Sarah and the Gathering Time

By heatherjarden

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An adolescent girl escapes to the future where she finds out she's a witch and must fend off an evil sorcerer. More

Prologue: Blame the Witches
Chapter One - Hill House
Chapter Two - A Cottage in the Woods
Chapter 3 - A Mysterious Encounter
Chapter 4 - The Magus
Chapter 5 - Thingtide
Chapter 6 - A Close Competition
Chapter 7 - A Human Sacrifice
Chapter 8 - The Great Book
Chapter 10 - A Christmas Gift

Chapter 9 - The Gathering

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By heatherjarden

A few weeks later, Sarah's uncle popped in for a visit. Sarah had been gazing out her bedroom window, down at the oak tree. Its rust-coloured leaves trembled in the chilly autumn breeze. Then, on hearing Uncle Geofroy's voice erupt unexpectedly behind her, Sarah nearly shot out the window.

"You've got to stop doing that!" she snapped. "What if I was getting—" Then she saw it, he held her leather travel bag in his hands.

"My bad," he chuckled. "Thought you might want this back, Samhain being just around the corner." Grinning smugly, Geofroy handed Sarah her rune cloth.

"You took it?" asked Sarah, incredulous. "But why?"

"To hide it from Curio Magus of course. I guessed he'd try to steal it. But not to fear, it's safe and sound."

"All this time, I thought the Magus had it. And you—" Sarah exploded. "Do you have any idea what you put me through, thinking I'd miss the gathering, that I'd never see my parents again?!"

"Uh, oh. I thought you'd be safer not knowing where the map was hidden, but, perhaps I should have clued you in."

"Ya think!" railed Sarah. She tossed the bag onto her bed and sat down, untying its strap.

"Your map will appear on the morning of the 31st, the seventh hour. The meeting commences exactly twelve hours later. Let's say we meet here on All Hallows Eve, say six o'clock," suggested Uncle Geofroy.

"Fine," muttered Sarah, but when she turned around he was gone.

Samhain finally here, Sarah wasn't too surprised when Uncle Geofroy didn't show. Maybe I was a bit harsh toward him, she thought. Seven that morning, her rune cloth had revealed the map, so Sarah had directions to the gathering. Yet, she felt uneasy at the thought of going alone, waiting until the last minute, just in case he came. But it was Daniel who knocked on the front door and Bridget who opened it.

"Daniel," said Sarah. Bridget cleared her throat. "This is Bridget. Bridget, Daniel."

"Nice to meet you," said Bridget, giggling. Daniel smiled then turned to Sarah.

"I see you haven't left yet," he said. "Do you mind if I join you?" Bridget stood gazing dreamily at Daniel.

"A'right," said Sarah. "I'll just get my jacket and we can go."

"Take Liza!" Bridget blurted. "If you like. She needs the exercise." Bridget stared at Daniel expectantly.

"That's really nice of you," Sarah piped in. "Thanks. We will."

"You'll be coming back with Sarah, won't you?" Bridget asked, trailing Daniel down the hall and out through the back door. "I mean, when you bring Liza home."

"Ya, sure." Daniel sped up, following Sarah into the barn.

Bridget waved, as Liza trotted, carrying Daniel and Sarah on her back, into the chilly wood. Scanning her sketch of the map, Sarah directed them down a winding path through thick cedar, pine-scented evergreens and crimson-leafed maples.

"This way," she said. The forest was quiet as Liza cantered along the path, stopping here and there to munch on the mossy underbrush. Daniel had been explaining why dark wizards no longer participate in the gathering ceremonies . . .

"Their ancestors, those with innocent blood on their hands, can't endure the light for long—"

. . . when Liza turned abruptly sideways. Veering away from the trail, she bolted through the trees in the wrong direction.

"Whoa," Daniel demanded, pulling on her reins. But Liza ignored him. "She's not responding. I think she's been enchanted."

Halting suddenly at an opening in the trees, Liza lost her footing. She'd stepped into a sort of soupy quicksand and began to sink down into it, until Sarah and Daniel's shoes were covered in slimy mud.

"Look!" Sarah screamed as a mucky, green hand clasped onto her leg, trying to pull her down into the swamp. Daniel whipped out his wand and the hand retreated. Greenish, mucus-covered things, part human, part swamp creature, began rising from the oozing mire, their hair a tangled mass of green leaves and muck, rotted teeth gnashing.

"What are they?" Sarah kicked one in the head, as it tried to gnaw on her ankle.

"They were human," said Daniel. "Used as guinea pigs by evil sorcerers; experiments gone wrong. When no longer useful, they were dumped in here. They're under a spell, so they can't leave the swamp. But if anything happens to fall in, they're free to devour it."

"How dreadful." Sarah winced, plugging her nose against the nauseating stench. They sank deeper into the swamp so that only Liza's head and neck stuck out, while Daniel and Sarah were submerged almost up to their waists.

"We've got to get out of here," said Daniel, zapping another slimy green thing with his wand. "Do you still have that feather?" He stroked Liza's neck, trying to calm her down. Sarah felt for the feather inside her jeans pocket. Lifting it out, she watched helplessly as her stone tumbled into the swamp and was quickly sucked under the mud.

"Oh no!" she cried. "I've lost my healing stone!" Just then, the mucky water warmed up. Slowly, the swamp creatures began changing back into normal-looking human beings. Still covered with grime and stink, they were no longer green and they now had the correct number of limbs. Unexpectedly, Liza lurched forward, pulling herself up and out of the swamp. Sarah, afraid of falling off, gripped Daniel's waist, then, just as quickly, let go.

"What's going on?" Daniel asked, mystified. "The swamp spell's been broken. Liza's no longer under enchantment. But how?"

"It's my stone. It has healing powers." Several men, women and children had crawled out of the swamp. With confused, frightened expressions on their faces, they scurried away, disappearing into the forest. "The stone must have broken the spells when it fell into the swamp." Liza shook herself vigorously, flinging mud all around.

"We'd better go," said Daniel. "It's getting dark." They backtracked through the woods until they found the proper trail again. Soon, rays of bright light filtered through the trees from an illuminated area of the forest. They dismounted and tied Liza to a tree away from the chattering crowd.

The place was jam-packed with witches and wizards of all ages, and in all manner of dress. The gatherers formed a large ring around a circular pond, the size of a large swimming pool.

Sarah edged closer to the pond where she could see a sparkling mist rising up from the pool of water. It glowed, changing colours like the aurora borealis, as it hovered just above the pond. Like wisps of smoke, parts of the vapour separated, and whirled around the waters edge. The glistening wisps began to metamorphose into luminous beings, slowly solidifying into actual people. Then Sarah heard Dot's voice near the edge of the pond.

"Move back!" she hollered. "Make room! Make room for the ancestors!" More and more spirits appeared over a period that seemed like hours as Sarah watched them transform, mesmerized.

Then, two shimmering beings changed right in front of Sarah. A man and woman appeared, smiling at her.

"Mummy! Daddy!" she cried, springing into their open arms.

"Yes dear, it's us," said the woman, gently pushing back an unruly lock of Sarah's hair. Her mum's eyes were golden brown, her hair strawberry-blonde. "Oh how we've missed you." They hugged each other for a long time.

"How are you sweet-pea?" her father asked. A tall man with playful green eyes and dark tussled hair lifted her chin.

"I'm okay, but, I have so many questions," Sarah answered anxiously. "Why did you send me here, into the future?"

"It was no longer safe for you," said Margaret. "So many folks were being burned at the stake. Not all of them were witches, but, we couldn't take that chance with you. We sent you here to save your life dear. So you'd have the chance to grow up."

"But what about you?" Sarah asked fearfully.

"Listen Sarah. We don't have much time." William looked serious. "But we have to tell you something. Something very important. Your mum and I have passed on to the other side. It's too late for us. But—"

"No!" cried Sarah. "It's not true. You can't be dead!"

"I'm sorry darling," said Margaret tenderly. "We love you so much. Please remember that. Our love is always with you, no matter where you are, we'll always be with you, protecting you."

"This is the last time you will see us in person, I'm afraid," her father frowned. "But you can always talk to us through your rune cloth. It was your mother who answered your questions."

"But I don't want to stay here," Sarah insisted. "I want to be with you, wherever you are."

"It's not your time yet, dear," said Margaret. "We need you here. The fight for survival between witches of the light and those of the dark hasn't ended. You have an important part to play. I know this is hard for you, but a lot depends on your being here, and continuing to fight the dark, as you already have been. We're very proud of you dear, so proud." Sarah's parents started to waver. She hugged them harder, not wanting to let them go.

"We have to go now sweet-pea," said William. "Take care of yourself. Do not mourn us. We are happy, together. And don't forget, we are always with you. We love you very much." Sarah watched helplessly as her parents dissolved back into swirling mist.

The gatherers clasped hands, forming a bond around the pool of luminous spirits. Sarah wanted to let go, to run away and hide the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. But she couldn't. A powerful energy surged through her like waves of electricity, until she thought she might burst. Suddenly, Sarah was filled with a wonderful sense of peace and well-being. Though moments before she'd never been more miserable, she now felt happy, as if everything would be just fine.

The rest of the luminous beings faded back into wisps of light, re-joining the swirling mass of sparkling mist hovering above the pool. Soon, the mist was gone and there was just the water and the pond. One by one the gatherers disappeared from the circle; sparks of light, like shooting stars, lit up the night sky.

For the first time that evening, Sarah noticed the moon. It shone with a reddish-orange tinge. I thought the moon was supposed to be blue, she reflected. No matter. For Sarah had never witnessed anything more beautiful. 

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