapter 87: "Wounds of Regret"
Chapter 88: So? . . . We meet again
Chapter 89: Rationality Who?
Chapter 90: "Heartbreaking Realities"
Chapter 91: "The Guardian of the Zamarud - I"
Chapter 92: "The Guardian of the Zamarud - II"
Chapter 93: "Striking out Secrets"
Chapter 94: "Unpleasant Alternatives - I"
Chapter 95: "Unpleasant Alternatives - II"
Chapter 96: "Tying the Knot -I"
Chapter 97: Tying the Knot - II
Chapter 98: "Played?"
Chapter 99: "The Mysterious Arethas"
Chapter 100: "Almost Blind"
Chapter 101: "Finalizing the Fix"
Chapter: "The Final Word"
Book II

Chapter 62: Restraint

525 73 78
By WhisperingJ

Note: I messed up a little in the previous chapter. I had accidentally posted a discarded draft. This chapter straightens that mistake.

Post your reactions as you read ^^

"Alright," Salma chirped happily. "We can now focus on the segmentation of the thoracic region."

"Great!" Zayn said enthusiastically. "Let's get down to doing it!"

He clapped her upper arm, grasping it as he tried to get her to stand up. Salma's shocked eyes flitted between him and his hand before she roughly slapped her fingers away.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Salma snapped.

"Sorry, sorry, it was just --"

"Don't even attempt at a lie!" Salma snarled.

"Right, here we go again . . ." Zayn said in an exasperated sigh. "It was a mistake! I--"

"Repeated enough times, it becomes a habit!" Salma snapped, jerking her stool away to put some distance between the two of them.

"Miss Rahman!"

Professor R.K.'s voice stopped Salma just as she was kicking the stool further down the counter. The kind professor was standing by the door, waiting for her. Salma forwned, curious.

"Yes, professor?"

"Miss Rehman, please follow me to my office," he requested. "I need a quick word with you."

Salma lightened up, seeing it as an opportunity to avoid Zayn, but then her brow furrowed in confusion. She could not think of a reason why the professor would want to see her in private.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

"Oh yes." He smiled. "Nothing to worry about. I just need a little help with something."

"Sure professor. No problem!"Salma sighed in relief. She could feel Zayn's curious eyes on the two of them.

"Ladies first." The professor beamed at her, holding the door open. Salma chuckled as he led the way to his office.

Salma delayed going back to the lab after the meeting. She opted for a coffee break, then left to see Sarah in her dorm. After prayers, she was hoping she had spent enough time for Zayn to get impatient and leave. Yet, much to her dismay, when she stepped back into the lab, Zayn was still there.

He looked up the moment she entered the lab. Salma swiftly avoided his gaze, ignoring him. He sighed his frustrations at that. Salma could almost hear his thoughts as he mentally struggled to choose the right words. However, the silence stretched a bit longer than she had anticipated. It unnerved her. A quiet Zayn could only mean more trouble before the incoming storm. Salma risked a quick side glance. To her surprise, she found him pouting like a child as he worked on the illustrations.

Salma swallowed a snort. Such a kid!

She was sifting through the identification keys when a boy with reddish brown curls and freckles entered the lab and nervously made his way towards her.

"Um, excuse me," he said timidly. "Professor R.K. send me here - are you, err, he said to show you this note."

Salma took the folded piece of paper from the boy.

"Oh, yes," she replied with a smile. "Professor R.K. told me about you."

The boy grinned with relief. In her periphery, Salma noticed Zayn had stopped working. He was suddenly very interested in everything other than his drawings.

"You must be Miss Rahman." The boy smiled at her. Salma hopped off her stool. Zayn scowled.

"Call me Salma," she replied. Zayn's scowl turned darker.

"It's Jason, right?"

"Yes, Jason Stark." He confirmed with another grin.

"Right." Salma smiled, trying not to snap at Zayn, who neither said a word to Jason, nor avert his hostile glare from him.

"Follow me, Jason."

Seriously Zayn! Salma huffed mentally. Stop being so rude.

Salma could only wish that would happen. For two hours straight, Zayn did nothing but fix Jason with a murderous glare. It didn't take the junior very long to feel the heat of Zayn's silent anger directed at him. Puzzled and scared, Salma could see the poor boy going to extreme lengths to avoid looking Zayn in the eye. Fortunately enough, Claire dropped by and took Zayn away. Both, Jason and Salma breathed a sigh of relief.

The next hour went by peacefully. Jason was a pleasant company. Salma showed him around the lab, setting his work station next to hers.

"And this is where the slides are kept for microscopic study of the tissues," Salma opened the drawer. "Just follow the catalogue to know which box you need to look into."

"Do we have slides of Mantids here?" Jason asked running his finger down the index of one of the list.

"Yeah, just two drawers to your left," Salma replied. Jason hurried to where she pointed but she stopped him. "You can check those out later. Come!"

Jason followed her to where she had all her notes and specimens strewn across the counter. Salma cleared a space for him and set a microscope.

"You can use this space as your work station. I'm right here," she pointed to the mess on her side. "You can ask me whenever you need help."

"Thank you!" Jason beamed at her. "Can I get the slides now?"


Salma and Jason had just settled into a comfortable silence, immersed in their respective tasks, when a sharp rap made the both of them jump. Salma saw the knuckles hitting the table again.

"You!" Zayn spat at Jason. Salma's face fell, why was he back again? "Your backside needs to get out of my seat!"

Jason eyes did a quick to and fro from Zayn to Salma and then jolted off of stool as if he was electrocuted.

"What're you doing?!" Salma snapped at Zayn but he ignored her.

"Are these your things?" He pointed at Jason's notepad and specimens.

"Yes," the poor junior whispered. "I'll move them --"

He quickly withdrew his hands when Zayn started piling everything and carried them over to the opposite counter. Salma jumped to her feet at his audacity.

"Jason, sit down," she told the junior, walking around the counter to snatch his things back.

"Does he dare?" Zayn challenged. Salma rounded on him.

"You --!"

"It's okay!" Jason quickly interrupted. "I don't mind. I'm fine working in that spot."

Salma glared Zayn.

"I see," she replied, still fuming. "You're right."

Giving Zayn her back, she collected her things and dropped them on the counter next to Jason's. Without a word, she turned on the microscope there and placed a bug under the lens to resume her work.

Salma counted exactly seven seconds before the expected explosion occurred as Zayn stormed out of the lab, followed by Mrs. Coles yelling.

Problem solved, Salma thought as she zoomed in on the little insect's antennas.


"Wait -" Salma cried, "What do you mean you're still going?"

"I mean what I said," Mum replied impatiently. She was looking pale and weak. The stress of the past couple days had taken its toll on her.

"But why?" Asim asked.

"Because Agha Gul wanted me too."

"That doesn't make sense," Salma whispered to herself.

Salma had come home to see her mother and aunt Farhiya packing their things. Turns out Agha Gul had called and demanded that they visit him as was planned. Although the looming threat of the proposal was averted, it still scared Salma to know that the old man wanted her mother to visit.

"I thought Fahad was moving Aunt Farhiya to the States with him," Salma said, following her mother as she moved between the wardrobe and her bags. "I thought it was not safe for her to go back. Wasn't she supposed to stay with us till --"

"Salma!" Alley interrupted sharply. "Please let me pack, alright!"

"But mum!" Asim tried to interrupt.

"I don't know anything of what you're asking!" she snapped at him. "Nothing's going on, stop pestering me. I'm just going for visit. Now leave, both of you!"

Salma could see her mother was scared sick but she was trying to act like everything was fine. She was also probably annoyed that her children had found out about her sister's situation. That was something between Fahad and them and she wanted to keep it like that.

Reluctantly, Asim and Salma left their parents' room.

What was Ghamey's family upto now?

A chill ran down Salma's spine when she thought about it.


Niall woke up with a massive hangover. While his head pounded painfully, he was surprised to find himself lying at an odd angle in his bed, fully clothed, and with his shoes still on. He struggled to remember how he got there. However, it made his head ache more so he stopped bothering.

He turned over his back, groaning. The lamp was on, casting long shadows in faint glow over the room. Niall was immensely relieved to notice pills lying on the nightstand. He reached for them gratefully, only to realize there was no water. A few colorful curses left his lips.

It was like Zayn to take care of his wasted friend and leave pills, but it was also like him to forget to leave a glass of water.

Grumbling in pain, Niall got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen unsteadily. He was almost knocked to the ground when he stumbled upon a football in the lounge.

"God damn that blasted ball!" Niall cursed, steadying himself. A movement could be heard in the kitchen. Niall kicked the ball out of his way. Squinting his eyes against the glare of light, he was surprised to see Zayn rummaging through the cabinets.

"Hi mate," Niall greeted, which came out more like a groan of pain as his head stabbed.

Zayn said nothing. Niall grabbed a glass of water to take his pills, and turned around to face his dark-haired friend.

"Why are you up so late?" he asked, taking a seat to rest his throbbing head against the counter.

"Couldn't sleep," Zayn mumbled shortly.

Zayn did not elaborate why he could not sleep, but it was not hard to guess his argument with Claire was still on his mind.

Earlier, Niall had walked into the house, not knowing that it was exploding with a massive argument. Between the shouting and the painful insults being hurled around, Niall gathered that Claire had been seeing someone and Zayn did not approve. Even though it did little to help Niall's chances with Claire, he was secretly really pleased by Zayn's disapproval.

So, when Claire left to attend a party with the dude to spite Zayn, Niall decided to tag along. He was hoping Zayn would think it was to keep an eye on Claire, but now that Zayn was giving him the silent treatment, Niall worried if he was upset with him over it.

"Is everything cool?" Niall asks, dreading an outburst.

Zayn nodded curtly.

"Good to know."

Zayn walked out of kitchen. He slumped on the couch and picked up his iPad. Niall did not know what to make of the borderline rude lack of response. He knew something was bugging Zayn but he was not sure if it was him, or Claire, or . . . Salma? Niall hesitated before following him into the lounge.

"Everything alright between you and Salma?" he attempted casually.

Zayn's jaw ticked and his hand froze over the screen.

"Why do you feel the need to ask me that?" he asked, raising a mocking brow.

Niall gulped the remaining water in his glass.

"Just that you seem stressed so I thought -- "

"That something must be wrong between me and Bee?" Zayn interrupted him sarcastically.

"Bro, I was only asking!" Niall protested, feeling a bit frustrated that Zayn would get upset over a simple question.

Zayn rolled his eyes before shifting his attention back to his iPad. Niall put the glass away, shaking his head in disbelief. He knew Zayn had taken a fancy to Salma but this was getting crazier by the minute. There mere idea of something being wrong between them seemed to irk him.

Not wanting to annoy him anymore than he already was, Niall left. As he passed, he could swear he saw Zayn drawing a cartoon sketch of himself and Salma.


Salma took a seat and popped her books open. Zayn and Niall were not around yet and she did not feel like talking to either of them after what he had done the other day. To her relief, just moments after they arrived, the Professor started the class, sparing her the unnecessary and probably rude exchange they were bound to have.

"Bee?" Zayn whispered.

Salma forced her eyes to stay fixed on her books.


"Listen to me!"


Zayn tried to grab her attention multiple times, but Salma ignored him. After a while, she heard him sigh in defeat.

Salma started packing her books a minute before the class would end. The moment it was dismissed, she swung her bag over her shoulder and shot out of her seat to leave. Zayn caught up with her when she was halfway to the lab.

"Bee, wait!"

He skidded in front of her.

"Listen to me, please don't do this." Zayn blocked her path.

Salma looked away from him and kept walking.

"Bee, please - Look, I made mistake!" he insisted. Putting his hands up in surrender position, he started walking backwards, refusing to let her step around him. "I'm trying - I didn't mean to offend you! Honestly, I --"

Salma halted, looking him squarely in the eye.

"But you do," she said simply. "You always do!"

Zayn opened his mouth but no words came out of it. He closed it again. Salma gave him a disappointed look and walked around him.

Jason was already in the lab when Salma arrived. He beamed at her and waved her over. Forcing a smile in return, Salma walked towards him. In no time, she had forgotten all about Zayn as she helped Jason around.

"What?" Salma furrowed her brows when Jason jumped slightly.

"Well, well, well. Here comes trouble again!" Salma heard the lab attendant, Mrs. Coles, mutter. She had been cataloguing the fresh specimens beside them.

Salma followed her gaze to see Zayn search for his ID card to enter the lab. "You'd think I don't have enough to worry about with students from this school that R.K goes ahead and import more nuisances . . !" the lab attendant kept ranting.

Zayn looked up and their eyes met through the glass door. Salma let out a breath and gave him her back. Guess her and the lab attendant finally have something in common.

"You should expel him," Salma muttered.

"Expel him? If I had my way, I'd expel the lot of you!" Mrs. Coles snapped, making Salma flinch.

"Bunch of idiots crashing down my lab!"She slammed the drawer shut and stormed towards her office.

Salma laughed dryly, pushing the microscope aside.

"Good to know the feeling is mutual," she muttered to herself.

"He really doesn't like me, does he?" Jason whispered, sounding scared and worried.

Salma turned to the curly red-head to see his horrified gaze still focused on Zayn.

"He doesn't like anyone." Salma rolled her eyes.

"He likes you." Jason commented.

Salma scoffed, pulling the identification keys towards her.

"You should have seen what he was like when we first met." Salma informed him. "Trust me, you have it easy."

Picking up the list of specimens Jason needed, Salma walked to the other side of the lab to get them. Jason offered to do it himself but she declined. Partly because being a freshman, Jason was not yet allowed access to the rare specimens and partly because like Jason, she wanted to avoid a confrontation with Zayn as well.

Her plan failed when Zayn left his things on the counter and followed her. Jason cowered as Zayn passed him, but he ignored the junior completely.

In her haste to move out of the way fast enough, Salma almost dropped the three boxes she was carrying. Zayn quickly reached out to stabilize them.

"Bee, come on --"

"I don't want to talk about it!" Salma snapped, stepping around him to put the boxes on the counter.

"But I do," he argued.Salma reached for more boxes, Zayn stepped forward to help. She resisted.

"Stop being stubborn," he whispered.

"I don't need your help!" Salma jerked him away, and placed them on the counter.

Checking the list, she crossed the specimens she had picked up already. When she turned around to collect the last one, Zayn stepped in front of the cupboard.

"Just this once --"

"Zayn, for Allah's sake!" Salma hissed. "Not now!"

"Bee please, I'm sorry," he said so sincerely that Salma made the mistake of looking up.

Her heart melted. She did not know why she thought of a small kid apologizing for stealing a cookie. Annoyed with herself, Salma looked away.

"You said that the last time too," she replied, but even she could detect the absence of harshness in her tone.

Sensing her resolve break, Zayn grabbed the chance to protest his case.

"It wasn't on purpose! It's hard for me," Zayn defended. "I've never lived by these rules before. It slipped my mind yesterday. I'm trying! I promise I'm trying my best, Bee!"

Salma didn't say anything. She realized the general trend here; she had trouble staying mad at Zayn for long.

"Please? I hate it when you're upset with me."

"You keep crossing me --"

"I know I'm sorry. I don't mean to."

Salma pinched the bridge of her nose, frustrated with herself. She felt Zayn relaxing. He moved out of the way, probably realizing he had won this war.

"I don't even know why I'm listening to you," Salma muttered, running a finger along the labels of the boxes as she tried to find the right one.

"Isn't it obvious?" Zayn scoffed. "Duh! it's 'cos you like me!"

Salma's fingers stopped halfway through their search.

What was he trying to imply? She gritted her teeth.

However, Zayn's light-hearted chuckle made her realize he was back to being an idiot again. Turning around she glared at him. He shut up and raised his hands in surrender. Taking out the last box, Salma place it atop the others and turned around to face him.

"It's your last chance" she warned, pointing a finger at him threateningly. "No matter what the situation, you'll keep your limbs to yourself!"

"Deal," Zayn agreed quickly.

"You will also watch your mouth."

Zayn pursed his lips and pulled an imaginary zipper over his mouth.

"And you will behave yourself around Jason!"

The moment the words left her mouth, Zayn's features hardened. All traces of humor evaporated form his face in an instant.

"Why does a curly shit-bag always have to make my life miserable --"

"Zayn, he's a fellow student and I will not have you create problems for me!" Salma snapped.

A muscle in his jaw ticked as he tried to tame his anger.

"Fine!" Zayn snarled, making a face as if the word was bitter in his mouth. "But he better stay away from what's mine!"

Zayn reached out to snatch the boxes from the counter and leave, but Salma placed a hand on them. Zayn paused.

"What do you mean?!" Salma asked, dreading the answer.

Zayn met her gaze, something akin to pain flashed across his eyes for a moment.

"You'd know what I mean, had you focused on something other than channeling your anger towards me," he muttered.

Salma's lips parted. She was frozen still to the spot. His words felt like a punch to the gut, knocking all air out of her system.

He didn't really mean - Salma swallowed anxiously. No, he obviously couldn't!

Zayn pulled at the boxes. Salma removed her hand, dropping it by her side, limp. Zayn stopped and closed his eyes, looking exhausted. Running a hand through his dark hair, he pulled away from the counter.

"Look, I'm not trying to be selfish or mean, but I have to clear time for this project," he began. "I enjoy what I'm doing with you but it is still hard work. It's obvious I'd be annoyed when the time that you're supposed to allot to working with me, is given to someone else. I don't see how you don't get that, Bee?"

As his words sank in, the painful muscles in her neck began to relax. Releasing a breath that she did not know she was holding, Salma took a step back. She felt annoyed with herself for overstretching his words and causing herself unnecessary stress.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

"I . . . I'm sorry." Salma looked away, embarrassed. "I tried to make sure not to harm the project while I helped Jason."

She mumbled her lame excuse as guilt started gnawing at her insides. It was true, she realized, Zayn was spending a lot of time helping her with the project. And although she made sure her helping Jason would not affect her own work, it still divided her attention.

"It's alright." Zayn smiled slightly. "Let's just go back to . . . you know, work?"

He raised his hand reaching for her shoulders, but then thought better of draping his arm around her. Uttering a frustrated sigh, he reached of the boxes instead. Salma gritted her teeth but acted like she did not notice his awkward gesture. At least he was trying, she forcefully reminded herself.

Salma followed Zayn towards the hall. Jason paled when he realized Zayn was headed his way. However, her rude lab partner placed the boxes near him, completely ignoring the fact that the poor junior was in an awkward position, halfway between standing and sitting. Resting his elbow on the pile of boxes, Zayn leaned next to him.

"You would survive through the day if she focuses more on her own work, won't you?" Zayn raised a brow.

Salma glared at Zayn. Seriously? Was he going back on his word that fast?

Jason's eyes flitted between her and Zayn. The young boy was scared to death.

"Y-yes!" he stammered. "Of course."

"Lovely." Zayn straightened up. "Distract her from her work one more time-"


"I'm just making sure the junior understand time doesn't come cheap." Zayn shrugged, his eyes fixed on Jason. "When someone gives it to you, you value it and try to make the most out of it. If others attempt to take that away from you, make them know their place."

"What the --" Salma's jaw dropped. She angrily pushed a stool and forced her way between the two boys to stand guard in front of the Jason. "Back off, Zayn!"

"You get what I mean, don't you, junior?"

"I said back off!" Salma raised her voice.

Zayn didn't budge. He kept intimidating the junior by fixing him with a grim stare over her shoulder.

"Y-yes," Jason replied, sounding like he was about to faint. His eyes went to and fro between Salma and Zayn again.

"What's going on there?" a sharp feminine voice interrupted from the doorway. Salma turned around to see the lab assistant staring at them, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Alright, Zayn that's enough!" Salma hissed, eyeing the lab attendant wearily.

"Are y'all deaf?" the lab assistant scolded. "I asked if everything is alright?"

"Of course!" Zayn smiled at her, not looking away from Jason as he stepped towards him and clamped his shoulder. "Make sure you remember what I said."

"D-definitely!" Jason stuttered.

"Zayn, you --!"

Salma bit her tongue, remembering the Lab assistant was still watching them. Zayn smirked at her, playfully wiggling a brow at her dilemma before walking away to his counter. Salma glared at his back. Sighing in relief, Jason slumped on his stool, looking drained.

"Are you alright?" Salma asked, concerned. "I'm sorry he's such a beast. I'll talk to R.K. --"

"No, no, I'm fine!" Jason quickly reassured. "I'm totally okay! No need to mention anything to the professor! We were just chatting, you know!"

Salma eyed him, doubtful of his claims.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He forced a smile. "One hundred percent!"

"Okay then . . ." Salma said, not believing him. "Let me know if you need any help."

When Salma started walking away, she heard Jason sigh again and put his head on the table. Zayn really scared the poor kid. Salma wondered if she should report him to Professor R.K.


"Huh?" Salma blinked.

Zayn laughed at her.

"You --" Salma bit her tongue, and looked over her shoulder to make sure the lab assistant was gone. "You're a jerk!"

"So I've been told." Zayn bit back a smile.

"Get back to your work!" Salma said crossly.

She was met by more of his infuriating laughter.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked the chapter. I have a bit of an announcement to make regarding update schedule but I have been really busy these days. I'll make a post about it soon.

Don't forget to vote comment and share.

Also, chapter 63,64 and 65 are up on Patreon. Chapter 66 will be updated tonight. Become a patron to enjoy this month's early access chapters! at www.patreon.com/Brekhnajohar

Lots of Love,


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