Superman's Daughter (Young Ju...

By hikari46

137K 3.1K 772

A girl named Kathleen Kent is the daughter of Superman. Her powers are completely different from him except s... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter: Valentines Day
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Author's Note
Special Chapter: Young Justice Live Show
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

7.1K 150 19
By hikari46

*Kathleen P.O.V*

I already seen a vision about the Santa Prisca and we are accomplished it but, I couldn't tell Batman exactly full detail about it

Megan said "we're approaching Santa Prisca"

I look at the side to recall what happened

~Flash Back~

all of us are having a meeting about the mission. Batman said "Isla Santa Prisca. this Island nation is the primary source. of dangerous and illegal neosteriod. a strength enhancing drug sold under the street name 'Venom'. Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. that's were this team come in" somehow, I have a bad feeling about this especially him betraying us "this is a covert recon mission only observe and report. if the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. the plan requires two drop zones" more like we destroyed the place

Robin said "so who's in charge?"

Batman and Red Tornado look at each other then at Robin

Batman said "work that out between you" Robin smirk that he is going to be a leader

Leah said "what about, Athena? will she join us"

"Athena, will join you and we'll call her if anything happened"

I replied "Batman and Red Tornado, can we talk privately?"

Wally said "why them and not us?"

I look at him seriously "I have to tell them something important and it has nothing to do with the mission, so please leave us alone and Leah, you know what to do"

Leah said "of course, come on!" she drag everyone as they leave the room

Red Tornado said "you see the vision, young one?"

I replied "yeah, we are asking someone help and then he betrayed us because he used us a tool"

Batman said "who is he?"

"I really can't tell you Batman, I maybe an Oracle aside being the Athena. but, if I reveal too much maybe one of them will hear then change plans. I can't risk it, Batman" he pat my head

"I understand, just be careful okay? otherwise your father will be worried about you"

"I'll be careful and are you sure? choosing Robin as the leader?"

"yes and if he is struggling being the leader, just help him"

"I will"

I left and went to the others

~Flash Back Ends~

"drop A zone in 30" I snapped back

Kaldur and Leah stand up and change their outfit into black. Sophia couldn't come because she is helping with Captain Atom

Kaldur and Leah said "ready"

Megan said "putting bioship in camouflage mode"

Leah and Kaldur left

Wally said "why did you guys talk about before we left, Athena?"

I replied "I was just asking why I was joining this mission instead of Superman and Martian Manhunter mission" I was having a mission but it was cancelled when they call me for another mission which lead me to this

I never tell anyone about the vision except Leah and Sophia they know including the League except them

Robin said "I guess you really are busy type of person, sorry about the mission"

I replied "it's okay" I shrugged

'heat and motion sensors are patched' it was Kaldur

'data is now on a continuous loop. move in' it was Leah voice

we head inside

Megan said "drop zone b"

we stand up as Wally changed his outfit into black and said "how cool is this?"

Megan said "very impressive" as she change her outfit into black as well

"uh, that works too. hey, Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech"

I roll my eyes and whispered myself "show off" Superboy smiled slightly and pat my head

Superboy said "no capes, no tights. no offense"

Megan said "it totally works for you" I tilt my head and smiled slightly at her.. she really likes Superboy "in that you can totally do good work in those clothes" she thumbs up as Superboy ignored her and Megan camouflage herself

we land safely as we move aside. Superboy make a huge damaged on the ground

Superboy said "knew I didn't need a line"

Robin said "and yet creating a seismic event. may not have helped us much with the covert"

Leah came back and said "gee, thanks for making a ruckus for this αντίστροφη φορά (reverse time)" the ground doesn't have a damage anymore

I replied "thanks"

"your welcome" she wink at me

'Aqualad, drop B is go' as I told him

'head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP'

all of us are walking as we head to the destination. suddenly me and Superboy stop as we hear the foot steps

Superboy said "did you hear that?"

Wally said "um, no. wait is this a super hearing thing"

I replied "I do too"

Megan said "you do have great ears" Leah nudged Megan as she snapped out of it again, Robin grab me

"ok, Rob now what?" I sense that he is looking for us "man, I hate it when he does that" yet, he didn't noticed that I was disappeared as well

I saw that Wally is in trouble! me and Robin show ourselves as we beat them up

Robin said "hyah! what is wrong with you guys? remember covert? why didn't you follow my lead, vanish into the jungle?"

I kissed both of my right fingers as they were frozen in ice

Wally said "that's what you were doing? way to fill us in. we're not mind readers you know. er, I'm not anyway" we saw that Megan finished the bad guys

Megan said "you told me I could only read the bad guys minds"

I sigh and this is going to be a long way! oh joy!

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

we already tying them up

Robin said "I recognize those uniform"

I replied "me too, they belong to the cult of the Kobra"

Kaldur said "I am certain Batman would have mentioned it. if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's Venom Operation"

Robin said "agreed. and since there's clearly no love lost between the cultist and those goons, I'm betting Kobra came in and tossed them out. that's why normal supply lines have been cut off"

Wally said "we get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. mystery solved. radio Bats, and we'll be home in time-" he was being cut off by Robin

"these cultists aren't on Venom. Kobra's hoarding the stuff. we don't leave, not until I know why"

"until you know why?"

"this team needs a leader"

"and it's you? dude, you're a 13-year-old-kid who ducked us out and you take Athena with you without a word"

"ha, ha! and you're a mature 15? you blew a cover fist chance you got"

I step back and rub my temples

Megan said "don't you want to lead?"

Superboy shook his head and said "you?"

"after the Mr. Twister fiasco?"

"you did alright" she blushed

Leah said "why can't you be the team leader, Athena?"

Superboy said "yeah, I mean your a great leader"

I shrugged and flip my hair "I just wanted to give everyone's chance what it feels like to be a leader? if Robin is not ready for that task, yet. I already know someone who can be a great leader"

"who would that be?"

"you'll know soon enough"

suddenly we hear a voice that is Spanish 'look at them argue. free yourself and take them while they're distracted.'

'quite.for now I play along. they'll give me what I need'

Superboy and I look at each other

"yeah? you don't even have super powers!"

"neither does Batman!"

"duh, you're not Batman"

"duh, closest thing we've got"

I approach those two and smack their heads

I replied "shut up! both of you! your acting like kids" I point at Wally "you are 15 years old and you should be calm down and talk to him politely" Robin chuckled and I point at him "and you mister 13 years old you should not insult him cause he is older than you and tell us what you were thinking instead of abduct me and hide while they don't! if I ever hear your insults. I won't hesitate to sent you two back home. understood?" in an stern tone yet it has an angry voice on it

Leah said "that's what you get for bickering like an old marry couple"

Robin said "were not old marry couple"

I replied "enough, please! you guys are giving me a head ache" I rub my temples

Robin approach me and kiss me on the forehead and whispered at my ear "I'm sorry" I blushed furiously as we pull away each other. I'm glad it's dark at this rate he will smirk at my reaction

the man laugh and said "such clever ninos" that's the guy that he will used us a tool in order to get everything what he wanted, but. he won't not on my watch "but you only know half the story" as we approach the guy "let me show you the rest- get you into the factory via my secret entrance"

Megan kneeled down and said "there is a secret entrance, but he's also hiding something" as she read his mind

"ah,ah,ah, chica Bane is not that easy"

"ooh. he's mentally reciting football scores en español. this could take a while"

I look at Leah 'he definitely manipulate Megan's mind'

Leah said 'yeah, can I read his mind? my telepathic is more powerful than Megan'

'no, let them realize their mistake'

'eh? you already see this vision'

'yup and they will learn the lesson never trust anyone'

'agreed' we end our conversation

the guy said "is not complicated. the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

I burrowed Leah's sword and point on his neck and said "¿cómo sabemos si pudiéramos confiar en ti? (how do we know, if we could trust you?)" in a serious tone

"para que sepa español (so you know Spanish)"

"si (yes)"

"eres realmente bueno en español (you really are good at Spanish)" everyone look at me back and fourth except Leah

"Yo no tomo cumplidos, cuando se trata de ti. Si eres un traidor, no dudará en darte una paliza (I don't take compliments, when it comes to you. If your a traitor, I won't hesitate to beat you up)"

"what a fiesty girl I like it"

Leah slap his face and said "hit on her or you'll face my dark side, Mr. Clown"

I cover my laugh into cough as Kaldur untie the rope off him

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

Robin used his binocular and said "look at all that product a buy is going down. but if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects then-" he was being cut off by Aqualad

"we need to identify that buyer"

Wally said "just what I was thinking"

Robin said "yeah, your the thinker"

"sarcasm? dude. a real leader would focus on getting answers"

we saw that the guy carry the boulder and put it aside as we saw the hidden path

the guy said "answers are this way" he lead us the way

Wally said "so, now el luchador is our leader"

Robin shoved him as he grab my hands while walking

I link him alone and said 'Robin.. I know your upset and don't freak out, it's me Kathleen'

Robin look at me and wrap his arm around my shoulder while I blushed 'you know telepathy as well?'

'yeah, that goes for Sophia and Leah' I could tell he was surprised

'I see.. to answer your answer Kathy, your right I am upset'

'because your failed being the leader of the team? instead let the Mr. Clown lead us' he chuckled

'why does Leah think of this a joke when it comes to mission?'

'Leah is a powerful person. believe me, the reason why she make a joke it's to make people calm down and she is also good at strategist.. the main problem is.. umm' unsure of what I say

'she is lazy?'

'precisely, don't tell her I said that' I don't know what will happened to me if she knows about this

'I won't. thanks for cheering me up' I look at him with a smile on my face

'it was nothing and I know you don't want anyone to you know.. just forget it'

'is my dear Athena worried about me' I blushed more

'shut up, just focus on the mission'

'okay my one and only Goddess'

we end our conversation as Robin let go and watch the door outside

he said "all clear"

he grab my wrist as we run and head to the computer room

I smack the person on neck as he was unconscious while Robin is researching.. I sense that Wally is here

he said "whatcha got?"

Robin said "chemical formulas. I'm guessing it involves Venom, but.." I cut him off as I point the screen and said

"this one's Venom, and that one's.. huh? the blockmuster formula from Cadmus. mixed correctly, Kobra's new juice is 3 times stronger than Venom and permanent" as I look at him

Wally said "but how did Kobra get access to project blockbuster"

Robin said "our mystery buyer must also be Kobra's supplier!"

I replied "using the cult to create a blockbuster Venom super formula"

Robin stand up and click his earpiece and said 'Robin to Aqualad, we got-' his eyes are wide opened 'static'

we heard a gun shot.. the three of us went down and beat them up

'everyone link up?'


'you know it, beautiful'

'geez, stop with the flirting. your making me puke eeww'

'good. we need to regroup'

'busy now'

'I was being captured by my knight shining shimmering armor' Robin chuckled at my sarcastic

I sense that their is a person behind us

"Batman and Superman must be desperate. if he sends his whelp to task me" Robin put his arm to protect me

Robin said "what's wrong, Koby? you look disconcernted"

the man with a hood said "this is beneath me. Shimmer take him"

"I'll fight her"

I nod and step aside they were fighting

'Robin and Athena now!' Robin grab my waist and throw a flash bomb as we disappeared

as are retreating ourselves

me and Aqualad said "Superboy, the support beams!"

*Leah P.O.V*

I grab the wood as Athena light up the fire. Robin said "how could my first mission as leader go so wrong?"

Kaldur said "you do have the most experience"

I replied "and Athena didn't choose being the leader instead it was you"

"she's right. perhaps that is exactly what has left you is unprepared. fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined. you two do not need to talk"

"but this team is new and a leader must be clear, explicit. he/she cannot vanish and expect others"

"to play parts in an unknown plan" we look at each others on surprised expression who knew that me and Kaldur could speak almost the same thoughts

Robin said "oh, I'm supposed to hold everyone's hands" he snapped out "who am I kidding? you should lead us Kaldur. your the only one who can" when I look at Pouty she had a smile on her face. I guess she already knew this one coming

Wally said "please! I can run circles-" he was being cut off by Robin

"Wally, come on! you know he's the one. we all do"

Megan said "hello Megan, it's so obvious"

Superboy said "could have told you"

Wally said "okay"

I replied "even Pouty and I think you will be a great leader, Aqualad" I need to talk with Megan later

Aqualad said "then I accept the burden until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders" he put his arm on Robin's shoulder "you were born to lead this team- maybe not now, but soon" he nod

Robin said "someone needs to be assistant leader as well" all of us are looking at Pouty

Pouty said "I will never ever become an assistant leader! why can't Angel do it!" she whinned

I replied "sorry Pouty, I'm too lazy for it and the reason why the League call you Athena, the Goddess of War and Wisdom that's because your mature at the very young age. not just only that you were analyzing the mission very seriously and then give us the task or priorities what to do!"

Wally said "she's right, Athena.. your a very clever girl at the very young age. heck, you are also a College Student! at the age of 11 turning 12 soon. Flash even told me your great leader"

Megan said "Uncle told me that your not a type of person who will always follow the rules. instead, you will follow where your heart and mind told you"

Superboy said "your willing to do everything as long as everyone is safe"

Robin said "Batman told me, your an amazing girl and no matter how the older person told you negative thoughts, you always move on and endure it"

Aqualad said "my king told me, even though your a blind person. you always have hope and never back down. everyone in the league and us are willing to help you until that curse was being lift off"

Pouty said "everyone..."

I hug her gently and said "Superman always proud of you. wait scratch that, everyone is very proud of you because your a strong girl and willing to do a risk.. if your mother is here, I'm sure she will say out loud that my daughter is amazing and special girl" she hug me back and I could feel her tears on my clothes

we pull away each other as I wipe her tears

Pouty said "I will accept being the Assistant leader of the team" she look at us in determination

all of us nod in satisfaction

Aqualad said "all right. our first priority is" he look at Pouty

Pouty said "preventing that shipment from leaving this island"

Robin said "funny, I had the same thought"

*Kathleen P.O.V*

all of us are running Robin said "Sportmaster's the supplier/buyer. but it still doesn't track. he doesn't have the juice to acquire the blockbuster formula or get Kobra to do his dirty work"

Wally said "and neither of them have the chops to bond blockbuster with Venom. that took some major nerdage"

Kaldur said "I believe the expression is tip of thiceberg"

I sense that Mr. Clown is here standing in front of us he said "halt ninos. I'm feeling explosive"

I look at Leah and she nod as she get the bombs

Kaldur said "you betrayed us, why?"

I replied "I shouldn't trust you in the first place"

Mr. Clown said "I want my factory back"

'Wally. grab the trigger, I already ask Angel to get the bombs' as I told him

Mr. Clown said "so I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies or die trying" he smirk "if the latter of the Justice League would certainly have come to avenge their sidekicks. and when the smoke cleared, Santa Prisca would be mine once more. blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect" when Mr. Clown is about to press the trigger nothing happens

Wally said "with what?" he look at him "this trigger thingy?" when he is about to punch him

Megan and I used our telekinesis to float him

Superboy said "finally drop him"

Leah said "we can punch him together. he already on my nerves Superboy"

"yeah sure"

we drop him as Leah and Superboy punch him and knock out cold

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

all of us are fighting the enemies I saw that Sportmaster is holding Megan.. I used my telekinesis as Megan escaped and I fight him on hand-to hand combat

Sportmaster said "it's been a long time to fight with you Athena"

I replied "me too, how does it feels like being frozen on ice?"

"thanks to you, it takes a long time for me to get out!"

I dodge the attack and sent him a flying kick on the helicopter

'Megan, did you already put the bombs?'

'it's done'

the helicopter was flying and Megan click the trigger then the helicopter was explode

*Leah P.O.V*

I saw that the bald man is holding Robin using his foot and said "I am plagued by mosquitoes"

I summoned my wings are black and white. I fly and sent him flying kick.. I reach my hands on Robin as he accept it and stand up

I told the bald man "hey baldy pick someone your own size"

bald man said "you really are strong girl, until then" he disapperead in the shadows

when I look at the building and said "we are so dead"

Pouty said "yeah. let us endure our lecture" I punch her shoulders slightly

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

me and the others are being lectured by Batman he said "a simple recon mission, observe and report" Kaldur look down "you'll each recieve a written evaluation. detailing your many mistakes" thank goodness that me and Pouty already make a evaluation since she told me of what happened "until then, good job" all of us are looking at him "no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. how would you adjust to the unforseen is what determines success and how you choose who leads determines character" Kaldur and Robin are looking each other with a smile on their faces

Pouty said "when are we going to submit the papers?"

"tomorrow and your dismissed" when Batman leave

Sophia hit me and Pouty head she said "do you know how much you two, give me a heart attack!?"

I replied "geez stop being a high blood lover, Sophia" I hear few snickers coming from them

"stop messing with me!" I dodge the lightning

"woah! calm down, I was just kidding" I shrugged

Pouty said "it's not nice to insult, Sophia"

Sophia said "at least she understand my feelings!"

I shook my head and put both of my hands behing my head and said "at least were okay"


Pouty winced as she covered her eyes by the hands of Robin

"because your short tempered that's why those boys are nothing but trouble" in a blunt tone

"your brother even prank on me! they even color my hair into white! like an old lady" I just realized her hair is white!

Wally said "I-I- can't take it anymore hahaha you really are old hag!"

Pouty said "you better run, Wally"

Wally keep on dodging by the lightning of Sophia while Sophia chased him

Kaldur said "are your brothers like that? Leah?"

I replied "if they are bored like me, yes. and too tired taking care of them" I grab Megan's hand

Megan said "where are we going?"

we run and said "let's go to my place!"

*Megan P.O.V*

we went a place full of flowers and it's beautiful.. Leah said "it's beautiful, isn't it?"

I replied "it is and why did you bring me here?"

she look at me seriously and said "what did you hide something important from me or the others, Megan"

"I-I-I don't know what your talking about, Leah"

"believe me I know what I'm talking about, Megan.. Kathleen may know that your hiding a secret but she couldn't ask but instead it's me who ask that secret of yours"

"why are you so eager to know my secrets"

"because I wanted to know if your my comrade or an enemy"

"I am your comrade, Leah!"

"then show me your true form!"

I look at her fearfully but why?

"I can't!"

"because your afraid, I might afraid of you Megan? no, I wasn't.. we really are different from this world"

"what do you mean?"

she look at me seriously and said "just promise me that you can't tell anyone about my secrets for this"

"I won't"

she sigh and said "I am not a human, instead I was a Guardian Angel and a Sorcerer "

I gasped she's an guadian angel!? and Sorcerer!?

"our job is to watch people from the heaven. when the people died, we as the Guardian Angel will guide the souls through the heaven... suddenly.. the Light one of the enemies Justice League.. ambushed us, the only one who survived was my 2 younger brothers, me and my Uncle.. my mom is the Guardian Angel while my father is a Wizard. of course, it's normal to fall in love as long as my father will not tell anyone about us" she took a deep breathe then breathe out as she continue "my parents died of protecting us. it was the 4 of us left, but then. we are being separated by Uncle and Keith and experiment us"

I gasped and said "experiment?"

"yes, I am.. Steve was lucky that he was not being experiment.. the Light inject us something.. the half of my wings turned into half and have dark powers inside of me while Keith his wings are pure black and his powers changed into shadows, transforming another person and ability to make illusions"

"is that the reason why your codename was the Angel of Light and Darkness?" as I ask her a question

"yes and 4 months has passed we escaped and be with my uncle and my baby brother once again... Megan you already know my secrets and it's time for you to tell me your secrets"

I turned myself into my true form.. Leah didn't get scared instead she smiled slightly on me

"your not afraid of me?"

"if I was I should be scream like a girl that is so not me" as she made a disgusted face

I laugh and turn back

"you really are tomboy that's what Kathleen told me"

"I hate girly clothes. let's head back now"

I nod and glad that Leah is understandable person

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