Twisted Fate (Complete)

By EuniceAlllison9

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Ethan and Elizabeth have been best friends for the longest time. It all begins in their freshman year, when a... More

prologue: Twisted fate
1. Rise and whine
2. Evil twins!
3. The meet
4. New friend..( Breif chapter)
5. Grownups
6. Keep it in your pants!!
7. Prom Night
8. Panic!!
9. Burned Away
10. Open Wounds
11. Bad Choices
13. The Dream Team
14. Unsafe Journey
15. Revenge
16. The Wait
17. Something Familiar
18. Stormed
19. Clarity
New Cover Page
20. In His Eyes
21. Over Protective
22. Whole Again
23. Jealous
24. Jealous (part 2)
25. Burned
26. Raid
27. Not Again
28. Unraveled secrets
29. Breaking Point
30. Rescue Mission(part 1)
31. Rescue Mission (part 2)
32. Way Out
33. No Holding Back
34. Mission Complete
35. Black
New Story Alert!!

12. Crappy Birthday To Me

312 69 64
By EuniceAlllison9

Elizabeth's POV


I picked myself off of the ground for what felt like the hundredth time today. I have been sparing all day, and I'm pretty sure that i look like road kill at this point. But hey!, you should see the other guys.

It's my birthday today, and its been over four years since the incident. When Jeremy destroyed my life and took me away from home, my life changed completely. I had to leave every part of my old life behind and started from scratch.

Turned out he ran a top notch protection agency. It was obviously not legal considering his track record and harsh methods. But he got the jobs done. So the government and law enforcement just turn a blind eye to his operations. Besides, those corrupt bastards where his biggest Clients.

When I first got here. I would keep trying to escape, and lash out when i get caught. The agents and security all but had it with me, so they decided to threaten me with the only person that could keep me grounded. Ethan.

After that I kind of accepted my fate. I'm not proud a lot of the things I have done on this job. But i was desperate for some kinda new purpose, so worked my ass off and landed myself the number one agent spot.

"Keep your arms up Red!, protect yourself! ", Jeremy yells out from outside the ring. I take another hit to the side but just breath through the pain and keep going.

I'm already really tired and finally decide I've had enough of this fight. So I quit playing around and prepare to end it. The girl i am sparing with has a smug smirk on her face, confident she could take me. But I couldn't help the smile that crept up my face because I was about to wipe that smirk off of hers.

Her balance was way off and I easily found an opening. In one swift movement I deliver a fetal blow to her side and was rewarded with a satisfying crunch coming from her rib which is most likely going to be broken now. She doubles over in pain her hands clutching over the bruised area. I take the chance bringing my knee up with force causing it to collide harshly with her face effectively knocking her out.

"Good Work girls!, clean up and get back to your stations...... ", Jeremy announced. We immediately began to disperse probably in desperate need of an ice bath. I know I was.

"Except you Red!, in my office.".. I groaned loudly not really in the mood for another one of his scolding session. " Now!".. He adds when I don't respond immediately.

"Yes sir!"..... I reply heading towards his office.

I take a seat and almost roll my eyes at how uncomfortable the chair is. This man needed to learn how to relax. Even his furniture was stiff.

Jeremy comes strolling into the office a few minutes later file in hand and takes a sit in his chair. Sinking into it like its some fucking cloud when its hard as rock. This time I do roll my eyes.

"Good work in the ring today, you did OK".. I snort at his comment feeling offended. "Just OK?!, i kicked butt today!" I reply almost accusingly. Would it kill him to give a complete complement for once. Jeez.

"A new job came up last night, I am assigning your unit to handle it", he begins to say completely ignoring my previous statement. Asshole. He flips open the file, turning over a few pages before he continues.

"The job includes two multi billion Dollar business firm owners than require protection from a big time drug cartel. They are all based in America, New York City to be precise".

"What are the objectives?" I ask,

"Your first objective is to blend into their every day schedules to avoid raising any suspicion, and also provide easier access to protect the clients. I have another team working on infiltrating the cartel. The plan is to gather as much dirt as necessary on the drug cartel, while your team concentrates on keeping the clients safe for the time duration. When we have all the necessary information we need, we will then bargain with the cartel. So far as the lives of our clients are safe their dirt remains buried. If they refuse our terms we'll come up with something else. Though I doubt they will risk loosing everything over pesky revenge".

He slides the file over to me, and then leans forward on his elbows to watch me, almost as though he was anticipating something. I narrow my eyes at him suddenly getting suspicious, before I pull the file closer and flip it open.

When I do check the client detail's I gasp loudly as my eyes widen at the names involved. I immediately feel like the air is being pulled from my lungs as it becomes a bit hard to breath. It was Ethan. My Ethan. So many emotions were running through me at that moment. Fear, surprise, excitement, confusion but most of all anger. My eyes snap up an is met by those of Jeremy's, the look on his face challenging me to say something."What the hell is this Jeremy?!!" I spit at him, sounding really pissed off.

"It's a job", he answers calmly, like there was nothing wrong about it.

"Don't play dumb you asshole!, you know exactly what I mean. Is this some kind of joke?!, why would you send me to them when you know it could easily complicate things?!!", I ask heatedly, not being able to understand why he would do this.

After a few seconds of silence he sighs and finally answer. A stern look on his face as he says, " You have been on this protection program for years now. And you are presently one of our best active field agents. I do not want to cage you anymore. If you have enough discipline to finish this mission without complications or compromises then you will be free to leave this grounds when ever you like while you work for us. I'll only make the offer once. Your choice".

"I accept", I say not missing a beat. And not because of his stupid offer. But because Ethan is in danger, and I sure as hell will do whatever it takes to keep him safe. Including hiding my identity from him during the mission.

Now for the hard part. Getting my unit briefed on the mission without dropping any hints of having a personal relationship with our clients.

" Great", I muttered .looking down at the file.

Crappiest Birthday ever.


I hope you like it. And please I am open to corrections and tips.. So please comment and share if you can. Thanks!!

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