bloom. h.s ✔️

De vanillasoy

1.3M 32.8K 100K

// "Shit Flower, I miss you." // In which a former drug dealer who fell in love with the bosses' daughter fin... Mais

a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, man cannot live without love
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
a shameless promotion


25.1K 722 1.5K
De vanillasoy

"Ya alright'?"

I looked at Niall as he glanced at me as he stopped at a red light and I nodded.

"Yeah, just nervous." I admitted, a sympathetic smile being thrown my way in response.

Just nervous was actually an understatement, I was incredibly nervous and the idea of being up on stage in front of all the people in my class and their friends and families was enough to make me throw up this morning.

"Well, I want it known that I'm very proud of you." Niall smiled just as he pulled into a parking space and I chewed my lip as I fished about in my bag to find some change for him, only to have it waved away as he shoved his own coins into the machine.

"Thank you." I said quietly as we made the short walk towards the main building of my university.

"I mean it Popcorn, you've got a big old fat brain." Niall laughed as he pulled me into a hug as groups of people milling about came into view and I caught sight of Louis waving at us and I nudged Niall.

"Hi guys." I greeted the group as Eleanor jumped on me and I was pulled into a hug, Zayn following suit as Liam, who was here alone, and Louis settled for a nod and smile.

It was weird being back here, I'd only been here a few times since I'd been home and that was mainly because I had a whole bunch of paperwork and I needed to get the paperwork for today sorted.

Kings College didn't seem so big now that I'd seen Columbia.

"Nervous?" Zayn asked and I nodded, a blush colouring my cheeks; even under all my makeup.

"Big crowds of people make me nervous." I admitted as everyone chatted amongst themselves and Zayn nudged me.

"You'll be ace Poppy."

I smiled in thanks at him as I squeezed his arm before I turned my attention to Liam who was already looking at me.

"You came alone?" I asked quietly, hopefully, this wasn't a sore subject.

Today was good for me, I was graduating.

I was happy, even ignoring the gaping hole in my chest that screamed at me every time I thought about the fact all of his friends were here and he wasn't.

I also missed Lindsee but she was going to be here tomorrow and I couldn't wait.

"Yeah, I thought it was best." Liam said and I bit my lip.

"Li," I started in a sigh, "He's your boyfriend you should have brought him if you wanted to."

"It's your day Pops, I'm here for you and considering the two of you aren't," Liam paused to wave his hand and I smiled a bit, "I didn't want to upset you."

"Thank you." I smiled as I hugged his arm before I heard my name being called and I spotted Tom heading over.


I was wrapped up in a hug immediately as my old friend arrived and I laughed as I squeezed him back before I dropped back on the ground and I stumbled a bit in my heels only to be steadied by Niall and I shot him a grateful smile.

"How are you? How was Washington?" I asked excitedly, briefly forgetting the others.

"I'm good! It was so good, a lot of work but it was so educational and I'm so happy I went there. Tell me about New York! Let me see how it's changed you." Tom laughed as I grinned.

"It was good too! Very busy and a lot of work but it was a lot of fun too." I said, Tom got the condensed version considering every single detail had been pried out of me by Eleanor and the rest of them, two days after I got home.

"Chloe went to Columbia as well right?" Tom asked just after I quickly introduced him to the others, a wary look being thrown at him from Niall and Zayn and I frowned.

"Yeah, she did. We um, we had a class together actually."

"Oh my god, Poppy you sounded so American just then!" Eleanor butted in making me look at her like she had two heads.

"She's right." Tom agreed, getting hums of agreement from a few others as I rolled my eyes. "But was she...nice?"

"It's Chloe." I said pointedly but then immediately felt bad. "We um we actually went out a couple of times together. We kinda talked about why there were issues, I don't know. I think we're friends."

"That's good. Wow, you're so grown up Poppy Carmichael." Tom laughed making me pinch his side.

"Wait who's Chloe and why did she hate you? Do I need to fight her?" Eleanor asked and I looked over at her wide eyed.

"No no!" I rushed out, looking at Louis for help, only to receive a shrug. "It was just...boy stuff."

A look of realisation crossed everyone's face and I immediately felt the atmosphere shift and I sighed, I assumed that if everyone here knew then he did too but once again; Harry wasn't here.

I glanced over my shoulder, stupidly, I knew I shouldn't but I did it anyway and I felt like throwing up as I saw a black Range Rover parked on the street, only to disappoint myself as I watched some man that was most definitely not Harry get out.

Why did I keep doing this?

The sound of the clock tower ringing out came as a relief as Tom glanced at me as I looked at Niall, I didn't know how but somehow he'd become my closest friend here.

Although I wasn't complaining.

"Alright, break a leg Popcorn." Niall smiled as I gave him one last hug. "We'll see you afterwards."

I nodded as I waved at the rest of them as Eleanor gave me a last quick hug before they started off with the rest of the graduate's friends and families and I looked at Tom and let out a breath.

"Ready to celebrate spending forty thousand pounds only to receive a piece of paper for it?"

"You know it." I laughed as Tom slung an arm over my shoulder as we joined the other students to head in to get changed.

I threw one last glance over my shoulder and I felt my breathing falter as I spotted a tall curly headed man, our eyes meeting across the courtyard only for me to be pulled in by Tom and I lost sight of him before I could see who it was.

There was no way that it was him.

I mean, if he knew this was happening today... why would he come?

We weren't friends, we'd never dated.

I shook my head as if I was trying to clear my thoughts and instead found my labelled garment bag holding my gown and cap and I slipped it on over the pink Alexander McQueen dress I was wearing.

I checked my phone one last time to see a message from Lindsee and I smiled at it.

Goodluck P, I'll be watching!! Love you lots💛

I had to admit I was surprised that she had stuck to it considering she had graduated yesterday and she'd gone out to celebrate with Mitch and Sarah afterwards, I'd had several drunk texts which had amused me to no end.

And I also knew it was only half seven in the morning in NY so it was surprising she was awake.

But it was nice that she had kept to our promise, I had too except I hadn't watched the livestream, I'd got Sarah to facetime me through the event so I could watch.

Lindsee had almost cried when Sarah showed her the phone afterwards. It was worth it.

I chewed my lip as I took my assigned seat, at least being a C surname it meant I was going to get it over with pretty quickly, but I was regretting wearing heels.

What if I tripped going up the stairs? What if I tripped going down the stairs?

What if a heel snapped as I walked across the stage?

"Poppy M Carmichael, graduating with first class honours in her English and American LLB Law bachelors degree."

I flinched as applause rang out and the girl beside me nudged me and I swallowed as I stood and headed towards the stairs, aware of all the eyes on me and I almost regretted spending my time panicking instead of preparing.

I smiled politely as the Dean handed me my degree, loud and chaotic cheering erupting and I flushed as I looked out sheepishly to see Zayn and Niall standing on their chairs.

"Thank you." I said quietly as he shook my hand and congratulated me quietly before I headed off stage and towards the Deans chambers where our official portraits were to be taken.


I swallowed thickly as the photographed spoke, her eyes barely moving from the computer screen in front of her and I shook my head.

"Just me."

I ignored the look on her face as she directed me to stand in front of the backdrop and I instinctively put the smile my Father had trained into me on my face as I held my degree.

"Perfect. Address is still 13 Elsworthy Road?" The photographer asked and I nodded. "All good. Congrats Poppy."

"Thank you."

I let out a huge breath once I got into the reception hall, a few other people glancing at me as I was offered a champagne flute and I took it gratefully, swallowing a mouthful of the sparkling liquid.

The only downside of being early in the alphabet meant waiting for everyone else.

"Hey Poppy."

I looked up from my phone which was mainly me telling Lindsee and Niall that I'd survived, for some reason they'd made a group chat a couple of weeks ago, I didn't even know Lindsee had his number before.

I also wasn't sure I wanted to be part of it considering it was mostly them roasting me.

"Oh hi, Chloe. Congratulations." I smiled as the blonde girl stopped in front of me and she smiled.

"You too, I can't believe four years went so quickly."

"Yeah," I laughed as I sipped my champagne, "But that was quite a lot of time and now it's over."

"Oh, I know what you mean." Chloe agreed in a laugh, "It's scary when you think about it."

"Very scary."

The two of us sighed before we settled into silence and eventually the room filled with others, polite congratulations being passed between us. The core group of our Law class ending up huddled together and I was just waiting for Tom now.

"Congratulations!" I hugged Tom once he appeared and Chloe forced the three of us into a photo together and I slung my arms around both of them as we grinned.

"We'll catch up after this yeah?" I asked Tom as we started to make our way out, friends and families already littering the lawns and Tom nodded.

"Of course, we've been friends since we were five. That's not going to change now." Tom smiled and I glanced at Chloe.

"I'd like to catch up with you too." I nudged Chloe who looked a little shocked before she nodded.

"Yeah me too Poppy." Chloe agreed both she bid us both goodbyes and left towards her parents.

"Say hi to your Mum for me." I told Tom seriously as we hugged one last time and I headed towards the brunette boy heading towards with me with a grin on his face.

"Congratulations!" Niall cheered as he picked me up and spun us around making me squeal.

"Put me down," I laughed, "Thank you."

I was pretty sure I was the colour of a tomato once everyone was finished congratulating me, Louis teasing me about the fact I'd gotten first class honours.

Apparently it was only me and three other people.

"And Popcorn, we have a special guest."

I looked at Niall curiously, my hopeless heart jumping before his phone was thrust into my face and I came face to face with my best friend.

"Lindsee!" I laughed breathlessly as I took the phone from Niall.

"Congratulations P! You're so smart you graduated summa cum laude! I'm so proud of you."

"I don't know what that means." I frowned at her catching her eye roll.

"Oh sorry first class honours." Lindsee mocked and I rolled my eyes at her, "I googled it, it equates to summa cum laude which is like a big fucking deal. I can't wait to celebrate with you properly."

"Oh right!" I laughed, flushing at my stupidity, are they sure I graduated with honours? "Yeah me too, but we should probably wait until you've settled in and gotten over your jet lag huh."

"Ugh whatever, anyway I'm so proud of you and I love you a lot." Lindsee sighed and I smiled before I glanced at my friends.

My heart was so full right now.

"I better let you start your day, I love you and I'll text you." I smiled making Lindsee nod.

"Alright, I'm going out for breakfast. Don't get too drunk tonight and I'll see you tomorrow! I'm so excited I get to say that now."

"Me too! I can't wait, love you."

The call ended once we'd blown kisses to each other and I handed Niall his phone back before he and Eleanor looked at me pointedly.


"Pictures!" Eleanor said as if it was obvious and I groaned in sync with Zayn and Louis.

"I thought we were going for lunch." Zayn moaned making Eleanor glare.

"Afterwards. Right, so I want one just Poppy and me and then I guess with us all." Eleanor took charge and I threw Louis a mock frightened look making him snigger.

I knew she'd been a handful planning the wedding, I'd heard in great detail from Louis and the others how Eleanor had been very picky and then I'd heard from her how unhelpful Louis had been and that 'whatever you want babe' wasn't the correct response.

But I had to admit, I saw where she was coming from, it was a big day and it was special; I'd want my fiancé's help and input too.

Not that a marriage was ever going to happen for me but whatever.

"Where are we going for lunch?" I asked as Niall and I posed for a photo, he wanted one of us together and I happened to agree.

"Harrods." Eleanor smiled before she forced Niall out the photo and took some of me on my phone and I smiled gratefully at her.

I probably wasn't going to use any of my lone ones but I definitely wanted the group shot on my Instagram, although the majority of my followers were American.

"The pasta bar." Niall filled in as we headed towards the street and I smiled at him gratefully.

"Ugh, why pasta? It's summer we're gunna be so full!" Liam moaned making Eleanor spin on her heel and glare and I swallowed, holding onto Niall's arm tighter in amusement.

"Because we're going out later and I don't want a repeat of last time when someone couldn't handle their alcohol." Eleanor snapped, glaring pointedly at Zayn and I rolled my lips together as Niall laughed.

"Carbs are good for lining your stomach and absorbing the alcohol." Eleanor said pointedly and I looked at Zayn who looked like a scolded child.

"Oh, I so want to hear all about that."

I laughed making Zayn glare at me as Louis cracked up and slapped him on the back, I sighed as the group continued to laugh and explain that Zayn was a light weight as we walked and I smiled absentmindedly to myself.

I was so glad I was home.

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