This Love Hate.

By writingandimagining

8.8K 105 55


This Love Hate.
This Love Hate. Chapter 2.
This Love Hate. Chapter 3.
This Love Hate. Chapter 4.
This Love Hate. Chapter 5.
This Love Hate. Chapter 6.
This Love Hate. Chapter 7.
This Love Hate. Chapter 8.
This Love Hate. Chapter 9.
This Love Hate. Chapter 11.
This Love Hate. Chapter 12.
This Love Hate. Chapter 13.
This Love Hate. Chapter 14. The Final Chapter.
Author's Notes

This Love Hate. Chapter 10.

538 7 5
By writingandimagining

Chapter 10.

George's POV.

As we walked into Rachel's house, all the memories seemed to come back at me, all at once. I'd spent so many good times here, we were like the unbreakable best friends. It was hard to believe it'd all gone wrong. I was taken from my daydream by Jaymi, who lightly tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I wanted a cup of tea, to which I replied ''Yes''  Rachel then guided me into the living room. ''You dont have to guide me everywhere y'know, I do know where everything is. I do remember''  I spoke.

Rachel looked directly at me asif she was surprised that I remebered, it was obvious she did. ''You remember?'' She asked.

''Yep'' I replied ''One of my favourite memories is when it was your 9th birthday, you had the little water slide that flicked out water when you slid down it, you had your pool, a bouncy castle and a inflatable jungle. Our mums were in the garden not wanting to get wet from the water and the little kids running around so me and you kept doing mischievious things, and they didnt know it was us. And when your dad saw what we were doing he winked and put his thumbs up'' I chuckled at the memory, and glanced to Rachel, who was chuckling too.

''Whats so funny?'' Jaymi asked as he entered the room.

''We were just reminising'' Rachel chuckled.

Jaymi smiled as we sat down on the sofas. His face looked like it was deep in thoughts. ''Why did those boys starting hitting you?'' Jaymi questioned. ''They wouldnt tell me, they were just jabbering on about this and that'' 

''I said I wanted to branch out and find new friends'' I replied ''I finally realised they are no good for me. I'm a much better person when I'm around you, JJ and Josh''

 I looked over to Rachel, hoping she'd work out I was doing this to result in something good. Jaymi looked at me and smiled slightly. ''I'm glad you've made that decision George, I just wish they would've taken it better'' 

''So do I, I didnt know they were going to go that extreme, I didnt know what was happening until Rachel explained. Just shows they were no good for me'' I spoke.

Rachel's POV.

George was being pleasant, I was still taken aback that he remembered, and now he'd just admitted his old friends were bad news, no good for him, and that he was a better person around JJ, Jaymi and Josh. I was starting to like the new George, he was being nice, and he kept glancing over at me, looking for my approval. I must've been the only one feeling the slightly awkward tension in the room, knowing he was looking at me because he wanted me to like him, to love him again.

''Would you mind if I just nipped to the toilet?'' George asked.

''No not atall, I wont tell you where it is, just because you already know'' I said as I rolled my eyes, quoting George from before. He smiled as he made his way up the stairs.

George's POV.

After going to the toilet, I couldnt help but wander if Rachel's room was the same as it had been a meer 2 years ago. Curiousity had taken over me as I walked to the second door on the right, and opened the door slowly, making sure it didnt creak. As I peered around, I noticed the colours of her walls were the same light blue they had been, she now had her laptop in the corner of her room, and a double bed instead of her single. Her tv lay the exact same place and I remembered when we'd sit on the floor, peering up at it as we watched our favourite films together. I walked in a little further and spotted something I remebered, I picked it up as I sat on the edge of Rachel's bed. It was her memory box, a long time ago, I remembered her saying ''This is my memory box. When I'm older I'm going to fill it up with all my great memories, you can help me if you like''  So I helped her paint it a bizarre green colour, with sequins and beads all over it. I opened the box gently, knowing how clumsy I was, as I looked  through. I saw pictures from my past, memories that lay that I'd almost forgot about, until now, when they all came swimming back to me.

Thats when I felt a figure over me as they tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to see it was Rachel, eyebrows raised, arms crossed.

Rachel's POV.

''Rachel, I'm really sorry, I guess curiousity just, y'know, ran over me and I wanted to see if your room was the same, then I spotted your, your memory box and I just wanted to see all the memories that lay'' George rambled, trying to explain. He was taking a while upstairs, so I ventured to see what he was doing, thats when I spotted him in my room, looking through my memory box, smiling.

''Its ok'' I spoke as I sat down beside him.

''It is?'' He replied.

''Yes'' I laughed lightly. ''I dont mind, you have a good reason'' 

''Do you remember this?'' I asked.

''Of course'' He replied, as we looked down to the photo of me and George, racing on sports day. We spent another 30 minutes upstairs, just looking through the photos and explaining our thoughts on them, I almost forgot about Jaymi being downstairs, here I was with the guy I didnt know what to call, because he was so confusing, peering through photos, being taken back to a time when we were less confused, when we didnt know about love, or hate, when we didnt know about the big bad world out there, when we wanted to grow up. And I found myself enjoying George's company.

Sorry I kept swapping POVs, but I thought it fitted into the chapter. Hope you like it! :) Feedback is apperciated as always. x

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