The Dangerous Abused Zombie (...

By BA55edWriter

66.9K 686 137

Qrow and Winter had two sons, Dylan and Y/N! Dylan and James were in the Schnee mansion, but Dylan was taken... More

Level 1: The Dead will rise again!
Level 2: Game Master arrives
Level 3: Brawl in the family!
Level 4: Revelations!
Level 5: Chaos
Level 6: Despair and Hope
Level 7: Foggy Mind
Level 8: Memories...?
Level 9: Facing Myself
Level 11: The Boss Fight
Level 12: The Ending

Level 10: The Final Level

3.2K 30 6
By BA55edWriter

3rd Pov: 

Y/N: "I know what's her next target"

Ironwood: "Which is?"

Y/N: "She's going to target Atlas, sending Tyrian and Watts to sabotage the systems"

Ironwood: "That's impossible! Watts is dead..."

Y/N: "Correction, he faked his death..."

Y/N: "And if I'm not mistaken he already tampered with the camera footage so Penny would be framed"

Y/N: "This is all of her plan to cause chaos so Argus would attract Grimm"

Y/N: "Then when you least expect it as everyone is handling all the chaos, Someone in the inside would've stolen the Relic of Knowledge and the Relic in Atlas"

Y/N: "Lastly would be taking the Winter Maiden"

Ironwood and everyone present was shocked by the revealing of such an intricate and elaborate plan that was in motion...

Y/N: "But she wouldn't expect if we came took the battle to her..."

Ironwood: "So you know where her base is?"

Y/N: "Though she can't be killed, she can be banished into another world..."

Ironwood: "What are you suggesting?"

Y/N: "I'm suggesting that we use my Gamer Tech to transfer her from our world to the Digital world where she is sealed into a Gashat that is closed-circuit"

Y/N: "That will cause the Grimm being normal and docile animals"

Y/N: "But it also means that I'm the only one that can use it..."

Winter: "Can't we find someone else to use it instead!?"

Y/N: "It would be a one in a million chance that someone out there would have the same semblance as me..."

Y/N: "I made the device based off of my Semblance..."

Y/N: "I made the Bugvisor specifically for me, so I would be the only one to use it to transform..."

Y/N: "But the convenient part is that my semblance: Zombie"

Y/N: "Enables me to rise back up from a Critical Hit that could take my life"

Y/N: "My wounds get healed but my Stamina gets drained every time"

Qrow: "Talk about Too Convenient..."

Y/N: "That's the thing"

Y/N: "I'm more durable but it takes more energy"

Y/N: "I could easily sleep for 30 days straight just to re-energize..."

Ironwood: "A very valuable Semblance..."

Winter: "Please don't do this, we just got you back!"

Y/N: "I'm sorry, Mom"

Y/N: "I need to finish what I somewhat started..."

-----Time Skip, because everyone is going to Salem's castle-----

The pilot lands the Bullhead and everyone gets out...

The Ace Ops, The ragtag group of idiotic children, and the Family of Huntsmen and Huntresses

Hordes of Grimm surrounded them...

And in the frontlines are Hazel, Mercury, and Emerald

Mercury: "We knew that when Y/N would be back, that you guys would be on the same side.."

Hazel: "Salem was able to predict all of this..."

Y/N: "She may have predicted our arrival, but she couldn't have predicted what we have planned!"

Y/N then took out the BugVisor and placed it unto his waist and took out his gashat!


Y/N: "Henshin!"


Then he summoned the Gashacon Sparrow!

Gashacon Sparrow: GASHACON SPARROW!

Y/N: "I'm going to kill her regardless!"

Mercury: "If you can get past us..."

Ironwood then pulls out his pistols and opened fire!

Ruby swung Crescent Rose shot some Grimm while she swung her scythe around killing any Grimm around her...

Yang punched them all, Blake used Gambol Shroud to slice and shoot the Grimm near them

Weiss summoned her White Knight Via Semblance and slew some of them swiftly!

The Ace Ops did what they did best, slaying Grimm with style!

The Grimm horde was reduced to mere ashes as more were coming...

Ironwood: "You keep going Y/N!"

Winter then stopped for a moment and embrace her eldest son...

Winter: "Please survive this, I just got you back! I won't let you go!"

Y/N: "I promise I'll come back for you, Mom..."

Winter then hugs the boy with tears flowing down her cheeks

Winter: "I know that you will come back, so we can all be a happy family once again..."

Y/N: "Thank you..."

Y/N then goes to the dark castle after clearing the Grimm out of his way with the support of his friends and family...

Y/N opens the big door that reveals Salem Herself!

Salem: "I've been expecting you..."

Y/N: "I guess it's time for a Boss Fight..."

But Y/N then gasps as he sees that the BugVisor was shot as the screen cracks and shatters!

Then Y/N sees his armor reverting to data as he is knocked down to his knees by the hilt of a spear...

Salem: "It seems you haven't properly prepared..."


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