The Truth In My Lies

By writinginthesun

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"I'll keep you wild as long as you keep me safe." Madison Carter has been best friends with Andrew Taylor si... More



1.4K 37 8
By writinginthesun

A/N: At the time I'm writing this, TTIML has reached 190 reads! I know 100-200 reads is basically nothing on Wattpad, but thank you guys so much!


     I DOWN another beer and slam the empty glass bottle on the coffee table. I've always preferred glass bottles over the cans. The beer just tastes better that way. The T.V. is off, but even with the fan on, the apartment is too quiet. Andrew's at Lenny's, Cameron's probably busy with his new chick, and I'm sure Jordan is screwing Claire's brains out.

Normally, I would complain about Andrew's constant nagging. Kaiden, you need to get your shit out of the bathroom floor. Kaiden, you need to clean your mess up in the kitchen. Kaiden, stop watching porn in the living room.

Now, however, I'd enjoy his company, and his constant nagging if it meant I could stop thinking about Madison and what she said.

The way Madison stormed in here I thought she was looking for Andrew's dumb ass. She was just here to tell me about Alyssa. I really couldn't give a fuck a less. Alyssa knew what she was doing when she got involved with me.

Not that I'm a man who can't commit, I'm addicted to a lot of things. She's just not one of them.

Stupid Alyssa. I knew she was trouble from the moment I met her. She has these deep blue eyes, the kind that angels have, but she actually is the devil in disguise. Her light hair only adds to this allusion, but despite that, her soul is very dark. I knew breaking up with her wouldn't be easy, even though she cheated on me more times than I count on one hand. Not that I was completely loyal back, because I wasn't. She's crazy. The last time I told her that to her face, I ended up with three slashed tires. She didn't slash the fourth one because of something with the insurance. I have no clue what she was talking about because insurance paid for four new tires, even though she only slashed three. That plan obviously backfired.

I check my phone and see I have two missed calls from Tyler. I don't bother calling him back, I just clear the calls. He gets on my nerves. I know he likes being Marcos' favorite.

I text Cameron and Jordan to ask them if they want to go grab some drinks. Normally, I wouldn't mind going to a bar alone. I've done it numerous times before. I'm just sick of being alone.

They respond in seconds, telling me they'll meet me there. I pick up my beer bottles, knowing Andrew will have my balls if I don't. I swear he complains about just about anything now. It's his fault that Madison hates him, so I don't feel bad for his sorry ass. I'm not even sure why I asked him to be my roommate. He was cool in chemistry, but living with him is a whole other story.

Now that Madison doesn't come around anymore, he's started hanging out with this Callie chick. She's even more annoying that Madison was. Well, Madison wasn't that annoying. In fact, she's pretty fun to hangout with. She knows how to kiss too, so that's a major bonus. Not to mention she's incredibly sexy and doesn't even know it. Or maybe she does know it, but she doesn't act like she's too good for anyone and I like that.

I change into a pair of jeans and grab a black sweatshirt. I grab some cologne, spray some on me, and check my hair in the mirror. My black Vans are by the door, so I just slip those on and grab my keys. I wonder if there will be any hot girls out tonight. I need to get laid. It's almost been a month and hand has actually become my best friend. It's quite sad actually.

When I get to my car, I see Andrew pulling into the parking lot. Joy. I hope he doesn't ask to come with me. He's a killjoy at parties and bars. It's like he's scared to ruin his good boy image. Newsflash, college chicks don't like good boys.

He parks in his usual spot, two places down from me. I see the dirty blonde in his passenger seat and i mentally groan. He's definitely not coming anywhere with me if Callie has to come too. I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty screwdriver than have a conversation with her.

Plus, for some reason it pisses me off that he humped and dumped Madison, his best friend, only to get with Callie.

"Hey man, where you going?" Andrew calls as he climbs out of his car, followed by Callie. She smiles at me, but I don't return the favor.

"Just going to grab a drink with Cameron and Jordan. I'll be back later." I hit the unlock button on my key fob and open my door.

Callie whispers something into his ear and giggles. Andrew's eyes widen before his lips spread into a grin.

"You're not fucking on my bed. Or my couch. Or in my kitchen." I deadpan. It's not entirely my couch or my kitchen, but I don't care. If I came home and saw Andrew's bare ass nailing Callie on the couch, I'd kick his ass into next year.

"C'mon, bro, get real. I'm not that disgusting." He scoffs, but by the look in Callie's eyes, I know she's disappointed.

"So, what time do you think you'll be back?" Callie asks. Her voice is too nasally and high pitched. I'd prefer to listen to nails on a chalkboard.

"No clue." I mumble and get into my car. Fortunately, my windows are tinted so Callie can't see me flipping her off.

She waves at me before she follows Andrew inside. I swear if I find out they've done anything in my bed, I'll murder him and make her watch. I don't really care if they do anything in the shower so long as they sanitize it after. I've never had shower sex, it's just not something that interests me. Girls expect you to be all lovey-dovey and wash their hair, but that's too much for me.

It's dark by the time I reach the bar. I find Cameron and Jordan sitting at the counter. I slap Jordan on the back before I take the stool next to his.

"Nice for you to join us." Jordan laughs and slides me a beer. I notice there's a giant hickey on his neck.

"Wow, someone got you good." I point to my own neck.

"Hey, I'm telling you, my girl's a freak." He chuckles and brings his own beer to his lips.

I can't imagine Carly, or whatever her name is, being a freak. Actually, I think her name is Claire. That's besides the point. I think that girl's so innocent, there's an imaginary halo that's always on top of her head. I guess that would be right up Jordan's alley.

"Where's Kassie?" I look at Cameron. Kassie's one of Madison's friends, so maybe if Kassie comes, so will Madison. She's pretty pissed at me because of the whole thing with Alyssa. I don't see why she cares so much. If the roles were reversed, I know Alyssa wouldn't bat an eye if Madison asked for help. She even told me that Madison was ugly and she didn't understand why Andrew was friends with her. The truth is, Alyssa's just an insecure bitch.

"With Madison." He shrugs. I knew it.

I want to tell him to call her up and invite them to hangout, but I don't want to seem like a pussy. I look around the bar, hoping to find a little distraction for the night. There's a cute redhead playing pool. She's wearing leggings and when she bends over, I can see her red thong. She has a nice ass.

There's also a brunette playing darts. Her tits are basically busting out of her shirt, but I think she has a boyfriend. There's some guy holding her waist, helping her aim the darts.

I sigh and down my beer. This is just as boring as sitting at home. I used to love doing this shit, but I'm bored now for some reason. I'd rather take Madison to another party. I couldn't believe she'd never smoked weed before, and watching her loose herself really turned me on. I'd love to watch her loose herself with me.

I've gone to eat at the restaurant she works at two times in the last month, both times hoping she would be there. She wasn't and my waitress was Allie, the same girl Madison introduced me to. She kept giving me googly eyes the whole time.

"Kaiden!" Jordan snaps his fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality and out of my daze.

"What?" I push his hand anyway. I hate when people get in my face.

"Do you wanna do shots?" He asks, his tone suggesting he's already asked me this question a couple times before.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I nod my head.

Four shots later, I'm buzzed. I've been drinking beer all evening, so that gave me a heads start. I check my phone and see I have two missed calls from an unknown number. I already know it's Alyssa. I blocked her number so now she's trying to contact me anyway she can.

Just as I'm sliding my phone back into my pocket, it starts to ring again. This time I answer it.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap.

"For you to fucking answer me, asshole!" Alyssa screams from the other line. I knew it was her.

"I don't want to talk to you. What's so hard for you to understand?" I grit my teeth. She's ruining my night. Not like it was much of a night to begin with, but still. I'd rather be left alone.

"I need your help, Kaiden! I feel like I'm dying." She starts to cry and I roll my eyes. How pathetic.

"That sucks."

"If you don't help me, I'll kill you!" She blares through the phone. I know her threats are empty, but it's funny watching her get mad.

"I'm sure you will. Bye, Alyssa." I say in a sing-song voice, then end the call. I block that number before I put my phone away and call the bartender for another shot.

Four more shots later, my words are slurring and the room is spinning. This is how I like it. It feels like the restrains on my body have been lifted, like I'm a little kid who got to dizzy on the carousel.

"Hey, wanna dance?" The cute redhead from earlier asks. I'm way too wasted to dance, but I don't say no. I follow her out to the dance floor and laugh when she turns around and backs her ass against me. She knows how to move and I feel my dick twitch in my pants.

I'm not so sure I'd wanna take this chick back to my place, but if she asks me to come home with her, I don't think I'll turn her down. Maybe getting laid will help me get out of this funk I've been in.

I notice a man staring at us, a grin playing on his lips. I recognize him immediately. He's one of Marcos' friends. I think his name is Rafael.

The redhead spins around and starts peppering kisses on my neck. She presses herself against me and giggles when she feels how excited I am. "I'm Natalie, by the way." She breathes in my ear. Her breath smells like straight vodka.

"Nice to meet you, Natalie. I'm Kaiden." I slur out.

I suddenly feel the urge to pee super bad. Alcohol just goes right through me, and I've had a lot tonight.

"I have to piss." I mumble before I leave her to find the bathroom.

The men's restroom is completely empty, so I pick a urinal and unzip my fly. I sigh in relief as I empty my bladder. Once I'm done, I wash my hands and stumble out of the bathroom. Without much thought, I grab my phone and dial Madison's number.

She picks up on the second ring.

"Kaiden? What do you want?" She grumbles. It sounds like she's been asleep.

"Did I wake you up?" I have no clue what time is it, but it can't be that late. "The night is young and so are we." I sing out.

"What do you want?" She asks, clearly not amused with me.

"Do you want to hangout later?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," I really don't know what I mean. I don't know why I even asked her to hangout. A better idea pops into my head. "How about we get breakfast in the morning?"

She doesn't respond, and for a second I think she's hung up on me. Finally, her voice carries through the receiver. "Only if you promise to talk to Alyssa."

"I already have, sweet cheeks." I lean up against the cool wall.

"Fine, but you're buying."

"Meet me at my apartment at eight A.M."

We say our farewells and I make my way back to redhead swaying her hips to whatever song is playing.

"Hey!" Her eyes light up when she sees I have returned. "Do you want to do a shot with me?"

I've done enough shots for tonight, but I don't deny her request. I follow her over to the counter and throw back a shot or two with her.

"Dude, don't you think you should chill with those?" Cameron gestures to the now empty shot glasses on the counter.

"Cameron," I smile and clap him on the back. "Mind your own fucking business."

I follow the redhead back out to the dance floor. I know how to handle myself. I don't need Cameron or anyone else babysitting me.


A/N: I changed it up and included a chapter from Kaiden's POV. I think I'm going to include more chapters from his perspective because I like sharing things from his perspective. It really explains his actions better. What do you guys think? I was also thinking about doing one in Andrew's POV eventually. Would anyone like that? 

Please vote and comment like always! 

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